My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 213 The fish mother who hatches small fish with her mouth

Chapter 213 The fish mother who hatches small fish with her mouth

"Damn, these poachers are really hateful!"

"A leopard who eats the heart of a bear, dares to catch a finless porpoise?"

"Grab them up, grab them all!"

"The finless porpoise is called the giant panda in the water. They are all animals unique to China. They even want to arrest them and smuggle them out of the country. It is clear that they are traitors, running dogs and traitors. This kind of social garbage that does not abandon the country for a little profit must be shot. !"

Several staff members became more and more excited as they talked, gnashing their teeth, as if they wanted to kill those bastards alive.

They work in the rescue center of the safari park, and they have seen too many injuries to wild animals, some of which were caused by the animals themselves mischievously fighting, some were injured in fighting for mating rights, and some were bullied artificially.

They have seen too many animals and incidents, but this is the first time they have encountered a finless porpoise smuggled.

"All put out the fire, spend more time these few days and take good care of this finless porpoise."

As the director of the garden, Shi Yong urged him repeatedly.

Mouth still muttered softly: "No, I have to contact a professional."

Although they are all professionals and have rescued many wild animals, none of them have conducted special research on finless porpoises. In order to better treat finless porpoises, it is necessary to find professionals.


Mushroom House.

Wuliu Lake.

"Director, look quickly, the fish I caught is a bit weird."

Sister Zifeng suddenly exclaimed.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

Huang Sanshi, Da Linzi and others cast their gazes one after another.

Li Xiao leaned over to look at it.

Seeing that the fish caught by sister Zifeng was ordinary, it was also a common grass carp, but when it opened its mouth, there were a group of densely packed small fish hidden inside.

The small fish are the size of a fingernail, and the number reaches twenty or thirty.

"Good guy, what's going on here?"

Even Peng Peng on the same boat was shocked.

In addition to Peng Peng, there are also tourists in the live broadcast room.

"My sister has made a lot of money. I caught a big fish, but I also gave away so many small fish."

"Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps."

"Last Chinese New Year, I bought a fish at home, and there were many small fish in its mouth."

"Normal! When fishing, there will not only be big fish, but also some small fish. When the net is pulled up, these fish will be frightened and gather together, and some small fish will jump around randomly, and follow the The water rushes into the mouth of the big fish."

"Really or not? I used to think that fishmongers deliberately stuffed some small fish into the mouths of big fish in order to increase the weight."

"But my sister is fishing now, and it's not fishing. How can there be a small fish in the mouth of a big fish?"

"Just now, a netizen was half right. When fishing, some fish with more active and fierce personalities will indeed open their mouths and bite and scurry, so that small miscellaneous fish enter their mouths, such as hairtail."

Facing everyone's doubts, Li Xiao finally opened his mouth and said eloquently, "The reason why the big fish in front of me has a small fish in its mouth is obviously her baby."

"Fish are generally hatched from fish eggs, and some fish will hatch with eggs in their mouths, which can prevent the eggs from being eaten by other fish and improve the survival rate.

There are also some fish that still guard the juveniles after hatching successfully. When they are in danger, they will hold the juveniles in their mouths to avoid predation by other creatures, so you can often see juveniles coming out of the mouths of big fish.

These fish are called mouth-brooding fish. Like normal fish, they reproduce by laying eggs and hatching at the bottom.

Because the living environment is getting worse and worse, it is through evolution that it has learned to use mouth hatching to reproduce the next generation! "

"Is it really?"

After hearing what Li Xiao said, sister Zifeng's big eyes blinked, a little confused.

"The director runs the zoo, so he must know more about it than we do, and he is also more professional than we know."

Not far away, Huang Sanshi on another boat spoke and said, "I've also seen mouth-brooding fish, and the director said there's nothing wrong with it."

Peng Peng raised his voice and asked, "Then should we keep this fish..."

"Let go!"

Li Xiao and Huang Sanshi almost spoke in unison.

People who fish and fish all the year round will set a rule for themselves, do not catch small fish, do not catch fish to hatch, and will not kill them all. The purpose is very simple, to prevent no fish to be caught in the future, and to prevent future generations from only being in books. Meet these fish.

Sister Zifeng is very obedient, and she is kind. Although this is the first fish she has caught so far, she obediently put it in the lake.

This operation attracted praise and attention from many tourists in the live broadcast room.

After the episode, the fishing continued.

"I caught it!"

"I caught it too!"

"Oh my god, another one."

I don't know if it's because Li Xiao didn't look at the almanac when he went out today, or he was just unlucky. Since he first caught a grass carp, he hasn't caught it again.

On the other hand, the rest of the people have already taken the bait one after another.

Even sister Zifeng, who was fishing for the first time, caught two more.

It doesn't make sense!

Could it be that the fishing technique has failed?

Seeing the other people taking the bait one after another, Li Xiao felt itchy in his heart.

"Can the headmaster do it?"

"Today's principal doesn't seem to be very good."

"Man, you can't say no, director, you have to stand up!"

"So far, the principal has only caught one fish. Mr. Huang has the most, with five. Da Linzi follows closely, with four."

In the live broadcast room, someone was counting.

Most people have given up on Li Xiao.

Although Li Xiao is very professional, they were also optimistic about Li Xiao at first, but things like luck are really uncertain sometimes.

Even Li Xiao himself was ready to give up on himself.

Getting ready to pick up the pole.


The fishing rod shook violently.

Li Xiao yanked violently.

Finally caught a fish again.

The whole body of this fish is dark, the size of an adult's three palms, and it has a thick turtle shell!

"Fuck! The director caught a turtle!"

Peng Peng was shocked, and he couldn't help but let out an exclamation, without realizing that he had swearing.

If you don’t fish, you’re done, and once you fish, you’ll get a lot of money.

Huang Sanshi, Dalinzi, Tiantian and the others were all attracted again and cast envious glances.

Fishing, but caught a turtle, this is really awesome.

"What a turtle, it's called a soft-shelled turtle!"

Li Xiao retorted.

It is normal for many people to mistake turtles and soft-shelled turtles.

Immediately afterwards, he hurriedly closed the rod, dragged it to the wooden boat, and said, "Hurry up and control this guy, don't let it run away."

"Even if it is a turtle, how fast can it run?"

Peng Peng asked with a puzzled face.

Even sister Zifeng looked at a loss.

In their impression, soft-shelled turtles, tortoises and the like run very slowly and can be easily chased.

Li Xiao said helplessly: "Haven't you heard the story of the tortoise and the hare? In the end, the tortoise won!"

 ps: Thank you qq for reading here, I will take a look at the monthly tickets of Silent, Fengfeng, Jinlong, Comma, and Daganxinxin!
  thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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