My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 167 The First Visitor of the Zoo

Chapter 167 The First Visitor at the Zoo (Subscribe)

Li Xiao named the white horse Xiaobailong, which was taken from Journey to the West.

I hope it can be as handsome and unrestrained as the little white dragon in the film and television drama, and it is best not to have the ending in the film and television drama and in reality.

The white dragon horse in reality is miserable.

Movies and TV shows are not much better.

Although it is said that after being obtained the scriptures, it was named the Eight Heavenly Dragon Horses, but in fact it has a nice name, and it is just coiled on the pillars of the Daleiyin Temple.

Anyway, he is also the precious son of the Dragon Lord, but he has become a Panzhulong.

After arriving at the racecourse, Li Xiao started the live broadcast.

Seeing the graceful little white dragon, Li Xiao pulled away and rode on it.

After this period of contact, the little boy has grown very close to Li Xiao, and no longer resists, letting Li Xiao caress and ride.

"Everyone pay attention, I didn't prepare a saddle, because Xiao Bailong has never worn these since he was a child. If he wears it suddenly, it will make him feel uncomfortable."

"Backless riding, also known as naked riding, can establish a close contact between people and horses through naked riding, and will help riders better understand how the horse's body works.

Don't learn like me, because naked riding is very difficult. If the basic skills are not solid, and the horse is very resistant to you, it may throw you off and trample you repeatedly.

Nowadays, many small fresh meats are shooting costume dramas, basically they don’t ride horses, they either ride people directly, or ride wooden horses, or ride benches, and use post-production special effects to complete the horseback riding scenes. Firstly, because they don’t know how to ride at all, and secondly. But the risk factor is too high, most of them don't rely on acting skills to make a living, but rely on appearance.

Especially men, if you want to ride naked, you need to pay special attention, because the body structure of men and women is different, you will be kicked, and the horse and you will be uncomfortable.

If the horse runs faster, your little brother's skin may be scratched, or even broken directly by the throw.

Naked riding is dangerous, please be careful. "

Li Xiao said so much, but he hoped that the tourists in the live broadcast room would not learn from him.

Under normal circumstances, riding a horse requires a saddle.

The saddle not only protects the hips, but also controls the balance.

Moreover, the stirrups and reins are also to better control the horse and prevent yourself from being injured.

After listening to Li Xiao's explanation, some tourists in the live broadcast room expressed disapproval.

"It's too fake! Director, you are too fake! On the Douyin short video platform, those girls riding horses are deliberately sticking out their buttocks and chest. Your posture is not up to their standards at all."

"The identification is complete! This is a friendly army! I almost pulled out my 40-meter knife!"

"Those girls riding horses on Douyin are riding horses. I'm too embarrassed to point them out. That's why they show off their bodies on purpose."

"No problem, there is another one called Xiao Xiao, who rides a motorcycle. Every time he rides a bike, his big butt looks like a dog peeing."

"I heard a word just now, naked riding?"

"Damn it! I'm sorry brother, I was wrong at first."

"I know that naked riding was invented by Bingbing in a movie. In the movie, Concubine Yang Guifei and the emperor played by Bingbing practiced immediately on horseback.

"Good-hearted people, please ask for the name of the movie."

"Is there an abridged version?"

"The movie is called "Concubine Yang". I won't tell ordinary people."

"You are a good man. I have nowhere to vent this early in the morning."

It was a very serious explanation, but the barrage in the live broadcast room became more and more wrong, even approaching the point of madness.

Drive blatantly.

Roll the wheel on the person's face repeatedly.

Li Xiao ignored Gongping's drag racing, but continued to ride in a serious manner.

The legs gently clamped the little boy's stomach.

No need to speak.

The little boy understood that this was an order to move forward, so he walked forward slowly.

Horses are extremely sensitive animals, and they will use the commands issued by the rider through the whole body as a guide for action.

It is similar to the ignition of the car, the first gear, the release of the handbrake, the release of the clutch and so on.

This scene stopped the drag racing in the live broadcast room. After a short period of calm, the tourists cheered for Li Xiao.

"It's the first time I've seen riding a horse, and I feel so handsome!"

"It's very similar to when I relied on subject two."

"Don't mention subject two, I've already failed twice."

"Mentality! Calm down, mentality is more important than anything else. Look at the director, how relaxed he looks, and his ass is not upside down at all."

"Damn it, it's running, this is the feeling of flying like lightning."

"The sense of substitution is too strong. I feel that I am Tang Seng now, and now I have to go to the Western Paradise to worship Buddha and ask for scriptures."

"Seeking scriptures is actually very simple. I went to see the work of Teacher Bodo in the island country, and it came out soon."

"Nimma, drive again, come with me, you are the one who drives every time."

"Look, look, the little boy is actually walking backwards!"

"Awesome! Today I opened my eyes again!"

"By the way, does the director's zoo have normal animals?"

Vaguely, people suddenly think of the horse in the movie "Frozen".

That horse will also walk backwards, but the little boy is not as cheap as him.

The drone has been following Li Xiao closely, and the live broadcast angle is also cut from Li Xiao's point of view. Therefore, the whole process of horse riding can make the tourists in the live broadcast room feel more intimate and have a sense of substitution.

Some people couldn't hold back and shouted: "Drive!"
Just like Chen Meijia in "Love Apartment", her ex-girlfriend Xiaolongren just took her to sit on the sofa to play games and drag racing. She would shout excitedly and pick up a small hair dryer to add a sense of immersion to herself.

In the huge racecourse, the little white dragon is running with Li Xiao to his heart's content.

From time to time, Li Xiao would stroke its body to encourage it.

Xiao Bailong could feel the encouragement from his master, and was very happy to watch.

The morning sun shines, this scene is as beautiful as a painting.

Nowadays, there is a saying that the one riding a white horse may not necessarily be a prince, but may also be a Tang monk.

But seeing this scene, tourists feel that this sentence must be corrected.

Isn't Li Xiao the Prince Charming?

[Tao Yaoyao] Rewarded ten rockets.

Message: Director, come and pick me up, I have already arrived at the gate of the zoo.

Li Xiao was riding happily. When he saw Gongping, he was taken aback, and hurriedly rode the little white dragon to the gate of the zoo.

The eldest sister in the live broadcast room is here, she must be received well.

Li Xiao was also taken aback, he didn't expect that the first visitor to the zoo was Tao Yaoyao.

It seems that she really likes these animals. It has only been a day since the ticket grabbing, and she has already arrived.

The gate of the zoo.

Li Xiao hurriedly arrived.

There are two girls standing here, one with short hair and one with fluttering long hair.

 ps: Thanks to 123wfz for another monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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