My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 302 Difficult Labor Snow Leopard Mother

Chapter 302 Difficult Labor Snow Leopard Mother

"A vulture is actually named Guo'er, a word, absolutely!"

"Yang Guo: Director, are you polite?"

"Little Dragon Girl: So I have been in love with Yang Guo's eagle!"

"Can you please don't mention it, the first time Xiaolongnv was taken away by Yin Zhiping, but my heart aches for the rest of my life!"

"In the past, there were no such categories as fantasy, supernatural, games, and cities. The only novels I could read were martial arts, Jin Guliang, Wen Huang, and I have read all of them."

"Jin's Trilogy of Shooting the Condors, Gu's Tianya Mingyue Dao, Liang's Seven Swords Down the Tianshan Mountains, Wen's Four Famous Captures, Huang's Legend of the Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty, full of childhood memories."

"No, no, no, our childhood memories and story clubs, the kind of novels that can be bought for a few dollars at a magazine stand, although they are all short stories, but some of them are well written. When I was young, I was scared. Needless to say, I hid under the covers in the middle of the night and didn't dare to go to the toilet at all."

"So there are so many martial arts fans in the live broadcast room, so here, I want to ask you a question, why Duan Zhengchun, Duan Yu's father, one of the three protagonists in Jin's "Dragon Babu", can be liked by so many girls, Women like Dao Baifeng, Li Qingluo, Qin Hongmian, Gan Baobao, Ruan Xingzhu, Kang Min all love him to the death and death, don't they forget?"

It may be that the closer it is to the Tianshan Mountains, the farther away it is from the hustle and bustle of the city. In addition, Li Xiao named the eagle owl, which instantly aroused the longing and longing in the hearts of countless tourists and martial arts fans in the live broadcast room.

May I ask, under the influence of various martial arts novels when I was young, who hasn't imagined walking the world with a sword?
As long as you have a handful of decent branches in your hand, the crops in a radius of ten miles will suffer.

But when a tourist asked a question, the entire live broadcast room fell silent instantly.

This question is very in-depth.

After all, no matter whether they are watching the novels or TV series of "Dragon Babu", people pay more attention to the three protagonists, thus ignoring some other characters.

Especially Duan Zhengchun, few people have really thought about why so many women like him.

After a while, people in the live broadcast room began to answer one after another.


"He looks handsome!"

"The Duan family of Dali is a royal family after all. As a royal family, it's not normal for a group of women to like it?"

"It makes sense! Our prince's family is not a royal family, just because the family is rich, and there are a lot of Internet celebrities around him, wishing to give himself completely to them!"

Li Xiao was not satisfied with any of these answers, he slowly shook his head and said, "Do you think the Dali Duan family's Yiyang finger is just martial arts? What those women love is not Duan Zhengchun, but Duan Zhengchun's Yiyang finger!"

"One yang finger? Isn't it just martial arts?"

"Why can't I understand what the principal is saying?"

"Fuck! I seem to understand something?"

"Let me explain. In the ancient imperial palace, the emperor had so many concubines. What should they do if they feel lonely at night? There are only useless eunuchs around them, but useless eunuchs are also very useful. to replace something!"

"Nimma! I suddenly understand!"

"The principal is starting the bus, everyone sit down!"

"This car is so stealthy. If there is no explanation, I really don't understand!"

"Dirty dirt!!!"

Li Xiao was driving the car in his hand, and driving the car in his mouth. Soon, Tianshan was zooming in rapidly in his field of vision.

Probably because he was tired from flying, the eagle owl Guoer stood directly on the roof of the car.

Why fly when you can ride for free?

It's not stupid either!

As the car drove to the foot of Tianshan Mountain, Li Xiao didn't get out of the car and climb up immediately, but sent out five more drones.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

Li Xiao wanted to get acquainted with the terrain and environment of this area first, and then set off after making sure it was correct.

Watching the five drones slowly fly towards the majestic Tianshan Mountains, Li Xiao turned around and climbed to the roof of the car, lying on the roof, breathing the unique fresh air of the grassland, enjoying the last comfortable time.

Beside him, Xiao Hei and Guo Er accompanied him, and they also lay lazily on the roof of the car, and accompanied Li Xiao to rest with his eyes closed, basking in the sun.

Originally it was just a very simple and ordinary pose, but because the scenery here is so good, the live broadcast picture is too beautiful, just like a blockbuster filmed.

The system is even more spiritual, and it properly played a Hackberry song "new boy", which was recently sung by the landlord's cat.

Good song, good song and good scene!

Who did not move the heart is far!
Life should be enjoyed and longed for in this way, but now too many people are occupied by pressure and desire, so that life has changed!
"Ding! A drone spotted a Chinese snow leopard!"

As the drone flew at extremely high speed and searched closely near Tianshan Mountain, soon, the system sound suddenly exploded in his brain, and Li Xiao's eyes lit up, and he sat up.

Mobilize video.

Start viewing.

I saw a pure white "big cat" except for the iconic leopard print, lying quietly in the field of vision of a drone.

This is the Chinese Snow Leopard!
Because it has the pure white fur unique to snow leopards, with black spots and rings scattered from the head to all parts of the body. The black spots on the head are small and dense, getting bigger as it goes back, and the tail is thicker and longer.

The snow leopard in front of me is more than 1.4 meters long and weighs [-] kilograms according to visual inspection. Such a huge body is worthy of the title of king of snow mountains.

In addition to the king of snow mountains, it also has the title of "barometer for the health of high-altitude ecosystems", because it is a beast at the top of the plateau ecological food chain by virtue of its sensitivity, alertness, endurance, and ferocity.

Otherwise, the team created by the protagonist Zhou Weiguo in the anti-Japanese drama "Snow Leopard" would not be named after Snow Leopard.

Although it is difficult to surpass "Bright Sword", "Snow Leopard" is definitely a classic among the classics, and it can definitely easily squeeze into the top five among anti-Japanese dramas.

Wenwen became popular with his superb acting skills in "Snow Leopard". If it weren't for the "see you on Monday" incident, he would definitely have a place at the top of the current film and television industry.

As Li Xiao switched the live broadcast camera, the live broadcast room instantly sparked a discussion!
"God, is that a leopard? A white leopard!"

"Damn it! The director found the snow leopard right after he came to Tianshan Mountain. This is great luck. There is no need to go to those research center personnel."

"Luck is a really mysterious thing sometimes!"

"That's right! Just like a foreign news, a certain person bought a lottery ticket because he didn't want to go to work, and ended up winning millions. From then on, he started a life of drunkenness and debauchery, and spent it in less than two or three years. In the end, he used the last of his money to buy a lottery ticket, and in the end he won again, you say it's irritating or not!"

"Wait, why is the snow leopard lying on the ground without moving?"

"The snow leopard has been breathing heavily, it looks so painful, is there something wrong with its body?"

In fact, Li Xiao had already noticed this.

Looking at the round belly of this snow leopard, a bold guess suddenly flashed in his mind.

In a daze, I also understood why the staff of the research center were so anxious to find me.

But guesses are guesses after all, and Li Xiao won't say it in the live broadcast room before it's actually implemented.

After all, there are hardcore fans, black fans, and scumbags in the live broadcast room. If it is not the case, it will be slapped in the face.

In the live broadcast, the snow leopard is lying in a deep depression on the mountainside.

This should be its home.

At home, there is some dry and messy grass.

Next to it were some animal bones.

It should have been eaten by it.

Eat clean.

Every bone is bare, not even a trace of minced meat can be found.

If there is no food supply, it must be difficult for it to successfully survive this crisis.

What's more, even if there is no food, given the simple environment of its home, it will definitely be frozen.

Being on the plateau, there is no warm and gentle mountain wind anymore, and there is a biting cold wind that shaves your face almost all the time.

When the tourists in the live broadcast room were discussing, Li Xiao was already observing the environment and state of the snow leopard, while changing his clothes, putting on the protective gear, and heading towards the cave where the snow leopard was located on foot.

Li Xiao discovered that the news about Snow Leopard spread rapidly, and more and more people flooded into the live broadcast room.

Especially some students majoring in animals and plants.

"I always thought the snow leopard was extinct, but I didn't expect to see it in the director's live broadcast room."

"I have studied animals and plants for so many years. I have always seen snow leopards in books. Today is the first time I saw a live one with my own eyes. Thanks to the director."

"The head of the park has already set off. I hope it can be closer so that we can see it more clearly."

"Wait! Why didn't the director drive there? Isn't it faster? What if the snow leopard finds the drone and takes the opportunity to escape?"

At first glance, this question was raised by Animal Xiaobai.

It may also be that you are too anxious, and impatient will cause confusion, so the questions you ask are very brain-dead.

Li Xiao explained embarrassingly: "Snow Leopard can spot drones, so it can also spot cars, and the movement of cars is even bigger!

We are too close to this snow leopard now, less than eight miles away. If the sound of the car starting disturbs the snow leopard again, it may cause irreversible consequences.

According to my observation, this is a female leopard, and it is already in the stage of giving birth, so it cannot be frightened! "

Although it was the first time he came to the snowy plateau, Li Xiao's physical fitness was excellent, and he didn't show any signs of panting after talking so much.

As soon as Li Xiao's words came out, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room.

"Oh my god, it turned out to be a female snow leopard!"

"No wonder its belly is round. When I first saw so many bones around it, I thought it was full."

"Why do I feel that something is wrong with this snow leopard?"

"That's right, I also discovered that its breathing fluctuates greatly."

"It feels so painful."

"Headmaster, hurry up and help Mother Snow Leopard."

In order not to disturb the snow leopard's mother, Li Xiao deliberately kept Xiao Hei and Guo'er away from him to prevent the snow leopard from smelling their scent and reacting aggressively when they felt threatened.

In addition, Li Xiao also controls a relatively small bird-like drone.

I have to say that the performance of the UAV rewarded by the system is really powerful. It was upgraded when helping a family of three finless porpoise reunite.

The appearance is quite realistic, at first glance, it really looks like a bird.

This is like Iron Man's battle armor, which is usually about the same size and height as a normal person, but in "Avengers II", in order to subdue the Hulk, it can also be assembled and transformed into a big man.

Because Li Xiao was too cautious, coupled with the aggressiveness of the drone, even if he was only a few meters away from the Chinese Snow Leopard, he did not disturb it.

At this time, the whole picture of the snow leopard was also displayed in front of everyone.

Its eyes are emerald green, very beautiful, like gems.

Judging from the color of its fur and the shape of its teeth, this should be a young mother, and it is the first time to give birth to a baby.

As we all know, the first time a baby is the most painful.

Because I don't have any experience, everything is so strange, I feel very scared, and if I am stimulated and influenced by the outside world, the situation will become even worse.

Observing Snow Leopard's mother at close range, Li Xiao paid close attention to every part of her body, her face became more and more ugly, and she said softly: "Although I don't want to dampen everyone's enthusiasm, I have to say, this one The mother snow leopard is giving birth for the first time, and she is in very bad shape.

I hope it's okay more than you do, but the truth is right in front of us.

It seemed to have exerted all its strength, and had used up all of it, so it could only breathe heavily there.

Looking at the chubby belly, you can vaguely see a trace of twitching. It should be that the baby is kicking the tummy, but judging from the weak twitching, the baby's condition is not optimistic.

There is also the place under the snow leopard's mother's abdomen near the 'exit', where it is indeed a bit humid, it should be the rhythm of giving birth, but it has been almost dried by the wind.

From all indications, this snow leopard mother is facing a dystocia! "

Li Xiao didn't finish speaking.

The following words are: If there is no timely and effective rescue, the snow leopard mother and baby will lose their lives, and they will die directly!
If these words were said, it would definitely stimulate too many tourists, and also make them crazy, sad and sad. Li Xiao kindly swallowed it into his stomach.

At this time, Yin Zhong from the Rare Animal Research and Rescue Center had heard the news and came to the live broadcast room.

Beside him, there is also a large number of staff gathered.

After seeing the snow leopard mother, tears filled their eyes with excitement.

Tears are mixed with touch, joy and incredible.

They came to Tianshan Mountain and followed the snow leopard for half a month, but they couldn't find its home, and they didn't get so close to her. They didn't expect Li Xiao to run into her on the first day.

Before they had time to sigh and be happy, they quickly noticed the unsatisfactory situation of Snow Leopard's mother, and immediately started chatting privately with Li Xiao like a bombardment.

(End of this chapter)

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