My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 232 The Son of Big Big Wolf

Chapter 232 The Son of Big Big Wolf (for Subscription)

As the water tank was put into the Pearl River, Li Xiao patted it lightly and said, "You can go in."


The mother finless porpoise yelled, and got in first to bear the brunt.

The other two finless porpoises hesitated for a moment, but followed.

The water tank prepared this time is big enough to accommodate three finless porpoises.

Professor Yang and Shi Yong stood on the shore and immediately arranged for the staff to start carrying it.

Ten minutes later, all three finless porpoises were successfully loaded onto the car.

There was no resistance during this period.

Because the surrounding citizens are very kind, they voluntarily parted ways, there was no quarrel, no noise, and they did not take the opportunity to litter the porpoise, thus affecting the mood of the finless porpoise.

After everything was ready to continue, Li Xiao said: "Director Shi, Professor Yang, I will return to the zoo first, and you will follow up."

"it is good!"

Both of them knew that Li Xiao was too tired after tossing all night and needed to go back to rest as soon as possible, so they nodded and agreed.

Shi Yong was not in a hurry to leave, and before leaving, he stood up and said to everyone: "Thank you for your help and waiting this night, we feel very relieved and touched.

In the next few days, we will send a family of three finless porpoises to the rescue center of the Pearl River Wildlife Park for treatment and observation. When they are all in good condition, we will send them to the Yangtze River to release them as soon as possible. "

"At that time, we will conduct a live broadcast of the whole process, I hope everyone will watch and supervise!"

"The family of three finless porpoises must be cured."

"Be sure to notify in advance when the live broadcast is live, I don't want to miss it."

"We believe in you. With you here, the finless porpoise family of three will be fine."

"Go back and rest now."

The surrounding citizens responded enthusiastically and loudly.

Some reporters wanted to take the opportunity to get through the crowd to interview Li Xiao, Shi Yong and others, but those who were crowded by the crowd had no chance at all, so they could only watch a few transport vehicles park, and said helplessly: "The mother of the finless porpoise has successfully found herself. Originally, the reporter would rush to the Pearl River Wildlife Park to conduct related interviews, please continue to pay attention..."


An hour later, the transport convoy arrived at the rescue center.

With the concerted efforts of the staff, the three finless porpoises were quickly placed in a large aquarium for relevant observation and treatment.

The family of three was reunited, and their emotions became active, swimming around in the water tank, occasionally poking their heads out and spraying water at the staff.

Professor Yang did not rest, and was still fighting on the front line. He personally commanded: "Hurry up and check it out. First, set a time for a week's checkup. When there are no problems with the body index, you can release the animal."

Although he saw that the injuries of the other two finless porpoises were not serious and could basically be ignored, to be on the safe side, they had to be carefully checked before releasing them.

The door of the rescue center.

Shi Yong said gratefully: "Director, thank you very much this time."

"Should be."

Li Xiao said: "Protecting animals is everyone's responsibility."

"I've had people prepare meals in advance, let's go eat something first."

"it is good!"

Li Xiao didn't eat much all day and night, he was already too hungry, he didn't feel hungry at all.

But hearing what Shi Yong said, he suddenly felt empty in his stomach.

The two walked together to the cafeteria.

But just halfway there, I passed the Wild Wolf Pavilion.

The Wolf House in the Pearl River Wildlife Park does not occupy a large area, only [-] to [-] acres, but the environment is very good, completely imitating the layout of nature, and there are some toys for playing around.

In it, Li Xiao also saw a grass pavilion that can be used to enjoy the shade.

Although it is not as well furnished as the wolf pavilion in the Lonely Mountain Zoo, it is also very conscientious.

At least here are real wolves.

Nowadays, some zoos completely put a Erha to pretend to be a wolf, so as to fool tourists.

In the wild wolf hall, Li Xiao saw two wild wolves.

It has a thick mane and light gray hair, and its every move reveals a wild atmosphere, because whenever someone passes by, Li Xiao can clearly see it grinning on purpose.

Those bloodshot eyes are terrifying.

If it wasn't for the iron net surrounding it, I'm afraid he would have rushed to him and stripped him to death.

The other wild wolf is thinner, with black hair.

It wasn't that the staff mistreated it on purpose, but that it was a she-wolf.

And she is much more docile.

It doesn't look too vicious.

"Director, what's the matter? Are you interested in these two wild wolves?"

Shi Yong stood aside and introduced with a smile: "These two wild wolves are only over one year old, the male is called Xiao Huihui, and the female is called Xiao Xiangxiang."

"Xiao Huihui? Xiao Xiangxiang? You really know how to name things."

Li Xiao grinned.

These two names are completely taken from the cartoon "Joyful and Big Big Wolf"!

Xiao Huihui noticed Li Xiao, who was resting on the ground, stood up, and sniffed, as if he smelled something.

In the next second, he rushed towards Li Xiao at the fastest speed.

Looking at Li Xiao from a close distance, Xiao Huihui's eyes are full of doubts.

Immediately afterwards, he frantically waved his claws, trying to tear off the iron net, so that he could touch Li Xiao.

Before it was over, maybe because it felt that this was useless, Xiao Huihui started to run for a certain distance, and when he was close to the iron net, he jumped suddenly, trying to jump out from inside.

"what happened?"

Shi Yong was stunned.

Xiao Huihui is full of wildness, and has tried to attack humans more than once before, but it is definitely not this crazy.

How could you become so excited after seeing Li Xiao?

"Big Big Wolf? Do you know him?"

Li Xiao asked suspiciously.

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Huihui became even more excited, and hit the iron net directly with her bulky body.

Seeing these actions, Li Xiao became more certain of his thoughts, and said, "Master Shi, can I go in?"


Shi Yong didn't know what to say for a moment.

Anyone with an IQ over [-] would know that Xiao Huihui is going crazy right now, and would never dare to get close to her. Why would the director still want to go in?
Isn't this so frightening that people enter the mouth of wolves? !

"Trust me, I'll be fine when I go in."


Shi Yong wanted to say more, but thinking that Li Xiao often dealt with animals, he swallowed all the words abruptly, nodded and said: "Then be careful, be careful!"

Li Xiao gave Shi Yong a reassuring look, took the key in his hand, started to unlock it, and got into the Wild Wolf Pavilion.

Seeing a stranger coming in, Xiao Xiangxiang who was not far away was about to pounce.


Xiao Huihui roared and stopped him decisively.

Then, he walked slowly to Li Xiao.

He didn't open his mouth to bite, but circled around Li Xiao, constantly sniffing the scent of Li Xiao with his nose.

(End of this chapter)

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