My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 297 Giant Panda Beats Pangolin Violently, Level Suppression!

Chapter 297 Giant Panda Beats Pangolin Violently, Level Suppression!
Li Xiao originally thought that after saying this, the tourists in the live broadcast room would feel scared.

Who would have thought...

"Wow, wow, this is too safe."

"I'm most afraid of snakes. Wouldn't it be more secure to have a boyfriend like a vulture?"

"Handsome, loyal and dedicated, knows how to buy a house, and can protect me, this kind of boyfriend is perfect!"

"Don't say anything. When looking for a boyfriend in the future, use the viper as the standard!"

Got it!
I said nothing!
These days, appearance is really justice!
As long as they are handsome, cute and good-looking, even animals can get more love and care from people.

However, Li Xiao still had to say what he should say, and continued: "There is still one biggest shortcoming of snake vultures, and that is laziness.

This guy can fly, but it seldom flies, unless it is a critical moment, more often it prefers to run, not only because it is lazy, but also because it runs faster than flying, and can run three times a day on average. ten kilometers.

Finally, due to human interference, environmental pollution, illegal hunting and other reasons, the number of snake vultures is declining rapidly. At present, the number is less than the marine iguana just now, with less than 20. Some scholars infer that, Within [-] years, the Griffon will be extinct! "

At the end of each science popularization, Li Xiao will basically explain the approximate number of these animals so far. The reason is very simple, that is, to arouse people's attention and attention, so as to realize the protection of the environment and animals.

Even if one person can be supervised, this science popularization is worthwhile.

When the science popularization was over, Li Xiao began to arrange for the staff to carry and place the vultures.

Just when everyone was busy, a tourist rushed over and said in a hurry: "Director, it's not good, something happened!"

"Something happened?"

Li Xiao frowned slightly, and said, "What's the matter, some animals came out?"

"No, no, an animal got in!"

The tourist was in a hurry, and while stretching out his hand, he said anxiously: "An animal just happened to get into the panda's park. After being discovered by the panda, it has now become a ball."

"What animal?"

"It seems to be... a wild pangolin!"

"Fuck! Let's go! Go and have a look!"

Li Xiao couldn't help swearing, and rushed towards the panda park without caring about anything else.

Because the current number of wild pangolins is even smaller than that of snake vultures.

Once found, it must be well protected.

When Li Xiao arrived, there was already a circle of tourists on the inner, third and outer floors.

They were all watching the play with great interest.

After all, this is the gene in the bones of Chinese people.

Looking at the park again, the battle is already in full swing.


The giant panda Pippi frantically waved his fist, and slammed the pangolin heavily.

Pippi: If you disturb my sleep, hit you four!Hit four you!

Li Xiao understood Pippi's words, and couldn't help laughing out loud, and also understood the ins and outs of the matter.

It must be that the pangolin dug the soil just right into the panda park. By coincidence, it disturbed Pippi's sleep, which led to the imminent war.

Even people are angry to get up.

Not to mention a lovely national treasure.

It's a pity that although Pippi's fists are heavy, he is so fat that his fists look like cotton, soft and without any strength, and they are very cute and funny, which makes the tourists around him burst into laughter.

As for the pangolin, it may be because it disturbed Pippi's sleep and it was a bit unreasonable, or it may be because it knew Pippi's status as a national treasure, so it didn't even fight back, but just curled up in a ball and was forced to be beaten without any complaints.

"Pippi: I'm in a good mood today. I'm going to show you a fat beating pangolin. I'm sorry. As a national treasure, I can do whatever I want. If I don't accept it, I will do it. No one will look down on me. Anyway, no matter what kind of animal it is, they are scum!"

"Hahaha, the tickets bought by these tourists today are really a bargain!"

"A weak question, what level of protected animal is the pangolin?"

"Level [-]!"

"Absolutely! This is natural level suppression!"

"Giant pandas have always eaten and slept, and eaten after sleeping. This kind of scene is rare. Take a screenshot, take a screenshot!"

In the live broadcast room, the tourists were also ecstatic and smiling. Those who should deduct 666 deducted 666, the screenshots of the screenshots, and those who should laugh out loud. No one was idle.

Li Xiao stood outside for two to three minutes, and then walked in slowly when the giant panda Pippi had no strength to fight and was sitting there panting.

"Don't be angry, do me a favor and let this poor pangolin go."

Li Xiao said earnestly.


The giant panda Pippi put his hands on his hips, like a little adult, but he was still angry.

Pippi: No way!I'm pissed off for interrupting my nap, with serious consequences!

Li Xiao couldn't help grinning and said, "I'll cook something delicious for you this afternoon, how about it?"


Panda Pippi is still not satisfied.

Li Xiao thought for a while and said, "I'll treat you to a movie tonight. How about the movie "Kung Fu Panda" related to you?"

Li Xiao suddenly said to watch the movie "Kung Fu Panda" because he thought of Pippi's fight just now.

The giant panda Pippi's eyeballs twitched cunningly, and finally nodded humanely.

And Li Xiao hugged the pangolin and successfully walked out of the park.

The pangolin is spiritual, knowing that Li Xiao had saved him just now, it gently rubbed Li Xiao's arm happily.

Pangolin: Thank you, my name is Xiaoying, I came to your zoo on a special trip, but I accidentally dug the wrong hole and dug into the panda’s house!

Could it be wrong?

Li Xiao suddenly felt that this pangolin was so cute.

But on second thought, perhaps it is because pangolins look dull that they are always caught, killed and sold by poachers in the wild.

"so cute!"

"Congratulations to the zoo director for adding another member!"

"It was this thing that dug through the mountain and released the scorpion essence and snake essence!"

"May I ask, what's the name of the grandfather in the gourd baby?"

"If you don't have a name, just call me Grandpa."

"Hey, good grandson!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room were laughing and playing, but Li Xiao said seriously, "Pangolin, this is a very unfortunate name.

Pangolin, also known as dace carp, was first recorded in "Chu Ci". It is the only mammal covered with scales in the world. It has lived on the earth for more than 4000 million years. There are eight species of pangolins in the world, four of which are Distributed in Asia, the other four are distributed in Africa, because their living habits and environments are different, some prefer dry environments, and some are good at climbing trees.

When in danger, some will climb up trees, while others will curl up.

The scales on the surface of their bodies are so hard that even lions and hounds on the grassland can't do anything to them. "


"Pangolin is amazing! It is worthy of the name of wearing a mountain!"

"I didn't expect such a cute little guy to make lions and leopards helpless."

"Are they powerful? But they are so powerful, but they are brutally murdered by human beings and are on the verge of extinction!"

Li Xiao was full of melancholy, and said: "The main food of pangolins is termites. In addition, they also eat ants and their larvae, bees, wasps and other insect larvae. Because of their large appetite, the stomach of an adult pangolin can hold up to 500 What about termites?

According to observations by scientists, as long as there is one adult pangolin in 250 acres of forest land, termites will not cause harm to the forest. It can be seen that pangolins play a great role in protecting forests, dams, maintaining ecological balance, and human health.

In addition, when the pangolin runs, its two front paws hang in the air, a bit like a Tyrannosaurus rex.

But they are far less domineering than Tyrannosaurus rex, let alone become the overlord of the earth like Tyrannosaurus rex.

In the past 10 years, more than 100 million pangolins have been killed in the illegal trade, which is equivalent to a pangolin being caught every 5 minutes, which also makes this rare species in the wild the most illegally traded suckling Animals' are known.

In just 19 years and one year, the amount of confiscated pangolin slices in major cases around the world has reached a staggering 80 tons or more.

It was the armor on it that brought about the fatal disaster.

Pangolin scales are regarded as precious medicinal materials because of unwarranted health preservation, breast-feeding with unknown efficacy, and temporary appetite.

But in fact, after scientific research and proof, there is nothing special about the composition of pangolin scales, the main ingredient is keratin, in other words, it is not much different from human nails and hair.

This kind of hero who can prey on termites, protect forests, and has lived on the earth for 4000 years, before people understand them thoroughly, it will disappear from the earth, and people don't even know their life span in the wild How many are there?

At present, the chances of finding a pangolin in the wild are much lower than that of the national treasure panda.

Even if it can be found, it is basically skinned by poachers! "


"These science popularizations are really useful!"

"I never listened so seriously when I was in school!"

"Write it down, write it down quickly!"

"Tomorrow, I'm going to watch the director's live broadcast with my girlfriends!"

"The content of the director's live broadcast can be used in textbooks!"

In fact, Li Xiao didn't finish speaking.

After all, the topic is too heavy.

The next thing he wants to say is that the caves abandoned by pangolins will often be occupied by tortoises, rodents, badgers and other small beasts that cannot dig holes for a long time afterwards, and become their shelters .

Especially in times of fire, these abandoned caves can save the lives of many animals.

And once pangolins are extinct, let alone whether termites will flood, whether forests will be destroyed, whether flash floods and mudslides will flood, at least these animals will have no shelter, and their numbers will plummet.

After all, they are all part of nature. Once part of them is destroyed, the biological chain will be destroyed!

Because of the preciousness of pangolins, Li Xiao was very excited when he learned about it just now.

Li Xiao didn't treat the pangolin badly, and directly carried it to his office. In order to strengthen its physical fitness, he also gave it special capsules from the system.

Li Xiao is very happy today because he got many rare animals today.

The silverback gorillas, marine iguanas, vultures, and wild pangolins sent by the forest zoo in the natural place are more precious than each other. Their existence will definitely attract more fans.

How did Li Xiao know that the three animals sent by the forest zoo in the natural place today are all their treasures.

It's a pity that everything is cheaper now, Li Xiao!
When the pangolin Xiaoying was settled, Li Xiao opened the door and walked out of the office, just in time to see Second Master Xue walking slowly.

Xue Erye was holding a sack in his right hand, which contained several big pumpkins.

Holding a plastic bag in his left hand, there is water in the plastic bag, which is full of small fish.

"Is your old man here to bring me delicious food?"

Li Xiao greeted him with a smile.

Just as I was preparing for lunch, someone came to deliver the ingredients, which is great.


Second Master Xue didn't even look at Li Xiao, he passed by Li Xiao directly, moved his head to the office for a look, then turned his head and asked indifferently: "Where's that girl Yaoyao?"

"She should be setting up the violin!"

Li Xiao's [-]-[-]-[-] answer.

"What? You asked a little girl to house the snake?"

Second Master Xue jumped into a rage and said, "Xiao Lizi, why is your heart so big?"

Li Xiao wanted to cry, but said, "A vulture is not a snake, just like a kangaroo is not a mouse, it's just a beautiful bird!"

"It's almost there!"

Second Master Xue took a deep breath, put down the things in his hands, and said: "This is the pumpkin I grew at home, I picked a few specially to send here, and these rice flower fish, I specially caught today. "

"Thank you so much, I'm about to make lunch!"

Li Xiao took it with a smile.

Second Master Xue put on a straight face, and said, "Thank you for what? I sent it here specially for Yaoyao girl. Don't you want to cook, then remember to cook it for Yaoyao girl!"

Li Xiao: "..."

Wrong payment!

Thanks to myself, I am still full of joy!
As a result, Tao Yaoyao is the only one in his eyes and heart!

No wonder he just passed by him just now, so he was going to the office to find Tao Yaoyao!
Fortunately, Li Xiao has gotten used to it, otherwise he would have to vomit blood in anger.

But Second Master Xue was still worried, and after repeated exhortations, he walked away step by step.

Watching Second Master Xue leave, Li Xiao went straight to the cafeteria with the pumpkin and rice flower fish in his arms.

This afternoon, Li Xiao will cook for himself.

"You can see the head of the garden showing off his cooking skills again!"

"The last time I saw it was at the Mushroom House."

"Attention all tourists, a wave of high energy is coming, please order takeaway immediately, so as not to get hungry later!"

"Fuck! How did Second Master Xue grow such a big pumpkin? This is enough for me to eat for a month!"

When Li Xiao opened the sack and took out the pumpkin, all the visitors in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

Because this pumpkin is surprisingly big.

It should be at least twice as big as the pumpkins you see in ordinary times.

Not only that, but the color is very fresh, and it is full of fragrance, which makes people drool uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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