My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 179 The Light Bulb

Chapter 179 The Light Bulb (Please Subscribe)
Li Xiao replied: "I learned from my old man when I was young."

The old people in the village are very versatile. They have not studied systematically and are completely self-taught. Basically, they can play suona, gongs and drums, etc.

Every festival, or someone's wedding or funeral, they will spontaneously go to help.

The daily price is also cheap, only ten yuan or a pack of good cigarettes.

It's much more cost-effective than hiring a professional band!
Li Xiao was naughty and eager to learn when he was a child, so he learned from the old man at home for a while.

"The head of the garden does not leak anything!"

"Let's see who dares to offend the director in the future, let me play a suona first!"

"A suona, send you to heaven!"

"Suona's pronunciation is cheerful and unrestrained, high-pitched and clear, with softness in rigidity and rigidity in softness. It is definitely the king of musical instruments, and it is also the rogue of musical instruments. No matter what musical instrument it is, it can be taken away by it."

The tourists were also shocked by Li Xiao's unexpected suona.

Li Daguo said worriedly: "Xiao Lizi, do you think Wang Kun will send money later?"

"Definitely not. Seeing how he left just now, he was so angry that he was about to pee his pants. How could he come back again?"

Li Xiao said firmly.

He sees the bastard Wang Kun thoroughly.

"Then these people?"

"Just stay in our village and do voluntary labor to pay off the debt. Anyway, we won't suffer, and the village really needs to improve hygiene."

Li Xiao wasn't worried that these guys would run away or mess around in the village.

Because the swarm led by the Himalayan giant bee taught them a good lesson.

Even now, they looked at Li Xiao with fear in their eyes, as if they still couldn't accept what happened just now, and it was even more difficult to understand how there could be such a big bee in the world.

After greeting the village chief, Li Xiao returned to the zoo.

With Tao Yaoyao and Liu Jiao, they strolled until dark.

After dark, stay at Li Xiao Tongfu Inn.

The dinner Li Xiao prepared for them was dumplings.

It's more delicious than dumplings, more fun than...

This is not the reason for Li Xiao, but there is an episode in the TV series "Wulin Biography" that specifically talks about eating dumplings.

Sitting in the scene of the TV series, eating the dumplings eaten by the characters in the TV series, and then watching the TV series, it feels like being there. It is definitely a great enjoyment.

Dumplings are a Chinese folk snack with a long history. They are stuffed with dough and shaped like a half-moon or ingot. The wrapped dumplings can be made into steamed dumplings, fried dumplings or soup dumplings.

Dumplings originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty and were first created by the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing.

Every Spring Festival, dumplings become an indispensable delicacy in season.

In recent years, it has been heard that Bangziguo will apply for dumplings as their delicacy, and will also apply for Chinese New Year as their delicacy.

Making dumplings is actually very simple, Li Xiao can handle it by himself, but Tao Yaoyao and Liu Jiao insist on helping.

Liu Jiao doesn't know how to knead, she can only chop stuffing.

Then it became a pairing of Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao, and they really didn't get tired after working.

As the wrapped dumplings came out of the pan, they were immediately steaming, and the tourists in the entire live broadcast room seemed to smell the fragrance.

"Hou San will be there soon, hurry up and hide the dumplings!"

"Excuse me, is this the cotton thread dumpling made by Guo Furong? First stick it with paste and then thread it with cotton thread!"

"After eating, remember to spit silk."

"Xiao Guo, if anyone marries you, it will be regarded as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue."

"Hou San: I don't like to eat that stick noodle, it's more yellow or flat!"

"In broad daylight, brighten the universe!"

"Shanglian: After the year of the monkey, it is the year of the rooster. Second line: After the year of the rooster, it is the year of the dog. Hengbiao: After the year of the rooster, it is a year!"

In the live broadcast room, all the die-hard fans of "Wulin Biography".

All of them were talking classic lines related to the episode of eating dumplings.

The lively atmosphere is really like Chinese New Year.

For Li Xiao, Tao Yaoyao is a distinguished guest and really needs to be treated like a new year.

Because Tao Yaoyao gave him too many rewards in the live broadcast room before...

In order to express his gratitude, Li Xiao kept holding dumplings for Tao Yaoyao.

As soon as Tao Yaoyao ate one dumpling into his mouth, he picked up another dumpling, which was dipped in vinegar by the way.

Obviously what she ate was vinegar, but Tao Yaoyao's little face turned red.

It's like drinking a little wine.

But Liu Jiao had been eating dumplings all the time, not dipped in vinegar, but seemed to be soaked in a vinegar vat, said: "Director, you are biased, why don't you pick one for me? I am also your tourist and fan, okay?"

"You! Whatever!"

Li Xiao joked.

Liu coquettishly pouted: "..."

They also have one nose and two eyes, why is there such a big gap?

At this moment, Liu Jiao glanced out the window and saw three sparrows standing on the wire.

Two of the sparrows are licking each other, and they keep getting tired.

Sometimes they kiss each other, and sometimes they rub against each other.

The other sparrow was one meter away from the two sparrows, with its small head turned to the other side, not looking at the two sparrows at all.

He even vaguely saw the sparrow rubbing its mouth, as if gritting its teeth and swearing.

What a beautiful picture of a light bulb!

and many more!

Why is this scene so familiar?
Just as Liu Jiao was feeling emotional, she suddenly turned her head to look at Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao, seeing their affectionate eyes, she immediately understood what was going on.

Depend on!
I turned out to be this sparrow!

No wonder there are no lights in the inn, but it is still so bright!
It turned out that he was shining brightly!

This scene happened to be transmitted to the live broadcast room.

The system is very spiritual, and the three sparrows and Li Xiao are all broadcast live, forming a stark contrast, more like a one-to-one restoration and copying.

"Hahaha, luckily that sparrow has no teeth, otherwise it would have smashed its teeth and spit it out in anger."

"Isn't it like the scene where the couple next to each other hug each other while resting on the bench in the park!"

"Liu Jiao: Then I go?"

"Sparrow, Liu Jiao: Pooh! Xiu Enai dies so fast!"

"At this moment, I'm really embarrassed for that sparrow and Liu Jiao!"

"Why do I feel that Sister Tao is interested in the principal?"

"Who says it's not? Sister Tao's eyes were on the director all day today, and she almost swallowed the director alive."

"If Sister Tao doesn't like the director, how could she have been in the director's live broadcast room from the first day, and she has guarded it until now. Fan group, come for maintenance, Sister Tao has paid a lot for the principal behind her back."

"Behind a successful man there must be a woman who silently guards. Could this be love?"

"What about the principal, do you like Sister Tao?"

"The director should just have a good impression, not that he likes it. After all, the two met for the first time, how could they like it so quickly, unless it is a fire."

"If you don't love at first sight, how can you fall in love at first sight!"

 ps: Thanks to the starting point for the colorful monthly ticket!grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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