My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 173 Thought I was Duan Kun from Tsim Sha Tsui?

Chapter 173 Thought I was Duan Kun from Tsim Sha Tsui? (seeking subscription)
Seeing Wang Kun's hypocritical appearance, Li Daguo frowned and said, "Get to the point."

I cursed in my heart: Fortunately, I didn't follow you to set up a resort at that time, otherwise I would definitely lose all my pants now, and I would even be squeezed dry by you.

Because Wang Kun often deducts employees' wages and squeezes employees.

Even more ruthless than Zhao Wenchang in "Legend of Sword and Fairy III".

"Okay, okay, then let me get to the point."

Brother Kun said: "I heard that it cost a lot of money to pave and renovate Hama's roads. Although Li Xiao took the lead, the villagers still contributed their efforts and some money."

Li Daguo said with a straight face: "Our village, we are willing to contribute money and efforts."

Wang Kun was not angry because of Li Daguo's indifference, and continued to laugh: "How much money the villagers paid before, I will compensate them for free!"

Hearing this, Li Daguo was a little dazed.

Did Wang Kun take the wrong medicine before going out?
Still haven't taken medicine?
There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

Li Daguo spat out two words and said, "What are you planning?"

"I don't plan anything, I just want to do something good for the villagers from the bottom of my heart. After all, I did a lot of bad things when I was young, which caused headaches for the villagers. This is also my kind of compensation for the villagers! "

Wang Kun's sincere face almost took out his heart.

Li Daguo was more straightforward, saying: "Since you don't want anything, then take out the money and leave?"


The smile on Wang Kun's face disappeared.

Li Daguo said self-consciously: "The villagers did spend a lot of money before, and I won't make specific statistics. It's about 100 million."

Wang Kun: "..."

At this moment, his face was ashen.

"Are you using a credit card or transferring money?"

Li Daguo asked again.

Looking at Wang Kun again, his face turned from blue to black.

Uncle, I came here to take advantage of you, so why the hell do you want to take advantage of me first?
Sure enough, you can't deal with people who are not in official careers, everyone is a monkey spirit!

Taking a deep breath, Wang Kun challenged his mentality and said, "I do this with the utmost sincerity to make up for my past mistakes. However, there are still a few small things I want to ask my brother for help."


Li Daguo didn't want to say a word to Wang Kun.

"Actually, for you, brother, this kind of thing is as simple as drinking water..."

"I don't drink water. I quit today and only drink soft drinks."

Li Daguo interrupted it.

No face at all.

Wang Kun forced to keep the smile on his face, tried to tell himself not to get angry, and said with a smile: "Brother, you also know that I have conflicts with Li Xiao, and I just want you to help me adjust it.

I want to cooperate with Li Xiao. Now his zoo has attracted a lot of tourists. I thought that when the tourists are tired from playing in the zoo, I just recommend going to my resort for a rest.

At that time, I will give Li Xiao a commission to achieve a win-win situation.

They are all old classmates and old friends. Of course, if you have money, you have to make it together. "

"I won't make decisions for Xiao Lizi in this matter!"

Li Daguo understood what was going on, and said seriously.

"Brother doesn't need to be the master, just invite Li Xiao over and help me adjust the awkward atmosphere."

Wang Kun added: "This time I come here, I don't have to forcibly cooperate with Li Xiao, everything is negotiable.

Even if there is no way to achieve a win-win situation with Li Xiao, I still hope that I can settle in Hama Village and let me open a parking lot or a supermarket or something here.

I am a very reasonable person and can discuss anything. "

I believe you a ghost!
As the village head, I will never allow you to open a shop in Hamatun.

Not even a stall.

Your quality is too bad, and your appearance is too ugly. When tourists come, they will definitely be frightened, which will affect their mood, and they may not come in the future.

"I'm here to thank my brother first. These good cigarettes, wine and supplements are all dedicated to you."

While speaking, Wang Kun had already signaled the driver to put large and small gift boxes on the table in front of him, and said, "I'll ask you later."

"Take all these things back, I don't need them."

Li Daguo was not up to the trick and refused decisively.

"Brother, this is my little thought. If this matter is negotiated, I promise that I will give you a lot of benefits in the future."

"I know it's your wish, but at my age, I don't like to owe favors, and I can't pay them back. I have to ask my children and grandchildren to pay them back before I go into the coffin one day. I feel very sorry."

Li Daguo told the truth.

The more half-buried people are, the more cautious they are, and the less they like to owe favors.

Because they know that the favor they can't repay will affect future generations in the future.

"I'll send someone to call Xiao Lizi over now, and it's up to you how we talk about it."

While talking, Li Daguo took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Li Xiao.

Seeing Li Daguo being so decisive, Wang Kun shook his head and sighed: "I really came here this time with sincerity and sincerity, and I even prepared the contract in advance."

"I'll look at the contract."

Li Daguo is going to check in for Li Xiao.

Wang Kun hurriedly took it out and handed it up.


Looking at it, Li Daguo noticed something was wrong, raised his head and asked, "Lin Xu, what does this [the right to use the parking lot, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels and other shops in Hamatun belong to Wang Kun] mean?" ?”

"Is there this one?"

Wang Kun panicked, pretending to be calm and said: "Xiao Fei, what's the matter with you, the contract has not been reviewed?"

The driver with an inch head was stunned, and he returned to his senses: "Ah? That's how it is. I was too sleepy last night to draw up the contract, so I didn't pay attention to these details."


As expected of following me for so long, it is proficiency to take the blame.

Wang Kun nodded and said, "Brother, I'm sorry, but the subordinates didn't pay attention.

The specific contract is in accordance with what I just said. As for these detailed rules, they can be deleted later. "


Ha ha!

It's better to say than to sing!
Li Daguo finally understood that if Li Xiao agreed to cooperate with him, then all the shops in Hamatun would no longer be owned by the villagers, but would be occupied by Wang Kun.

What kind of bullshit win-win, this guy obviously wants to take the village's economic lifeline as his own.

This rule is still printed in very small characters, like ants.

Fortunately, Li Daguo was not blinded by old age, otherwise he really wouldn't have noticed it.

After reading the contract, Li Daguo felt more disgusted by Wang Kun, and he didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

Since the other party is looking for Li Xiao to cooperate, let them young people talk, anyway, I am very optimistic about Li Xiao.

Here, Li Xiao received the WeChat message, glanced at it, and curled his lips: "Wang Kun? Who? You even asked me to entertain you? All cats and dogs want cards. Do you think you are Duan Kun from Tsim Sha Tsui?"

Sorry, in Li Xiao's mind, he has no impression of such a small person as Wang Kun!

 ps: Happy Children’s Day everyone!Who is not a baby!
  It's a new month, and those who have a monthly pass can spread it.

  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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