My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 284 Discovering the South China Tiger

Chapter 284 Discovering the South China Tiger

"Wait, what did the director just say?"

"Ah! My ears!"

"At least twenty times a day, are Xie Mou so fierce?"

"Damn it! If my future boyfriend is also this fierce, I will definitely love him to death."

"Please don't ignore the time just because of the number of times!"


The tourists in the live broadcast room had just started chatting enthusiastically, Xie Mou let out a howl, stopped moving, and walked down from Eggy.

It can be seen from its proud expression that it was very cool just now.


"Nani? What just happened?"

"Why haven't I watched it yet, and it's over?"

"The pants are all taken off, just show me this?"

"Is it really over in 20 seconds?"

"Suddenly have confidence in myself! (dog head)"

"I used to be able to brag, say that I am stronger than a tiger, at least I exceeded 30 seconds!"

The evil eye that finished the exercise didn't care what others said, anyway, it was already tired, and lay down on the ground to rest.

Everyone was taken aback by this.

With a snap, the speed was too fast, and no one could react.

It seems that when Li Xiao gives Xiemou and Eggy the live broadcast camera, he must watch closely and never miss every minute.

"Soft-legged shrimp! There really aren't any!"

At this moment, Zhao Si suddenly popped up six words.

The simple six words greatly stimulated Xie Mou.

Any man doesn't like to hear others say that he can't do it.

including animals!


Xie Mou, who was lying on the ground, jumped up suddenly, and was about to slap Zhao Si with his paws.

Xiao Hei had a panoramic view of everything and shook his head happily.

If Xie Mou beat Zhao Si, it would be regarded as revenge for himself.

Zhao Si's reaction was quick, and he flew up from Li Xiao's shoulder in a whoosh, causing Xie Mou to fly into the air, and said shyly, "Sorry! You can do whatever you want if you have wings!"

Xie Mou was furious and wanted to pounce again.

But Zhao Si said: "Stupid cat, watch carefully, I will show you what is the real 'Xiong' style!"

As soon as the words fell, he patted the strange-looking bird flying not far away with its wings.

Seeing Zhao Si flying towards him, the strange bird was obviously very happy. He couldn't control himself at all, so he landed beside Zhao Si and rubbed his furry head against Zhao Si's wings.

Looks like a dog licking!

Li Xiao: "???"

Tourists around: "???"

Live audience: "???"

"What's the situation? Zhao he so awesome?"

"I admit I'm sore!"

"Click your fingers, and a female bird will fall in Zhao Si's arms. When it comes to flirting with girls, Zhao Si is definitely the number one in the zoo."

"It's so normal. In our real life, some fair-looking little fresh meats can hook their fingers casually. Isn't there a group of brain-dead female fans who want to sleep in other people's beds?"

"In this society, appearance is not everything, without appearance is absolutely impossible!"

"But this is a fucking cross-species, is this possible?"

"Of course! It's normal! In the real society, when some girls meet foreigners, they don't care about their family backgrounds, etc., and those who are up to the pole will pay back, and some foolish ones even marry islanders and black people!"

"Zhao Si is the role model that young people of our generation should learn from. He is telling us with practical actions, don't be a licking dog, but stand up!"

Facing the discussions and gazes of the crowd, Zhao Si raised his head slightly, and looked at the sky at a 35-degree angle, with a high and incomparable posture.

It seems to be saying: No way, you are born to be so good-looking and attractive, you can't learn it!
After showing off for a minute or two, Zhao Si flapped his wings and flew to Xie Mou's head, and asked, "Do you understand? This is called Xiongfeng! Isn't it very impressive, sir?"

Xie Mou rolled his eyelids, although he saw it, he ignored it.

Seeing Xie Mou ignoring him, Zhao Si flew to Li Xiao's shoulder again, and asked again: "Is the master hanging?"

Li Xiao curled his lips and said, "Can you stay away from me? I'm afraid I can't help but slap you!"

Zhao Si rolled his eyes in a humane way: "You are jealous of me! You must look in the mirror before you go out, wipe my shoes, and say three times silently after you go out, you are the grandson and I am the father!"

"I'm jealous of your sister! You still play rap with me. When I was playing rap, Xiaolu and Nailiang hadn't divorced yet!"

Zhao Si belongs to the kind of personality that the more you pay attention to him, the more he will become snarky. The best way to make him quiet is to let him hang out.

After Li Xiao finished speaking, he ignored it and walked towards the strange-looking bird, saying, "Just now I was disturbed by Zhao Si, and I forgot about science. This kind of bird is called a hoopoe bird!"

"What's the matter?"


"What a weird name?"

"Never heard of it!"

"I haven't even seen it before. Today is the first time I saw it. I thought it was a mutant species at first glance!"

Faced with the doubts of the tourists in the live broadcast room, Li Xiao patiently began to popularize science, saying: "The hoopoe, the national bird of Israel, is widely distributed in our country.

Hoopoe's head, neck, and chest are light brown chestnut, and the chest is still stained with light wine color. The base of the overlying feathers on the tail is white, the tip is black, and the edge of some feathers is white. There are brown vertical stripes, all white feathers down to the tail, the iris is brown to reddish brown, the bill is black, the base is light lead purple, and the feet are lead black. The whole contains many colors, just like a walking drawing board.

The hoopoe inhabits open places such as mountains, plains, forests, forest edges, roadsides, river valleys, farmland, grasslands, villages and orchards, and feeds on various insects such as locusts, mole crickets, stoneflies, and scarabs. They make nests in the holes on the ground, and most of these holes are left by woodpeckers. They are more lively and like open and wet ground.

Can be tamed as they are not very afraid of people.

During the mating season, the male Dai Zong birds will first compete in appearance, followed by fierce fights, while the females will watch from the sidelines, and finally form a pair with the winner.

The shape of the hoopoe is extremely unique, with colorful feathers on the top of the head, a long and narrow beak, well-arranged feather patterns, a vigilant and upright disposition, and a habit of loyalty, making it a symbol of religion and legend since ancient times. one of the things.

In China, the hoopoe symbolizes peace, happiness, and happiness. There are many poems praising the hoopoe in ancient times.

For example, in the "Inscription on Dai Sheng" by Jia Dao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, Taoist clothes with star-pointed flower crowns, and Ziyang palace maidens fly incarnate.If the news of the spring can be passed on to the world, if it goes to Pengshan, it will not be released.

There is also "Die Sheng" written by Seng Shouren in the Yuan Dynasty. The green forest is warm and rainy and full of mulberry insects, and the wet emerald red is worn away from the rain.There are also spring thoughts that cannot be restrained, and Shun Huazhi appeals to the spring breeze. "

Li Xiao said a lot in one breath without stopping.

What he said was true.

When hoopoe chooses a partner, it does look at the other person's appearance first.

But Li Xiao didn't expect that this hoopoe would be fascinated by Zhao Si.

The handsome guy in the city was so fascinated by the little girl in the countryside that he couldn't control himself.

But this f*ck is cross-species!

Just like in the national manga "Assassin Five Six Seven", Wang Feng, the leader of the cats, fell in love with the leader of the cats, Mimi, across species.

Looking around and the tourists in the live broadcast room, almost all were dumbfounded.

"My dear, the principal knows a lot!"

"As expected of Beast Encyclopedia!"

"To be honest, I don't even know the two poets the director mentioned at the end."

"However, this poem is really beautiful to read. Just a few lines of poems can make people feel the beauty of the hoopoe, and there will be pictures in their minds."

"Learned new knowledge again, and wrote it down in a small notebook."

"Actually, I'm a student. After hearing what the principal said, I'll have another topic for writing essays in the future, hehe!"

While speaking, Li Xiao had already walked out of the tiger park, heading towards the other animals' enclosures, and said as he walked, "Let me tell you two unpopular little facts. A color coin was launched. The hoopoe bird on the coin means 'the beginning of the millennium, hoopoe is wishful'. It is a very auspicious and profound colored commemorative silver coin. After all, this is the first single coin issued by Huaxia Gold Coin Corporation. A set of colored silver coins!"

"In addition, someone specially ranked all the birds in our country, ranking them according to beauty, fierceness and so on.

Among the top ten beautiful national birds, the hoopoe ranks in the top three, No.1 is the blue-backed tit, No.2 is the white-eared thrush, and the rest are Daiju, red-tailed water robin, and spotted-winged babbler , colorful birds, blue jays, peacocks and golden pheasants! "

Li Xiao hasn't figured out what to do with this hoopoe attracted by Zhao Si for the time being, but since it likes Zhao Si, it's better not to deal with it, let it stay in the zoo area, and play with Zhao Si if it has nothing to do Play.

Maybe because of the existence of this female hoopoe, many male hoopoes will be attracted.

Thereby building nests one after another in the zoo.

After all, as long as there are beautiful women these days, it will definitely cause riots and sensations among the male compatriots!

Next, Li Xiao continued to wander around the various parks in the zoo.

Rather than wandering around, it is better to check out each animal.

See if they are adapting to living here, or if they are injured due to fighting. These need to be checked and treated in time.

Fortunately, these animals cherish this hard-won good environment, and there is no sign of fighting and causing trouble.

On the contrary, get along very well.

For example, because he likes boxing and fighting, Tyson the kangaroo quickly became acquainted with stray dogs such as Bianmu Laizi and Hebei Xiaotian who had just arrived.

After all, these stray dogs are all mixed from the streets, and they are all good at fighting, which is very in line with Tyson's taste.

Another example is King Jiji, this guy is very naughty, he always takes bananas to tease the elephants who have traveled long distances.

And the elephants were not to be outdone, they always sucked some water with their noses, and then sprayed it at King Jiji.

Also, Xiaoqing from the mountain peak and Xiaobai from the Mushroom House get along very well.

Every animal is like every person, they have their own personalities and ideas.

Because of this, when they come together, a lot of fun and interesting things will burst out.

It's like the animated movie "Madagascar" with animals as the theme!
At noon, Li Xiao had lunch at the zoo.

In the canteen of the zoo, Tao Yaoyao specially invited some village aunts who are good at cooking to cook.

They not only make food for some special animals, but also cook for tourists who come to visit.

All the meals are home-cooked. Every meal is basically the same, and the ingredients are grown and raised by the villagers themselves. They are all natural and pollution-free, just like a university cafeteria.

Tourists who come to play can have fun and eat here.

At least the consumption here is much better than some tourist attractions.

In other tourist attractions, a casual bottle of water sometimes costs several dollars, not to mention eating other snacks.

Li Xiao thinks Tao Yaoyao's approach is very good.

Because many women in the village cannot go out to work to earn money because they have to take care of their children at home, they can only stay at home, and Tao Yaoyao’s approach will undoubtedly allow them to go to work nearby, not only get wages every month, but also Saved a lot of trouble.

Li Xiao ordered noodles with fried sauce and mapo tofu, and sat in the cafeteria with Tao Yaoyao for lunch.

During the period, many tourists came to take pictures and ask for autographs, and Li Xiao was satisfied with them all, very humane.

It's not like some [-]th-line stars and Internet celebrities who think they are famous, who are more than ten meters away, and they haven't seen what he looks like before. The first thing to rush over is a bodyguard, and surround him first.

Those who didn't know thought he was the president of the country, and there happened to be a killer who wanted to assassinate him!

After lunch, Li Xiao stayed at the zoo in the afternoon.

The afternoon was cooler and full of food and drink, and he was just in time to start planning.

Although many zoo areas were built before, Li Xiao still specially vacated a large area for construction. After all, the lonely mountain is very big, and Li Xiao also closed this area to prevent tourists from entering.

When Li Xiao entered it, he first used the design drawings of the giant aquarium to build the aquarium first.

As for other vacant areas, plan them first.

After all, there are no drawings of other venues, so there is no way to proceed.


Just as Li Xiao was planning in an orderly manner, the cry of a kestrel whirlwind suddenly came from the sky.

Kestrel Whirlwind: Master, master, something happened!
Something happened?

Now everything in the zoo is moving in a good direction, what can happen?

The kestrel whirlwind flapped its wings and landed in front of Li Xiao: Master, I found the South China tiger!
"South China tiger? Real or fake? Where is it?"

Li Xiao asked excitedly three times.

Kestrel Whirlwind: It's in the deep mountains behind the lonely mountain!

"Did you go to the deep mountains to play? No wonder I didn't meet you just now!"

Li Xiao suddenly realized, and continued to ask: "How many are there?"

Kestrel Whirlwind: Five!Do you want to go and see?

"Let's forget it. There are so many wild South China tigers that are ferocious. Don't make trouble!"

Although Li Xiao wanted to see it very much, he still tried his best to suppress it.

Xiemou and Dandan are South China tigers, but they have been kept in the zoo for too long, and their grandfather has trained them, so they have lost some of their wildness, but wild South China tigers are different, one head can shock the entire forest, and even more so. Forget five heads!
(End of this chapter)

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