Chapter 318

"Another cold knowledge!"

"Come here, bring me my little notebook, I will take notes!"

"Understood! In the future, I will collect some flying squirrel poop, and when my girlfriend comes to relatives, I will give it to her!"

"Same as above! My girlfriend used to come to relatives, and I asked her to drink hot water, and she scolded me as a scumbag, but when I went to the hospital, the doctor asked her to drink hot water, but she was obedient. When she came to relatives again, I forced her to drink water. Momonga's daddy, I don't believe I'm still a scumbag!"

Because of Li Xiao's words, many male compatriots in the live broadcast room suddenly complained.

The reason why it can resonate is because some girls nowadays are spoiled, and even the one surnamed Ye can't block a casual punch.

Feel sorry!It's not Wing Chun Ip Man, but Ye Fan Ye Tiandi!
Why are most boys afraid of women these days?

Because too many self-righteous girls make the news.

There are too many news and events like this, which makes boys greatly change their views on some girls.

Some drivers are even afraid to pick up female passengers.

It has almost affected other normal girls.

Of course, there are also many male boxers.

It's just that since when, female boxing seems to have become better in this respect.

Regarding these male and female boxing, Li Xiao had no way to respond, so he could only continue to carry out his own science popularization, saying: "In the eyes of our ancients, the little flying mouse has a variety of abilities. "Xunzi Encouraging Learning" once wrote : 'Flying squirrels are poor with five skills', there are indeed many shortcomings, such as being able to fly but not going to the house, being able to connect but not being poor, being able to swim but not crossing valleys, being able to hide but not being able to hide, being able to walk but not being ancestors.

Li Yu's "Nai He Tian · Nao Feng" in the Qing Dynasty also wrote: "The poor marmot mouse will praise his five skills in the end!" "

While talking, the two little flying squirrels suddenly stopped.

Because the pine cones they are holding are really big, it is too tiring for each of them to drag one.

I'm afraid I'm too tired to burp before I move to the nest.

After the two little heads leaned together and creaked together for a while, they started to 'manually' disassemble the pine cone.

Like other rodents, Little Flying Squirrel also has a pair of extremely hard big dies, but unlike Wang Xun in "Extreme Challenge", they usually don't show them.

The two big front teeth are not only their self-protection weapons, but also an important tool for them to obtain food.

No matter how hard the pine cone is, they can basically chew through it easily and get food from it.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of Li Xiao and all the tourists in the live broadcast room, the two little flying squirrels began to smash the skin wrapped around the pine cone and took out the pine nuts inside.

The agility of the movements is jaw-dropping.

The speed is unbelievable.

Those who didn't know thought it was an assembly line job!
And Li Xiao had nothing to do, while observing the two little flying squirrels, he also peeled off the pile of cedar pine cones by himself.

However, compared with Little Flying Squirrel, Li Xiao's speed is faster and easier.

Because the pine cones that have been shaken down are basically mature, as long as you hold the pine cone and knock it against the stone at a suitable angle, big cedar nuts will fall out by themselves.

Soon, the two little flying squirrels gnawed out the pine nuts inside the two pine cones.

stuffed in the mouth.

Getting ready to leave.


Inadvertently raised his head and looked in the direction of Li Xiao.

The small eyes were suddenly filled with great doubts.

What? ? ?

What plane are you doing?
Why are there so many pine nuts in front of Twoleg?
Facing so many pine nuts, the two little flying squirrels looked at each other without thinking too much for a while, all they thought about was moving!
Move all the pine nuts to the nest, that's the most important thing!
A second later, two little flying squirrels ran over quickly, their little claws flipping quickly, stuffing the pine nuts into their mouths one by one.

In the blink of an eye, the cheeks of the two little flying squirrels were all bulging.

"Although little flying squirrels and hamsters are two completely different animals, they have one thing in common in body structure, that is, they both have cheek pouches that can store food."

Seeing that the pine nuts he had just peeled were taken away again, Li Xiao was quite angry at first, but when he saw the cute appearance of the two little guys, his anger was completely gone, and he could only smile and explain to everyone.What's more, although they can stuff pine nuts into their mouths, they can't stuff too many, and some will be left for Li Xiao in the end.

The two little flying squirrels shook their chubby bodies until they couldn't fit in their mouths, and then began to climb up the tree beside them.

"These two little guys just appeared so fast that I didn't even realize it, so I guessed that their nest should be on this cedar tree."

Li Xiao didn't rush, and urged the drone to follow.

In the camera, the tourists in the live broadcast room saw two fat, round and fluffy little buttocks writhing around, even flicking their little tails, making a mess of cuteness.

"This little butt, I love it!"

"It's too cute, it rivals Corgi's ass!"

"Master, it's been a long time, and I feel that the two mice have beautiful features."

"Anyway, my wife's butt is not as upright and sexy as the two mice here."

"Don't say anything, brothers, I will watch today's live broadcast first."

"No, no, brother, are you interested in seeing a mouse? What kind of beast are you!"

"You don't understand this, as long as you open your inertial thinking, let alone a mouse, I dare to go to the earth!"

"Nonsense, I dare, do it often while doing push-ups!"

It's obviously a very cute and cute picture, but for some reason, the live broadcast room started driving again.

The path was too wild, Li Xiao could only shake his head helplessly.

That is to say, during the short one-two-minute chat, the two little flying squirrels got into the canopy of the tree at an extremely fast speed and disappeared.

"I can't see it, I can't see it!"

"Where did the two mice go?"

"Did you fly to another tree?"

"Wow, don't, I haven't seen enough!"

"Don't worry, if this is really their home, then they won't leave, but return to their nests."

Li Xiao continued to peel the pine cone, and said with a smile.

While speaking, he also controlled the drone to aim the camera at the location where the two little flying mice disappeared.Sure enough, a narrow and hidden crack was found between the trunks.

If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it.

"It's very difficult to find food to fill our stomachs in this cold area, especially when it snows a lot.

Whether it is a human or an animal, it is basically a matter of chance.

If you are lucky, you can catch a large animal, and it will be no problem to survive a cold winter.

If you are unlucky, you may even starve to death.

And the little flying squirrels are very smart, or they have the gene of being prepared for danger in their bones. In the weather that is not snowing, no matter whether they are hungry or not, or whether they have accumulated food or not, they will frantically search for food and carry out Keep hoarding.

So there's a saying, if you're lost on a snowy day like this and you're hungry, look for a squirrel or flying squirrel den.

Find even one and you won't go hungry for at least a few days! "

Before he knew it, Li Xiao had peeled off all the pine cones and put them in his backpack to prevent them from being stolen again by other animals. He patted the snow and dust on his body, Li Xiao stood up and said with a smile: " Everyone can come and guess how much food this little flying squirrel couple has hoarded in their lair."

"Looking at their chubby bodies, you can tell that they have never been hungry, so they are indispensable!"

"Ditto! What the upstairs said makes sense!"

"I also think it should be old and young!"

The drone rewarded by the system is a trait because there is a smaller insect drone hidden inside the drone.

It's like Hawkeye in the Marvel superheroes, with a smaller spy plane in his flying machine.

This kind of insect drone is only as big as a butterfly. Although it is small, it is complete. It also wears a fill light. It is most suitable for shooting insects, and can also enter the caves of some small animals to explore.

At this very moment, insect drones come in handy.

Driven by Li Xiao's thoughts, the insect drone smoothly climbed in through the opening of the crack in the bark.

Because the light in the tree hole was very dark, Li Xiao immediately turned on the drone's fill light as soon as he entered.

Suddenly there was a ray of light in my home, and the two little flying squirrels raised their heads almost instinctively.

After confirming that there was no danger, he continued to push and stroke his bulging cheek pouch with his small paws, and spit out all the pine nuts he had just stuffed in.

At the beginning, the tourists in the live broadcast room were all on the little flying squirrel, but as the camera panned down, they noticed that what little flying mouse was stepping on was not sawdust, but various kinds of food.

Grass seeds, acorns, hazelnuts, pine nuts...

Although the cave is not very big, it is almost full to fill the entire tree hole!
At this moment, the tourists understood what Li Xiao said.

With so much food, it is true that a person can survive in the ice and snow for several days.

Even Li Xiao was shocked when he saw this scene.

Although he knew that Little Flying Squirrel liked to stockpile food, he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes so far.

It was the first time I saw it today, and I was shocked to see so much food.

"I'm a ghost, this is too good to hide!"

"I have a little hamster, and it likes to hide food, but compared with these two little flying squirrels, the food it hides is just a drop in the bucket."

"In the hamster world, this is simply a landlord."

"It can be seen that the landlord's family still has a lot of surplus food!"

"The landlord is too hip, this is clearly Ma Yun's father in the hamster world!"

"Isn't this the paradise I dreamed of when I was a child! Sleeping and lying on the delicious food, when I open my eyes, there will be delicious food around me!"

"It's the first time I'm envious of mice after living so long!"

While the tourists were chatting and the two little flying squirrels were busy restocking their rations, Li Xiao was not idle either.

He directly took out a small iron pot from his backpack, and immediately put all the pine nuts he had just hidden in his backpack into the iron pot, and finally collected some branches and stones nearby, and built a small bonfire in a place facing the wind .

Originally, Li Xiao didn't intend to spend more time in the canyon, but seeing that the flying squirrel was so popular, it naturally became a 'truth' scene.

As Li Xiao got everything ready and started the bonfire, the pine nuts that were moist with snow water were quickly heated and made a crackling sound.

"Director, isn't this just pine nuts? Why did you say that this is a rare delicacy?"

"Yes, yes, I have been paying attention to Little Flying Squirrel just now, and I forgot about it!"

"You can buy pine nuts everywhere. It's not a rare thing, is it?"

"I read less, don't lie to me!"

Noticing that Li Xiao was frying pine nuts, the tourists in the live broadcast room asked questions one after another.

"Haha, you are right, but not right either!"

Li Xiao smiled, and while throwing the peeled pine cone bark on the kindling as fuel, he said: "Pine nuts are indeed very common, and now they can be bought online basically, and everyone eats them as snacks .

But this kind of cedar pine nuts that grow deep in the Tianshan Mountains are very rare. "

Before he finished speaking, Li Xiao picked out a pine nut from the pot and displayed it in front of the camera.

The tourists were even more puzzled when they saw the pine nuts displayed by Li Xiao.

"It looks a little bigger than ordinary pine nuts, and there seems to be no other difference."

"The color seems to be darker too!"

"Excuse me, I really can't see anything else."

After observing for a few minutes, the tourists didn't understand the uniqueness of cedar nuts.

Li Xiao smiled slightly, but did not open his mouth to explain, but lightly exerted force with the fingers of his right hand, and in the next second, he heard a crackling sound, and the shell of the big pine nut was actually snapped into two halves.

"Fuck! The anchor is awesome! Squeezing pine nuts with bare hands, it's so finger-strength!"

"May I ask the headmaster whether he learned the Yiyang finger of the Duan family in Dali or the unique Shaolin flower finger!"

"Something's wrong! Look at the pine nut skin! The pine nut skin is really thin!"

After being reminded by a tourist with excellent eyesight, everyone realized that the half piece of pine nut skin that Li Xiao had just unwrapped was ridiculously thin!
"We usually eat pine nuts, usually the processed open-ended pine nuts, because the skin of pine nuts is very hard. If you squeeze it yourself, it is easy to crush the pine nuts inside."

Li Xiao squeezed the plump big cedar nut, shook it at the camera with a smile, and said, "But this kind of cedar nut has a natural seed coat that is very thin and crisp, and it cracks easily after a little heating, so it is very convenient to eat.

And more importantly, because the temperature at the snow line is too low and the growth cycle is long, its pine nut oil content is twice as high as that of ordinary pine nuts. "

(End of this chapter)

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