My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 198 The Golden Swallow

Chapter 198 The Golden Swallow (for Subscription)
Stopping and stopping along the way, although Li Xiao and Tiantian didn't find the bird's nest, they still had a great time playing in the mountains.

"Director, look quickly, bear!"

Suddenly, Tiantian called out.

What the hell?
I don't have this thing!

Li Xiao was about to complain, but he turned his head and followed the sweet gesture, and saw a beautiful picture.

I saw a clear stream in a green and jasper-like valley in the distance.

The stream meanders like a jade belt.

Among the flowers and plants, there are occasionally a few brightly colored birds, sometimes chasing insects, sometimes drinking water by the stream, sometimes patting the water surface to play, splashing a series of crystal clear water.

And at the end of the creek, where the orange sunlight shines, a female black bear is playing with two cubs.

Cub is very playful and curious about everything he sees.

A butterfly was looking suspiciously at a butterfly dancing in the air.

A bird staring at a branch.

Only the female black bear is struggling to catch fish in order to fill her stomach.

"The director is so lucky that he met an Asian black bear."

"What is this? The director's zoo also has a little bear cub who steals girls' underwear."

"This picture is so beautiful, I must take a screenshot!"

"The screenshot was successful! Just use it as a mobile phone screensaver!"

"The picture quality in the director's live broadcast room is really good, just like watching "Animal World" when I was a child, it is better than those so-called master photographers, and the pictures are beautiful!"

"The picture is so beautiful and warm, the old man's girlish heart has already melted!"

"The little black bear is so fluffy and cute, it seems like you can touch it and hug it."

"You hug the little black bear, and I hug the principal!"

"You hug the principal, I hug Tiantian!"

"You all stand up, the director and Tiantian are both mine, hug left and right, I don't choose!"

"Cough cough!!"

Seeing that the public screen in the live broadcast room was about to drive again, Li Xiao hastily coughed lightly to interrupt it.

After all, there are girls here now, so I must restrain myself.


Egg set!

Suddenly, with a glance from the corner of the eye, Li Xiao couldn't look away.

Because beside that stream, there are a few different birds.

The feathers of these little birds are black, but they exude a golden luster, and their underbelly is off-white.

At this time they are playing and combing their feathers.

What the hell!

There are swiftlets in this poor country
Li Xiao's heart was agitated, and he was already excited to swear, and calmed down, he said, "Look there!"

Swiftlet is not a rare species, so people don't think it is so precious.

But the blood bird's nest made from their saliva is an excellent tonic, and it is the best among all bird's nests.

Simply put, the Rolls Royce of cars!

"What kind of bird is that?"

Tiantian cast a puzzled look.

"The director found the baby bird around him again?"

"Is it protecting animals? If not, don't read it!"

"Where? Where?"

"Hurry up, push the camera over, I want to see!"

Li Xiao's words made the tourists in the live broadcast room suddenly excited.

And he didn't hold back, and immediately manipulated the drone to slowly approach a few swiftlets.

As the camera zooms in, the dark brown swiftlets become more and more high-definition.

Tourists can clearly see the pale golden mist inadvertently when they are playing.

This is another beautiful landscape painting.

"Wow! What a beautiful bird!"

"I fell in love with just one glance, please forgive me for being so fraternal."

"So cute, I love it too!"

The girl has no resistance to cute animals, and little stars are twinkling in each of her eyes, wishing to penetrate the screen and have close contact with swiftlets.

The male compatriots have to calm down a lot.

"That's it?"

"I took off my pants, so the director just showed me a few birds playing in the water?"

"It's not as good as the chicken pecking rice picture painted by Zhu Zhishan in "Tang Bohu Spots the Autumn Fragrance"."

"It's just a few little birds, they're not treasures, the head of the garden is making too much fuss."

"Please cut the camera, we want to see the black bear."

"Black bears are not only cute, but also fierce. I like to see them too."

"If you don't show the black bear, you will cancel it."

Faced with this kind of innocuous threat, Li Xiao was very helpless.

He knew that everyone was just talking.

Because I can't bear it at all.

Just like when the cross talk actors of Deyun Club are performing, there will always be audiences making trouble and asking for refunds, but in fact they are very reluctant.

Li Xiao calmly explained, "Look carefully, everyone, this is no ordinary bird!"

Not an ordinary bird?
Sweetly puzzled.

The tourists in the live broadcast room were even more puzzled.

It seems to be ordinary, is it still hidden?

"I studied it for a long time with a magnifying glass. Isn't this a swallow?"

"Finally found the swallow, isn't that sweet bird's nest found again?"

"This is not an ordinary swallow, but a swiftlet. No wonder I looked familiar just now!"

"Is this the swiftlet? No wonder it looks different from the swallows I saw under the eaves of my house!"

"The director is right. Swiftlets are not ordinary at all. The bird's nests made from their saliva are precious, and the price is several times higher than that of ordinary bird's nests."

"I really don't understand people nowadays. Bird's nest is considered a treasure? There are bird's nests under the eaves of my house every year. Isn't it just made of mud? Some of you can eat it."

"Those upstairs, please don't go online. There is a big difference between bird's nest and bird's nest. One is for people to eat, and the other is for swallows to live in!"

After all, Li Xiao is a big anchor now, and there are people from all walks of life who watch his live broadcast room, so they are naturally well-informed.

Fearing that there would be a quarrel because of Shanggang's launch, Li Xiao smiled wryly and shook his head, and hurriedly said, "The baby I'm showing you is the swiftlet!"

"Generally speaking, swiftlets usually live on the edge of tropical sea cliffs and are used to building their nests in coastal caves.

But there are also some swiftlets that live in the mountains and build their nests in caves.

The reason why swiftlets nest in caves, rather than like ordinary swallows, is that their feet are short and soft, with all four toes facing forward, unable to grasp, so unlike ordinary swallows, three toes are facing forward and one toe Facing backwards, it can perch on wires or walk on the ground.

It is because of this kind of feet that swiftlets can only hang on vertical walls or rock walls with four-toed hooks.

In addition, they don't worry about not being able to see in dark caves at all, because they are known birds that can use echolocation to find their way in dark caves like bats.

It has a good sense of positioning for the echo, and can naturally fly freely in the dark environment and find the original habitat. "

After some popular science, the tourists in the live broadcast room stopped.

Looking at Tiantian next to her, she stared at Li Xiao with bright eyes, without blinking, and she almost wrote the two big characters of 'worship'.

(End of this chapter)

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