My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 310 Hunting in Tianshan

Chapter 310 Hunting in Tianshan

Eat too much and can't pull it out?
Suddenly, Li Xiao thought of the most edible snow leopard baby—Da Wa!
With a slight sinking in his heart, Li Xiao turned his head to look.

I saw the eldest baby lying in the snow leopard's mother's arms with eyes closed and sleeping soundly. Everything looked so normal and healthy, but...

The eldest child's belly is swollen high, like a small leather drum.

Looking at the buttocks, a small section of light yellow meconium was stuck there.

What do you want!
Really constipated!

Li Xiao's face suddenly turned ugly.

Constipation in this kind of newborn animal cub is very difficult to deal with, and you can't use Kaisel like a human!

"Why did the director's expression suddenly become so fierce?"

"Could there be another accident?"

"Is there something wrong with the snow leopard baby again?"

"It's really a disaster!"

"That's right! I once watched a documentary, which said that in order to raise babies in the wild, if a wolf dies during the period, the mother will eat the baby directly, so as to ensure that she and the rest of the babies will not starve !"

Seeing that Li Xiao's face became unsightly, the tourists in the live broadcast immediately realized that something was wrong, and they all sent bullet screens to ask questions.

Li Xiao shook his head, and told the tourists about the information he had just read, and then he took the big baby out of Snow Leopard's mother's arms, put it in front of him, and said, "Thankfully, I found it in time. , can still be dealt with, the problem is not big!"

Maybe it's because it's a bit uncomfortable to hold back, and the quality of sleep of the older baby is not good.

When I was sleeping, I always pouted my little butt and kept dangling, trying to expel the blocked meconium in this way.

It's a pity that it was born less than a day ago, and all aspects of its body are not very tough, and its immature intestines are not yet capable of squeezing and excreting such solid meconium, so the small piece of meconium that has just emerged is stuck in it. the door.

Li Xiao's proficient medical gloves did not rush to deal with the stuck piece of meconium, but put his hands under the belly of the big baby, and pressed gently.

After some careful inspection, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and said, "It's okay! It's just a small piece stuck, and the meconium in the intestine hasn't turned into a hard lump either!
As long as the small piece stuck at the door is solved, the rest can be discharged smoothly! "

This is really because Li Xiao discovered it in time, otherwise, it would be really difficult to deal with, and even the eldest child would be suffocated to death.

Can a living person be suffocated to death by papa?
Really can!
A foreign man didn't go to the toilet for three years, and he weighed more than 200 catties. After his death, he took out 36 catties of poop from his stomach!

This is true for human beings, not to mention the fragile snow leopard babies who are just born!
Now that the problem has been discovered and the cause has been found, the next step is to prescribe the right medicine.

Li Xiao was not in a hurry to pull out the small piece of meconium stuck at the door, but used a medical cotton swab first, dipped it in some pure water, and after getting wet, he started to moisten the big baby little by little. doorway and meconium.

"Principal, isn't it a bit too much trouble for you to do this?"

"Yes, yes, isn't it just a small piece stuck, wouldn't it be fine to just pull it out?"

"It's superfluous, isn't it?"

"Yeah, why do you have to deal with it so carefully?"

In the live broadcast room, some tourists who didn't know about this aspect asked.

They were very puzzled.

"Pull it out directly, it will definitely not work!"

Li Xiao shook his head, and said patiently: "This kind of hardness is nothing to us humans, and it is nothing to adult snow leopards, but it is deadly to newborn snow leopard babies.

Because their mucous membranes are still relatively fragile and delicate, they may be scratched with a little rubbing.

It even scratches the skin, causing blood to flow.

The most important thing is that this part is a sensitive place for nerve accumulation, and it is easy to get inflamed due to improper cleaning. If it is not treated properly, it will cause abscess, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

Generally speaking, wild snow leopard mothers will intermittently stimulate this part of the snow leopard babies with the tip of their tongues to stimulate them to defecate.

I don’t know if you have observed the cats and dogs in your home. After giving birth, they will also lick their buttocks for their babies.

By doing this, I naturally imitated the snow leopard mother to stimulate this part of the snow leopard baby, so that it can learn to defecate by itself. In addition, the water can also soften the meconium, making it easier to defecate! "

"It turns out there are so many things to pay attention to when pulling a papa!"

"I was really sloppy in the past, and I will have such a sense of ritual when I go to the toilet in the future!"

"I know what the headmaster said just now! My mother cat just gave birth to a baby a week ago, and she would really lick this part of the baby. I didn't understand what was going on before, and I thought my mother cat What are the special hobbies of cats, so it is like this!"

"This is too detailed, the director knows a lot! Awesome Klass!"

"And that also requires watching the family pet after giving birth? I've seen it in some island acrobatic movies!

"It's all the same!"

"What, the one who said the island country acrobatics movie, please tell me the URL, I have a friend who wants to watch it."

"My best friend wants to watch it too, please send it quickly"


Li Xiao is obviously a serious science popularizer.

But for some unknown reason, the live broadcast room started the car in an unscrupulous way.

Li Xiao didn't want to distract himself from watching.

Because at the moment, all his attention is on the snow leopard baby.

Soon, the stuck piece of feces finally softened and fell off.

Then, under the stimulation of Li Xiao's wet cotton swab, the eldest baby soon had a reflexive defecation action.

That part squeezed and squeezed hard, wanting to excrete it.

A few seconds later, with a crisp sound similar to farting, the piece of feces that had been stuck was finally released.

And then, before Li Xiao could react, the meconiums who had been "queuing" behind rushed out one after another.

At this time, Li Xiao was carefully supporting the big baby with his hands.

next second...

I already have a big pile in my hand!

Although he was wearing medical gloves, he was caught off guard, which was more or less unexpected.

This is the real 'shit' unexpected!

The scene was once very spectacular!
The tourists in the live broadcast room thought that Li Xiao would throw the eldest child away in disgust, but to their surprise, Li Xiao's expression did not change at all.

After a brief cleaning, Li Xiao changed into a pair of gloves and continued to wipe the skin of the eldest baby.

Seeing Li Xiao concentrating on helping the eldest baby wipe the meconium, many tourists were moved with emotion.

"Watching the headmaster help the baby snow leopard carefully, I remembered my son was a child, and his mother and I used to urinate every day."

"Whether it's a human or an animal, it's really not easy to raise them up."

"Li Xiao's treatment of the snow leopard baby is really too gentle and meticulous!"

"If the principal becomes a father in the future, he must be a good father!"

How can Li Xiao think so much in his heart like the tourists watching the live broadcast room? For him, just wanting the baby to defecate smoothly is the most important thing at present.

While cleaning up, he joked: "Actually, the cakes are not as disgusting as everyone thinks, for example, the cakes of the national treasure panda, I have never eaten, but I heard that there is no smell, but a fragrance of bamboo.

Not only that, panda cakes have been processed and made into paper, which is expensive.

There is also elephant's papa, which will also be made into paper, and even made into handicrafts and coffee.

And some girls and so-called high-end people, don't they all like to drink cat poop coffee, it's also a cat's poop! "

After Li Xiao finished speaking, all the papas were also discharged by the eldest child.

The big baby finally became comfortable and comfortable, no longer as irritable as when he was holding back before.

Before Li Xiao sent it to Snow Leopard's mother's arms, it had already fallen asleep comfortably.

Reluctantly, Li Xiao hugged the older baby in his arms and became a baby daddy. He also expressed comfort: "It's fortunate that I found the snow leopard mother in time and helped her give birth to these babies. Otherwise, if an inexperienced snow leopard mother If you come to bring a child, there will be a big problem!"

"The headmaster is amazing! He knows everything!"

"I feel that the anchor has always been calm in the face of the unexpected situation of the snow leopard mother and snow leopard baby! It is difficult for ordinary people to do it?"

"I still have to thank the evil wind for a while, otherwise, if the director hadn't brought the snow leopard's family of seven back, he wouldn't have discovered this problem."

"By the way, has the director studied veterinary IQ, so he is very proficient?"

"I'm not a veterinarian, and I haven't studied it systematically. I just know a little bit about some common diseases and treatments of animals."

Li Xiao shook his head, and said Versailles: "I am ordinary, ordinary, and simple. I just love animals, so I will lead you to see and help some animals and scenery that have never been noticed by others! "

Hearing Li Xiao's words, Yin Zhong in front of the screen trembled all over, couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "The director's layout is not as big as usual!"

This sentence is similar to the ancient knights. Some knights are for themselves, some are for their families, but some knights, such as Guo Jing, belong to the kind of people who serve the country and the people. This is the real nobleness!
In a trance, Yin Zhong felt that if there was a director, more and more rare and never-before-seen protected animals would be discovered in the future.

This thigh must be hugged tightly!
For a whole day and night, there was a strong wind outside, and it was dark.

Li Xiao and the animals could only stay in the RV.

During this period, Li Xiao completely turned into a 'Snow Leopard Dad'.

The snow leopard mother's white juice is not much, and it is very difficult to feed the six babies, making it difficult for each of them to eat enough. Li Xiao personally makes a few bottles of animal milk powder for artificial supplementation every two or three hours.

During the first week of birth, snow leopard cubs are at the critical moment of growing their bodies and opening their eyes. They are hungry and eat a lot.

Especially the eldest baby, the other snow leopard babies don't get hungry until three hours, but it yells for milk for an hour and a half, and eats more than other snow leopard babies every time.

Fortunately, Li Xiao stayed in the RV all day, so although he was a little busy, he didn't feel particularly tired.

But the tourists in the live broadcast room still feel distressed when they see Li Xiao's busy figure.

"The principal is really working too hard!"

"Headmaster, take a break, this looks too tiring!"

"Yeah, especially there is still a plateau area, and the physical exertion is even greater!"

Li Xiao didn't listen to this at all.

Lying on the window, seeing that the evil wind outside had stopped, Li Xiao got out of the car decisively.

Although the weather was still gloomy, but Li Xiao had to take action.

In the past few days after arriving at Tianshan Mountain, Li Xiao has not resupplied, and the food he brought has already been eaten up.

If he continued to stay in the car, not only would he be hungry, but animals like Xiao Hei would also starve with him.

Maybe it was starving too, as soon as the car door was opened, Xiao Hei rushed out, without Li Xiao's order, it had already gone out to hunt by itself.

As for Guo'er, he also followed Xiao Hei to catch wild game.

Xiao Hei has been hunting in the mountains since he was a child, and he has already been handy.

Although Guo'er is large in size and has a ferocious nature, he is more aggressive in the dark and rests more in the daytime, so he is just a striker and a helper for Xiao Hei.

And Li Xiao dug out five or six trap cages from the storage room on the car, and got out of the car with both hands.

After finding a patch of lush grass, Li Xiao calculated the distance and placed the trapping cages inside one by one.

Besides the grass, Li Xiao also found a small pond.

The pond area is not large, which is the size of the swimming pool in the villas where some rich people live.

The water in the pool was very clean, so Li Xiao fetched some water with confidence.

In the wild, no matter whether they are carnivores or vegetarians, no matter whether they are natural enemies or not, no matter how cunning and vicious they are, animals will not destroy water sources.

Fights and scuffles rarely even occurred at water sources.

Because for them, water is also their life.

Without water, life in the wild will be even more difficult for them.

In the wild, whether it is for people or animals, water is equal to life!
After Li Xiao fetched the water, he also set some other traps near the water source.

Because there are no tools, it is completely local materials.

In fact, it is very simple, just find a stone slab and a wooden stick, stand up the wooden stick, put the slate on the stick, and finally sprinkle some rice grains under the slate.

This is a very simple and common little trap.

When I was young, especially in winter, Li Xiao often used this method to catch sparrows.

It's just that instead of slate, it's a semicircular cover.

The lid is either made of iron, bamboo or wood.

Finally, tie a rope to the rope, pull one side of the rope by yourself, and hide in the dark. After observing a sparrow flying in, you can pull the rope for the first time. As the rope is pulled and the wooden stick falls, the cover will be closed. The sparrow is covered in it.

Li Xiao didn't have the patience to pull with the rope, so he didn't set up a rope this time. Whether he could catch it all depended on luck.

 ps: Thank you qq for reading the monthly ticket of [I only want to stand for you for the rest of my life]!

  Thanks to Qidian for reading the monthly tickets of [Everything is too false] and [kdy sprinkle wine]!

  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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