My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 32 A-Level Signing Contract

Chapter 32 A-Level Signing Contract

Back to the zoo.

It was getting late.

Li Xiao settled the monkey group, and after continuing to broadcast for a while, he turned off the live broadcast.

As soon as I turned off the broadcast, I saw my private chat exploded.

Click to view.

[Lin Shuguang]: Director, I am the manager of Zhanyu. I want to sign a contract with you. Can you leave your contact information?Or you can contact me, here is my number...

[Monkey Steals Peach]: Director, I am the manager of YY...

[Lemons are not sour]: Hello, director, I'm Maoya's...

Of the hundreds of private messages, half of them were sent by the management of the live broadcast platform.

In addition to the five major live broadcast platforms today, there are also many small platforms.

Among them, some platforms are named after fruits.

Such as bananas, strawberries.

Other than that, the rest are private chats between some tourists and the host.

They all wanted to make friends with Li Xiao.

Of course, it came with a purpose.

They took a fancy to Li Xiao's current popularity and traffic, and wanted to rub it.

Some female anchors even directly sent some 'honest' photos to Li Xiao in order to communicate with Li Xiao.

After checking, Li Xiao replied one by one, hoping that they could send over the signed contract template first.

It's always better to shop around.

Soon, get a reply.

Battle Fish Platform: A-level signing, the gift sharing ratio is [-]...

Maoya platform: A-level signing, gift sharing ratio of [-]...

YY platform: A-level contract...

There is no difference between these platforms, they are almost the same.

Li Xiao frowned.

Li Xiao's first feeling was that he was low.

With his current popularity, the A-level contract is really low.

Because I have only broadcast live for two days, this is just the beginning.

With the current traffic, Li Xiao is confident that his popularity will grow higher and higher.

In contrast, A-level contracts are too low.

Especially for those small platforms, because of their limited capital, they give lower.

"There will be opportunities to cooperate in the future."

Li Xiao is a kind person, one word opened up a small platform.

Next, let’s look at the five major platforms of Zhanyu.

Li Xiao sent messages one by one, asking: "Can it be higher than the A lottery?"

Lin Shuguang from Zhanyu was the first to reply.

It was Lin Shuguang who had agreed to have a firefight with Mengmengjiang tonight.

After getting an accurate reply from the technical department, he stayed in Li Xiao's live broadcast room unconvinced, trying to see some clues.

But Ni Ni didn't notice it, but was attracted by Li Xiao's live broadcast content.

As the technical department said, Li Xiao has the physique of a cat. Whether it is a black fan or a passer-by, as long as you put it in his live broadcast room, you will be inexplicably attracted to him, so you don't need to worry at all.

After Lin Shuguang saw the value of Li Xiao, he decisively kicked Mengmengjiang and chatted with Li Xiao in private.

After all, compared with money, women will choose the latter.

Women just cost you more money.

And with money, you can have more women.

As long as Li Xiao is signed, Lin Shuguang can see a steady stream of Grandpa Mao.

After finally waiting for Li Xiao's reply, Lin Shuguang immediately said: "If the signing level is higher, it will be difficult for me to do so."

There are only a few S-level anchors on the platform, and he has no right to manage them.

Li Xiao said: "I can continue to sign the A-level contract, but the share ratio in the content of the contract must be changed to [-]."

Lin Shuguang: "No problem!"

"The ratio of endorsement equal share is the same as [-]."


"Platform promotion cannot be less, it must remain the same."

"This... is done!"

Lin Shuguang gritted his teeth.

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. I don't want the basic salary mentioned in the contract, the five insurances and one housing fund, and the liquidated damages must be halved!"

The most important thing is liquidated damages.

Nowadays, the liquidated damages of major live broadcast platforms are simply sky-high.

It's hundreds of millions if you don't move.

Trying to tie some big anchors to their respective platforms forever in this way.


Lin Shuguang really couldn't make the decision anymore, and said: "Director, your request has exceeded my authority, and I really can't do it."

"You can try to apply to the above."

"Don't worry, I will apply. But I have to tell you, according to your request, it is really a bit too high, and my leader will probably not agree to it."

Haven't applied yet, so sure?

"You should apply to ask first, in case there is a surprise, it will be good for both of us."

"Director, in fact, A-level contracts are not low. After all, you can only sign A-level contracts with your current popularity. You can't use A-level popularity to bid for higher contracts, don't you think? The contract can also be upgraded, I don’t think there is any need to rush.”

"Let's apply first."


Lin Shuguang didn't say anything, Li Xiao also put down the phone.

With his current popularity, according to the standard, he can only sign A-level.

But it took him only two days to go from zero foundation to current popularity.

But the other party still regarded him as an ordinary anchor, Li Xiao felt that their vision was too short-sighted.

Afterwards, the management of other platforms have responded one after another.

But in the face of this condition proposed by Li Xiao, it is difficult for them to make a decision, and they need to apply to the leader.

In desperation, Li Xiao checked the zoo and then went down the mountain to go home.

As soon as I got home, my phone rang.

[Miaomiao]: Director, I am the manager of Zhanyu Platform. I have already bought a plane ticket and rushed to the Gushan Zoo. I expect to arrive tomorrow afternoon.

Is it the management of Zhanyu again?
Li Xiao replied: Sorry, my zoo is not open for business yet.

[Miao Miao]: That's it. I want to sign a contract with you face to face. As for the details of the contract, we can have a face to face chat.

Li Xiao: Just now, a manager of Zhanyu has talked to me. He knows what my conditions are. You can ask your colleagues first. If you can meet those conditions, then you can fly over. .

[Miaomiao]: What?Someone is looking for you?who is it?

Miao Miao was obviously in a hurry.

Ask three times in a row.

Li Xiao: His name is Lin Shuguang, and he has been chatting with me for about ten minutes.

[Miao Miao]: So it was him!Don't worry, I'll be there right away, what he said doesn't count, let's talk!

Li Xiao was a little dazed.

Could it be that Zhanyu is also robbing himself internally?

Li Xiao: Then I will wait for you!Treat yourself to dinner if you can!

[Miao Miao]: Mmm, no problem!wait for me!
After chatting with Li Xiao, Miao Miao let out a long sigh of relief.

But I still couldn't help complaining in my heart.

Lin Shuguang, an old pervert, thought at noon that the head of the family was brushing data, and now he wants to rob me.

But I have already bought a plane ticket, and I want to talk to the director face to face, how do you compare with me?
If you say go, let's go. To be a man and to do great things is to have courage.

Director, I signed Miaomiao!
He is mine, no one can take it away!

(End of this chapter)

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