My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 25 The Last Immortal Cultivator on Earth

Chapter 25 The Last Immortal Cultivator on Earth (please collect, ask for tickets)


The fans of Mengmengjiang suddenly had question marks in their heads.

Don't you get angry when you've reached the point of cynicism?

Before they had time to think about what to do next, they were attracted by the content of the live broadcast room in front of them.

Li Xiao gave an order, and hundreds of monkeys who were lying on the ground howled slowly got up, and stood in front of Li Xiao neatly and neatly under the leadership of the yellow-haired monkey.

Heroic and heroic.

neat and tidy.

Hold your head high.

Those who didn’t know thought it was a military parade!

For a moment, they all forgot that they were here to stand up for Mengmengjiang.

"what is this?"

"What kind of monkey is this? So obedient?"

"I'll be good, how about making a movie?"

"Who is the anchor? Is Monkey King reincarnated?"

For a while, there were more and more question marks on their heads.

And Li Xiao is not the reincarnation of Monkey King.

He is Tang Seng.

The reason why he was able to subdue hundreds of monkeys just now was because of the magic spell.

Let alone hundreds of monkeys, even if there are thousands or tens of thousands, Li Xiao is not afraid.

Once the mantra is recited, ten thousand monkeys will surrender!

[Soft food is hard to eat] Ten rockets were rewarded.

Message: It's so exciting!The sense of substitution is too strong, I feel that I am Monkey King now, holding a stick, I dare to beat Tathagata!

[Bad boy]: Hahaha, just now I asked you to stay and watch for a while, is there anything wrong?

[Soft food is hard to eat]: You are not mean enough. If I didn't come over just now, wouldn't you plan to recommend the principal to me?
[Bad boy]: I am also very helpless, I am afraid that you will call me a traitor when I go back.

[Soft food is hard to eat]: Traitor?How dare I see who dares?This is what we call abandoning the dark and turning to the bright, correcting the evil and turning to the righteous, abandoning the evil and pursuing the good, and reforming past mistakes.

[Bull Demon King]: There is nothing wrong with saying that you can eat soft rice and eat hard!Mengmengjiang has nothing to look at there, they twist around stiffly all day long, not as good-looking as this group of monkeys, these monkeys are definitely better looking than Mengmengjiang if they have evolved to take off their hair!
"Damn it! How long has Brother Niu been single, and he looks so handsome even if he looks at a monkey."

"Is the taste of local tyrants so heavy?"

"It's not so bad. A local tyrant sent me a private message before, saying that he would give me [-] yuan a month, let me be his mother, and let me insult him. I don't know what his hobby is."

"If Mengmengjiang sees this scene, she must vomit blood!"


Mengmengjiang, who was watching with a trumpet, really vomited blood.

But not vomiting blood.

but below.

Desperate, she was so angry that her little aunt came to visit early.

What made her angry was still behind.

More and more fans left the live broadcast room, and they were all fascinated by Li Xiao, and stayed in Li Xiao's live broadcast room one after another.

In just half an hour, there were only a few hundred people left in the live broadcast room.

At least half of them are robots.

Mengmengjiang didn't have a live broadcast of her mood, so she decisively turned off the computer.

To be precise, he kicked the computer to the ground.

She was puzzled.

If I want to have a figure and a face, how can I not compare to a man?
How did she know that the scene where Li Xiao made hundreds of monkeys obediently line up obediently conquered the fans simply and rudely.

There are hundreds of monkeys here, anyone would be terrified to see them, but Li Xiao can do it with just a word of mouth.

A variety show "Classic Legend" many years ago did not dare to broadcast like this!
Mengmengjiang was angry, but someone was dancing happily.

Since Sima Yue edited Li Xiao's live video yesterday and it went viral, he was both happy and worried.

What worries him is that he is not sure whether Li Xiao's subsequent live broadcast can continue to be so exciting and attract people's attention.

If not, then he has no material to edit.

But now it seems that he is completely overthinking.

As expected of a man who can beat a tiger fat, he won't disappoint at all.

Everything that was broadcast live today could be well edited.

Sima Yue didn't dare to delay, while watching the live broadcast, he began to edit the video.

Soon, he edited all the exciting parts of Li Xiao's live broadcast just now.

"Early Rising Immortal Cultivator Exercise Video Exposure. "

"Half an Hour of Zama Step!" "

"Six One-Arm Pull-Ups Easy! "

"Fly on the Grass with Lightness Kungfu!" "

"The dog raised by the immortal cultivator becomes a spirit!" "

"Shock!Two tigers are actually doing this kind of thing! "

"The Immortal Cultivator Moves His Mouth and Subdues Hundreds of Monkeys!" "

A total of seven videos were sent to each platform in turn.

After the video was sent out, Sima Yue didn't continue to pay attention to it, but stared at the live broadcast room, for fear of missing the exciting content.

He had no idea that these videos quickly went viral after they were exposed.

On the short video platform, the number of snacks reached [-] in less than half an hour.

After that, the amount of dim sum was even more terrifying, skyrocketing by tens of thousands every second.

On Weibo, the impact of these seven videos is even more terrifying.

It directly created a topic called the last immortal cultivator on earth.

There was no sign of this topic, and it rushed to the hot search like riding a rocket.

When the topic first came out, it was still behind the top 10, but in just [-] minutes, it directly rushed to the top ten.

The speed is astonishing.

And the heat continues to rise.

"Immortal cultivator? Don't you really understand immortal art?"

"What the hell is this, why did it pop up all of a sudden?"

"Oh my god! Is the guy in the video still a human?"

"Didn't you say it all, this is a cultivator!"

"Single-arm pull-ups, I've seen them in Kung Fu Emperor movies, but I didn't expect anyone to be able to do them now."

"And this zama step, it's too awesome."

"It's running too fast. Why do I feel like I'm really flying? Do you have any plans to consider participating in the Olympics?"

"If we participate in the Olympics, won't we win the gold medal? Let's give other countries a little face, after all, we are a country of etiquette!"

"It is recommended that the national team rush to grab people!"

"Why are you all looking at people? Just because they are handsome? It's really too superficial. Can you look at this big black dog like me, this dog is so good."

"It is said that it is a Chinese pastoral dog. I didn't expect the dog left by our ancestors to be so awesome!"

"And these two tigers, I laughed so hard, it's too shameless."

"My boyfriend is not as strong as Tiger, I want to break up!"

"Please get to the point, okay?"

"The last video is the real bombshell!"

"Hundreds of monkeys did it like that?"

"Are you sure it's not a special effect?"

"My dear, I can actually see such a spectacular scene in my lifetime."

"If any director remakes Journey to the West in the future, he can find this person. Even the special effects and monkeys are saved, and the special effects are more enjoyable."

"By the way, where is this person broadcasting live?"

"War Fish searched the Gushan Zoo, I wouldn't tell ordinary people."

"Good people live in peace."

"I'll go take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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