My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 161 "The Longing for Life" Invitation

Chapter 161 "The Longing for Life" Invitation (for Subscription)
[Card for manipulating the weather*1]: As the name suggests, after using this card, it can help the host to control the weather, such as snow, rain, hail, lightning, strong wind, etc.

Note: This card is a one-time product, and after use, it can only control the sky for two hours. After another weather is selected, it cannot be modified to ensure the local ecological and weather balance. Therefore, please Hosts use with caution.

For example, in some dry areas, when people and animals are thirsty and have no water to drink, the host can just use this card.

【Purple Bamboo Jade Flute*1】: The flute made of purple bamboo jade, the same type of jade flute used by the heroine Little Dragon Girl in "The Condor and Fairy", can play a wonderful sound to control any kind of bees in any area, for own use.

Including the Himalayan giant bee that is rewarded to the host.

Note: This jade flute may have been used by Xiaolongnv, be careful of indirect kissing.

[Pet Egg*1]: This egg can be randomly hatched to produce known egg-laying animals.

Note: The hatched animals have a half chance of awakening the blood of ancient ancestors, such as the ancestor of birds, Archeopteryx, and the ancestor of lizards, Monitor Lizard.

The host can patiently incubate the egg, or eat it.

Taking this egg can greatly improve the physical fitness of the host,

【Lactation】: As the name suggests, the host can help some animals to promote lactation through massage, and it can also make certain parts of the animals bigger, softer and plump.

Now is the breeding season of animals. Some animals have too many babies, but because of poor breasts, the weak children can't get enough to eat. This technique can play a key role.

Note: This technique can also be used on girls.

However, if the host is slapped by a girl, or is sued in court, lawyer Zhang Wei, the system will not be responsible.

After reading the introduction of the drawn prizes, Li Xiao had mixed feelings in his heart.

One-to-one restoration of intelligent robots is the best, at least as the zoo continues to grow, it solves a big problem of employing people, and Li Xiao no longer needs to spend money to find employees.

Moreover, these robots definitely do not obey Li Xiao's orders, so Li Xiao can use them with peace of mind.

After all, the robot doesn't know how to get tired, and it won't be lazy, so it can guarantee that the animals won't be hungry or have accidents.

Although intelligent robots sound a bit sci-fi, nowadays many robots have really been applied to life and work.

It is rumored that Zuckerberg, the richest man in the world, is a robot, because his facial expressions are very strange, whether it is rolling his eyes or smiling.

When he was 30 years old, he had already become the fourth richest man in the world, and he also mastered a lot of knowledge and skills that ordinary people can't master at all.

Of course, some people say that he is a lizard man.

In the island country, a very "realistic" female robot has been specially invented, which has been snapped up by countless nerds.

I heard that there are also customized models for celebrities with one-to-one matching faces.

And Li Xiao doesn't need troublesome and complicated customization at all, just like the current simulation game, just customize the character's face.

Without even thinking about it, Li Xiao said decisively: "I'll stop pinching my face, and just build ten robots based on the popular and good-looking female stars, such as Mimi, Reba, and Yingying."

"Of course, it doesn't need to be exactly the same, as long as they look similar!"

Li Xiao seriously added a reminder.

There is no way, if it is too similar, it will inevitably make people suspicious.

"Ding! The intelligent robot is being customized!"

Hearing Li Xiao's order, the system arranged immediately.

Li Xiao couldn't bear the curiosity and excitement in his heart, and said, "This robot, how real can she be? Is it realistic?"

"Except not being able to have children, everything is fine!"

Li Xiao has asked about this, and is so blatant, the system naturally has to answer simply and rudely.

After receiving the accurate answer from the system, Li Xiao couldn't help but feel a little turbulent.

From then on, the king does not go to court early, can he experience it for himself?
Taking a deep breath, Li Xiao tried hard not to let his little brother feel overwhelmed, and continued to study the remaining six rewards.

The upgraded blueprints for the Wild Wolf Garden and the Tiger Garden are nothing more than upgraded versions of the previous architectural blueprints.

The card for manipulating the weather is really awesome, but it's a one-off.

In the movie "X-Men", Storm Girl can control the weather, but she can only control rain and lightning, which is not as comprehensive as this card.

The purple bamboo and jade flute is also good. If you encounter danger in the wild, Li Xiao can call wild bees to help him.

As for Xiao Longnu's indirect kiss, Li Xiao didn't care.

After all, he has no penchant for riding dragon warriors.

Just what the hell is this lactation technique?

The corner of Li Xiao's mouth twitched.

It's so fucking tasteless!

You can't go to the street and ask other girls: Can I promote lactation for you?

Although Li Xiao now has ten female celebrities with the same model of robot, the robot doesn't need breastfeeding, and it doesn't need him at all.

His hands can only massage animals for the time being.

Overall, the draw was pretty good.

As for every [-] fans, most of the rewards that the system automatically rewards are fresh meat, fresh grass and fresh fruits. Occasionally, seeds and saplings of melons, fruits and vegetables will burst out. Li Xiao has become accustomed to it and is not interested.

Spring is sleepy, autumn is exhausting, summer is sleepy, and before summer has fully entered, Li Xiao is already sleepy. After checking the rewards, he fell asleep while yawning.


"His uncle and his second uncle are both uncles, and the high tables and low benches are all made of wood..."

In a daze, Li Xiao's cell phone rang.

This ringtone is so loud that it can definitely wake people up in an instant.

Li Xiao slowly sat up from the bed, saw that it was an unfamiliar number, and hung up decisively.

No one can disturb his afternoon nap.

When I was a child, I felt that taking a nap was a waste of time. When I took a nap, I couldn't sleep at all.

After growing up, I realized that taking a nap is simply a treat on earth!
As soon as he hung up, the bell rang again.

hang again.

Ring again.

After repeating this two or three times, Li Xiao finally answered impatiently.

"Hello? Who?"

Li Xiao asked a little impatiently.

He wasn't very angry when he got up, otherwise he would have greeted the eighteenth generation of his ancestors long ago.

"Are you Mr. Li Xiao from Gushan Zoo?"

A strange female voice came from the microphone.

The voice is gentle and sweet, but it is a bit robotic, just like the telephone customer service of China Mobile or China Unicom.

How could there be a robot customer service call from a stranger?

Could it be that someone sold cell phone number information to unscrupulous scammers?

Now in this information age, as long as your phone number is leaked, there will be countless scammers calling you.


Although he was puzzled in his heart, Li Xiao still answered truthfully.

The other end of the phone said sincerely: "This is the variety show "Longing for Life". I want you to be a guest to participate in the shooting of our new season. If possible, we can shoot the whole season."

(End of this chapter)

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