My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 18 There are many joys in the zoo

Chapter 18 There are many joys in the zoo (please collect, ask for tickets)

Cyclone was taken aback.

But at this moment, the body is already falling, and there is no time to dodge.

Seeing that the whirlwind was about to fall into Xiao Hei's mouth.

At the critical moment, Li Xiao reached out to stop him.

Cyclone is also a smart bird, and took the opportunity to grab Li Xiao's arm.

He narrowly escaped a catastrophe.

Who would have thought that when an eagle and a dog met for the first time, the dog almost ate the eagle.

"Don't bite, it's the zoo's Eagle Whirlwind."

Li Xiao hurriedly introduced.

Xiao Hei was obedient, and immediately restrained himself a lot.

But still did not relax vigilance.

It is a hunting dog that has been trained since childhood. In its view, wild beasts are threats.

What's more, the wild beast has already approached Li Xiao, so it naturally needs to attack, to ensure the safety of its master at the first time.

"This is Xiao Hei, currently my dog."

Li Xiao continued to introduce, and added: "We are all a family, you are familiar with each other, so don't fight any more in the future."

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei: Understood!

Cyclone: ​​I'll cross you in circles!

Cyclone grew up in a zoo, and has never been almost bitten in the mouth by a non-flying animal, so he couldn't hold back his breath.

It feels its position as the sky's ruler is threatened.

He groaned non-stop, and flapped his wings, locking onto Xiao Hei with his sharp claws.

"Give me a face and stop making trouble."

Li Xiao comforted: "You guys don't know each other, so there's no need to be angry. Come, I'll treat you to some meat."

Hearing that there was meat to eat, the whirlwind eased a little.

Li Xiao took out two pieces of meat, one each for Xiao Hei and Xuan Feng.

Xuanfeng was full yesterday, and today Li Xiao came too early, so he was full after eating a piece of meat.

After eating the meat, he continued to stand on Li Xiao's shoulder, staring at Xiao Hei.

Full of resentment.

And Xiao Hei is also a militant.

It feels the whirlwind and sees itself upset.

Grinning from time to time.

Be vigilant.

Seeing this scene, the live broadcast room became lively.

"Why do I feel that these two guys are going to fight?"

"There's a good show to watch!"

"Speaking of which, if Blackie and Whirlwind fight, which one will win?"

"Can a dog beat an eagle?"

"If Whirlwind doesn't have wings, it's just a wild chicken, and it can't be arrogant at all."

"It's hard to say. I've seen the animal world before. Eagles can catch even adult wolves and fly into the air, and then fall to death."

"Can Xiao Hei compare with wild wolves? Xiao Hei is too smart, I'll stick to Xiao Hei."

"I'm standing in the whirlwind! The whirlwind is an eagle after all. It descends from the sky, and with a single dive, its sharp claws can break Xiao Hei's neck, causing Xiao Hei to bleed like a river in an instant, and lose his fighting power in an instant."

"Since the whirlwind can dive, then Xiao Hei can slide the shovel, isn't it too much?"

"Which of them is stronger, I don't know. Anyway, if they want to fight, they must fight at noon."

"Why? Something will happen sooner or later?"

"No! It's too dark sooner or later, and they are too dark, just like Song Xiaobao. If we fight, it will be so dark that we won't be able to see anything."

"Hahaha, upstairs, you have taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain."

"Song Xiaobao: Who dares to compete with me?"

In the live broadcast room, the tourists started a heated discussion about who is stronger, Xiao Hei or Cyclone.

more intense than a debate.

Li Xiao took a general look, and there were more Xiaohei standing.

It may be because of Xiao Hei's series of clever operations just now.

Li Xiao didn't get involved.

Because he doesn't know how to evaluate it.

In terms of body shape, Xiao Hei is obviously better.

But the whirlwind has wings.

Once the eagle locks on the prey, the moment it descends from the sky is particularly terrifying. Its sharp claws can easily grab the prey's neck.

Even if the prey has rough skin and thick flesh, it is difficult to tear it off.

The eagle will also take it into the air, and finally, it will be thrown to death alive.

This is the scariest way to hunt birds of prey such as eagles.

It's been in their blood almost since childhood.

Of course, Xiao Hei is not bad either.

Hunting with Xue Erye all the year round, it has long been trained to be different from ordinary dogs.

Even if it encounters wild boars and wolves, it is worthwhile.

Amidst the heated discussions among the tourists, Li Xiao has already arrived at the Tiger Garden.

Li Xiao pointed to the whistle in his hand and said, "When you hear the whistle in the future, it means that I am calling for you. You must come here as soon as you hear it."

"Now go and see where Xie Mou and Eggy are."


Cyclone nodded humanly.

Immediately, he spread his wings and flew high.


The whirlwind that flew halfway turned back.

Li Xiao thought that there was something wrong with the whirlwind, who would have imagined that the whirlwind flew at a low altitude, taking advantage of Xiao Hei's unpreparedness, it lightly passed over Xiao Hei's head, and then flew towards the distance.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei screamed wildly.

Just run after it.

Chasing and cursing.

Miscellaneous bird, if you have the ability to stop the dog.

Be sure to bake your wings another day.

Put more cumin and more spicy.

Xiao Hei tried his best, but couldn't catch up with the whirlwind.

The angry Xiao Hei whimpered and ran to Li Xiao.

Xiao Hei: Master, you have to vent your anger on me, or I won't leave.

Li Xiao: "..."

Xiao Hei is a real dog!

Even cheating!

And the whirlwind is really cheap!
He thought of using that method to anger Xiao Hei.

It's not very harmful, but it's too insulting!

Li Xiao waved his hand, expressing that he was also helpless.

Fortunately, within a few minutes, the whirlwind flew back and landed on Li Xiao's shoulder again.


Whirlwind: Xiemou and Dandan rested under the big tree [-] meters in front of the grass yesterday.

"Lead the way ahead!"

Li Xiao waved his hands.

The whirlwind took off again.

Xiao Hei followed closely.

But whirlwind is too vengeful.

While flying in front, it hovered over Xiao Hei's head.

Although he kept a certain distance from Xiao Hei, it was obviously provocative on purpose.

Even taking advantage of Li Xiao's inattention, he even gave Xiao Hei some papa.

Little Hei screamed in anger.

But helpless.

Unless the whirlwind hits the ground, there is nothing it can do.

In the end, the little black eyeballs spun around, not knowing what the hell they were planning.

"Hahahaha, this morning almost broke my amniotic fluid."

"Why didn't I find that whirlwind was so cheap yesterday."

"I laughed so hard. This zoo is so fun. Those who didn't know it thought they were watching a cross talk by Deyun Club."

"Xiao Hei is already depressed!"

"Whirlwind: Sorry, but having wings means you can do whatever you want."

Ten minutes later, Li Xiao arrived under the big tree where the two tigers were.

Xie Mou and Eggy lay in the shade of a tree, licking each other's hair from time to time.

Not to mention how comfortable it is.

"Evil eyes."

Before he got close, Li Xiao yelled loudly.

Xie Mou heard the sound, jumped up suddenly, and turned to look.

Eggy also got up quickly.

The two tigers who were leisurely and complacent one second, stood up obediently in the next second.

Straighten your waist.

Line up to welcome Li Xiao.

This appearance, this reaction, is very similar to the comparison before and after the head teacher came to the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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