My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 185 Responding to the call of the country, 3 births are in progress

Chapter 185 In response to the call of the country, the third child is in progress (for subscription)

Besides corn, there seems to be a...


Or women's lace pattern!
Li Xiao's eyes were very good, he rushed over in a hurry, tore off his underwear and stuffed it in his trouser pocket to prevent Tao Yaoyao from seeing him.

"What's the matter? You went to steal underwear? Don't you like little bitches, when did you steal girls' underwear like King Gigi?"

Li Xiao lowered his voice and asked three questions in a row.

It is said that pets follow their owners. Li Xiao doesn't want to be misunderstood as a pervert because Xiao Hei is a thief who steals underwear.


Xiao Hei spat out the corn: There is a corn field next to it, I'm going to pick it up!
"What about the underwear?"

Xiao Hei: Well...there is a good show in the cornfield, master, why don't you come and see it with me?
Fields of corn?
good show?

Before Li Xiao had time to think about it, Tao Yaoyao had already come, picked up Xiao Hei's corn, and said: "So Xiao Hei went to pick up corn, there is a corn field nearby, let's break some too, we will add some corn tonight." Extra meal."

"just forget it."

Li Xiao suddenly realized what Xiao Hei said, and quickly refused politely, explaining: "It's someone else's cornfield, we break it without saying hello, it won't affect well."

"I can contact the owner of the cornfield first, give him some money, and then we can break it off."

Tao Yaoyao licked her lips and said, "Just break four or five, it should be fine."

"Then let's go back to the village and contact the owner of the cornfield."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, you can push me the WeChat account of the owner of the corn field."


Li Xiao didn't expect Tao Yaoyao's mind to be so flexible.

If you want to blame, you can only blame technology for advancing too fast.

Just when Li Xiao was hesitating, the tourists in the live broadcast room started talking.

"Pick corn, pick corn, corn is delicious too."

“Steamed corn is the best, my childhood favorite.”

"What is the director dawdling about?"

"Could it be that you can't bear a few corns?"

What the tourist said was more or less stimulating, and if he hesitated, it would make people more suspicious. This made Li Xiao even more unable to refuse, so he could only helplessly say: "Let's go pick corn now, it's okay to pick a few , I will tell the master when I return to the village, and give me some money by the way."


Tao Yaoyao raised her arms and cheered.

The cornfield is less than 200 meters away from the chestnut forest, but Li Xiao walked very slowly.

He just hoped that the two guys who were making people in the cornfield would end quickly so that he wouldn't see it when he arrived.

If Li Xiao was the only one, he couldn't wait to see it.

But now there is Tao Yaoyao following, if she is bumped into, it will be somewhat embarrassing.

Li Xiao's idea is good, but...

As soon as he arrived at the cornfield, Li Xiao looked around, but he really didn't see anyone.

However, after picking a few corns, it may be because there was too much movement, and suddenly there was a sound.

"Father, did you hear anything?"

"Could it be that little Li's dog again?"


The owner of the cornfield is still in the field!

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei suddenly howled loudly.

The next second, after taking a deep look at Li Xiao, Sa Yazi ran away.

Xiao Hei: I can only help you so far, don't thank me, as a pet, it is right to create a two-person world environment for the owner!

"Fuck! It really is that dog!"

Before the sound fell, a figure had rushed out of the cornfield.

Fearing that he would be discovered, Li Xiao hurriedly pulled Tao Yaoyao and hid in the grass beside him.

If it is discovered, not only will it be embarrassing, but it will also be difficult to explain clearly.

Because this figure was naked, only wearing a pair of big underpants.

It seems that their 'hand-to-hand fight' is not over yet.

The figure stood there yelling and cursing for a long time, and after making sure that Xiao Hei had run far away, he couldn't wait to get back into the corn field.

"Father, the dog is gone?"

"Yeah, I kicked him out."

"Will you come back?"

"As long as it understands something, it probably won't come again, motherfucker, let's continue with what we just did."

"You... dead ghost, you are not a regular type!"

"I'm quite upright. If you don't believe me, take a look."


"I only hate you. The country has opened up the three-child policy. Let's work harder and respond to the country's call."

"Slow down... a lot of age is still so urgent, I can't escape..."

The conversation between the two became more and more ambiguous and exciting.

Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao wanted to leave, but they were worried that they would make noise again, which would affect their performance.

It is a small matter to exert influence, what should I do if I am so scared that I will not act in this life?
They are going to have three babies!

Li Xiao hurriedly used his mind to control the drone to leave the area. If this was broadcast live, the live broadcast room would definitely be blocked.

It was easy for the drone to leave, but he and Tao Yaoyao would be miserable.

They were lying in the grass, and they could only move a little, not a lot.

It's nothing, the key point is that he hid too hastily just now, Li Xiao's hands were still holding Tao Yaoyao's small waist.

At this moment, listening to the voice not far away, and holding the big beauty in his arms, who can control this?
Even Liu Xiahui has to break the precept!
Suddenly, Li Xiao thought of the classic scene in Master Xing's movie "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance". Tang Bohu and Qiu Xiang played by Master Xing were hiding in the haystack of the woodshed, and happened to witness the battle between Zhu Zhishan and Sister Shiliu.

At the same time, Li Xiao also thought of a domestic blockbuster "Uncle Farmer" that was once all the rage.

The more you think about it, the harder it is to hold on.

In a daze, Li Xiao saw that Tao Yaoyao's cheeks were flushed like a pomegranate, dripping out, and her body became a little hot.

"Calm down! Calm down! It's natural to be calm!"

After saying this in a low voice, Li Xiao scolded himself in his heart: You are so hypocritical!
But you can't exercise with others, and you should also exercise with you?
Isn't this a multiplayer sport?

Li Xiao didn't know if the words he said were useful, anyway, the teacher always said these words to comfort the students because the class was too hot, but not too hot.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a few minutes, maybe more than ten minutes, Li Xiao finally heard no sound, and saw a man and a woman leaving the cornfield together.

"Hoo! It's finally over!"

Li Xiao let out a long breath of relief, immediately let go of Tao Yaoyao, and said: "Pick! Pick a few more corns, if you don't pick a few more, I'm sorry for the torture I suffered just now!"


If you don't go to your own home to play, what are you doing in the field?
Can you distinguish between the place where you farm and the place where you exercise and sleep?
A lot of age, but also experience what passion!
You are so passionate, I have suffered!

I have to pick a few more corns to make up for it, and to replenish my body by the way!

Tao Yaoyao lowered her head and her voice was extremely low, like a mosquito screeching.

(End of this chapter)

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