My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 359 The most dragon-like animal in the world!

Chapter 359 The most dragon-like animal in the world!
The little sheep Zhang Yixing in the video is dressed very casually without any makeup. Judging by his state, he should be at home.

"Director, I'm just taking a break during this time, I have nothing to do, and I want to go to your zoo."

Zhang Yixing, the little sheep, was very polite as always, and he didn't forget to add one last sentence: "I don't know if it's convenient for you?"

"Of course it's convenient!"

Li Xiao smiled and asked, "When are you coming?"

"In almost two days."

"Okay, then I will lead all the animals in line to welcome them."

"Not only will I go there, but I'll bring a friend with me."

"A star too?"

Li Xiao raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Of course!"

"Who is who?"

"When the time comes, you'll know."

"It's still a joke, don't tell me it's Brother Hong Lei."

Li Xiaohou said fearfully: "My zoo is very clean, there is nothing, but there is nothing for him to snatch."

"Hahahaha, I will definitely pass this sentence on to Brother Honglei."

Zhang Yixing, the little sheep, was amused, and added: "Don't worry, it's not Brother Honglei, she's a beautiful woman."

After that, no matter how Li Xiao questioned, he couldn't get to the bottom of it.

Zhang Yixing, the little sheep, has a very strict mouth and just refuses to speak.

There's no way, everyone in the entertainment industry must be strict with their mouths.

Otherwise, misfortune will come out of your mouth if you are not careful.

Of course, the most important thing is to keep yourself safe, so that you can eliminate the 'disaster' from the root!
After chatting with the little sheep Zhang Yixing, he hung up the video, and Li Xiao began to ponder while eating.

As for people, the more you don't want him to know something, the more curious you will be, and you will even think wildly.

The little sheep Zhang Yixing has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and he has cooperated with many female stars.

In "Mr. Good", Guan Xiaotong, the girlfriend of the good brother Lu Han in reality, plays the couple.

In "Sweeping the Black Storm", he cooperated with Jiang Shuying, the "leg fine".

Cooperated with Zhao Liying in "Golden Pupil".

Cooperated with Shu Qi in "A Good Show".

I don't know which big beauty he will bring over in two days.

Anyway, no matter who you bring here, it is a recognition of the Gushan Zoo, and it will also make the zoo's business more popular.

When Li Xiao finished eating and just walked out of the cafeteria, Xiao Hei suddenly rushed over in a hurry.

That state, that demeanor, was exactly the same as Tao Yaoyao in the morning.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei rushed to Li Xiao: Master, come with me!


Li Xiao was dumbfounded.

Xiao Hei: I found a dragon!

Are you kidding me?
In the morning, Tao Yaoyao discovered the White Phoenix, and now you have discovered the Dragon?

This is not a fantasy novel!

How could there be so many divine beasts appearing one after another?
Li Xiao was skeptical and stood there indifferently.

Seeing that Li Xiao was unmoved, Xiao Hei stepped forward, bit Li Xiao's trouser leg with his mouth, and urged Li Xiao to leave quickly.

Helpless, Li Xiao could only keep up with Xiao Hei.

Under the leadership of Xiao Hei, Li Xiao quickly left the zoo and walked towards the mountain.

He did not enter the deep mountain, and after walking for about 10 minutes, Li Xiao stood in front of a dark cave.

To be precise: cave dwellings!

Cave dwellings are a specialty of Li Xiao's place.

People in the past were poor and had no extra money to buy bricks, tiles, and cement to build houses. They could only use local materials, drill caves between the mountains, and live in them.

Don't underestimate the cave dwellings. It's warm in winter and cool in summer, which is no worse than an air-conditioned room.

It's just that the cave in front of Li Xiao's eyes is not for people to live in, but for temporary emergency.

During those difficult years, in order to deal with the little devils who suddenly attacked the village, the villagers had to hide in the tunnels. Animals such as pigs, horses, cattle and sheep got in, so the villagers would specially build some hidden cave dwellings on the mountain, and drive all the animals inside before the devils entered the village.

With the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the development of reforms, the life of the villagers is getting better and better. Every household basically built small buildings, and these cave dwellings were naturally abandoned.

However, it was not completely abandoned.

At least when Li Xiao was young, he would often go to these cave dwellings to play with his friends.

Of course, these cave dwellings are now completely history.

Today's children have mobile phones, and they would rather play games with their mobile phones than come to these places to explore and play.

Only some wild animals on the mountain occasionally hide here.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Li Xiao was instantly brought back to his childhood.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei: Master, follow up!

It wasn't until he heard Xiao Hei's call that Li Xiao came back to his senses and followed Xiao Hei into the cave.

Although Li Xiao often played in the cave dwelling when he was a child, it has changed too much over the years, coupled with frequent collapses and leaks, Li Xiao has become a little unfamiliar with this place.

As soon as he entered, Li Xiao stepped on the water.

Helpless, I had to quickly turn on the lights worn by the drone.

Under the illumination of the light, Li Xiao found that the cave dwelling had completely turned into a 'water' cave.

There is water above the head, and there is water under the feet.

Because the top of the cave collapsed and created several small holes, and a small stream happened to pass above it, causing the stream to flow down from time to time. Over time, a pool formed in the cave.

At first glance, I thought it was Monkey King's Water Curtain Cave.

Because there is water everywhere, there are not many places where you can get down and walk.

Li Xiao could only advance slowly along the relatively high ground under the leadership of Xiao Hei.

After walking for about 3 minutes, he had already reached the end of the cave.

Because the cave is not very deep.

At the end of the cave, Li Xiao saw a small pool.

The water in the pool is clear, and there are small fish swimming in it from time to time that fell from the stream.

Li Xiao glanced at the small pool, looked at Xiao Hei intently, and questioned with his eyes: Is this the dragon you mentioned?Do I have to wait for these little fish to cross the dragon gate?

Besides, the tourists in the live broadcast room, because Li Xiao didn't say what they were going to do all the time, they followed Li Xiao all the way, and they all looked confused.

"Isn't this just a small cave?"

"What is the principal doing here?"

"Could it be that we want to see these little fish?"

"Director, don't hide it anymore, what treasure did you find, tell us quickly!"

Just as the tourists were talking about it because they couldn't figure it out, Xiao Hei barked again.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei: Master, look carefully, the golden one in the pool is not a fish, it's really a dragon!
Li Xiao looked at it again with half-belief and suspicion, and was suddenly stunned.

This is……

A second later, Li Xiao smiled happily, showing two rows of big white teeth, and said, "Dear fans in the anchor room, you are definitely lucky to come to my live broadcast room today.

Because I showed you the white phoenix in the morning, now I want to show you the dragon.

You heard it right, it is the five-clawed golden dragon in our Chinese legend! "

"It's over, it's over, the director is crazy!"

"How can there be dragons in this world?"

"Upstairs, why can't there be dragons in this world?"

"That's right! I don't believe that the ancients would create a fictional animal in the Chinese zodiac for no reason!"

"A snake becomes a python, a python becomes an anaconda, an anaconda becomes a dragon, and a dragon becomes a dragon. Although no one has ever seen a dragon, the anaconda really exists."

"Whoever said no one has seen a dragon, I have. My father-in-law is really deaf!"

"According to the "Shan Hai Jing", the dragon may have been eaten to extinction."

"It makes sense, everyone knows that "Shan Hai Jing" is a recipe!"

The dragon is a mythical beast in China and a symbol of auspiciousness. The ancient emperors basically regarded themselves as reincarnations of real dragons. Because they are too famous, no one has ever seen them before. As a result, whenever a dragon is mentioned, everyone has a chance. own point of view.

Soon, the originally deserted live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

The barrage was flying all over the sky, and Li Xiao couldn't see it at all, so he could only say: "Whether dragons exist or not, no one can say for sure, there have been incidents of falling dragons in modern times.

Every one of the people at the time claimed to have seen a dragon.

"Shuowen Jiezi" records: Dragon, the length of scale insects, can be quiet and bright, can be thin and huge, can be short and long, can reach the sky at the vernal equinox, and dive into the abyss at the autumnal equinox.

In the Ming Dynasty, the image of the dragon became more specific and plump. According to "Compendium of Materia Medica", the dragon's head is like a camel, its horns are like a deer, its eyes are like a rabbit, its ears are like a cow, its neck is like a snake, its belly is like a mirage, its scales are like a carp, and its claws are like an eagle. The palm is like a tiger, yes.There are 81 scales on its back, with a number of nine to nine.Its sound is like a copper plate.There is a beard beside the mouth, a bright pearl under the chin, and reverse scales under the throat.There is Boshan on the head, also known as Chimu, and a dragon without Chimu cannot ascend to heaven.Breathing into clouds can change both water and fire.

Also in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Luo Guanzhong outlined the characteristics of the dragon through Cao Cao's mouth. In between, Yin lurks in the waves.Now that spring is deep, dragons change with time.

What dragons look like, where they hide on the earth, whether they are extinct, these are all unknown, but I believe that our ancestors will not clearly record a dragon in every dynasty and generation for no reason. a virtual animal.

What I show you today is not a real dragon, but an animal that looks like a dragon. This animal has a name, it's called a salamander! "

While speaking, Li Xiao controlled the drone and zoomed in on the camera.

I saw a golden animal in the small pool.

It has the body of a snake, but it also has claws.

Kind of like a miniature lizard.

But more like a dragon!

Because it still has small meat horns on the top of its head!
"Mom! It's really a dragon!"

"Mom, I saw a dragon!"

"Bless me to be rich and rich, to be taken care of by a young rich woman with fair skin, beautiful skin and long legs, so that I will not have to worry about food and drink, nor worry about buying a house or a car in my life."

"Upstairs, are you making a wish or dreaming?"

"It's really a salamander."

"It looks so cute, cute."

"I really want to hold it in the palm of my hand and give it a kiss!"

The appearance of the salamander instantly melted the hearts of a large number of tourists in the live broadcast room.

They also forgot to argue and admired and took pictures one after another.

Li Xiao didn't panic, squatted down, and took a closer look.

I don't know if it was Li Xiao's illusion, but he found that this salamander was still emitting a faint light.

Maybe it's because of its golden skin.

"Newt! Among all the animals found in the world, the most dragon-like animal!"

While admiring it at close range, Li Xiao said while popularizing science: "There are more than 400 species of salamanders known in the world, and more than a dozen of them are endangered.

The one in front of me is one of them. It is our Huaxia's exclusive salamander. It is called the Huaxia giant salamander. It is a first-class national protected animal and can grow up to about 1.5 meters.

Salamanders like to stay in wet swamps or caves, hiding during the day and coming out at night.

They like to eat small insects such as earthworms and tadpoles.

The biggest difference from the dragon is that its skin is very smooth without scales, otherwise it would be really unclear.

Don't try to bite a newt just because it looks cute.

Because it has three life-saving secret weapons.

First, most salamanders are bright and beautiful in body color, but they are all poisonous. They use this bright and eye-catching color to warn offenders, so those predators that are about to move will stay away.

When a snake attacks a salamander, the salamander's tail secretes a glue-like substance, and they lash the snake's head mercilessly with their tail until the snake's mouth is stuck with the secretion .

Sometimes, there will be a scene where a long snake is stuck together by the mucus of the salamander and cannot move.

Those who want to hold the salamander in the palm of their hand and kiss them must believe it!

Second, the tissue regeneration ability of salamanders is terrifying and abnormal, comparable to Wolverine and Deadpool in the animal kingdom.

The salamander's tissue regeneration process not only does not produce scars, but also almost perfectly replicates the site before damage, and the salamander is regarded as a template for perfect regeneration.

Even if the spinal cord or brain is damaged, they can be perfectly repaired.

If we conduct research on this aspect of salamanders, we may be able to invent drugs that can treat many incurable diseases.

Third, salamanders are exceptionally alive.

Its lifespan can make humans unmatched, and only turtles can fight against it.

It can be said that salamanders are one of the longest-lived animals in the world.

The longest-lived salamander discovered so far has exceeded 200 years! "

When Li Xiao's science popularization ended, the tourists in the live broadcast room couldn't recover and calm down for a long time.

Some of them don't know salamanders at all.

Although some know it, they don't know that a small animal like axolotl is so perverted.

Speaking of these three characteristics led to more and more beliefs that the salamander was a Huaxia dragon.

Even if not, there must be some kind of relationship with Huaxia Dragon.

What if it is a variant?

The tourists were shocked, while Li Xiao was thinking about bringing the salamander back to the zoo.

Now that this salamander has been discovered by him, what should he do if someone takes the opportunity to come and steal it?

Although the three characteristics of the newt are abnormal, if humans want to catch it, it is still very easy!

 ps: Thank you qq for reading [Yaoyao]'s monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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