My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 330 The Dancing Grass Seed

Chapter 330 The Dancing Grass Seed
Xiao Hei could understand Li Xiao's words, and quickly ran out of the tent, squatted down under a big tree not far away, and waited obediently for Li Xiao.

After packing up the tent and backpack, Li Xiao continued to head towards the hinterland of the primeval forest.

During the whole process, Ye Fu and Guang Fu obediently wrapped themselves around Li Xiao's shoulders.

Will not take up space.

It doesn't affect Li Xiao's work either.

When I rushed here yesterday, because it was near dusk, the light was dim, giving people a gloomy feeling.

Today, Li Xiao woke up early, and this place is far away from the area covered by the big banyan tree, so the sunlight can easily shine in.

Bathed in the warm sunshine in the morning, the whole person's mood is much happier.

In addition, I took a deep breath of the unique fresh air in the virgin forest.

Even though Li Xiao slept very late last night, the quality was not very good, and he was shocked at the moment. "Morning principal!"

“A good day starts with seeing my husband!”

"What are we looking for today?"

"Still go all the way?"

As Li Xiao turned on the live broadcast, the tourists in the live broadcast room greeted one after another.

Li Xiao smiled helplessly, and said: "It's also my first time here. I don't know any animals and plants here, so if I want to find some rare animals and plants, I have to rely on luck."
Shoot whatever you come across.

If you come here with a purpose, specifically for a certain rare animal, you may not get anything for several months.

If you really can't find any rare animals and plants today, then there is one thing that must be done, and that is to look for water sources.

The water I carried with me was almost exhausted, and I had to find a clean water source as soon as possible. "

After finishing speaking, Li Xiao shook the water bottle he carried with him, and the water bottle inside had already bottomed out.

For ordinary people, it is very difficult to find a clean water source in an unfamiliar forest, but Li Xiao is experienced, so it is naturally easy.

According to the small details such as the state of the soil, changes in the distribution of tree species, and the excrement and footprints left by animals on the ground, Li Xiao soon heard the sound of gurgling water.

In front of you is a clear stream.

Li Xiao squatted down, reached out and touched first.

Suddenly felt icy cold.

This is extremely disproportionate to the surrounding hot and humid environment.

"This mountain stream should be formed by the melting of ice and snow from the nearby snow-capped mountains."

Li Xiao came to a conclusion, and took out his big kettle, installed a special filter paper and filter element, took a big bottle directly from the stream, and placed it beside him to filter slowly.

"The water quality here is very good, and it is flowing, but because no human beings have stepped on it all year round, it is inevitable that there will be some small bugs or bacteria that cannot be seen by the naked eye. I use this special water filter and purification device to filter it briefly. After opening, you can come to drink.

Everyone must remember that if you encounter a water source that has never been touched by humans in the wild, do not drink it directly.

There have been news reports that someone drank seemingly clean and clear water in the wild and was hospitalized the next day. The reason was that there were tiny insect eggs in the water because it was not filtered and boiled. "

Afraid that the tourists in the live broadcast room would follow suit, Li Xiao fetched water and hurriedly said.

There are still some children in the current live broadcast room, what Li Xiao is most afraid of is that the children will follow suit, and something will happen in the end, causing their parents to report their live broadcast room.

Some parents nowadays are really sensitive, and they report it at every turn.

Some time ago, the well-known Chinese manga "Assassin Wu Liuqi" was reported. The reason was that the profession of assassin had a bad influence. In the end, the animation was taken off the shelves, and the word "Assassin" was deleted before it was re-released.

There is also the movie "Changjin Lake", which has skyrocketed at the box office and has already reached the top ten box office of domestic movies. Some parents even reported it because the content in it was too bloody and called for it to be removed from the shelves.

"Principal, don't worry!"

"We know it!"

"Laughing to death, working overtime from nine to five every day, there is no time to go outdoors!"

"Speaking of which, the head of the garden is really amazing. It took less than half an hour to find the source of water. It's unbelievable!"

"It's nothing, it's mainly because the water source is abundant here!"

Li Xiao said very modestly.

The process of filtering the water is relatively slow, and it will take a while, so it’s not interesting to just sit here, Li Xiao thought for a while, and then continued to speak: "I have nothing to do right now anyway, how about... let me teach you How to quickly find water sources in the wild."

In the wild, water and life are equated.

If you go on an adventure in the wild, the first element you are looking for must be water.

If not, my life is in jeopardy!
"Ok, Ok!"

"Come here, bring me my little notebook!"

"You people, when you were young, you weren't so serious when you were in school, but the principal talked about these things more and more vigorously."

"No way, who made the principal look so handsome, as long as my brother is handsome, I can do anything."

"It's like a beautiful woman teaching driving on Douyin's short video. A group of men already have driver's licenses, and they stay in the live broadcast room on time every day."

Amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the tourists in the live broadcast room, Li Xiao cleared his throat and finally began to speak, saying: "In this kind of lush jungle rainforest, water sources are actually easy to find. If you want to find water here, there will be no water at all." what difficulty.

Today I will tell you how to find water quickly in a desert with hot weather and barren soil.

In the dry environment I mentioned, it is basically difficult to find water sources in the wild, and even if there are, they are very few, and they are occupied by various beasts.

Then, we need to find another way.

There are three steps to this method. First, catch a monkey, or a similarly small animal.

Second, keep feeding it salt. If there is no salt, you can use something similar instead.

Third, release the caught animal.

In this way, the monkeys that eat too much salt will be very thirsty, and they will search for water sources as quickly as possible, and these small animals basically have their own secret water sources. You just need to follow it and you will be able to find the water source.

This method is not my original creation, but some primitive tribes in Africa, where people often use this method to find water! "

"Fuck! Awesome!"

"Learn, learn!"

"Today's knowledge is very important. I will use it when I go to dry Africa in the future."

"Monkey: Excuse me, are you a human or a dog?"

"Hahahaha, I can't stop laughing!"

When there was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room, Li Xiao glanced slightly, noticed a bush next to him, and said with a smile: "Next, I will show you another talent, this talent is called Shouting Mai."

"Shouting Mai? Who can't do that?"

"Principal, shouting Mai is out of date now!"

"I am drunk alone, and I am drunk, and the beauties are paired!"

"Since rap became popular, shouting has become abolished. All the live broadcast platforms on the Internet, there are not many shouting hosts, even those shouting anchors in the past, no longer shouting."

"Didn't you shout out loud, this is too common, the director should change his talent."

"Yes! Change your talent, even singing is better than calling Mai!"

"Since everyone is so enthusiastic, then I'll sing, but my singing still has something to do with shouting Mai."

While speaking, Li Xiao got up and walked to the side grass, reached out and grabbed a very inconspicuous weed in the grass, and picked up two things that looked like ears of wheat, and shook it towards the camera of the drone .

"So it's this wheat?"

"What the hell is this? It really looks like wheat!"

"No, no, even if it's this wheat, how can it be called?"

"Next is the moment to witness the miracle, just watch patiently."

Li Xiao smiled mysteriously, without much explanation, dragged the backpack at the side, quickly took out the notebook from the bag, and tore off a piece of paper.

What is this for?
The tourists in the live broadcast room became more and more confused.

I saw Li Xiao breaking off the small grass seeds from the two grass ears that had just been picked up, and gently placed them on the white paper.

Finally, put the white paper aside, open your mouth, and start singing.

"If those two words didn't tremble

I won't find me uncomfortable
how to say export

It's just a breakup
If there is no request for tomorrow
Holding hands is like traveling

thousands of doors

There is always someone to go first

Since I can't stay in my arms
why not when you leave

weeping while enjoying

Ten years ago
I do not know you

You do not belong to me

We are still the same

By a stranger
Walking through the gradually familiar streets"

Li Xiao sang "Ten Years" by Eason Chan.

The song also has a very touching backstory.

A taxi driver pulled a special customer late at night, his girlfriend who broke up with him ten years ago.

The driver recognized her as soon as he got in the car, perhaps because he couldn't let go of it all the time, he didn't intend to recognize her.

The woman changed her destination more than ten minutes after getting in the car, then happily took out her phone, and chatted with the friend on the other end of the phone, the feelings and twists and turns of life in the past ten years.

And the driver just listened quietly, and scenes of the past flashed before his eyes.

When the woman hung up the phone, the two were relatively speechless, and the destination had arrived.

When getting out of the car, the woman choked up and said, "I told you all my experience of ten years, but you don't want to tell me even if you say hello?"

The man trembled and said, "Hello!"

Inadvertently, the tears of the two of them flowed down quietly!

Li Xiao has learned about this story, so he is very familiar with it.

To be honest, Li Xiao is not particularly good at singing, but this song is too familiar and classic, and it is quite enjoyable to sing it from his deep and gentle voice.

Li Xiao's singing voice is moving.

But the tourists in the live broadcast room gradually turned their attention to those grass seeds.As Li Xiao sang, those grass seeds crawled quickly on the white paper.It was as if he was dancing for Li Xiao.

"I'll go! What's going on?"

"Could it be that the head of the garden is really a cultivator, and he can manipulate these humble grass seeds?"


"What kind of magic is this?!"

"Wrong! This is fairy art!"

"No, no, no, you are all wrong, these are not grass seeds, but bugs!"

The live broadcast room was in chaos.

Everyone is talking about their thoughts and guesses.


Li Xiao was directly amused.

And no longer continue to sing.

Strange to say, as Li Xiao's singing stopped abruptly, the wildly dancing grass seeds on the white paper also stopped.

"Hey? Those grass seeds stopped crawling?"

"Oh my god, it finally stopped!"

"It's so scary!"

"Why is it scary, don't you think it's amazing?"

"What the hell is going on here? Aren't those ordinary grass seeds broken off by the head of the garden himself? Why are they dancing?"

"Could it really be a bug?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Could it be some kind of parasite in the grass seeds?"

"Don't be afraid, everyone, these are not what you imagined..."

Seeing the tourists in the live broadcast room talking more and more outrageous, Li Xiao hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.


As soon as he opened his mouth, the grass seeds on the white paper danced wildly again.

"Principal, don't be scary!"

"It's so early in the morning, it's too subverted my three views!"

"Why did they start dancing when the director opened his mouth!"

"What kind of outrageous magic is this?"

"Principal, I want to learn magic from you, so I will learn this!"

Li Xiao shook his head helplessly, put the white paper with grass seeds on the grass two meters away, and then said: "You really don't need to make wild guesses, these are not fairy arts, magic, or magic. It’s not a bug or a parasite as you think, it’s a genuine grass seed, if you don’t believe me, take a look.”

After finishing speaking, Li Xiao stretched out his hand to stick a few grass seeds, pinched them carefully with his nails, and sent them to the camera of the drone.

Everyone took a closer look and found that it was really a grass seed.

Turf, grass heart, layers are distinct.

Very ordinary!
"But why are these grass seeds jumping around on the paper?"

"The key is to dance together as a whole, which is quite neat."

"Grass seeds don't have long legs or feet, so why can they dance?"

"Is this the dancing grass?"

"Dancing grass is grass that dances, not grass seeds!"

"Then this is Dancing Grass Seed!"

"You are wrong, these grass seeds really have legs!"

The smile on Li Xiao's lips became even wider, and he grabbed another straw and brought it to the camera, saying: "Everyone, watch carefully and keep your eyes wide open!"

I saw that the outside of the grass seeds of the bunch of grass tassels did have thin and dense white hairs, and there was a bunch of red or black filaments at the tip of the grass seeds, which looked very much like the head and feet of a bug.

"This grass is called paspalum, which is a kind of barnyard grass.

There are fine and dense hairs on the outside of its grass seeds. When placed on paper, when it is vibrated by sound waves, the hairs will run around on the paper.

Coupled with the tuft of hair on the tip of the grass seed, if you don't look carefully, you can easily mistake it for a small bug crawling. "

Li Xiao smiled, shook off the grass seeds, folded the paper and put it away:
"Paspalum paspalum is a relatively common barnyard grass. If you have seen it, you can pick it up and go home to amuse your children or prank your girlfriend. The effect should be quite good."

 ps: Thank you Qidian for reading the monthly pass of [Lone Wolf Weeping Blood]!

(End of this chapter)

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