My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 278 The Arrogant and Domineering Li Xiao

Chapter 278 The Arrogant and Domineering Li Xiao (for Subscription)
"Director He, hello, I am a new intern."

Li Xiao had just walked less than five meters when a little boy who looked like he was in his early twenties approached him and said respectfully, "To tell the truth, I am still your younger brother, and I admire and like you very much. A large part of the reason why I come to this hospital for internship is because you are here.

In the future, please take care of me! "

After speaking, he stretched out his right hand, wanting to shake hands with Li Xiao.

Smiling, courteous, and a complimenting dog lick, all the way.

He has been in the hospital for a while, and he really knows how bad He Jinkang's reputation is, but who makes him have a high status? In order to become a regular, he can only suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart to curry favor.

As for what he said, of course it was all false, it was just polite words.

Li Xiao raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you really my junior brother?"

"Of course!"

The little boy thought there was something interesting, and thought he could take the opportunity to get closer to He Jinkang, so he nodded quickly without thinking.

Li Xiao is very polite.

What he said next was also very polite.

It is the quintessence of the country.

"Go to Nima, I don't care if you are my junior, go play around, good dogs don't get in the way, understand?"


Resounded throughout the floor.

little boy:"……"

People on the entire floor: "..."

All of a sudden, no matter whether it was the doctor or the nurse, or the patient or the patient's family members, they couldn't help but looked at her one after another.

But Li Xiao didn't care about their eyes at all, and continued to wander around the floor on his own.

To use director Jiang Wen's tone to describe it, that is: what!What the hell!Arrogant?This is what it is!

Anyway, Li Xiao is now disguised as He Jinkang, no matter what he does or says, to others, it is what He Jinkang said, and He Jinkang must be responsible!
Xue Gang secretly discrediting the Gushan Zoo?

Then Li Xiao put on his brother-in-law's skin and ruined their family's reputation.

Wearing someone else's skin, Li Xiao has no scruples and no fear.

Every word and deed is like a hooligan.

Every move reveals arrogance and domineering.

There is no trace of a doctor!

Too arrogant, those who didn't know it thought that Li Xiao had turned into a crab, and that rampant domineering was his patent.

There is even a sentence written on the face: the sky is the first, the earth is the second, and Lao Tzu is the third. Whoever dares not accept it, then just bear it!


"Director He, do you still remember me, last time my son came here for surgery, and I gave you a red envelope?"

After a while, a family member of the patient came up.

"It's you, remember to remember!"

Li Xiao looked belatedly, and said: "I am happy today, so I will tell you one thing. In fact, to thank you for the red envelope you gave me, I also stuffed your son's body during the operation. A little thing."


The patient's family was stunned.

"It's okay, don't panic, it's actually just an inconspicuous little screw."

Li Xiao said calmly: "Iron is one of the essential elements that make up the human body. Iron deficiency will affect the health and development of the human body. The biggest impact is iron deficiency anemia.

I put an iron screw in your son's body, which can be regarded as iron supplementation indirectly.

Don't thank me, this is all I should do! "

Patient's family: "..."

Standing in place, unable to recover for a long time.

He had read news reports, saying that it was because the family members of the patients did not give money to some unscrupulous doctors, or the money was not enough, which caused the unscrupulous doctors to leave some gadgets in the patient's body during the operation.

Even Shen Teng and Ma Li, the golden group in the sketch world, once played the sketch "365 Blessings" to satirize this incident.

It is precisely because of this worry that he will stuff money in advance, just in case.

But I didn't expect Director He in front of me to be so stinky and shameless, and to be so reckless after taking money.


"Director He, why are you so angry today? Who offended you?"

A pretty little nurse came slowly.

With all kinds of charms, it can be confirmed that the relationship between her and He Jinkang is not ordinary.

Li Xiao directly pulled her to the corner and yelled: "I'm so angry all the time, don't mess with me, or believe it or not, I will deal with you on the spot, and then lose the fire?"

Little nurse: "..."

Like the previous patient's family members, the little nurse also couldn't recover for a long time.

There was even a hint of fear in his eyes.


In this way, Li Xiao had already offended nearly ten people before he finished his round of the floor.

Doctors, nurses, patients, family members of patients, no matter who they are, no matter how good their relationship was before, they all began to avoid him when they saw him.

Just like a street mouse.


It should be a street bat!
People are more afraid of bats than rats these days!
Seeing that no one dared to provoke him anymore, Li Xiao simply took the initiative to attack.

This is the legendary saying that if there are difficulties, you have to go up, if there are no difficulties, you have to go up if you create difficulties yourself.

But everyone was afraid of Li Xiao, and whenever they saw Li Xiao walking towards them, they would avoid him far away, making it impossible for Li Xiao to make a move.

"This won't work, it hasn't achieved the desired effect yet."

Li Xiao leaned against the wall, muttering.

Suddenly, I saw a trainee nurse pushing a cart, walking towards the ward, and began to conduct ward rounds.

Immediately take it to heart!

Isn't Xue Gang just in the ward, see if I don't play him to death!
As soon as Li Xiao approached the trainee nurse, he reached out and patted her butt lightly.


The trainee nurse was startled, turned around quickly, and was about to yell at her, but when she saw clearly that it was 'He Jinkang', she immediately gave up.

"He...Director He..."

Put away the dissatisfaction in your heart, and respectfully say.

She is just a nurse trainee, in order to be able to become a full-time employee, facing the director's tricks, she really can only dare not speak out.

What's more, the real He Jinkang did this before.

"How is the patient today?"

Li Xiao cleared his throat and asked.

Full of pretense.

"The condition of the patients is generally stable."

"Yeah, I'll go take a look with you."


The trainee nurse was stunned, feeling baffled.

He Jinkang never ran into the ward before?

What's more, she doesn't remember any patients in the ward that he treated need to be taken care of! "What? Can't I see it?"

Li Xiao frowned and snorted coldly.

"It's fine, Director He, you can do whatever you want!"

How dare the trainee nurse refute.

Following behind Li Xiao, he cautiously entered the first ward.

In the ward, there are three patient numbers.

The first patient was an elderly man in his 60s or [-]s. He was lying on the hospital bed and had an infusion, and he was already drowsy.

Beside the hospital bed sat a young man about 20 years old.

Judging from their appearance and temperament, this should be a father and son.

"What disease?"

Li Xiao stepped forward and asked loudly.

The young man hurriedly got up and replied, "My dad caught a cold last night, and he has a bit of a cold and a fever."

"What kind of fluid should I infuse for a fever? Isn't this a waste of medical resources? Just pull out the infusion tube and go home to prepare for the funeral!"

Li Xiao spoke eloquently, speaking neither humble nor overbearing.

Young man: "..."

Trainee nurse: "..."

The rest of the room: "..."

At this moment, they were as shocked as they were, and their three views were completely subverted.

Did this sentence come from a doctor?
Did I hear it wrong?
Or is this doctor drinking too much?

In the past, they only read similar jokes on the Internet. Because some parents are not very good to their children, some netizens ridiculed them.

Whoever imagined it, today's joke actually came into reality.

The most important thing is to say it from the doctor's mouth!
When everyone was shocked, Li Xiao had already walked in front of the second patient.

The patient's body was very thin, and his face was unhealthily pale.

"What disease?"

Li Xiao stepped forward and said these three words.

Although this patient is thin and weak, he has a bad temper, and he really wants to curse.

Yay bah, are you a doctor or am I a doctor?
I came to the hospital just to let you see what disease I have?
What the hell are you asking me?

However, many doctors now have this kind of question and answer, and the patient has become accustomed to it. He coughed lightly and replied lightly: "I don't know, I just have a headache."


Li Xiao frowned, turned around and patted the ass of the trainee nurse who was still in a daze.


The little nurse was startled again.

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded again.

Are all doctors so arrogant now?
Or are we blind?
Li Xiao said: "Take this patient's medical record!"


The trainee nurse still dared not speak out, bowed her head and ran away, obediently going to get the case.

A few minutes later, he took the case and trotted back.

After Li Xiao took it, he began to look at it pretendingly.

"Has the X-ray been taken?"

Although he is not a doctor, but he has never eaten pork, and he has never seen a pig running. Li Xiao still understands a few words of technical terms.

The patient answered truthfully.

"It's been taken!"

"What about CT?"


"What about MRI?"

"Checked too."

"Where's Ultrasound B?"

"Doctor, I just have a headache, I don't need a B-ultrasound."

The patient was speechless.

What's wrong with doctors now?
As long as you arrive at the hospital, no matter what the problem is, you will basically be required to undergo various examinations, and you must go through almost every instrument.

She doesn't have the compassion of the former doctor at all.

At the entrance of the former pharmacy, it was written that I hope that people in the world will be free from disease, and I would rather put medicine on the shelves to make dust.But now, pharmacies will hang a big banner: buy medicines over 38 yuan and get 6 eggs.

"I know, wouldn't it be more comprehensive to have a systematic body check!"

Li Xiao pretended to be calm, and continued to ask: "Since everything has been checked, what did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said that it was just excessive fatigue, coupled with not eating on time, and not keeping up with nutrition, which caused the headache. Just pay more attention to rest."

"Fuck! It's so serious!!!"

As soon as the patient's voice fell, Li Xiao said in surprise.

The loud voice and exaggerated expression not only made the patient in front of him speechless, but everyone in the room was also speechless again.

Isn't it just a simple headache, so there's no need to make such a fuss?

Even if you are not sick, you will be scared to get sick!
Besides, why is the headache so serious?

Seeing Li Xiao's serious expression, the patient was full of doubts and said nervously, "Doctor, I just have a headache, it shouldn't be serious, right?"

"Misdiagnosis! Misdiagnosis!"

Li Xiao didn't answer, but shook his head helplessly and sighed with worry.

"Ah? Misdiagnosis? Why was it misdiagnosed?"

The patient was frightened.

The tone became anxious.

The voices became hurried.


Li Xiao still didn't answer, just shook his head and sighed to himself.

Seeing Li Xiao like this, the patient became more anxious and worried, his already pale face became even more dull, and his speech became weaker, and he asked: "Doctor, don't do this, just tell me, I will Is there any cure for this disease?"


Li Xiao didn't answer, but still sighed, and then asked: "Do you still remember what I said to that young man just now?"

"Preparing for the funeral?"

"That's right, I know a funeral home, and I can introduce it to you at a cheaper price then, don't thank me, it should be done."

Li Xiao patted the patient's shoulder lightly, turned around and walked towards the third patient.

It is very simple for Li Xiao to see a doctor. No matter whether you are sick or not, you will prepare for your funeral and send them to the funeral home.

The third patient was Xue Gang.

Even though He Jinkang was his brother-in-law, after seeing He Jinkang's inquiries the first two times, he still panicked.

One ward, three patients, two of which have already been visited, and the first two have been arranged for funerals, so he won't follow in the footsteps, right?

Xue Gang was very flustered, his head was sweating profusely, and those who didn't know it thought he had washed his hair.

Before Li Xiao could speak, Xue Gang said tremblingly: "Little brother-in-law, I just cut a bag and skin, there is no need to prepare for the funeral, right?"


Li Xiao smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, congratulations, you have learned to answer quickly.

Your condition is not serious and there is no need to prepare for the funeral. "


Xue Gang let out a long sigh of relief.

"Why cut the bag and skin?"

Suddenly, Li Xiao's expression became serious.asked seriously.


Xue Gang panicked again, and said, "If it's too long, it needs to be cut off!"

Xue Gang, who was rushed to the hospital, did not find any problems after some examinations, but the bag and skin were a bit long, and the doctor suggested cutting it off.

For future bed exercises, Xue Gang also agreed.

Anyway, my brother-in-law works here, and everything is convenient, so I don't take advantage of the advantages.

"Cut a bag, skin, and be hospitalized. How much money is burning!"

Li Xiao cursed directly.

Xue Gang: "..."

I don't care if I live in the hospital or not?


Something is wrong!

In the past, my brother-in-law was polite and respectful to me because I helped him get the job done, but what happened today?

As if he had completely changed himself, he dared to get angry and curse at himself!


 ps: Thank you Qidian for reading [071005] and [Book Friends 20191004233554716] monthly tickets!

  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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