My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 304 1 Birth, 6 Treasures!Baby snow leopard is born!

Chapter 304 Six Treasures in One Birth!Baby snow leopard is born!

The weakness of almost all animals is their belly. If they are willing to expose their belly in front of you, it means that they have [-]% trust in you.

At this time, the tourists in the live broadcast room also understood what was going on one after another, and they no longer disputed whether Snow Leopard's mother would suddenly bite Li Xiao.

Because Snow Leopard's mother, who was fierce by nature, has turned into a docile and intelligent cat, she seems to know that Li Xiao has no malicious intentions and came here to help!

"Lie down obediently and bear with me for a while. I'll check your situation first."

Snow Leopard's mother was unprepared and hostile, so Li Xiao naturally became extremely gentle.

That expression, that tone of voice, seemed to be coaxing a child.

Quickly squatting beside Snow Leopard's mother, Li Xiao began to examine carefully.

After a while, Li Xiao's face became a little ugly.


It is indeed dystocia!
And it is the most dangerous horizontal fetal position in dystocia!

The so-called transverse fetal position refers to when the long axis of the fetus and the long axis of the mother are perpendicular to each other, and the shoulder or hand of the fetus is the first position, the probability is extremely low, only in the case of light weight babies or multiple births Appear.

To use an analogy, it’s like when pooping, basically everyone is in a strip, and it will be very smooth.

Occasionally there will be soup with water.

But once the strips are no longer vertical, but horizontal, it will be particularly painful.

"Troublesome! The transverse fetal position is very dangerous for the mother and baby. If it is not handled properly in time, it will endanger the life of the mother and baby. Both the mother and the baby will lose their lives!"

Li Xiao frowned, and said: "If it's because the snow leopard baby's head is stuck, you just need to adjust the snow leopard baby's posture a little bit.

But this kind of transverse fetal position is completely different. The snow leopard baby’s shoulders or other parts will be stuck at the birth canal opening. It will be more difficult to adjust. If it is not handled properly, it may cause massive bleeding! "

After listening to Li Xiao's explanation, the overall atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly became dignified. "It's really pitiful for this snow leopard to be a mother for the first time and encounter such a thing."

"How can this be done, how could such a thing happen?"

"C-section! Hurry up, c-section!"

"You are not a fool, but now you are on a snow mountain, how can you have a caesarean section?"

"Does the headmaster have a good idea?"

In this difficult and cold environment, Li Xiao had no other way, all he could think of was to forcefully push the snow leopard baby back.

It's like a train is driving on the wrong track. Seeing that two trains are about to collide, just change the track of one of the trains in time to let the train come to the correct track to avoid collision.

But giving birth is not like changing the track, the latter is easier, but the former undoubtedly endures indescribable pain.

You must know that giving birth is a pain of ten degrees.

If you don't know what the tenth level of pain means, or how painful it is, you can read "Love Apartment" in the fifth season.

Or imagine that your two balls were kicked by someone, and after this kick, it continued more and more.

Under this kind of painful stimulation, Li Xiao couldn't guarantee whether Snow Leopard's mother would go crazy in pain and bite herself uncontrollably.


Just when Li Xiao was hesitating, Snow Leopard's mother whimpered again.

Mother Snow Leopard: Save my child, save my child, please! ! !
Snow Leopard's mother was already pretty and pitiful, and she looked even more pear-like and rainy when she stared at Li Xiao with those clear green eyes.

Even the tourists in the live broadcast room across the screen can clearly feel the strong pleading.

"Mother Snow Leopard is praying to the director!"

"Principal, hurry up and save her, time is life, I really can't waste it!" "Oh, why did you let me see such a cruel scene... It hurts..." "A mother's love is really great, eyes It's so red, it makes me want to cry."

"Mother's love is indeed great. When I came home on the first day of summer vacation, I didn't want what I liked. I cooked all kinds of delicious food for me. But within a week, they disliked me in all kinds of ways. They didn't scold me for not being good at night. I can’t sleep in the morning, just complain that I don’t clean the room, and all the time after a week after I get home from vacation, I rely on me to wash the dishes and sweep the floor every day to threaten our mother and child’s relationship and relationship. I will never forget the day I left, My mother was so happy, she went downstairs to dance in the square, and went to see a movie with me to celebrate."

"Upstairs, you're so lucky! When I got home from the fucking holiday, I found that my house had been evacuated and turned into a rough house. At first I thought it was a burglar, so I called my parents, only to find out My mom and dad even secretly moved behind my back, and asked me to come back from summer vacation and live in a rough house without telling me the address of my new home.”

"Same world, same mother! Whether it's work or school, as long as the first day home, my mother likes it or doesn't want it, and after that, she will dislike it as much as possible."

"You guys stop making trouble, I was about to cry, but you made me laugh!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room were discussing about the mother, while Li Xiao looked at Snow Leopard's mother and said softly: "I can save you and your child, but the process may be painful, can you bear it? "


Snow Leopard's mother nodded in a humane way.

"Fuck, mother Snow Leopard, do you understand?"

"I'm not mistaken, is it nodding? Responding to the principal???"

"After the founding of the People's Republic of China, isn't it forbidden to become a master?"

"Everything has animism, I finally saw it today!"

"Guardian, save it quickly, don't let the snow leopard baby suffocate to death!"

With the affirmation of the snow leopard mother and the urging of the tourists in the live broadcast room, Li Xiao began to carefully help the snow leopard mother push the snow leopard baby back and adjust its position.

Because he has learned the art of delivering babies, Li Xiao is very familiar with it.

As soon as his hands were placed on the snow leopard mother's belly, he could clearly perceive the position and current state of the snow leopard baby in the belly.

Although Li Xiao has been extra careful, it is inevitable that Snow Leopard's mother will be hurt during the process, but Li Xiao's technique is very skillful, and he is also proficient in massage, which can minimize the pain. The adjusted crossfader is much better.

"Okay! Huh..."

After more than ten minutes, Li Xiao withdrew his hands wearing medical gloves.

There were bloodstains all over the glove.

It is conceivable what kind of pain the snow leopard mother suffered during the whole process.

"Now the position of the snow leopard baby has been adjusted, I have done everything I should do, and the next thing is up to the snow leopard mother!"

As Li Xiao said, he took off his medical gloves and began to open his backpack.

In the backpack, there is a can of oxygen, a mask, and some fresh meat prepared by Li Xiao in advance.

Before Li Xiao came, Snow Leopard's mother was already in great pain, and she didn't have much strength left. After the pain just now, she didn't have any strength at all now, with severe physical loss, coupled with hypoxia and hunger. , with its current situation, it may be difficult to give birth to the baby by itself.

The snow leopard mother was really hungry. In order to give birth to a baby with peace of mind, it has been hunting for several days. It even ate up all the food it had stored before. He devoured all the fresh meat that Li Xiao fed.

After a while, Snow Leopard's mother finally had the strength to give birth to the baby herself.

"Wow! It's finally time to start!"

"Come on, Mother Snow Leopard!"

"It's really weird. I, a big man, actually watch the snow leopard mother give birth, and I still enjoy watching it."

"Who said it wasn't, I became nervous."

"I am a single dog who has lived for thousands of years, and I have also experienced the nervous feeling of having a child."

"come on! Come on!"


At this moment, everyone in the live broadcast room was silently cheering for Snow Leopard's mother.

Some crazily snapped words on the public screen.

Others let go of prayers on their chests.

Perhaps feeling the motivation brought by the tourists in the live broadcast room, finally, the small head of a baby snow leopard was exposed.

As long as the head comes out, basically more than half of the success has been achieved.

With the continuous efforts of Snow Leopard's mother, finally...


With a soft sound, a little snow leopard wrapped in fetal membranes slid out and appeared in Li Xiao's sight.

Little Snow Leopard was born!

Li Xiao was overjoyed, the smile on his face almost stretched to the back of his head.

But he was not happy for long, but continued to worry.

Because according to the reproductive law of snow leopards, basically each litter is three to five snow leopard cubs.

And after his massage and pushing just now, he clearly felt that there were at least two or three more in his stomach.

Now it's just the first one, there will be more in the future!
The further you go, the more difficult it is.

It's not that after giving birth to one, the opening of the birth canal becomes unobstructed, and it will be easy.

Because no one knows what will happen to the next baby snow leopard.

Secondly, after giving birth to a snow leopard baby, the snow leopard mother was almost unable to hold on, so Li Xiao had no choice but to start delivering oxygen to it.

Oxygen masks are for people, and cannot be buckled on the snow leopard mother's face.

Li Xiao quickly thought of a way, which is actually a stupid way, which is to put the oxygen tank next to the snow leopard's mother's head in the release mode.

This method will cause the oxygen to be released too quickly, so Li Xiao has to replace it every ten minutes.

Li Xiao once worried that the oxygen he carried was not enough, which would affect the snow leopard mother's subsequent babies.

Fortunately, the snow leopard mother is very strong. After the first baby snow leopard was adjusted and born, the remaining little ones were born one after another like beans pouring from a bamboo tube.

"Congratulations! The baby snow leopard is finally born!"

"Oh my god, they are still born consecutively!"

"That's great! If only I could have such a smooth delivery when I have a baby!"

"Isn't the director good at delivering babies? You can ask the director to deliver the baby for you then."

"These little snow leopard cubs are so cute, at first glance, they thought they were little piggies!】

"Politeness: Are you a snow leopard?"

"Not to mention, it really looks like a piglet, probably because it's wrapped in the fetal membranes and is smooth. I guess it will be fine when the fur is dry!"

Giving birth to a baby is a very energy-consuming thing. Although I have eaten fresh meat and accumulated some energy, it was exhausted soon. Now the snow leopard mother has no energy to pick up all the little ones one by one. In his arms, give the little ones warmth.

Although snow leopards basically give birth in the early morning, the temperature above the Tianshan Mountains is too low. If you don’t lick off the fetal membranes and hair of snow leopard babies in time, I am afraid that the newborn babies will get sick, and even the serious ones will die. life-threatening.

Human beings should not touch the babies of any animals as soon as they are born.

Because animal mothers are very protective and exclusive of their cubs, 80.00% of them will choose to abandon them once they are contaminated with the smell of other things.

The snow leopard mother in front of her is her first litter. If there is too much human intervention, the possibility of abandonment will be even greater.

But Li Xiao couldn't just watch these snow leopard mothers suffer from the cold, so after thinking twice, he decided to do it himself.

"I'm also here to help you, I hope you don't abandon your baby."

After Li Xiaoyu said something earnestly, he found a pair of clean medical gloves from his backpack and took out a medical blade.

After cutting the umbilical cords of the snow leopard babies quickly, Li Xiao stretched out his hands to hold the babies, and carefully placed them in the arms of the snow leopard mother one by one.


Snow Leopard's mother was not angry, but was very grateful for Li Xiao's help.

After softly whimpering and thanking, he began to lower his head, carefully licking the fetal membranes and hair covering the babies.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiao let out a long sigh of relief, and secretly sighed in his heart: Fortunately, this snow leopard mother is very sensible!

Time passed minute by minute, and I don't know how long it took, and the last snow leopard baby was finally born.

Li Xiao stood aside, accompanying and guarding the whole process. He also counted and confirmed that the snow leopard mother had given birth to six cubs in total.

According to literature records and film and television materials, most snow leopard mothers will give birth to three cubs in one litter.

Four is just a very small probability.

Five is considered high yield.

This wild Chinese snow leopard gave birth to six babies at once, which is very exaggerated.

But with Li Xiao's help, all six were safe and sound, which is a miracle.

It's a pity that because there are too many litters, each snow leopard baby is very delicate, weighing only a few hundred grams, less than a catty.

No wonder some tourists say they look like little piggies.

As the snow leopard mother licked all the cubs in her arms to dry up the fetal membranes, they were also very smart and started to find their "jobs" by groping around.

One by one, they lay obediently under the belly of the snow leopard mother, and began to suck the sweet juice.

"Phew! It's finally safe and sound, this trip was not in vain!"

Li Xiao heaved a sigh of relief and took off his fur hat.

Maybe it was because the fur hat was too warm, or maybe it was because the whole process was too tense just now, Li Xiao's forehead was covered with sweat, and his hair was already soaked.

As soon as you take it off, you can still see the tumbling heat.

In the next second, it was like a drowned rat.

 ps: Thank you qq for reading [1915496971] monthly pass.

  Thank you for reading the monthly ticket of [Zhuangxin Garden].

  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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