My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 28 Xiaohei and Cyclone's Competing for Favor

Chapter 28 Xiaohei and Cyclone's Competing for Favor (please collect, ask for tickets)
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching 70 fans. Is there a lottery?"

It's only been one morning, and the number of fans has skyrocketed.

How could Li Xiao hold back, and immediately chose to draw a lottery.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [God Eater Art]."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Divine Shot]."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Fishing Technique]."

[God Cooking Art]: Do you want to have the magical culinary skills of Stephen Zhou?Do you want to be a visitor from heaven or an emissary from hell?Do you want to make unexpected peeing beef balls and ecstasy rice?Click to learn the God of Cookery, let you speed it up in a second!

Note: Learning God of Cookery can not only make delicious food, but also become an excellent gourmet, the two are not in conflict.

[Divine Archery]: Learning the art of divine archery will allow you to become as chic as the 'parachutist' Li Guang, 'Little Li Guang' Hua Rong, 'Three Arrows to Counter Rebellion' Yang Youji, and 'Little Yang Youji' Pang Wanchun marksman.

There are no misses in the bullet, and a hundred steps to penetrate Yang.

Note: Learning divine archery, even if it is not archery, just throwing stones, you can hit a hundred hits.

[Fishing Technique]: Learning fishing technique, as long as the host is fishing, he will definitely catch a fish, even if there is no bait, just put a long line in the water, he can still catch a fish.

Note: Although the fish is [-]% successful, the size and type of the fish depends entirely on the luck of the host.

There were 40 fans before, and there were exactly three lucky draws at this time.

This time, it's all about skills.

There is no taste.

But, what the hell is this throwing stone in the marksmanship?

Do you want to become Zhang Qing, the 'No Feather Arrow' in "Water Margin"?

Or the role played by Datou in "Assassination of Novelists"?
Is there any bait for fishing? Isn't this Jiang Ziya!

Li Xiao just complained, and then said: "Is there any reward?"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Fresh Fruit]."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Special Bow and Arrow]."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Special Fishing Rod]."

[Fresh fruit]: It has the same effect as fresh meat and fresh grass, and it is the ration of monkeys and other animals.

Note: This human can really eat, and the host can taste it.

[Special Bow and Arrow]: Use it with divine archery to increase the probability of one arrow piercing two, three, or even seven.

Note: This bow and arrow has no name yet, the host can name it arbitrarily.

[Special Fishing Rod]: When used with the fishing technique, it also increases the probability of first fishing second and third fishing.

Note: This fishing rod is relatively simple and fragile, please keep it safe by the host.

The rewards this time are almost all matched with the skills from the lottery, which Li Xiao did not expect.

Originally, he had no hope at all for the things directly rewarded by the system.


Li Xiao was checking rewards and learning skills, when suddenly the sound of his stomach growling came from his ear.

Li Xiao looked down at Xiao Hei at his feet.

Xiao Hei lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Fuck! Xiao Hei has become a genius!"

"The little eyes, I really thought they were human."

"Except for this dog skin, everything else is standard for humans."

"Hahahaha, one day I will see dogs shy."

"Xiao Hei is hungry, the director hastened to arrange food."

"Speaking of which, can you raise it? If you can't raise it, give Xiao Hei to me. (The dog's head saves his life)"

After all this tossing, Li Xiao is also hungry, but he is still in the dense forest and has no food at all.

There is a kitchen in the zoo, with all kinds of kitchen utensils and food in it.

But the premise is that you must first return to the zoo.


Xiao Hei suddenly stood up.

Eyes narrowed slightly, staring straight ahead.

Li Xiao followed Xiao Hei's gaze.

I saw a yellow figure faintly shaking in the grass 30 meters ahead.


Li Xiao spat out, stretched out his hand, and shouted, "Whirlwind, go!"

The whirlwind flew faster, so Li Xiao immediately thought of the whirlwind.

But before he finished speaking, Xiao Hei, who was under his feet, had already rushed out like flying.

The distance of 30 meters took Xiao Hei only a few seconds.

The hare felt the danger approaching, reacted quickly, and fled away.


The whirlwind followed closely behind, outflanking from mid-air.

The hare predicted Xiao Hei's culling, but he didn't expect the eagle to be caught off guard by the sharp claws of the whirlwind.


Just when Xuanfeng felt that he could take the hare to ask for praise, Xiao Hei suddenly jumped and threw himself into the air.

Then, under the inconceivable eyes of the tourists, relying on the strong bite force, he forcibly snatched the hare from under the claws of the whirlwind.

Biting the hare's neck, Xiao Hei landed steadily.

He raised his head and looked at the whirlwind, his eyes seemed to say: You can't do it!

Whirlwind was furious: Your uncle!

Xiao Hei didn't bother to answer, fearing that the whirlwind would snatch it away again, he kept his head down and hid the hare in his arms.

"Xiao Hei is a real dog!"

"He is obviously a dog, what's wrong with a dog?"

"Xiao Hei is worthy of being a hunting dog. He dares to snatch food from eagles."

"I suddenly realized one thing, I'm not even as good as Xiao Hei."

"It's so exciting to watch, Director, do you have other Chinese pastoral dogs? I want to buy one. I think the dogs from the Yellow Dog Gang are good."

"It's fierce and witty, love it, love it."

"Xiao Hei: It doesn't matter if you are an eagle or not, you are scum in front of me."

"From today onwards, I will be the number one licking dog under Xiao Hei!"

Among all the animals in Li Xiao, Xiao Hei is the least angry.

The reason is simple, because it is a dog.

Compared with the mighty and domineering tigers and eagles in people's impression, they are really weak.

Especially before the whirlwind played with Xiao Hei a lot.

This once made everyone disappointed with Xiao Hei, thinking that it could only obey obediently.

But now, Xiaoyong has completely conquered all the visitors in the live broadcast room with this wonderful hunting method.

Xiao Hei quickly came to Li Xiao's side with the hare in his mouth.

The whirlwind hovered in mid-air, trying to grab the hare, but Xiao Hei hid tightly, and there was nothing he could do.

Unless, landed on the ground.

But once it's on the ground, it doesn't have the upper hand.

The whirlwind screamed non-stop, and his lungs were about to explode.

The hare that reached the mouth flew away!

It was still robbed by Xiao Hei!
Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it!

Xiao Hei threw the hare at Li Xiao's feet.

In the next second, he raised his head and held his head high.

An embarrassing expression of not being stingy with your compliments.


Li Xiao gave a thumbs up.

He saw clearly just now.

Although Xiao Hei was the first to pounce on the hare, but after rushing over, he slowed down obviously, making it clear that he let the hare be caught by the whirlwind, and then he snatched it.

So, it's a real dog!
The whirlwind was clearly calculated by it!
After boasting, Li Xiao mentioned the rabbit, weighed it a few times, and said, "This one only weighs five catties, and today's lunch is settled."

"Let's not go back to the zoo for the time being. I just saw a creek not far away, and we will settle our lunch there."

"Me, Xiao Hei, and Cyclone split equally!"

(End of this chapter)

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