My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 220 The finless porpoise lost its child?

Chapter 220 The finless porpoise lost its child? (seeking subscription)
Li Xiao came to the water tank and looked at the finless porpoise more closely.

This finless porpoise is 1.5 meters long, with a blue-gray body and graceful body lines, like a water elf.

This is a national second-class protected animal. The main feature is that there is no dorsal fin, and there is an inconspicuous bulge on the back from the front two-fifths of the body to the caudal fin. There is scaly skin on the bulge.

"So cute, this little head is round, I really want to touch it."

"I've seen the scars on the finless porpoise. Those bastards must have done it."

"Such a cute animal, it's really useless to arrest and torture such a cute animal!"

"Can you really see this kind of animal in the Yangtze River? I live by the Yangtze River and have time to try my luck."

Li Xiao ignored the comments of the tourists in the live broadcast room, and stretched out his hand to pat the water's edge lightly.

Water splashes.

The finless porpoise was indifferent.

Didn't even look this way.

Just such a gesture, it can be felt that the mood is very low.

Because finless porpoises are lively, they often swim up and down in the water, rolling, jumping, nodding, spraying water, and turning suddenly.

When swimming sideways, one leaf of the caudal fin is still out of the water, swinging from side to side, passing through the air, just like a bird flying.

Fishermen working on the Yangtze River must have seen a phenomenon, that is, before the arrival of strong winds, a large number of finless porpoises surfaced, with their heads mostly facing the direction of the wind and "facing the wind" out of the water.

This is because they need to breathe, and the air pressure is lower before the weather changes, so they have to increase their breathing rate to get enough oxygen.

The fishermen call this phenomenon 'worshiping the wind'!
How could such a lively finless porpoise be depressed?
There must be another reason!
Not a stress reaction!

But for the specific reason, Li Xiao couldn't say for a while.

After observing carefully for a while, Li Xiao said softly: "Director Shi, can you prepare a diving suit for me?"


Shi Yong asked: "Director, what do you want to do?"

Li Xiao pointed to the water tank and said, "I don't think it's a stress reaction, but I can't tell you the specifics. I need to go down and get close to it."


Shi Yong hesitated for a moment.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Li Xiao, nor is he doubting Li Xiao, but that he is worried about the finless porpoise.

Now that the finless porpoise is depressed, it must be related to being abused by humans before, so it is unwilling to contact anyone now. If it is forced to contact it, will it irritate it?

If there was no stress response in the first place, but it was stimulated alive because of Li Xiao's entry into the water, what should I do?

Professor Yang cast his gaze and asked curiously, "Director, what do you think?"

In fact, Professor Yang didn't believe it was a stress response, but after various experiments, he couldn't find the reason.

Even if this finless porpoise has a special stress response and is just autistic and unwilling to talk to others, it should still eat anyway.

Don't eat or drink and don't talk to people, doesn't that mean you have completely closed yourself off?

Even if it is closed, no matter how hungry you are, you will still eat a little bit!

"I'm not sure yet, I have to go down and have a look to find out."

Li Xiao was not sure, so he could only speak uncertainly.

Professor Yang gave Li Xiao this opportunity and said, "Director Shi, prepare a diving suit for him."

"Professor Yang..."

"It's not bad to go down and have a look. What if the right medicine succeeds?"

Professor Yang said meaningfully: "We have all watched the director's live broadcast, and we all know that he has a special charm that makes animals get close to him. If this finless porpoise is willing to get close to him and listen to him, that would be the best! "

"it is good!"

Shi Yong nodded, no longer bothering, and immediately took someone to get the diving suit.

After Shi Yong came, Professor Yang asked: "Director, do you already have an idea? Tell me about it!"

"I think it has nothing to do with human beings mistreating it. There should be other things on its mind."

"What's on your mind?"

Professor Yang thought he had heard wrong.

Li Xiao said with a smile: "Animals, like humans, have emotions. They will be sad when they are sad, they will laugh when they are happy, and they will be depressed when they are separated from their companions."

Li Xiao is not talking nonsense.

Because when I was young, there was an old man in the village who would keep a dog. After the old man passed away, the dog would be sad and would not eat or drink, and even stayed in front of the old man's grave for several days and nights.

There are also some villagers who raise cattle. When they know that they are about to be killed, the cattle will kneel down and beg their masters.

Li Xiao's words reminded Professor Yang, saying: "The finless porpoise generally likes to live alone, and sometimes likes to gather together in small groups. The record number of finless porpoises gathering together reached 87. Is it possible that it really wants to be a companion?" gone?"

At this time, the diving suit was brought by Shi Yong.

"I'll find out when I get down."

Li Xiao changed into a diving suit and slowly climbed into the water along the spiral staircase.

Having learned how to swim, he didn't need a wetsuit at all.

It's just that he has been running around all day today, and he didn't take a bath, so there will inevitably be bacteria, and the diving suit can protect the water quality very well, at least it won't hurt the finless porpoise.

As soon as he entered the water, Li Xiao saw the power of swimming.

In the past, Li Xiao could indeed swim, but only a little, not professionally, and now he looks like a fish.

Soon, Li Xiao swam to the side of the finless porpoise.

The finless porpoise did not dislike Li Xiao's arrival.

Li Xiao did not continue to approach, but took out some spiritual water without leaving any traces, and mixed it in the water of the water tank.

After drinking Li Xiao's spiritual water, the condition of the finless porpoise was obviously better, and he took the initiative to approach Li Xiao.

Li Xiao didn't rush, and then stretched out his hand to stroke the finless porpoise's forehead slowly.

The finless porpoise still didn't make any resistance, even dissatisfied resistance.

Li Xiao was very satisfied, and did not rush to ask about the finless porpoise, but started to swim with the finless porpoise in the water tank.

After all, no one will poke other people's pain points as soon as they go up, at least they must cultivate their feelings first.

Just like that, under the astonished gazes of the crowd, the finless porpoise followed Li Xiao to play in the water tank.

From time to time, he sticks his head out and spits water at Shi Yong and the others.

Sometimes up and down, like dancing.

"The principal, the eternal God, does not accept any objections."

"There are so many ambulance personnel and professionals who can't handle it. When the director came, it turned out to be fine. It's so amazing."

"Director, have you given the finless porpoise ecstasy?"

"The director's figure is too good, he looks like Peng Yuyan, I seem to be torn apart by him!"

"Fuck! I thought it was your girl, but when I clicked on the information, it turned out to be a boy!"

"Same-sex is true love!"

"Two men? Wouldn't that be more exciting!"

When the tourists were extremely excited, Li Xiao had already swam to the shore.

The finless porpoise also followed Li Xiao.

Li Xiao leaned down, put his head on the finless porpoise's head, and said softly, "Are you worried about the baby?"

(End of this chapter)

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