My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 334 Midnight Horror: The Bloodthirsty Beast Outside the Tent!

Chapter 334 Midnight Horror: The Bloodthirsty Beast Outside the Tent!

What is the spirit of a cook?
Simple ten-word description: I'm just full, and I didn't say I would stop eating!
Light Sha is like this.

Adhering to the arrogant character of "I haven't eaten enough, I will continue to eat", Li Xiao just pulled Guangsha back to his shoulder, and it swam back into his hand.

Even Ye Fiend with the same body suffered.

Ye Fu adjusted his state and was about to sleep soundly, but he had no time to react, and was suddenly carried away by Light Fiend.

The scene was once hilarious.

This is the biggest shortcoming of the double-headed snake.

This head wants to go here, that head wants to rest, and inevitably there will be disagreements.

Fortunately, Ye Fu has a very good personality. To be precise, he favors Guang Sha. He doesn't get angry or angry, and he doesn't fight, letting Ye Fu drag him around.

You swim to the palm of your hand, and I will put it back for you.

Swim over and put back.

This time Li Xiao kept his word, saying that he would not let Guang Sha continue to eat, and he was not used to Guang Sha at all.

So you came to me several times.

The tourists who just entered the live broadcast room thought they were stuck for a moment.

Going back and forth four or five times, Guangsha's anger came up quickly.


When Li Xiao put the light back on his shoulder this time, it actually bit the clothes on Li Xiao's shoulder, twisting and twisting angrily.

Although angry, it is still very smart to know not to bite Li Xiao, but chooses to bite Li Xiao's clothes to protest.

If it wasn't for his inability to speak, Li Xiao estimated that Guang Sha would already be swearing and swearing by now.

"Don't be angry, I'm also thinking about your body.

It's not that I don't want you to eat, nor is it that the honey is not enough for you.

But there is currently no literature documenting whether snakes can eat honey. What should I do if something goes wrong?
What's more, you have only been born for less than a day, and your body is already fragile.

It's better to eat a little less first and see if there will be any adverse reactions.

If it's okay, I promise to let you eat your fill, okay? "

Li Xiao gently stroked Guangsha's little head, as if comforting a child.

As if he understood Li Xiao's meaning, Guang Sha slowly let go of his mouth, and stopped biting Li Xiao's clothes, and Huang Xing stopped biting.

But the little tail was still quite displeased and flicked non-stop.

It's very similar to when you quarreled with your mother when you were young, and your mother was wrong, and your mother came to you to apologize at the end, and the first sentence unified across the country: "Are you wrong?"

If you don't speak, or say something wrong.

Then what is waiting for you is the second sentence: "Okay, hurry up and eat!"

If you say I'm right, or say I'm not hungry.

What is waiting for you is even more raging fire, and your mother's sentence: "If you like to eat or not, you think you are giving it to me. Don't look for me when you are hungry later!"

This scene directly made the tourists in the live broadcast room laugh.

"Guangsha's temper is really big enough, I'm so happy!"

"It's funny and cute, and this little tail flicks so fast, it's almost catching up with the allegro!"

"In such a comparison, Guangsha is still obedient!"

"Who says it's not, eat whatever you give, eat as much as you give, don't fight or grab, just go to sleep after eating."

"However, sometimes the more sensible the baby is, the more distressed he is!"

"I don't know why, but when I look at Guang Sha, I think of my naughty daughter, she has the same temper!"

The tourists roared with laughter.

Li Xiao smiled helplessly and shook his head.

This little guy is not big, but he has a big temper. He just grew up eating gas cans. Fortunately, he is comforted by himself and restrained, and he can continue to pack honey.

Li Xiao said before that the stingless bee is very small, and because of this, its hive is not particularly large.

But the one that Li Xiao discovered was a special case, at least the scale was so large that Li Xiao could hold five or six catties of honey.

Seeing that the honey in the tree hole had bottomed out, and the part that was crushed further down, Li Xiao stopped.

"Okay, I'll leave the rest for you to enjoy, don't say I don't take care of you, the honey at the bottom is more sticky and sweet."

Li Xiao looked down at the remaining beehives, then looked up at the honeybees, smiled and waved his hands, signaling them to eat.

Anyway, he was led by others, so he must know how to repay his kindness.

What's more, it was all right at the beginning.

With the spread of the honey scent, and the ringing honeybirds beckoning friends and companions, there are now almost twenty ringing honeybirds gathered around Li Xiao.

After listening to what Li Xiao said, one after another rushed over impatiently.

Those who didn't know thought they were homeless people who had been hungry for more than ten days.

More like an LSP who hasn't touched a woman in decades!

"Be sure to eat up all the honey, don't leave it behind!"

Li Xiao repeatedly urged.

The reason is very simple, because honey will attract other beasts, and those beasts are not as 'gentle' as myself and the ring honeybee. They are cruel by nature, and they are very likely to hurt the stingless bees, and even bring harm to the stingless bee colony. Come disaster.

Li Xiao stood there for a while, watching the stingless bee colony begin to move under the leadership of the queen bee. After leaving here to build a nest in a more secluded place, he left contentedly with several large bags of honey .

It wasn't until Li Xiao's figure completely disappeared from here that a small black figure crawled out from a tree hole not far away, and limped to the place where the stingless bee's hive was.


After such a toss, the sky has slowly begun to darken.

Although today passed quickly, Li Xiao has gained a lot.

Clean water, edible mountain eggplants, and honey, these three things can easily solve Li Xiao's food and clothing for the next few days.

This day is very fulfilling and worthwhile!

Half an hour after leaving the big tree where the stingless bees were nesting, Li Xiao found a very suitable place for temporary camping.

This is an empty lot.

Behind the clearing is a small dirt slope.

The earth slope can be used to resist the gusts of cold wind at night.

After walking for a day, Li Xiao didn't bother to find a more suitable place, so he stopped directly and set up a tent on the spot.

Worried that the bonfire would burn too vigorously, Ye Fu and Guang Sha's delicate skins would not be able to bear it, and they would also be frightened, so Li Xiao purposely made the bonfire smaller.

However, Li Xiao's worries seemed a little unnecessary.

Although the brothers Guangsha and Yesha were really afraid of the fire, they seemed to feel safe standing on Li Xiao's shoulders, and they didn't react at all.

Even Guangsha kept looking at it curiously.

After the bonfire was set up, Li Xiao directly heated a pot of hot water, cooked some wild vegetables picked nearby, and settled for dinner simply, and fed Ye Fu, Guang Fu, Xiao Hei and Guo Er by the way.

After that, Li Xiao went to collect some branches nearby, cleaned the branches, and built a simple honey filtering device.

The cut beeswax can also be eaten directly, but the taste is not very good after all.

Anyway, there is enough honey, and this last step is not bad.

After the thick honey was filtered, Li Xiao carefully poured it into a sealed bag containing eggplants.

In this way, as long as you wait patiently for a day or two, you can eat delicious candied eggplants.

Because this is a dense mountain forest, there are many branches of various trees around, so as not to accidentally pierce the bag, and let the honey inside leak out and the air get in, Li Xiao also put more bags on the sealed bag, and then put it in the tent with peace of mind stored in it.

As for the filtered beeswax, although it still has a bit of honey and a bit of fragrance, Li Xiao doesn't want to eat it, so he just throws it to Xiao Hei, Ye Sha and Guang Sha to taste.

Back and forth, nothing is wasted.

Having prepared everything contentedly, Li Xiao got into the tent, closed the curtain, and prepared to rest.



In the first half of the night, there was nothing unusual, and Li Xiao, who was tired all day, slept very soundly.

But in the middle of the night...

Li Xiao, who was sleeping, suddenly heard low growls from animals.

One after another.

Almost an instinctive reaction, Li Xiao didn't hesitate at all, and opened his eyes very vigilantly.

After all, this is a primeval forest, and he doesn't even know how many hidden dangers and beasts there are.

But when he opened his eyes, Li Xiao suddenly discovered that it was Xiao Hei who made the whining sound.

"What's your name in the middle of the night?"

Li Xiao patted Xiao Hei beside him, and asked angrily.

But facing Li Xiao's slapping and questioning, Xiao Hei didn't respond at all, just squatted on the same spot from beginning to end, staring at Li Xiao's back.

His green eyes were full of fierce light, and his teeth were bared fiercely.

Looks fierce.

Very hideous.

not good! ! !

This happens to Xiao Hei only when he is in danger.

Li Xiao seemed to have sensed something, turned his head decisively, and found a black shadow flashing outside the tent behind him.

The moon is very round tonight.

When Li Xiao came to this primeval forest, he had never seen such a round moon.

Not only round, but also very bright.

And the moonlight just shone on the beast, reflecting the shadow of the beast on the tent.

Maybe it's because of the angle, or maybe it's because this beast is really big. Li Xiao saw that its shadow is at least as big as an adult tiger.

Are there wild tigers here?

Li Xiao raised doubts in his heart, and broke out in a cold sweat.

But even if there is a tiger, he even lit a bonfire outside the tent, how dare it get close to the flames?


Xiao Hei opened his mouth, ready to continue to yell, and to frighten the beasts outside.

However, Li Xiao covered its mouth in time, and even put his right index finger in front of his mouth, making a shush gesture, signaling Xiao Hei to keep quiet.

Now I don't know anything about the beasts outside, if it is really a fierce beast like a tiger, it's better to avoid it for the time being.

Li Xiao is not afraid of a tiger.

The fear is that there are tiger companions around.

I am even more afraid of disturbing more beasts because of fighting.

If you are accidentally injured and bleed out, the blood will stimulate more ferocious beasts to come.

Li Xiao held his breath, widened his eyes, and tried hard to see what kind of beast was outside, but the outline was too blurry to make out.

But what Li Xiao can be sure of is that this beast is gnawing on something.

Li Xiao could even hear the crisp sound of ga ba ga ba.

What the hell!

Won't eat bones again?

Under normal circumstances, animals that live in the wild all year round will not take the initiative to approach unfamiliar things.

Not to mention tents that look weird at first glance.

What's more, there is a bonfire next to my tent!
Unless it is because you are hungry, you will rush in.

But is there any food that will be hunted by wild animals near my tent?
Before I set up the tent, I searched all around, and found no bird nests, hare nests, etc., and I took all my things back into the tent, leaving nothing outside.

Li Xiao's brain was running rapidly.

After thinking about it, Li Xiao didn't have any clues.

and many more.

In a daze, Li Xiao frowned.

Before going to bed at night, he left the honeycomb dregs, which he sifted out, near the tent with some honey in them.

Is this beast eating honeycomb scum?

At this moment, Li Xiao regretted endlessly.

Because in order to let the drone that has been working during the day have a rest, Li Xiao deliberately took the drone back.

If the drone is still outside at this moment, I can definitely see what is outside.


hold on!
Isn't it still outside after a while, why is there no movement at all?
Is it possible...

I slept so hard that the wild beasts outside had already eaten Guo'er?
Thinking of this, how could Li Xiao continue to stay in the tent, took a deep breath, collected himself, held the saber in one hand, and stretched out the other hand to the zipper of the tent's windshield curtain, wanting to see what kind of beast was outside.

After silently saying one, two, three in his heart, Li Xiao pulled down the zipper abruptly.

However, the beast outside was much more vigilant than Li Xiao imagined. The zipper had just been pulled down for a short distance, but the beast outside was aware of it, and ran towards the dense forest in the distance very vigilantly. go.

The movement is fast, like a wind!

Li Xiao also noticed the movement, opened the windshield curtain as quickly as possible, and rushed out.

But even though it was as fast as lightning, it still lost to the speed of the fleeing beast.

When Li Xiao walked out of the tent, except for the empty moonlight outside, there was only a small piece of land that looked a little messy because of the wild beasts fleeing in panic.

Li Xiao resolutely turned his gaze to the place where the beast had just been.

After a while, Li Xiao frowned even tighter.

It directly became an inverted horoscope!
Because besides the sticky honey stains on the ground, there was also a mass of dark red viscous liquid.

This was Li Xiao's first reaction!

Where did the blood come from?
Could it be that in order to protect himself and allow himself to sleep peacefully, Guo'er fought desperately with the intruding beasts, and was really killed?

Just when Li Xiao was thinking wildly, Guo'er appeared in sight with the sound of a bird singing.

In Guo'er's mouth, there was also a wild mouse.

Seeing Li Xiao's face full of sadness, Guo'er even flapped his wings and flew over. He didn't care about eating wild rats, but looked at Li Xiao suspiciously.

It seems that he doesn't understand why Li Xiaoda doesn't sleep at night, but sulks here!

(End of this chapter)

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