My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 322 The Plant That Looks Like an Earlobe

Chapter 322 The Plant That Looks Like an Earlobe

The stinky Xiao Hei obviously felt much more comfortable after pulling, and his expression looked very refreshed. After shaking his calf, he returned to Li Xiao's side.

"You are tired from running, you can take a rest here, and I happen to be wandering around."

Li Xiao smiled and rubbed Xiao Hei's head, saying.

Xiao Hei stopped obediently, lying on the ground, panting heavily, and began to rest.

After making sure that Xiao Hei has calmed down, Li Xiao can also concentrate on wandering around.

Soon, I wandered down.

Li Xiao didn't have the rare plants or animals he imagined. Just as he was about to leave and continue to explore the hinterland of the primeval forest, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and found a very strange-looking patch of trees in the center of the banyan tree. Inconspicuous gray things.

Huang Xing turned his head and bent down to examine it carefully.

Because the bark of the banyan tree is pitch black, this thing is also dark brown, so it naturally looks extremely inconspicuous.

And this position is right above where Xiao Hei just peed.

If Li Xiao hadn't glanced at this place tentatively because of Xiao Hei, he might not have been able to find it.

"This is...moss???"

Li Xiao frowned.

If you look closely for a moment, you will find that this is completely different from ordinary moss.

This kind of moss presents an oily and moist brown-green color, with small protruding fleshy plants and plump leaves, like fleshy earlobes. At first glance, I thought it was cute and succulent, which is very attractive.

Li Xiao calmly took out a flashlight from his pocket, pressed it to the lowest brightness level, and directly shone it from the side.

Immediately, the light passed through those small fleshy plants, showing a translucent state.

It seems that under this transparent and thin outer skin, there is a puddle of olive oil.


Li Xiao couldn't help laughing.

"What is the principal happy about?"

"Isn't it just moss? My hometown has a lot of them!"

"Is this unremarkable moss a rare species?"

"I don't see anything weird, but it looks like succulent. Did the moss go off the rails or succulent split his leg?"

"Some family members in the live broadcast room guessed right, this moss is indeed a very, very, very rare type of moss."

Li Xiao nodded with a smile. He used three times in a row. After all, important things have to be said three times, and he didn't even have time to take a deep breath, so he continued: "Xiao Hei may not even know where he peed. Also hides such precious moss.

If it wasn't for its peeing, I wouldn't have discovered it, maybe it was fate.If you look carefully, the fleshy plant of this moss looks like succulent, but it is a little different from succulent. It looks like a girl's soft and plump earrings, so this kind of moss is called earring moss. Endangered and precious mosses are only distributed in this area.

In 20 years, earlobe moss was discovered in Jiusaigou, Bashu, and Dr. Ye Wen, a moss expert from the Provincial Academy of Forestry and the South China Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his team rushed there immediately.

Earlobe moss was once considered to be a species endemic to China. Its distribution area is extremely narrow, the population is relatively rare, and its collection and reports are very limited. With its discovery at that time, it not only expanded the distribution range of rare and endangered bryophytes in China, but also contributed to my country's The bryophyte flora provided new information and enriched the species diversity of Bashu Jiuzhaigou Reserve.

And the earlobe moss here lives in this primeval forest that no one has ever set foot on. It may have existed for many years like this big banyan tree. I believe it must be more valuable for research than the one in Bashu. "

While speaking, Li Xiao couldn't help but gently stroked the fleshy and oily moss with his hands.

"Is such an inconspicuous moss so awesome?"

"Forgive my ignorance!"

"Director, are you sure, it's not a mistake, is it?"

"Little black yyds, it's unbelievable that an unintentional pee can help the director find such a precious moss."

Just as the tourists in the live broadcast room were discussing endlessly, a very eye-catching highlight barrage floated over.

[Botanical Research Institute]: As the director said, this is indeed the eardrop moss, which is extremely rare in our country!
Director, can you please take more photos and videos at close range and send them to us?
Regardless of what the barrage said, just the name instantly blew up the live broadcast room.Another official boss is here!

"Institute of Botany? Are you a staff member of Huaxia Institute of Botany?"

Li Xiao was stunned looking at the shiny "v" certification, and asked.

[Botanical Research Institute]: That's right!I'm Wang Zhengjun, the deputy director of the Huaxia Institute of Botany. I was in the live broadcast room two days ago!
two days ago?
Isn't that when he set off to come here?
It seems that at that time they felt that there were precious plants in this primeval forest, so they squatted in the live broadcast room and paid attention to themselves.

Perhaps they have noticed this primeval forest long ago, but they just didn't have the opportunity and opportunity to come here.

[Botanical Research Institute]: Director, your analysis was very correct. Judging from the color and shape of this big banyan tree, it has been at least hundreds or even thousands of years old.

However, the protonema of T. aurantium is particularly developed, but the gametophyte is extremely degenerated, and the sporophyte is highly differentiated.

The internal differentiation of eardrop moss growing in different periods is also completely inconsistent. This biological feature is extremely rare and special.

That is to say, the earring moss you found accompanying the big banyan tree is also very, very research meaningful in terms of growth period!

In fact, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't understand many terms used by Deputy Director Wang Zhengjun, but they could feel the urgency and excitement of each barrage Wang Zhengjun sent out.

From Wang Zhengjun's attitude, it is easy to understand how important the research significance of this earring moss discovered by Li Xiao is!

The tourists in the live broadcast room knew nothing about earlobe moss, but they knew how shocking it would be for a tree to survive for thousands of years.

In everyone's impression, there are very few trees that have survived for thousands of years. The most well-known one is a ginkgo tree planted by Li Shimin himself.

Chang'an is the memory of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

We have watched many court dramas of the Tang Dynasty, and also watched many versions of Wu Zetian, but no matter how beautiful Wu Zetian is, it cannot compare with the first ginkgo leaf in late autumn.

When the ginkgo leaves fall, Chang'an will suddenly become the rivers and lakes in Qiuman's painting.

A 400-year-old ancient ginkgo tree in the ancient Guanyin Temple in Chang'an attracts 7 people a day at its peak.

You don't need a filter, you can truly amaze everyone.

This tree was planted by Li Shimin himself, and it is said that it was for peace.

Everyone must have heard about Wei Zheng beheading the Dragon King of Jinghe in his dream.

At that time, the Dragon King of Jinghe changed the time and amount of rainfall without authorization, so the Heavenly Court sent Wei Zheng to supervise and kill him.

But he didn't expect that when the two of them were playing chess, Wei Zheng just dozed off and beheaded the Dragon King of Jinghe in his dream.

From then on, the Dragon King of Jinghe always asked Li Shimin for his life. Li Shimin begged the Bodhisattva to save the Dragon King, built the Guanyin Hall, and planted the tree himself.

This big banyan tree is hidden in the little-known deep mountains and old forests. No one knows its history, but as thousands of years have passed, the big banyan tree is full of wrinkles from the years. Brilliant strokes.

[Botanical Research Institute]: Director, do you have a moisturizing petri dish?If it is convenient, can you bring some samples of earring moss?Just a little bit! ! !

Looking at the close-up of ear moss on the live broadcast screen, Wang Zhengjun only hated himself for not bringing a full set of sampling equipment with Li Xiao.

Just as Li Xiao thought, he really paid attention to this primeval forest half a year ago, just because the environment in this area is too complicated, and no one can tell whether there will be intentional forests in this area. Unexpected danger, so the plan to go deep into the primeval forest was shelved for such a long time.

Now, he only regrets that he doesn't have the skills of Sadako, otherwise he would have jumped out of the screen and collected such precious samples by himself.

"Deputy Director Wang, I can understand your mood very well, and I did bring some sampling devices, but they are relatively simple ones.

In the future, I will continue to go deep into this primeval forest. If I collect earlobe moss now, I am worried that it is not safe to use these ordinary and simple devices, and it is easy to be damaged on the road.

So I think it is more appropriate to collect and take them out when they come out at the end.

what do you think? "

After thinking about it, Li Xiao made his own decision.

Li Xiao's polite and measured reminder made Wang Zhengjun wake up in an instant.

That's right!

They have worked so hard to go deep into this primeval forest, so they can't just collect specimens of earlobe moss and return, right?

It's like going to a Disneyland amusement park, just getting to the gate, and then going back?
I am too hasty!
[Institute of Botany]: Director, I'm sorry, I just lost my composure when I saw the earring moss being cherished for so long.

Just do as you said, and remember to collect samples before you come back.

As you gather, be very careful not to damage the remaining moss.

Wang Zhengjun thought about it for a long time, and he still wanted to bring his team to come in person. He couldn't let Li Xiao get there first and destroy all these precious plants.

Seeing Wang Zhengjun's serious instructions, Li Xiao chuckled lightly, and said, "Deputy Director Wang, I understand your worries, but I think your reminders and worries are somewhat unnecessary, because..."

Propelled by Li Xiao's mind, he raised the drone's camera and turned on the fill light at the same time.

When Wang Zhengjun took a closer look, his eyeballs almost popped down.

Good guy!
Why are there all behind the tree! ! !

Isn't this thing a very small number of distribution?
How about super rare?

This number is almost catching up with dog pee moss!

It seems that there are no places where humans have set foot, and the variety and quantity of many rare plants will far exceed human imagination.

Shock was nothing but shock, but Wang Zhengjun was very relieved after Shi saw so much earlobe moss.

At least in the case of a sufficient number, he and his team can quickly carry out research and breeding to ensure that they will not become endangered.

[Institute of Botany]: I really didn't think there would be so many earlobe mosses here. Since the director is there, you know the situation there better, so you can make up your own mind on what to do next. I trust you! ! !

I believe you, the four words gave Li Xiao great confidence, after all, this is an authority, if someone with an authority is present to testify for himself, he can act as he pleases!
[Botanical Research Institute]: Director, I will stay in your live broadcast room from now on. This place is really amazing. I want to see if there are any other precious plants!

"It's my honor to be able to stay here with Deputy Director Wang. The house manager reported Deputy Director Wang to Maishang!"

Li Xiao smiled and said modestly: "I am not a professional botanical researcher. Some plants still need to be identified and understood by Deputy Director Wang! With you here, I have a bottom line in my heart!"

[Institute of Botany]: Director, you are really humble. Many professional botanists may not be able to recognize the precious moss of the eardrop moss at a glance, but you can see it at a glance.

Feel free to explore, I have confidence in you.

Don't take care of me, if there are rare plant species that you haven't noticed, I will definitely jump out, hahahaha!
Li Xiao nodded with a smile, took Xiao Hei, and continued to head towards the depths of the primeval forest.

The further you go, the higher the temperature and humidity.

Those who didn’t know thought it was the tropical rainforest.

The temperature difference before and after changes too quickly. If some people with relatively thin bodies come here, they will definitely catch a cold and have a fever.

After thinking for a while, Li Xiao understood what was going on.

The thick and big banyan tree that just passed was the entrance of this primeval forest, and it just blocked the cold air from the snow-capped mountains outside.

Not only that, but the powerful transpiration of the big banyan tree and its countless air roots that grow frighteningly just block the invasion of the cold wave, and at the same time provide a large amount of water vapor.

Coupled with the unique geographical environment, it has created such an almost tropical paradise among the snow-covered mountains.

The high temperature is an advantage, at least Li Xiao doesn't need to suffer from the cold anymore.


There are advantages and disadvantages!
As he went deeper, the first problem Li Xiao faced was mosquitoes.

The mosquitoes here are far stronger than those outside. Not only are they more numerous, but they are also bigger.

In this humid and hot environment, mosquitoes have no natural enemies, let alone human disturbance, so they naturally breed and grow beyond imagination.

As we all know, Li Xiao is carrying a card rewarded by the system, which can prevent mosquito bites.

But this card should be the lowest-level card in the system. It can only defend against ordinary mosquitoes outside, but it can't stop the ones here.

In addition, Li Xiao took off his clothes, which exposed most of his body's skin. After a while, Li Xiao clearly felt the strong bite of mosquitoes.

 ps: Two points, first, we have been raining non-stop during this period of time, the streets have become rivers, some roads, highways and houses have collapsed, so the update is a bit unstable these days, I am very sorry.

  Second, thanks to several familiar faces who sent me monthly tickets when my update was unstable!
  Thanks to qq for reading [book friend 536753], [Yaoyao], [I'm uncivilized], [I only want to occupy a job for you for a lifetime], [Xu Yang]'s monthly tickets!

  Thank you for reading the monthly ticket of [Book Friends 20190919155553741]!

  thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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