My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 312 An Animal Rare Than Giant Pandas—Ili Pika!

Chapter 312 An Animal Rare Than Giant Pandas—Ili Pika!
What the hell?
National secondary protected animals?

Accidentally caught?
This series of words came out of Li Xiao's mouth, and everyone petrified when they heard it.

Li Xiao didn't show off, and put the iron cage in front of the camera, so that the tourists in the live broadcast room could see it more clearly.

"What the hell? What is this?"

"What? What is it all about?"

"At this moment, I'm just as confused as Bao Qiang, who is holding a bill and preparing to ask for his salary in "People on the Journey"!"

"Now I can see it clearly, but I don't know it at all!"

"It looks quite cute, cute."

"The face is like a mouse, and the body is like a rabbit. Is it because the mouse cheated or the rabbit cheated!"

"This friend really got the point, but this animal is not the product of a cross between a mouse and a rabbit. It looks like this, and its name is also a combination of a mouse and a rabbit. It is called a pika. It's called the Ili pika!"

Li Xiao looked at the small briquettes in the iron cage, and said in a popular science: "Ili pika is a petite mountain mammal, only about [-] centimeters long, with a face that looks like a mouse, but has a rabbit-like face. The big and long ears are endemic to the Tianshan Mountains and cannot be found in any country or place in the world.

Just like the national treasure panda, it is our exclusive.

Because it is so cute and fluffy, this little guy has been liked by many people since he was discovered, and some even willingly want to be its shit-shoveling officer.

And it also has a name called Tianshan Spirit! "

Before he finished speaking, Li Xiao'an reached out and teased the little briquettes in the cage impatiently.

Feeling Li Xiao's teasing, the little coal ball swished from a corner of the cage to the camera, chewing with its cute three-petal mouth, looking at Li Xiao with a cute and curious expression.



Unlike other hares caught just now, jumping up and down in the iron cage, on the contrary, it is much more well-behaved!

No one can resist this cute attack!

At this moment, the tourists in the live broadcast room were almost mesmerized by the appearance of the Ili pika.

"Wow! There are such cute creatures in the world!"

"This is too much like the coal ball elf in the animated movie! It's so cute!"

"Ah Wei is dead, terribly dead, it was this little guy who killed him!"

"I'm floating, I want to raise it!"

"Who isn't?"

"Since this guy is like a rabbit and a mouse, can he be like a mouse or a rabbit and have more babies, so that he won't become a protected animal, and we can raise them!"

"I have a question, is this guy a rabbit or a mouse?"

Faced with indirect questions from the live broadcast, Li Xiao patiently answered them one by one, saying: "Ili pikas certainly belong to the rabbit family, and one of the basis for classification is their teeth.

Secondly, their reproductive ability is too weak, not as strong as mice and rabbits at all, and it is impossible to grow the population in a short period of time.

Third, even if the ethnic group can grow and everyone in the country can raise one, you can't afford it, and neither can I! "

Without waiting for the tourists to continue to ask questions, Li Xiao continued to add: "The nest of the Ili pika is located between the cliffs, far away from the mundane world, and there is no human habitation. Short, with a very naive expression, like a Teddy wandering in the border area, or like a rabbit hanging on a rock.

They have many natural enemies, including ermines, stone martens, foxes and various birds of prey. In order to avoid enemies, their hair has evolved into rock-like colors, including sandy yellow, gray brown, tea brown, light red, reddish brown And tan, the hair will be much brighter in summer, and the rare ones will become deep, which is the one in front of you.

It is equivalent to wearing an auspicious suit at the beginning when we are stimulating the battlefield game.

In order not to be discovered, they usually walk alone and remain unknown, seeking development on the cliffs and surviving in the cracks.

Do you think the above can make the Ili pika protect itself well?No no no, this is not enough!
Although the sky is a good place, there are precious medicinal materials such as edelweiss, rhodiola rosea, and holy Tianshan snow lotus, so what they eat are these first-class herbs, but most of these herbs grow on high-altitude rocks. Ili pikas are hard to find in the crevices or on small terraces, and even if they can be found, it is difficult to eat them, so they can only often go hungry, especially in winter, and it is lucky to be able to guarantee that they will not starve to death! "

"Fuck! No wonder she looks so good-looking, so she eats snow lotus!"

"I can't afford it, I can't afford it!"

"It's so big, I haven't even seen what a snow lotus looks like."

"This is the hidden boss!"

"It's simply taking the aura of heaven and earth!"

Li Xiao continued: "One more thing, Ili pikas don't hibernate in winter, they will pile up herbs into small piles, dry them and hide them in caves and rock peaks. If there is surplus food at home, they don't have to rush through the winter.

They are also very hygienic and will pile up their poop at the door of the house, which is also their way of falling in love.

Because the number is too small and I don’t like to bark, I can only rely on papa to attract the opposite sex and convey a sexy taste.

Ili pikas also have the habit of making their own herbal medicine. They swallow the snow lotus in their stomachs and excrete it through the cecum in their stomachs. The vitamin content is five times that of normal poop. Ili pikas will never waste such superb products, so they also Will eat my own papa!
In traditional Chinese medicine, their glutinous rice cakes are called cao lingzhi, which is mainly used to treat menstrual disorders, postpartum abdominal pain, injuries from falls and blood stasis. "

"Eat papa? Isn't this a dog?"

"Oh my god, the image of this guy in my heart is not so perfect all of a sudden!"

"I understand why I'm single! Tomorrow I'm going to eat snow lotus, and then poop, and use the smell of poop to attract the opposite sex!"

"I think it will work! Brother, I support you!"

"From now on, if my stomach hurts every month, I will ask my boyfriend to buy grass spirit cream for me, hehe!"

"Learned new knowledge again, but it's a pity that my boyfriend is about to encounter it. I'm afraid he has never heard of this word!"

While the tourists were discussing, Li Xiao calmly said the last words, "In 83, Li Weidong, an expert from the China Green Hair Association, discovered the Ili pika here.

Later, affected by climate change, the habitat of the Ili pika was continuously compressed.

Moreover, with the overgrazing and the degradation of the Tianshan grassland, the sheep in the deep Tianshan Mountains are threatening the habitat of the Ili pika in the high altitude area, and the situation of the Ili pika is becoming more and more dangerous. The number has dropped from about 3000 at the beginning to less than 1000, which is even rarer than that of giant pandas.

Then, the Ili pika disappeared completely. Experts once thought that the Ili pika had become extinct.

But after disappearing for 22 years, in the summer of 14, Li Weidong found the Ili pika again.

It is precisely because Li Weidong is looking for the Ili pika on a voluntary basis, and has produced various materials and published it around the world, which makes the world pay attention to the Ili pika.

In 05, the Ili pika was officially included in the "Red List of Chinese Species" as a unique and endangered species in China.

On July 10, 7, the IUCN listed this day as 'Save Ili Pika Day'! "

While speaking, Li Xiao opened the cage in his hand, and carefully held the Tianshan Elf Ili pika in his hand.

Generally speaking, rabbits are very afraid of people.

Even the rabbits raised at home will be frightened when they see strangers, not to mention these wild rabbits who are frightened in the wild all the year round.

However, I don't know if I felt a sense of intimacy from Li Xiao, or felt that Li Xiao would not hurt himself, so this Yili pika did not show vigilance, but seemed very intimate.

He also actively tilted his head, leaning his small head on Li Xiao's thumb.

He even actively turned his head to look at the camera of the drone, sometimes tilted his head, sometimes pouted his mouth, and made various shapes.

The camera is full of sense, and it is not afraid of people. This kind of wild rabbit is really rare.

"Don't be in a daze, everyone! Hurry up and take a screenshot! I'm going to send this little guy away later, and I may not be able to meet him in the future, so you will never have a chance to see it again!"

In order to make it easier for the tourists in the live broadcast room to leave some cute photos for the little guy, Li Xiao used his thoughts to move and adjust the camera many times, just to fully show the Ili pika in front of the camera.

About 10 minutes later, when almost everyone took screenshots, Li Xiao put down his tingling arm, and gently put the Yili pika on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he took a few steps back, waved his hand at the Yili pika, and said with a smile: "Let's go! Go home quickly! When you encounter an iron cage in the future, you must be more vigilant, and don't rush in foolishly, right? Everyone is as kind as I am!"

Seemingly understanding what Li Xiao meant, Yili Pika turned around and left.

But as if he had thought of something, after running out for less than one meter, he suddenly turned back, slowly crawled to Li Xiao's feet, and rubbed the toe of his shoe.

next second...

He actually pulled down a lump of papa!
You save my life, I'll give you a piece of poop!
This Yili pika is also a fastidious person!


Pay attention to rabbits!

After pulling the papa, the Ili pika turned around and rushed towards the endless wasteland.

Like an arrow leaving the string, it disappeared instantly.

Seeing the Yili pika disappear without a trace in an instant, Li Xiao actually felt a little bit reluctant in his heart.

After all, who wouldn't like such a cute little guy?

And to be honest, Li Xiao really wanted to keep this lovely Tianshan elf.

But he was worried that he would not be able to support himself at all, and he would harm the little guy.

Because up to now, no animal in the world has raised the Ili pika, or even appeared. No matter who it is, the Ili pika is unfamiliar and has no experience.

For these elves living in nature, the wild is their home.

It is the greatest kindness not to disturb their lives by human interference.

"The little rabbit runs so fast!"

"It's gone in a flash!"

"It's so small, but its short legs move around very fast!"

"It's a pity, it's so cute... I haven't seen enough..."

"I hope the director can stay in Tianshan for a while, maybe I can continue to run into this little guy."


It's difficult!

Yili pikas live on cliffs and rarely come down. This one must have slipped down because of some unavoidable circumstances. By coincidence, it rushed into its own trapping cage.

This world is too big, even some people can be lost while walking, and they will never be in contact with each other in this life, let alone meet a little Yili pika again!
Sighing lightly, Li Xiao picked up the poop left by the Ili pika on the ground, turned around and went back to the RV.

It's time to feed the snow leopard babies again.

But now that there is enough food, Snow Leopard's mother, Guo'er, and Xiao Hei divided half of the wild goat and pheasant, and it was considered a big meal, and the spirit was obviously much better. If there is no accident, its body will recover soon Come over, the white juice inside the pacifier will also secrete.

The first thing Li Xiao did when he got back to the caravan was to store all the rabbits he caught and save them for tomorrow.

Then, start making dinner.

Originally, Li Xiao planned to set up a small bonfire outside and roast the wild goat and pheasant legs he had just prepared on top of it, but the weather here was cloudy and cloudy, and the changes were too fast, Li Xiao was worried As soon as the fire was lit, another gust of wind blew up.

The evil wind is not terrible, what is terrible is that it will blow the bonfire over, causing sparks to ignite the surrounding grass, and the fire is uncontrollable.

In the wild, you must pay attention to the safety of using fire. If you are not careful, a big fire will be brewed.

Almost every year, there are some people who are stupid and careless, which leads to the spread of wildfires, and the little brother of the firefighter is called out to rescue, and even kills the little brother of the firefighter!After thinking about it, Li Xiao started to make it on the RV.

A lot of seasonings were prepared in the car, coupled with Li Xiao's superb cooking skills, he quickly roasted the wild goat legs and pheasant legs.

In fact, there is no skill in barbecue, as long as you control the heat well.

Therefore, during the production process, Li Xiao did not explain and describe in detail, because he believes that the tourists in the live broadcast room will basically know it. After all, who hasn't eaten a barbecue in summer?

I don't know if it's because Li Xiao's taste is too fragrant, or the nature of the snow leopard cubs is exposed. After smelling the smell of meat, each of them can't help but lick their mouths even in their sleep.

It's so cute!

Li Xiao picked up the roasted chicken leg, walked slowly in front of Da Wa, and gently placed the chicken leg in front of Da Wa's nose.

The eldest baby felt the smell of meat approaching, and opened his mouth again uncontrollably.


Li Xiao withdrew his hand abruptly.

Let the big baby go straight to the sky.

After repeating this several times, the eldest child persisted, and even staggered at Li Xiao's feet.

This look of demanding food is very similar to the look of lazily seeing snacks in "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf". It seems that smelling the fragrance, you can float up from your sleep!
 ps: Thank you qq for reading the monthly tickets of [I am uncivilized] and [Laughing as a beauty drunk]!

  Thank you for reading the monthly tickets of [Fang Shuying] and [Book Friends 20190927215555795]!

  thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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