My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 272 The Animal Version of the Avengers

Chapter 272 The Animal Version of the Avengers (Subscribe)
"Wang Wang Wang!"

The more Xiao Hei listened, the more puzzled he became: How come there are so many stray animals in this city?
Hei Bei Xiaotian: In fact, you don’t wander, and you don’t know that there are many, many animals wandering in every country and every city.Although there are many human beings who love animals, there are more psychopaths, abusers, and abandoners.

In human society, some people will abandon their newborn children at will, let alone animals like us that are not even considered as our own flesh and blood?
Humans will abandon you after they feel that you are disobedient.

When your wife is pregnant, she thinks you have too many bacteria and will abandon you.

When meeting cuter pets, the more they look at you, the less pleasing they are, and they will abandon you.

Anyway, they have various reasons to abandon you, and they don't need to bear any responsibility or condemnation at all.

Xiao Hei didn't expect the world of stray pets to be so complicated, and he secretly rejoiced that he had a good owner.

At the same time, continue to ask: What about you?Why wander?
A trace of sadness flashed in Hei Bei Xiaotian's eyes, and he shook his head: Abandon!When I was young, my master and I lived in an urban village, where dogs were not restricted, but as the urban village was transformed, we moved to the community, and as I grew older, more and more It was so cruel that it was resisted by almost the entire community.

Especially some old people, they will think that when I walk, I hurt their grandchildren.

But I know that this kind of family life is not easy to come by. Even if some brats throw stones at me deliberately, I will not get angry.

But even so, those people still resisted me resolutely, and even went to the door of the master's house to throw things.

Under pressure, the master abandoned me.

My master abandoned me five times, and I found them the first four times.

Until the fifth time, the host invited me to eat big ribs, and held me and cried. I knew he really had no choice, so I made up my mind not to go back that time, and have been wandering ever since!
The most important thing to be a pet is to know how to watch words and expressions!


How miserable! ! !

It is really unfair to be resisted and driven away by people around you just because you are too big and ferocious.

But isn’t it a society that looks at faces now? Many small fresh meats have mediocre business ability, can’t sing, dance, or act.

However, some people are ridiculed by people around them because they are a little uglier and have done nothing.

Human society is like this, and the pet world is naturally even worse!
In a trance, Xiao Hei feels that each of these stray dogs is a dog with a story. They are like the dogs in "A Dog's Mission". Every time they go through a life, there will be a story that makes people cry.

Listening to the story and walking in the sewer with Hei Bei Xiaotian, after some time, Xiao Hei finally saw the other stray animals.

They gather in the depths of the sewer, densely packed, hundreds in number, and there are various types.

Among them, Xiao Hei even found a one-meter-long crocodile.

There is also a pink pig.

These two figures are too large, so they are extra dazzling.

When I came here, I didn't know that I thought I came to a small zoo.

It's hard to imagine that these pets who should have lived in the upper city all gathered in the dark, cold, and messy sewers.

They seem to be very wary of foreign animals. When they saw Xiao Hei and other Chinese pastoral dogs, they all showed fierce eyes even though they were already cautious.

He even took the opportunity to surround Xiao Hei and other Chinese pastoral dogs, preparing to launch a wave of attacks.

Thanks to Hei Bei Xiaotian and Bian Mu Laizi who rushed to the front in time and were recognized, a scuffle was avoided.

Next, after Hei Bei Xiaotian's introduction, Xiao Hei has a better understanding of every animal here, and understands why they wander.

The head of the boss is named Xueqiu, and he is a white rabbit with lop ears.

Because of its cute appearance, it was adopted by a little girl, but the little girl's favorite thing to do is to love the new and dislike the old. After adopting a cuter rabbit, the little girl ruthlessly abandoned it. Street wandering.

As for the rabbit that replaced it, I don't know what happened to it, but it is very likely that it was replaced by other more lovely animals, and thus was ruthlessly abandoned.

The name of the second child is Renekton, which is the crocodile, and has the same name as the crocodile in the game "League of Legends".

It is not a pet, but an animal from the forest zoo in a natural place.

Had the same experience as the golden retriever that died tragically. Originally, two crocodiles were to be transported during transportation, but due to the bad transportation environment, one of them died tragically. Seeing that the situation was not good, Renekton took the opportunity to escape. Die miserably.

It's a pity that this matter was suppressed because of the wealth and wealth of the Natural Land Forest Zoo, and it was not exposed.

In China, few people raise crocodiles at present, unlike the United States, where many people feed them, and the rich even regard raising crocodiles as a symbol of local tyrants.

The third child's name is Peggy, who is the meat pig, and has the same name as the protagonist of the cartoon "Little Pig Peggy".

It was originally an ordinary domestic pig, which was raised by many people in the countryside, and would be killed for meat every Chinese New Year, but because the pet owner lied to its original owner that it was a small fragrant pig that would not grow up. The original owner bought it.

But as the original owner kept feeding it, it grew bigger and fatter. After the original owner found out that he had been deceived, he ruthlessly abandoned it.

These are the three leaders of this organization.

They also gave the organization a big and familiar name: The Avengers.

The reason for the name is very simple, because the abandoned ones hold a grudge and desperately want revenge.

Although it is difficult to kill their original owners with their abilities and strength, at least they can take revenge on them symbolically.

The reason why Xueqiu was able to become the boss was because it often ran to the ground city, took revenge on its original owner more than once, and succeeded many times, that's why it was respected by these stray animals.

Of course, in addition to these three chiefs, there are other animals of all kinds and various reasons for being abandoned.

There is a cute little hamster that was specially raised when a man and a woman were in love together, but it was abandoned when the man and woman broke up.

There was a big orange cat who had a pregnant woman in the family. The older generation always thought that there were all kinds of bacteria on the pet, so they secretly abandoned it.

There is a little white mouse who stays in the laboratory of the medical school, witnessing the tragic death of his companion all day long, and sneaks out.

When I ran out, I happened to meet a little girl who abandoned four little turtles, so she wandered around the sewer with the four little turtles, and finally came to the Avengers.

After learning that Xiao Hei came here this time to take revenge on the human beings involved in the tragic death of the golden retriever, the boss, Xueqiu, agreed decisively.

Snowball patted his chest: I agree to this matter, and I will immediately take all the members of the Avengers out of the sewer and climb to the upper city!
With that arrogant look, he looked like a violent person.

Although he has a cute appearance, he has a man's heart.

Hit it off!
Overnight, Xiao Hei, who had just arrived, joined forces with the city's two major animal organizations.

Following Heibei Xiaotian and Xueqiu's orders, all the stray dogs and Avengers members in the city began to run around the streets and alleys of the city.

Some people who worked the night shift clearly noticed that there were many more animals on the street tonight than usual, and all of them seemed to be organized, disciplined, and planned. No one disturbed anyone or disturbed anyone. , No one fought for a fight, but acted together tacitly.

They felt a little weird, and some thought they were dazzled at one point.

Obviously, stray cats and stray dogs would fight and fight on weekdays, why did they gather together today, and the relationship seemed so good?

There's even a group of rats walking with some stray cats?
What the hell, you have to know that these are all heaven and earth.

Once they meet, they will definitely be bitten endlessly!

Still dreaming?

They felt nervous and couldn't take care of so much, so they chose to go home early.

After several hours of rigorous search without a break, finally at two or three o'clock in the morning, there was a harvest.

And this time point is when people are most sleepy.

Anyone who stays up late and surfs the Internet knows that at this point, no matter how energetic they are, their eyes will always fight uncontrollably and fall into drowsiness.

At this time, as long as you make a move, the success rate can be at least 30.00%.


Night Fragrance City.

This is a mid-size nightclub in the city.

At this time, a young man in short sleeves came out in a hurry.

Judging by the way he wobbles, it's clear that he's had too much to drink.

It may be because he is used to it, or it may be because he knows that there will be no pedestrians on the street at this time, the young man began to unbutton his belt impatiently while walking.

When he came under a willow tree, the young man finally took out the thing in his crotch.

Whoa! ! !
"Grandma has a leg. I had a good drink tonight, but it also suffocated me."

"The gangsters on the Internet are still scolding me, wanting me to be punished, hehe, I am not living well now, not only that, the boss also gave me a sum of money, so that I can eat, drink and have fun!"

As soon as the words fell, the young man finally exhaled a long breath as if he was relieved of pain.

Obviously held back a lot of time.

After spraying for as long as 1 minute, the young man grabbed his little brother and shook it vigorously, and was about to pull up his pants.

But at this moment, his body froze suddenly.

I don't know if it was because he drank too much and his eyes were a little dazzled, but he actually saw a crocodile appearing in front of him.

That's right, a crocodile!
But how could there be crocodiles on the streets of the city?

"Damn! Get out!"

The young man may be cowardly because of Jiu Zhuang, or it may be because this is an illusion formed by vertigo, so he didn't take it seriously at all, and kicked him hard.

This kick landed on the crocodile firmly.

At the same time, it made his heart skip a beat.

really... really... really...

The young man woke up suddenly, like a frightened rabbit, turning his head and running away.

But the crocodile has been waiting here for a long time, how can he escape?
With a light pounce, the young man collapsed to the ground.

The main reason is that he drank too much and had already lost his strength.

Seeing the ferocious crocodile slowly crawling up to him, the young man wanted to struggle and shout, but at this moment he was like a deflated balloon, unable to exert any strength, and could only watch the crocodile Approaching.

He originally thought that the crocodile would bite him, but unexpectedly, the crocodile's eyes were fixed on his crotch.

not good!

Otherwise, he will become the only eunuch in the new century.

Almost an instinctive reaction, the young man hastily clamped his legs.

Because the pants didn't have time to wear well, all I could do was clamp my legs.

But he is fast, and the crocodile is even faster.

The speed of the crocodile in the water is 12 kilometers per hour, and the short-distance attack speed on the shore is more than 100 kilometers per hour. The speed of the surprise attack is even faster, so once it is spotted by it, you have to accept your fate and pray that you can be reborn in Ma Yun’s house in the next life , so that you can stand at the pinnacle of life as soon as you are born.


The boy finally let out a scream.

There were bursts of pain between his legs, his eyes went dark, and he passed out.

Crocodile Renekton completed the task and left contentedly.

All that remained was the fainted young man and his lower body that was slowly bleeding.

Before leaving, Renekton the Crocodile found an abandoned coat from the trash can, threw it on the young man casually, and covered his lower body.

At first glance, I thought this guy was drunk and passed out on the road.

Generally, if someone encounters it, they will definitely ignore it.

But if a girl gets drunk and passes out on the road, she will definitely find herself in a man's big bed when she wakes up the next day.

Some men would hang out in various bars and nightclubs almost every night, and then look for all kinds of girls who fainted on the road, and easily pick up the corpses.

Therefore, many boys will choose to break up after they learn that their girlfriends are going to bars and nightclubs and will not return late at night.

If one wakes up and finds that one's kidneys have been taken away, that would be the worst!

This young man was the driver who transported the golden retriever.

The reason why the boss gave him a large sum of money was that he wanted him to hide temporarily and continue to work after the storm passed. At the same time, he was also worried that he would be found by reporters and other media, which would start a large number of reports and affect the company's reputation.

Abandoning the pawns to protect the handsome, this is something and an operation that almost every company will often do after an accident!
With Renekton the crocodile's success, the rest of the animals have also found other people involved in the tragic death of the golden retriever, and a revenge from the animal version is officially coming.

It is even more exciting and exciting than the four Avengers so far, with a little bit of blood mixed in!
 ps: Thank you qq for reading [Tian Weishuang] for the reward.

  Thank you for the monthly ticket of starting reading [book friend 20190927215555795].

  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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