My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 3 Eagle training, it's that simple

Chapter 3 Eagle training, it's that simple (please collect, please recommend)
Soon, Li Xiao found the eagle.

The eagle was eating fresh meat and ignored Li Xiao.

"Look, everyone, that's my big bird!"

Li Xiao hid in the grass and pointed.

"Fuck! This eagle is really big!"

"Watch its eyes."

"Across the screen, I feel scared."

Although it is far away, the drone can still clearly photograph the eagle.

In addition to the huge body, it is the chilling sharp eyes.

There was fierceness in his eyes, as if he was telling all creatures that Lao Tzu is the overlord of the sky, and his confidence shines brightly.

Li Xiao introduced: "The scientific name of my big bird is black kite. It is a medium-sized raptor with a body length of [-] centimeters and has grown into an adult. It mainly feeds on small birds, rats, snakes, frogs, fish, hares, lizards and insects. Eat animal food, eyesight is eight times that of humans."

"Although it is not a large raptor, in any zoo, tourists cannot get close to it, because it is born rebellious and harder to tame than a tiger. Even professional breeders want to touch it, or clean it. Birdhouses need to wear thick armor to avoid being scratched, or even have their throats ripped off by sharp claws."

"Except for professional falconers or staff members who developed a relationship with the eagle when it was a child, almost no one else can get close to the eagle."

"And even they need to wear special protective gear."

"But I don't need it!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiao walked towards the eagle with a smile on his face.

"The anchor is about to start acting aggressive, everyone get out of the way."

"I think the anchor is crazy."

"Same as above! But it doesn't matter, just be careful not to be so reckless in your next life."

"I haven't added eagle hunting yet, I need to record it soon."

"The anchor thought of himself as Yang, and waited to be hunted down by eagles and fled."

"Human-Eagle War, although it seems that I have no sympathy, but I really like it."

"Eagle: I didn't order takeaway, why did you come to the door on my own initiative?"

Without any protection, Li Xiao approached the eating eagle alone.

This move completely ignited the atmosphere of everyone in the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room with hundreds of people, the aura of tens of thousands of people was displayed in an instant.

It is densely packed with bullet screens.

Comparable to a big anchor.

Li Xiao walked towards the eagle unhurriedly, and said solemnly: "Let me secretly tell you a secret, in fact, I know how to train eagles."

"A great philosopher in the 21st century, Wozki Schout, once said that training an eagle is very simple. As long as you smile and look at the eagle with sincere eyes, let the eagle feel your sincerity and kindness, then it will I would like to be your friend."

"This method is much more convenient than cooking an eagle with black eye circles in "The Iron Fist of Shame"!"

"I just like the way the anchor is serious and bragging."

"Calf: There are billions of people on the earth, you are the best talker I have ever seen."

"Please don't say that about the anchor. The anchor is right. I used this method to train eagles in my previous life."

"I don't know if eyes can teach eagles, but my eyes have the effect of watching someone get pregnant or staring at someone who has a miscarriage."

"Let the anchor say a few more words, or I won't have a chance to say it later."

No one believed Li Xiao in the live broadcast room.

Take Li Xiao's words as a joke.

But Li Xiao was very calm.

Before I knew it, I was one meter away from the eagle.

The eagle didn't attack Li Xiao, nor did it run away. Instead, its wings spread slightly, and its sharp eyes stared at Li Xiao.

Be vigilant with tension.

Li Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Hello, my name is Li Xiao, and I am the new director of Gushan Zoo, and also your new owner."

"Your original owner was my grandfather. He left yesterday, so he couldn't come to feed you, which made you hungry."

"I'll take you home now."

After speaking, he took out a piece of fresh meat and threw it to the eagle.

Eagle sensed a familiar aura from Li Xiao, and did not refuse.

Gently probe.

It easily grabbed the fresh meat.

He tilted his head up, swallowed several times, and easily swallowed the fresh meat.

After eating the meat, the vigilance and tension in the eagle's eyes disappeared.

Li Xiao took out another piece of meat and threw it away again.

The eagle swallowed it in one gulp.

After repeating this two or three times, Li Xiao no longer threw the meat, but held it by the eagle's mouth with his hands.

It was the first time for the tourists in the live broadcast room to see the eagle eating.

A piece of meat that one or two people can't finish in one meal, the eagle will get it done with three strikes.

Just about to sigh in amazement, seeing Li Xiao's actions, he immediately gasped, his heart almost jumped into his throat.

Everyone's eyes widened, for fear that the eagle would take Li Xiao's hand away in the next second.

The scene of the eagle eating meat just now is clearly visible.

One must know that Li Xiao's hands are full of the smell of meat, no one can tell if the eagle will grab it casually.

With that terrifying bite force, with one bite, Li Xiao's right hand was useless.

The eagle took away the piece of meat, but not Li Xiao's right hand.

Very spiritual.

Li Xiao took courage and started stroking the eagle with his left hand.

The eagle did not resist.

It seems that after feeding these pieces of meat, the eagle has already recognized Li Xiao.

Li Xiao was not careless, and carefully observed the eagle's body reaction all the time.

As long as the eagle has the slightest resistance, Li Xiao will stop immediately.

Li Xiao touched the eagle's back first, then moved up a little bit, and touched the eagle's head.

Finally, Li Xiao touched the eagle's beak.

The beak is the most precious place of every bird. They need it to eat and even protect themselves. When they are willing to let you touch their beak, it means that they have [-]% trust in you.

A few pieces of meat can easily handle sea eagles!

Whether you are the overlord of the sky or not, as long as I provide food and shelter, you have to listen to me!

"Training the eagle is as simple as that."

Li Xiao grinned at the camera.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Is this all right?"

"The anchor didn't put drug in the meat, did he?"

"At this time, I must quote a classic line from Boss Cao Cao: Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"This is amazing. Could it be that animals are really spiritual, except for flies?"

"In the future, hang out with me and let you eat meat."

Li Xiao patted his shoulder and said, "Come on, stand here!"

The eagle flapped its wings, jumped down from the tree, and landed on Li Xiao's right shoulder.

Eagles are smart and deliberately control power.

Otherwise, with the sharpness of the claws, Li Xiao's arm could be torn off on the spot.

"This is too obedient, let's make it more difficult."

Li Xiao didn't expect the eagle to obey his words so much. After thinking for a few seconds, he rolled his eyes, pointed at the sky, and said, "Go to the sky above your head and fly clockwise three times, and then fly back."

(End of this chapter)

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