My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 355 The Penguin Caught Extinct by Humans!

Chapter 355 The Penguin Caught Extinct by Humans!
In the blink of an eye, Boss, Kawaii and Liang Liang were surrounded by dogs.

Facing these native dogs trained by Xiao Hei, they can only cover their heads with their wings and surrender obediently.

In fact, after jumping out of the car window, Xiao Hei quickly found the three penguins with his keen sense of smell.

He was just worried that they would run away separately, so he went back to the village to summon his little brothers.

When the dog king returned to the village, the local dogs from every household in the village naturally needed to tell each other, and rushed to help as soon as possible.

They are extremely loyal to Xiao Hei!

After a while, under the leadership of Xiao Hei, all the local dogs forcibly led the boss, Kawaii and Liang Liang out of the grass.

When the rookie who was caught saw this scene, he immediately looked at Li Xiao, and changed his words: I confess!I will explain everything!What do you want to know, I said, can you give me those little fishes, shrimps and mother penguins?
Li Xiao responded with Huang Hong's classic quotes in the Spring Festival Gala sketch, saying: "The baby is gone, you are breastfeeding, your nose is full of snot, do you know how to dump it?"

In this way, before Li Xiao entered the village, he gave the four Penguin brothers who were about to flee to the county town.

Holding the four penguin brothers, Li Xiao returned to the RV.

As soon as they got into the RV, the four Penguin brothers were stunned when they saw Dawa Snow Leopard, Xiaoliang Tibetan Fox, Pingtou Honey Badger, Ye Fu and Guang Fu.

Good guy!
I went to Tianshan and brought back so many animals, and each one is more precious and rare than the other. It seems that the zoo is going to be lively again.

And Tibetan Fox Xiaoliang and the others also saw Li Xiao and Xiao Hei's methods and cards just now, and they suddenly felt confident.

Xiao Liang even sighed in his heart: Following a big brother like Xiao Hei, there is a future!

Twenty minutes later, Li Xiao drove back home.

As soon as he walked into the gate of Tongfu Inn, Li Xiao smelled a fragrance.

Tao Yaoyao must be cooking.

Li Xiao didn't inform the villagers that he would come back, but he informed Tao Yaoyao and gave a specific time.

In order to welcome her back home, Tao Yaoyao has been preparing ingredients for a big meal since the afternoon.

After Li Xiao ordered all the animals to get off the car, he tiptoed to the kitchen.

Standing at the door of the kitchen, Li Xiao happened to see Tao Yaoyao cooking in front of the earthen stove.

Today's Tao Yaoyao was wearing a long black dress, but even so, it still couldn't conceal her bulging figure.

From Li Xiao's angle, one can just see Tao Yaoyao's protruding breasts and slender waist from the side.

Tao Yaoyao even tied her jet-black long hair behind her head, which added a bit of charm.

Even Li Xiao, who was as firm as Liu Xiahui, couldn't help licking his lips when he saw this scene.

When I got home, I could have such a beautiful woman cooking for me, so what else would I eat, of course...

Li Xiao couldn't bear to call out the beauty in front of him, so he stood still and admired it quietly.

It wasn't until Tao Yaoyao finished frying the dishes that she turned around, and when she saw Li Xiao, she was startled.

Immediately afterwards, the shock turned into joy, and he couldn't help hugging Li Xiao, and asked with a smile, "When did you get home?"

"I've been standing here since you put the salt in."

Li Xiao answered truthfully.

"Then don't call me."

"It's so beautiful! I can't bear it!"

This sentence is also true, and it comes from the heart.


Tao Yaoyao blushed, and slowly let go of Li Xiao.

Li Xiao glanced at the kitchen and asked, "What are you cooking, is there anything I need to help with?"

"I've already made stir-fried dried celery, fried pork with chili, and crayfish with perilla. I'm going to make crab and beef again. It happens to be four dishes and one soup."

Tao Yaoyao explained, "Some of these ingredients are grown in our yard, and some are bought in the market. They are pure natural, pollution-free, and very healthy."

"Let me make the rest of the crab and beef?"

Li Xiao looked at the crab that was still alive and kicking, and was ready to do it.

Tao Yaoyao hurriedly interrupted it, and said: "Don't! You have worked hard these days, I must cook this meal."

"You help me take care of the business of the zoo. It's also very hard, isn't it?"

Li Xiao asked back, and said, "I haven't cooked for a long time, so I just let me show my skills and let you have a taste of my cooking. It's my gratitude to you."

"OK then!"

Tao Yaoyao nodded slowly and said.

What Li Xiao said was well-founded, and she had nothing to refute.

And the most important thing is that she also wants to eat what Li Xiao made.

Although after living in Hama Village for this period of time, Tao Yaoyao has gotten used to the earthen stove in the countryside and is more comfortable cooking, but what she has to admit is that her cooking skills are still far behind Li Xiao's One hundred and eight thousand miles.

Next, Li Xiao started working as a chef in the kitchen.

Tao Yaoyao did not leave.

It's not easy for Li Xiao to come back, she still wants to get closer to Li Xiao.

Therefore, he began to work as a helper for Li Xiao, wrapping garlic and peeling onions from time to time.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Just when Li Xiao was about to show off his skills, Xiao Hei got into the kitchen with the four Penguin brothers from Madagascar behind him.

Xiao Hei: Master, what should we do with these four fat geese?

Li Xiao rolled his eyes, thought for a while, looked at Tao Yaoyao, and said, "Shall we have an extra meal tonight?"

"Extra meal?"

Tao Yaoyao frowned slightly, very puzzled.

Li Xiao said: "Hasn't the summer passed? I heard that this year's autumn is very short, and it will soon enter winter. What to eat in winter, of course it is a big goose..."

"Those big geese in the village are very fierce, I dare not catch them."

Tao Yaoyao interrupted Li Xiao, saying in fear.

Li Xiao suddenly turned his head, looked straight at the four penguin brothers behind Xiao Hei, smiled wickedly, and said, "Isn't this ready-made? Today we will stew a big goose!"

Others eat big geese, we eat penguins, that's how advanced it is.

Tao Yaoyao is very smart, she understood something from Li Xiao's smirk, and echoed: "But I don't like to eat big goose, I like to eat roast goose."

"It just so happens that we have four big geese here, one for stewing and one for roasting, and the remaining two, one for stewing and one for stir-frying, they are perfect!"

Li Xiao stuck out his tongue while talking, and licked his lips in an exaggerated manner, almost spitting out his mouth.

The four penguin brothers stood there, trembling with fear.

At first, when they heard Li Xiao talk about eating big geese, they didn't realize the danger.

But when Li Xiao cast his eyes and explained that there were four big geese, they panicked immediately.

Rookie: Boss, the four big geese that the director mentioned are not us, right?

Kawaii: Penguins are also geese, I feel so!

Boss: It's over, it's over, our four brothers are going to be over today, what should we do?
Cool: escape!
Boss: Get away!We can't beat Xiao Hei, the dog king!
Kawaii: Since we can't escape, then we have only...

After the four penguin brothers looked at each other tacitly, they rushed towards Li Xiao.

"Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei: Master!careful!

It also thought that the four penguin brothers were in a hurry, and they were going to "capture the thief first and capture the king" and seemed to attack Li Xiao first.

But when it finished roaring, the four penguin brothers fell down in front of Li Xiao in unison, knocking their heads lightly on the ground non-stop.

They were kowtowing to Li Xiao, admitting their mistakes, and begging.

Boss and Kawaii even stepped forward, hugged Li Xiao's left and right legs, and began to wail in a mournful voice.

Boss: Director, we know we are wrong!
Kawaii: We won't run around anymore, and we won't do bad things anymore. Let's make an example, okay? Let's give it a chance, Director!

The rookie and Liangliang are learning in style.

But Li Xiao no longer has legs for them to hug.


Li Xiao still has a leg.

It's just that I can't hug that leg, and I dare not hug it!

In desperation, they could only hug Tao Yaoyao's legs.

Cool: Our meat is not tasty, don't eat us!

Rookie: Beautiful sister, hurry up and tell us something nice, you are the most beautiful and kind!
Tao Yaoyao naturally couldn't understand what they said.

However, Tao Yaoyao could feel how pitiful they were, so she couldn't help laughing immediately, and said: "Okay, Director, let's not frighten them, look how frightened they are to kowtow and hug your thighs gone."

"The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime can't be escaped!"

Li Xiao is upright, and it is also to teach the four penguin brothers a lesson. After all, what I met today was me, and I was lucky enough to bring them back. If I met some bad guys, maybe I would really catch them and eat them or sell them. .

Li Xiao pointed back, and said sternly: "Go to the corner and face the wall! If I don't yell to stop, you will just stand there, let alone move!!!"

The four penguin brothers were very obedient and well-behaved. They got up from the ground aggrieved, walked towards the corner one after another, and began to face the wall.

Tao Yaoyao was dumbfounded, and said: "Director, you are amazing, they listen to you too much, I am so envious."

"Natural, just like my appearance, there is no way."

Li Xiao said bitterly.

"Stop being narcissistic about you!"

Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips and smiled, and asked curiously: "By the way, is penguin meat really edible?"

"of course can!"

Li Xiao began to explain seriously: "Penguins have wings, but they can't fly, and all of them are fat and full of meat, so they can be eaten naturally.

It's just that no one eats it nowadays.

In the past, penguins were often eaten by people.

Nowadays, people only know that penguins are from the Antarctic, and polar bears are from the Arctic, but they don’t know that penguins once appeared in the Arctic, and the penguins in the Arctic are named great auks.

The great auk has a black back, a white belly, and a white spot above the eye, and it does resemble a penguin in appearance.

In Chinese, the great auk is sometimes called the "Arctic penguin".

In fact, just like the dispute over the naming of pandas, the great auk was the first to be named "penguin".

Later, people went to the Antarctic and found that the penguins in the Antarctic were similar to those in the North Pole, so they directly transferred the name of the penguins.

The great auk is monogamous throughout life and only lays one egg each year. Each egg needs to be hatched by the husband and wife for one and a half months, while the great auk chick grows extremely fast and can leave the nest after three weeks and fly from the cliff to the sea. It swims with its parents, but it still needs to be raised by its parents for a period of time before it can hunt on its own.

Although the reproductive capacity is very low, but fortunately they have very few natural enemies.

Therefore, it has been able to live on the vast North Atlantic coast for about 500 million years, and the largest number has reached millions.

As early as the Paleolithic Age, Neanderthals hunted great auks for their meat, eggs and fur.However, before the eighth century AD, human hunting did not pose much threat to their survival.

Until the eighteenth century, the Age of Discovery began, the Renaissance flourished, and human science, philosophy, and art entered an era of unprecedented prosperity; but at the same time, when Europeans discovered the rich fishing ground resources of the Newfoundland Islands, human The frantic slaughter of great auks has also begun.

Great auks are not afraid of people by nature and are easy to hunt and kill.

They are good at swimming and diving, but their wings are short, they cannot fly, and they even walk clumsily and slowly. Humans only need to go straight and pinch their long necks to get their prey effortlessly.

In this way, boatloads of great auk carcasses were traded as commodities and sent to various parts of Europe.

Their meat is delicious, their eggs are three times the size of eggs, and their feathers can be made into soft pillows and clothes. No one can resist the temptation, and naturally the supply is in short supply.

At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the great auk was scared and retreated to the two areas of Newfoundland and Iceland because of various hunting.

More than a century later, people began to realize the seriousness of the problem and called for the ban on the killing of great auks, but it was too late. At this time, the great auk populations that had retreated to Newfoundland and Iceland had been caught. , almost disappeared.

What's worse, the endangered great auks have made their specimens become the favorites of wealthy collectors, and the live bodies have even become pets for rich people to show off their wealth. Their value on the black market has skyrocketed hundreds of times every day, until They are completely extinct, and the prices on the black market are still rising.

After the mid-nineteenth century, the great auk was no longer seen on the earth.

Less than a century has passed since it was named until it became extinct, that's all! ! !

In 1830, there were about 40 pairs of great auks left in the world. Because of the frantic hunting of humans, there was nowhere to go, so they fled to Eldi, which became a safe haven for them to temporarily avoid disaster.

But soon, they were targeted by scientists who were keen on making animal specimens.

Under the great rewards of scientists, the price of great auks has risen sharply, and one great auk can even be exchanged for several houses. Naturally, those sailors are desperately looking for the last great auk.

July 1844, 7 was the day of the great auk's extinction.

On this day, on Fire Island near Iceland, the last pair of great auks were killed by cruel humans while their eggs were hatching.

Today, a total of 75 great auk furs and 75 great auk eggs are stored in museums around the world, and thousands of great auk skeletons survive, but only a few have complete skeletons.

If people want to see and understand, they can only use a few photos. "

"They are so pitiful, really desolate!"

After hearing what Li Xiao said, Tao Yaoyao, who is kind and very fond of animals, began to look lonely, and her eyes began to turn red.

 ps: Thank you qq for reading [Yaoyao]'s monthly pass!grateful! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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