My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 259 The Little Hei Who Did Bad Things

Chapter 259 The Little Hei Who Did Bad Things (Please Subscribe)

About 1 minute later, Li Xiao and Li Xiaoqin saw a large group of Chinese pastoral dogs rushing out of the street.

There are more than a dozen of them, big and small, with different hairs, and they should be raised by neighbors in the village.

"Wang Wang Wang!!!"

They seem to be organized and disciplined, passing by all the way, barking non-stop, to scare the pedestrians along the way, so that the frightened pedestrians will give way to them.

And they galloped past the street at an unabated speed.

The speed was so fast that those who didn't know it thought they were rushing to eat Tang's monk meat.

When the dogs ran past Li Xiao and Li Xiaoqin, Li Xiaoqin was startled.

Not to mention the number of dogs, the speed alone makes people shudder.

Just when Li Xiaoqin couldn't help screaming, Li Xiao hugged him, turned around, put Li Xiaoqin in the street, and faced the group of Chinese pastoral dogs with his body. .

Fortunately, this group of Chinese pastoral dogs did not intend to go crazy and bite, but ran past the two of them directly.

Come and go in a hurry, leaving only dust splashes.

"what is going on?"

Li Xiaoqin asked in shock.

His face was pale, he was gasping for breath, and he didn't even notice that he was still being hugged tightly by Li Xiao.

In the summer, they don't wear much, and the two of them only wear cool short-sleeves. They embrace each other tightly, and naturally they can truly feel the softness of each other's body.

You can even smell each other's scent.

"Ahh! Director, let go of your salty pig hands!"

"Li Xiaoqin is mine! Director, draw your sword!"

"Less than three hours after Li Xiaoqin came to the Mushroom House, he was hugged twice by the head of the garden, envious and jealous!"

"I'm willing to trade my roommate's ten years of being single in exchange for the opportunity to exchange souls with the principal, and let me give Li Xiaoqin a hug too."

"Don't worry, your roommate has probably been single for more than [-] years since her mother's womb, not bad for your ten years."

"Why are you envious of the director? Am I the only one who envies Li Xiaoqin? Being hugged by the director like this, she must feel very safe and feel the director's abdominal muscles!"

"Sister calm down, there is everything in the dream."

"That's right, in my dream last night, the principal and I had a fight on the bed for [-] rounds, so I'll save a hundred and eight thousand words here!"

For a while, the tourists in the live broadcast room showed two phenomena.

The man envied the principal, and the woman envied Li Xiaoqin.

After all, whether it's the director or Li Xiaoqin, they all want to get in touch with each other.

Li Xiao didn't have the time to check the bullet screen on the public screen, so he slowly let go of Li Xiaoqin, and said in confusion: "I don't know very well, why don't we go up and have a look."

"Let's go, I'm afraid."

Li Xiaoqin said weakly.

He also stretched out his hand to gently pull Li Xiao's arm.

Although Li Xiao took the initiative to let go of her, she was still afraid from the bottom of her heart, and couldn't recover in a short time.

Li Xiao gave Li Xiaoqin a calm look, smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, don't be afraid, I will protect you and won't hurt you."

If in the brain-dead Mary Su TV series, when the hero says this similar sentence to the heroine, the heroine will immediately feel safe and confident, and even trust the hero even more.

But this is reality.

Li Xiaoqin was still afraid. After all, the fear in her heart could not be restrained in a short time, but she was willing to trust the director and nodded slightly.

Just like that, Li Xiaoqin gently pulled Li Xiao's arm, followed the trail left by the dogs and chased after him.

Because the dogs leave many trails and make more noise, it is easy to catch up and find them.

Soon, Li Xiao found the group of dogs at the corner of a relatively dark alley.

This time, the team of the dog group grew stronger again.

A dozen heads were added again.

The number is nearly thirty.

Almost all the dogs raised in the village came here.

They gathered together and formed a large circle, as if they were holding some important meeting.

Li Xiao and the two hid not far away, carefully looking at each other.

"Director, are they in a meeting?"

Li Xiaoqin asked softly in shock.

It was the first time she had seen a dog do such a thing, and it was incredible.

"It should be, I can't hear clearly, I'll go up and have a look, you stay here and don't move."

With a word of advice, Li Xiao began to tiptoe up.

Afraid of disturbing this group of Chinese pastoral dogs who seemed to be planning something big, Li Xiao was cautious from beginning to end. When there were leaves on the ground, he would gently avoid them for fear of stepping on them and making a sound.

As he got closer, he even slowly suppressed his breathing.

But after all, he underestimated this group of fine Chinese pastoral dogs. A breeze blew by, and they soon smelled Li Xiao's scent.

In the next second, all the Chinese pastoral dogs were startled as if they had been exposed.

Some bodies trembled slightly.

Some eyes were flustered and avoided, not daring to look at Li Xiao.

Some were more courageous, even walked up to Li Xiao with their heads up, and barked twice.

This scene directly blew up the live broadcast.

"Hahaha, doesn't this look like when we were young at school, the class teacher went to a meeting, and we would play and make noise in the classroom, until the class teacher secretly appeared from the back door, and we were all startled and at a loss. "

"Damn it! It's almost the same hair, isn't that little yellow dog that frantically wagging its tail the same as me when I was a child."

"It's so embarrassing, what should I do now?"

"Easy! The director only needs to bark twice, then crawl and walk, just join them!"

"The talent upstairs!"

"I seriously doubt that the head teacher upstairs when Wan Wan was a child is even worse than a dog!"

"Didn't you realize that these dogs gathered in a circle for a meeting, and there was no leader dog to preside over the overall situation!"

"Xiao Hei! It must be Xiao Hei! Their leading dog must be Xiao Hei!"

"But where is Xiao Hei?"

"Yes, yes, there is no blackie among these Chinese pastoral dogs!"

Amidst the tourists' discussions, Li Xiao had already thought of a countermeasure, which was to turn a blind eye.

"Passing by."

Li Xiao made a few perfunctory remarks, turned around and left.

But these Chinese pastoral dogs obviously didn't believe Li Xiao, they turned around and ran away as soon as Li Xiao finished speaking.

In the blink of an eye, all the Chinese pastoral dogs disappeared in a flash, and there was not a single one left.

"It's weird! There's a conspiracy! These Chinese pastoral dogs must be plotting something!"

Li Xiao looked at the dust left behind by the dogs and said firmly.

And he always had a premonition in his heart, thinking that the conspiracy of these Chinese pastoral dogs must have something to do with Xiao Hei.

Li Xiaoqin ran over slowly and asked, "Director, what should we do now?"

"Follow up and have a look."

Li Xiao said worriedly.

Li Xiao pursued, the dogs ran away, they could not escape with their wings.

These Chinese pastoral dogs have really become smart, or maybe they were taught to become smart by someone or a certain dog. Knowing that Li Xiao was chasing them, they started to spread out and run faster and faster. Hurry up, and run to some corners where only dogs are allowed to pass, making it difficult for Li Xiao to catch up.

The most important thing is that they have also learned to hide their tracks this time. Whenever they accidentally leave footprints, they will wag their tails to clean up the footprints.

After a while, Li Xiao lost all traces of the Chinese Pastoral Dog.

"It's too hard to deal with, it's too hard to chase after you've become a master."

Li Xiao and Li Xiaoqin came to a canteen in the village and spent money to buy two ice creams, one for each, Li Xiao sighed while eating.

When a dog becomes a genius, it is difficult to deal with.

Now that the dogs in the entire village have become spirits, wouldn't that be against the sky?

For a moment, Li Xiao thought of a joke he used to make when he was a child: Do you have a dog that runs fast?Do you have a lot of pigs to eat?If you don't have any, then you are inferior to a pig and a dog!

Li Xiao had a premonition that the dogs in the whole village could become so smart, it must be Xiao Hei who instigated it behind the scenes.

Li Xiaoqin ate the ice cream, and said weakly: "Director, are we still chasing him?"

"Forget it, let's go back to the mushroom house first."

Li Xiao said helplessly.

He really wanted to keep chasing after him, because he felt that this matter had something to do with Xiao Hei, but considering Li Xiaoqin's physical strength as a girl, he could only choose to send her back to the Mushroom House now.

As for Xiao Hei, if he hadn't gone far away and was still in the village, then he would definitely come back.

Li Xiao believes that Xiao Hei will not abandon him.

After the agreement, after eating the ice cream, Li Xiao and Li Xiaoqin could only return to the Mushroom House dejectedly.

I thought that the two would return without success, but on the way back, the two passed the market and met the group of Chinese pastoral dogs again.

This time, they finally have a lead dog.

The odd-headed dog has a strong body and pure black hair.

"Isn't that Xiao Hei?"

Li Xiaoqin's eyes were very good, and he couldn't help exclaiming.

Li Xiao heard the reputation, and found that the leading dog was indeed Xiao Hei.

Intentionally planting flowers but not blooming, unintentionally planting willows and willows make a shade.

Li Xiao was about to give up and go home, but unexpectedly ran into Xiao Hei.

If I knew it was so easy, I would not have searched hard before.

"Come up and have a look."

Li Xiao took Li Xiaoqin and approached the dogs again.

This time, there are many people and stalls in the market, and the smell is also very mixed, which can cover them well and prevent them from being discovered by the dogs.

Not long after, Li Xiao and Li Xiaoqin stopped behind a big tree.

Prick up your ears.

Start eavesdropping.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei roared at all the Chinese pastoral dogs around him.

Xiao Hei: Well done, all the companions in the village have been summoned. Next, keep your eyes open. I am going to perform. I have been watching the stall 100 meters away!
Li Xiaoqin couldn't understand what Xiao Hei said, but Li Xiao could.

With a simple sentence, Li Xiao instantly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

Li Xiao looked along the small stall that Xiao Hei mentioned, and found that it was a small stall for making snacks.

Although the stall is small, it has all kinds of internal organs. It can make teppanyaki, multigrain pancakes, grilled sausages, kebabs and so on.

Although it is only the village's own small market, the business of the stall owners is very good, and there are many children around to patronize.

And the reason why Xiao Hei couldn't be found just now was because he had been hiding and staring at the stall.

As for all the Chinese pastoral dogs in the village, the reason why they are in a hurry is also because of its orders, so they gather here.

It must be because of its instigation, and it does not want to be discovered by itself, so it also teaches all Chinese pastoral dogs some ways to get rid of its own tracking.

Under Li Xiao's gaze, under the respectful eyes of all the Chinese pastoral dogs, and in the live broadcast of the drone overhead, Xiao Hei started to move.

I saw that it didn't go directly towards the stall, but turned around and came under a big tree. A gust of cool wind passed by, and the leaves fell down one by one. Xiao Hei opened his mouth and gently picked it up. A leaf, and then slowly walked towards the stall.

"Oh, so it's you, a cute little guy."

The stall owner is a fat middle-aged man.

Judging from his tone, he had met Xiao Hei more than once.

In other words, Xiao Hei came to him without knowing it.

"Hahaha, you are so smart, you brought the leaves again."

The stall owner reached out to take the leaf in Xiao Hei's mouth, and then threw a grilled sausage to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei bit it, turned around and ran away.

Back in front of the dogs, he deliberately raised his head, as if showing off.

Li Xiaoqin was stunned and said, "Xiao Hei is so smart, he even knows how to eat leaves?"


Li Xiao also explained the reason in embarrassment.

I have never encountered Xiao Hei before.

Li Xiao felt that it must be that when he left the Mushroom House some time ago, Xiao Hei was wandering in the village, so he focused on this snack stall owner, and because he traded leaves for food, he developed a habit, often holding The leaves come here.

This time, all the Chinese pastoral dogs from the entire village were summoned.

In the live broadcast room, the tourists were as shocked as Li Xiaoqin.

Two or three seconds later, someone came back to their senses and began to buckle words one after another.

"My dear, I opened my eyes, today I really opened my eyes."

"I thought Xiao Hei was smart before, but I didn't expect Xiao Hei to be so smart."

"Xiao Hei: I think most people exchange things like pieces of paper for sausage."

"Xiao Hei knows how to exchange one thing for another, but some people think of empty-handed white wolves."

"Upstairs, I suspect that you are referring to Mr. Wu and Ms. Du who have been trending recently."

"Mr. Wu? That foreigner? Let him get the hell out of Huaxia, what a disgusting person!"

"They are also the four returnees. Why is Little Sheep Xingxing so good, but Mr. Wu is so disgusting? Why is the gap so big?"

"Please don't replace Mr. Wu again. This is simply an insult to the principal's live broadcast."

"So loving, so heartwarming!"

"For Xiao Hei, there is love, but for the stall owner, isn't this a disaster? Every day, puppies come to eat and drink for free, and they will pay for it to death!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room expressed their opinions and talked a lot.

At this time, Xiao Hei had finished eating the sausage, and licked his lips with his tongue, barking.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei: All the dogs understand, right? They all hang out with me, and they definitely have meat to eat!Next step, all dogs follow me!

 ps: Thank you qq for reading the monthly tickets of [80] and [Phantom].

  grateful! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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