My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 169 The Tortoise Doing Yoga

Chapter 169 The Tortoise Doing Yoga (Subscribe)

Liu Jiao's face darkened.

I'm like a dog and ignore it?

It's the same kiss, why is there such a big gap?
Seeing this scene, Tao Yaoyao smiled heartlessly.

"Beauty, I can, I will kiss you."

"Me too, I like girls with short hair, it looks very tasteful."

"This is the point. The point is that Sister Tao kissed Zhao Si, envious!"

"Zhao Si was my brother in the previous life, and he was successfully reincarnated in this life. I am very pleased!"

"I'm so envious of the director as a guide. I don't know if there is a chance to touch it under the leadership of the director."

"Touch what?"

Gongping drove again.

They were driving, and Li Xiao had already brought Tao Yaoyao and Liu Jiao into the zoo.

First stop, Snake Park.

The mountain peak 'Xiaoqing' was raised here.

Xiaoqing was one of the first animals to follow Li Xiao, and he helped defeat the wild boar, so Li Xiao took good care of it.

Now, it has been "recruited" and does not need to continue to run around in the wild. It either eats or sleeps every day, and basically remains motionless.

So if tourists come to watch it, it is also very boring.

Tao Yaoyao said: "It's so big here, the zoo I went to last time was relatively smaller, although we could see it comfortably through the glass, but the animals inside were uncomfortable and there was no room for movement. "

"The size of the space doesn't matter, I don't think Xiaoqing is moving."

"Xiaoqing is a king cobra. This kind of snake has a wide range of activities in the wild, so it is better to set up a larger park. The reason why it is not moving now is because it eats and drinks every day, so it becomes lazy. .”

Li Xiao explained with a smile: "Don't look at it being too lazy to move, it's actually quite vicious, after all, it's poisonous."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiao approached the iron net and shouted loudly: "Xiaoqing!"

Xiaoqing, who was sleeping, heard the call and slowly looked up.

"Excuse me, come here!"


Xiaoqing: The face of the master must be given.

Twisting her body, Xiaoqing meanders forward on the ground, twisting into an S shape, and slowly approaches.

Along the way, he showed his entire body.

The longest mountain peak can grow up to five meters, Xiaoqing is only a little over two meters, and there is still a lot of room for growth.

Perhaps many people have no idea about the height of two meters, so they can directly refer to the basketball superstar Yao Ming.

As for Xiaoqing's body is not particularly strong, but if it entangles your arm, it can definitely easily break your arm bones.

Looking at Xiaoqing at close range, Tao Yaoyao and Liu Jiao suddenly remembered the snake horror movies they watched when they were young.

Domestic "Human-Snake Wars".

Abroad "The Calamity of the Python" series.

"so big!"

"very scary!"

As Xiaoqing got closer and closer, and finally put his head on the iron net, the two of them backed away in fright.

"It's really a face, I reward you."

In order to reward Xiaoqing, Li Xiao grabbed a live chicken from a bucket beside him and threw it in.


Xiaoqing's mouth opened wide, and he bit on it with one bite, exerting all his force, and directly killed him.

For this kind of weak chicken, it doesn't bother to use the poison it is most proud of, and directly uses brute force.

The distance was too close, Tao Yaoyao and Liu Jiao could clearly see the internal structure of Xiaoqing's ferocious mouth.

"Ah! It's terrible!"

Liu Jiao hugged Tao Yaoyao tightly, her body trembling slightly.

Although she knew that Xiaoqing would not hurt her, looking at Xiaoqing's big mouth and the bloody live chicken that was bitten to death, the two couldn't help screaming.

On the contrary, Tao Yaoyao is much calmer, and her heart is not usually strong.

"Scary? I think it's beautiful."

Li Xiao stroked Xiaoqing lightly, and pointed to the pattern on it, expressing his feelings.

"Xiaoqing is a female snake?"

"Damn it! Will you really become Xiaoqing in "Legend of the White Snake" in a few hundred years?"

"Where is Bai Suzhen? Hurry up and meet Xiaoqing at the director's zoo!"

"Female snake? I suddenly have a bold idea!"

"Senior, accept my worship!"

"Brother, believe in yourself, you will become the third snake player after Xu Xian and Xiao Yan!"

After Xiaoqing killed the live chicken, she curled up and walked away.

Li Xiao didn't stay here too long, and continued to lead the two of them forward.

Although Xiaoqing is boring, it is definitely exciting and wonderful to have Li Xiao accompany him to direct.

Passing the snake garden, passing the artificial pond.

Li Xiao didn't want to stay here at first, because there are only golden koi and four-clawed tortoises, but Tao Yaoyao pointed out suddenly: "Look at those two tortoises."

Li Xiao followed the trend and saw that the postures of the two tortoises were very graceful.

One crawled on the stone, with its body tilted up, two front paws touching the ground, and two hind paws facing the sky.

One is swimming in the pool, but it is lifting its body and doing backstroke, and its four paws are moving in an orderly manner, controlling its body so that it will not roll over.

"It's become smart! All the animals in the director's zoo have really become smart!"

Liu Jiao exclaimed.

Tao Yaoyao said: "Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. I just watched it in the live broadcast room before, but seeing it in real life is even more beyond imagination."

The two of them didn't take a break, and ran over one after another, taking pictures of the two four-clawed tortoises.

Li Xiao was puzzled for a while, and stood there scratching his head.

In the past, these two four-clawed tortoises were lazy, lying on the grass by the pond to bask in the sun almost every day, what happened today?
A beautiful woman arrived, and each of these animals began to perform hard.

Li Xiao stepped forward and began to explain, saying, "One of these two four-clawed tortoises is named Leonardo, and the other is named Raphael."

"The biggest difference between four-clawed tortoises and other tortoises is that they don't need to go into the water often, and they only need to survive in some humid low-lying areas. Their carapaces are rougher, with obvious concentric patterns, and most of them are brown or olive. They have no fins and can only swim for short periods of time, or glide."

"Their activity time is determined by changes in temperature. They start to move above 10°C, and are in a dormant state above 25°C. They mainly focus on the stems, leaves, flowers and fruits of plants. So the temperature is not particularly high now. Wait until noon. At that time, they will hide in the shade to rest."

"The four-clawed tortoise is now a vulnerable species and is listed as a second-class endangered animal."

After listening to Li Xiao's explanation, the public screen scrolled again.

"How does this posture feel like practicing yoga?"

"It's really like it, and it feels better than my wife's practice."

"One for yoga, one for backstroke, absolutely perfect."

"Huabei doesn't owe money, that's why they are so carefree!"

"It's a pity that I didn't participate in Uncle Jackie Chan's movie "Kung Fu Yoga" after practicing yoga until I took off."

"Has no one noticed the names of the two tortoises? Isn't that the name of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? The director really knows how to name them!"

 ps: Thank you for the reward of 'Snow-colored Night Bustling Street' from the starting point!grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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