My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 218 Stealing the Giant Panda's Eighth Egg

Chapter 218 The Bastard Who Stole the Giant Panda

Seeing that the tourists in the live broadcast room were about to drive again, Li Xiao hurriedly interrupted them, and said with a smile, "Shi Yong, the director of the Pearl River Wildlife Park, has come to pick me up. This is Director Shi in front of me."

While speaking, the camera has turned to Shi Yong.

Shi Yong was quite humorous and said: "Hello everyone, fans of the director. In fact, I am also a fan of the director just like you. I used to watch it behind the screen, but now I am finally in front of the screen. Welcome to Guangzhou City , Come to the Pearl River Wildlife Park to play."

After saying hello, Shi Yong brought Li Xiao to his car.

Sitting in the car, Li Xiao asked curiously: "I don't know why Director Shi brought me here this time?"

Shi Yong didn't answer directly, but asked while starting the car: "Director, do you know finless porpoise?"

Finless porpoise?

Li Xiao has never seen this thing before!

But Li Xiao has a system!

Simply, pretending to say: "I have a little understanding! What? Did a finless porpoise have an accident in your zoo?"

"There is a finless porpoise in our zoo that may have a stress response, does not eat or drink, is very quiet, and seems to be autistic.

All of our staff are not sure, and we specially invited Professor Yang from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kyoto, but he was not sure, so he invited you here! "


Li Xiao was puzzled.

In his impression, finless porpoises rarely experience stress reactions.

The Pearl River Wildlife Park is a benchmark in all aspects, and its professionalism is unquestionable. It also has a special rescue center.

Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case.

Shi Yong sighed, and said: "Last night, our zoo sent a wild finless porpoise, and it was sent by the police."

"There are finless porpoises in the Pearl River?"

Li Xiao frowned, more puzzled.

Shi Yong explained: "A group of people were arrested from the Yangtze River. They originally planned to sneak across the border from Guangzhou to smuggle the finless porpoise, but they were worried that they would be arrested and shot. Fortunately, it was discovered by a fishing enthusiast, and fortunately we rescued it in time, otherwise the finless porpoise would have died in the current situation."

"Now the police have arrested almost all of this group of people, but there are still two who are at large."

"This finless porpoise has stopped eating and drinking all day and night. I specially invited Professor Yang, but he is not sure if it is a stress reaction. He also often watches your live broadcast, so he recommended you to me."

In a few words, Shi Yong simply told what happened.

"I understand the situation!"

Li Xiao nodded.

If it is a wild finless porpoise, it is really possible to have a stress response after being caught and abused, or even almost died.

Let alone finless porpoises, even humans, after this encounter, could not get out of the shadows for a long time.

"Finless porpoise? Fuck me, there are still people in China who dare to smuggle finless porpoise? Are you tired of working!"

"Catch them, they must be shot! It's not an exaggeration to beat them into a sieve!"

"The finless porpoise is unique to our country. It looks like our baby. Isn't it like a trafficker who steals children?"

"The sad thing is that after the human traffickers are caught, they will not be shot."

"A child in our village was stolen. His father has been looking for it for more than ten years, but he is still looking for it. His family is broken and his wife is gone. It is really pitiful."

"Learn about Liu Tianwang's "Lost Orphan", zw, and Huang Bo's "Dear"!"

"People nowadays are very courageous, and some people dare to go to Bashu Mountain to steal giant pandas."

"Damn it! Is it true or not? You will be held legally responsible for spreading rumors!"

"The finless porpoise has a very high IQ. It's about the same as a pig, and it's also very close to people. If such a cute animal is stolen, why is it a human?"

"Pigs have a high IQ? Upstairs, why don't you talk about it!"

After the tourists in the live broadcast room heard the ins and outs of this incident, they were instantly fried.

The public screen scrolls quickly, two to three times as fast as usual.

Sitting in the back seat, Li Xiao was bored. He simply looked at the public screen, started to popularize the science, and said, "Don't argue, everyone, I will explain the science."

"First of all, someone really stole the 'National Treasure' giant panda, of course not now, but decades ago when technology security was not particularly comprehensive."

"In 1929, the two sons of American President Theodore Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and Kermit Roosevelt, came to Bashu for an expedition.

It is claimed to be an investigation, but it is actually poaching.

They wandered in the deep mountains carrying shotguns, taking pride in shooting giant pandas.

They once peeled off two panda skins, and even cleaned up the rare wild animals around them. In the end, they even wrote a book called "Tracking the Giant Panda", which was sold well in the United States. "

"In 1936, another 19-member American expedition team, one of whom was a Chinese named Yang Quentin, came to Bashu again, where they stole a panda baby just over 20 days old.

This baby panda was brought out of China by Lucy, a female member of the expedition team. At that time, we were catching up with the Anti-Japanese War and the customs were not perfect. passed.

After the baby panda arrived in the United States, it was sold to Brookfield Zoo for US$8750. The number of visitors reached 33 in the first three months, and as many as 4 people visited in one day.

Those Americans are full of hearts. At best, they think panda babies are too lonely. At worst, they want to steal pandas from China.

After that, Lucy came to Huaxia again and spent the rest of her life smuggling pandas.

From 1936 to 1941, the United States alone took nine giant pandas from China.

An Englishman named Tangier Smith was the most rampant. In the three years from 1936 to 1938, he bought nine live giant pandas and brought six of them to the UK.

Everyone must remember this history of blood and protect our national treasure.

Remember these names and never forgive them.

Especially the guy named Yang Quentin, as a Chinese, he even shot and killed giant pandas more than once! "

After Li Xiao finished speaking, the live broadcast room boiled again.

It's like pouring a pot of cold water into a hot oil pan.

Suddenly it crackled.

"Fuck! You bastard! These guys are all bastards!"

"The giant panda is so cute, why do you want to shoot it?"

"The descendants of these guys are never allowed to enter China, let alone visit pandas. It is an insult to pandas."

"I was so angry when I heard that, I wished I could cut these guys into pieces."

"Now that some pandas are rented out, they are living a very bad life. They don't eat well, and the environment is poor. They seem to be abused."

"If you fall behind, you will be beaten. We must keep this sentence in mind. Only by becoming stronger can we protect ourselves and these lovely animals."

 ps: The popular science in this chapter is all true!


(End of this chapter)

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