My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 340 A blizzard strikes, Li Xiao flees for his life!

Chapter 340 A blizzard strikes, Li Xiao flees for his life!

"So you didn't leave..."

After a moment of stupor, Li Xiao took the scroll handed over by Brother Pingtou and asked softly.


Brother Pingtou yelled twice, then turned and ran to the grass not far away.

When it reappeared, its two little claws were already holding a big mouse.

There was still blood on the mouse's neck, and it looked like it had just been bitten to death.

He dragged the two big mice to Li Xiao's side with a proud face, the Pingtou brother suddenly froze in place, staring at the big mice in a daze.

What is this for?
Li Xiao didn't understand, he looked blank, but he didn't interrupt Brother Pingtou either.

About a minute later, the Pingtou brother who was staring at the big mouse finally reacted. He saw that it first put the smaller mouse under its feet, and then reluctantly pushed the other bigger mouse to the ground. In front of Li Xiao.

Finally, he looked up at Li Xiao.

Those eyes, that demeanor seemed to say: Do you think my brother is righteous to you?
Li Xiao finally understood.

It turned out that Brother Pingtou was just hesitating which big mouse to share with himself.

As we all know, Brother Pingtou is a very protective animal. For food, they can risk their lives to fight for food.

But now, Brother Pingtou is actually willing to give him the fatter food.

One can imagine how much Brother Pingtou was struggling.

"I guess the director must be very embarrassed now."

"Hahaha, should I accept it or not?"

"Take it, after all, it's Brother Pingtou's wish."

"Take it! You have to take it! Not only do you have to take it, but you also have to bite the dead mouse twice in front of Brother Pingtou!"

"Brother Pingtou is really fierce! After suffering such a serious injury, he only rested for one night and went hunting wildly. He is indeed a big brother of society!"


The tourists in the live broadcast room were laughing, but Li Xiao didn't move for a long time, which made Brother Pingtou feel a little puzzled, tilted his head and yelled twice in confusion, and threw the big mouse to Li Xiao. Pushed again in front of him.

Brother Pingtou: Let's eat!This is delicious, why are you indifferent?
"Ah this..."

Li Xiao shook his head bitterly, stretched out his hand to pat Brother Pingtou's hairy head and said, "I understand your kindness, but you should eat these two big mice yourself.

I accept it kindly, and leave the mouse to you.

You go to the side to eat first, I have to be busy. "

After finishing speaking, Li Xiao gently shook the scroll in his hand.


Brother Pingtou blinked: Are you sure?You are so considerate, knowing that I just need to replenish my body, I like you more and more.

Brother Pingtou thought that Li Xiao was taking care of him specially, so he dragged the two big mice back to the simple grass nest under the big tree, and started to eat them.

With the departure of Brother Pingtou, Li Xiao can finally concentrate on helping Tibetan Fox to deal with the ticks on his body.

Tibetan foxes can clearly feel that the ticks are sucking blood crazily on the neck. This feeling is very itchy, and they want to scratch with their claws if they can't bear it.

He didn't even hesitate to scratch his neck.

However, Li Xiao kept controlling it, so he couldn't scratch it even if he wanted to.

Helpless, Pingtou, who was always arrogant and unbeatable, started whimpering in Li Xiao's arms.

"Don't make trouble, it will be fine soon, I will help you get rid of the bugs now."

Li Xiao coaxed the Tibetan fox patiently.

He didn't feel angry because the Tibetan fox struggled hard and accidentally kicked himself.

Gently brushing away the fluff on the Tibetan fox, Li Xiao quickly found the disgusting tick, and then decisively picked up the paper roll that was emitting light smoke and approached it.

The shredded grass wrapped in Li Xiao's scroll is not ordinary dry grass, but a herbal medicine that can repel insects specially found after searching. After being ignited, the smoke of this herb has a very good effect of repelling insects .

Coupled with the burning of the flames, the little ticks must not be able to bear it, and they will automatically pull their heads out of the Tibetan fox's skin and escape, and there is no need to forcefully pull them out.

Sure enough, under the dual effects of high temperature and the smoke of insect repellent herbs, those ticks that were biting the neck of the Tibetan fox one second, fell down like popping beans in a bamboo tube.

Li Xiao originally wanted to trample these disgusting ticks to death.

Who would have thought...

Ye Fu and Guang Fu took a quick step, swam down from Li Xiao's shoulders tacitly, and rushed towards the ticks on the ground that were full of blood and had bulging bellies like lightning.

Immediately afterwards, all of Gaba Gaba was eaten.

The blood that these ticks worked so hard to suck made Light Fury and Night Fury cheaper in this way.

"The two of you are smart. I found that the two of you always have an unimaginable tacit understanding when it comes to eating!"

Li Xiao complained dumbfoundingly.

Ye Sha and Guang Sha didn't care about what Li Xiao said at all, after eating and drinking enough, they climbed along Li Xiao's legs and climbed onto his shoulders again, leisurely preparing to sleep.

Being able to eat and sleep, Ye Fu and Guang Fu naturally grew beyond ordinary snakes.

They are also very smart, knowing that Li Xiao is very busy now, so they did not disturb the whole process, while Li Xiao continued to rummage through the Tibetan fox, trying to find the rest of the bugs that slipped through the net.

After some searching, Li Xiao didn't find anything.

It seems that it is just because the fluff on the neck is relatively sparse, which is exploited by ticks.

"In the future, you should pay attention to hygiene and take a bath frequently, you know."

In the end, while disinfecting the wound on the Tibetan fox's neck, Li Xiao exhorted, hating iron for being weak.


The Tibetan fox hummed aggrievedly.

It knows that Li Xiao is Xiao Hei's master, and Xiao Hei is its big brother. Facing the big brother and master who has convinced him, no matter what he says, he must be obedient and obedient, and there is no more awkwardness when we first met. and arrogant.

After dealing with the ticks on the Tibetan fox, Brother Pingtou also ate up the two big mice, leaving only some bones.

Looking at its round belly, you can tell that it is very full this meal.

When he noticed Li Xiao's gaze, Pingtou raised the bone with his claws, looked at Li Xiao questioningly, and seemed to say: It's really delicious, are you sure you don't want to order it?

Originally, Li Xiao planned to wait until Brother 1 Pingtou's injury was a little better before setting out, but seeing how he was able to eat, sleep and hunt, Li Xiao felt that it could be done earlier.

After stretching his waist and stretching his muscles and bones, Li Xiao got into the tent and began to pack his things, ready to go on the road again.


Just then, the phone buzzed.

Li Xiao glanced at the caller ID.

It was Tao Yaoyao who called.

Why did she call?
Didn't she stay in the live broadcast room all the time, is there anything she can say on the public screen?
Is there something private?
Li Xiao answered decisively.

Before she had time to speak, Tao Yaoyao on the other end of the phone spoke first: "Director, I know you really want to continue exploring in this primeval forest, but I have to tell you, you must come back!"

"Huh? Why? What happened to the zoo?"

Li Xiao asked three times in a row with a blank face.

Tao Yaoyao explained: "The zoo is well taken care of by me, but I just read the news that there will be a heavy snowfall in the Tianshan area recently, you must leave this virgin forest as soon as possible, or you may leave when the heavy snow comes. It's gone."

Tao Yaoyao did not stop talking.

Because heavy snowfall brings not only road closures, but also increased cold.

Although Li Xiao would not be greatly affected in this warm primeval forest, the primeval forest would definitely be affected by the sudden coldness of the temperature.

The most important point is that if it continues to snow, it will definitely cause an avalanche, and it may even affect this virgin forest.

After all, this primeval forest is located in the mountains, so it is really risky.

How could it suddenly snow?

Li Xiao was even more puzzled.

He took the phone directly and started checking the weather.

Sure enough, as Tao Yaoyao said, it will snow here recently, and it will even last for about a week.

The weather around the world this year is very strange. In some places it has been raining continuously, while in other places it is extremely hot. However, at this time in previous years, even if it snows in the Tianshan Mountains, it is only small snowflakes at most. It is impossible to have such serious.

Things have come to this, there are only two roads in front of Li Xiao.


Or continue to explore?

The tourists in the live broadcast room also heard the content of the call just now, and commented one after another.

"Director, let's go, hurry up, my life is important!"

"Although there are many rare animals and plants here, we must leave. If they are buried here by heavy snow, there will be nothing left."

"I don't think there is any need to be so nervous. This primeval forest has been here for so many years. I don't know if it has been hit by heavy snow and it is not safe."

"The headmaster, let's go!"

"This year's weather is very abnormal. Who knows how long and how big the snow will be."

The tourists talked a lot.

But more still hope that Li Xiao leaves here as soon as possible.

After much consideration, Li Xiao decided...

leave! ! !

This primeval forest is really huge. Although I have only explored less than one-tenth of it so far, it is perfect to have regrets.

As for the rest of the road, if there is a chance in the future, you can come again.

If there is no chance, let those people from the National Rare Animal Protection and Rescue Center explore.

I can be regarded as exploring the way for them.

Li Xiao, who was going to continue exploring, turned back decisively because of Tao Yaoyao's phone call.

Before leaving, Li Xiao decided to take something with him.

At least the Light Fiend, Ye Fiend, Tibetan Fox and Pingtou brother who are around him now will be taken away.


When Li Xiao walked out of the tent, he found that Brother Pingtou was gone.

Why is it gone again?

Are you going to catch mice again?
Or did it just hear the content of its own phone call and was unwilling to leave here, so it left quietly?
Do you really want to say goodbye without saying hello this time?

I just hope that without my own care, Brother Pingtou can take care of himself, heal his wounds, and grow his hair.

After putting on his backpack and looking around reluctantly, Li Xiao was about to leave.

After thinking about it, Li Xiao still took out a card.

Since some animals were taken away, something should be left behind.

Li Xiao decided to keep this card here.

This card was obtained by the golden lottery, which allows Li Xiao to control the weather at will, but once used, it can only last for two hours.

Li Xiao was worried that the heavy snow here would cover the primeval forest inadvertently, and as the temperature dropped sharply, some animals that lived in this warm environment all year round could not stand it at all.

In order to protect them, Li Xiao can only change the weather.

Fortunately, the weather control card can be used remotely, as long as the card is placed here, no matter where Li Xiao is, after use, the card can still control the weather.

Similar to some of the current household appliances that can be controlled remotely.

Li Xiao only needs to place the card here. Once it snows heavily in the future and affects the animals here, Li Xiao can change the weather to rescue these animals.

Put the card in a hidden place to prevent some mischievous animals from taking it away, and when you are ready, Li Xiao will leave.

But just took a step...


Suddenly, some birds chirping overhead.

Li Xiao looked up.

It turned out to be the honeybee that I met a few days ago.

Immediately afterwards, there was a commotion in the grass, and the flat-headed boy in SpongeBob shorts reappeared.


Brother Pingtou: Hey, I called these honeybees, and I want to take them all away, so that I don’t have to worry about eating honey in the future.

Before Li Xiao could ask, Brother Pingtou took the initiative to explain.

So you went to find Xiangmibi!

You are really smart!

Xiangmiji likes to eat honey, and Brother Pingtou also likes to eat honey. They naturally become a kind of very interesting friends.

As soon as the ringing honey bird sees the Pingtou brother, it will keep calling to attract the attention of the Pingtou brother. The Pingtou brother follows the sound of the ringing honey bird and follows it, and at the same time makes a series of response sounds.

Pingtouge uses its strong and powerful claws to break open the beehive and eat bee larvae and pupae, and the honeybee can also share a delicious meal.

Some people have seen the tacit cooperation between them, but why they are so tacit remains to be scientifically verified.

Since you are leaving, you should also take your partner with you.

I have to say that Brother Pingtou, as a social brother in the animal world, is really righteous.

All the members were ready, and Li Xiao took them and started to leave the primeval forest.

Because I have explored the way when I came here, it is much more convenient when I go back.

At least there is no need to panic.

There is no need to worry about some beasts popping up from the side from time to time.

Even if there are wild beasts, I am not afraid, because now my team is very large, and there is a Pingtou brother who is aggressive and not afraid of death.

Along the way, Li Xiao was accompanied by many animals, which was not boring, but a lot of fun.

After a whole day of driving, Li Xiao finally arrived at the foot of the mountain in the dark and found his RV.

After getting into the RV, Li Xiao did a simple cleaning, and then continued to drive.

After all, the caravan has not been cleaned for many days, and it is already covered with dust, so there is no way to live in it.

Before he knew it, Li Xiao drove to the bottom of the hillside where he first found the Snow Leopard's family.

 ps: It will be a new week soon, remember to vote!

  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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