My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 36 The King of Fishing

Chapter 36 The King of Fishing
"Wow, what a standard move!"

"The principal is not pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, is he?"

"I am also a fishing enthusiast. Just looking at the starting posture and the chosen position of the director, I am very professional."

"I hope the director can catch big fish."

"If you can't catch it, the golden koi will suffer at night!"

"Hahaha, should I say it or not, I think the golden koi is really delicious."

"The golden koi is trembling."

"Golden koi: You called me Xiao Tiantian this morning, now I want to eat her!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room chatted in a hurry.

Most of them had high hopes for Li Xiao.

After all, everything Li Xiao did before was successful.

However, 10 minutes passed without the slightest fluctuation in the water surface.

Some fans were impatient to wait, and they had already got under the covers and began to sleep in the cage.

Watching other people fishing in the early morning is indeed a bit boring.

Another 10 minutes passed.

"There are fish!"

Accompanied by a loud shout, the fishing rod began to shake.

Finally caught a fish.

It's just that Uncle Zhang caught it!

Uncle Zhang's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he quickly collected the pole.

In sight, a palm-sized fish jumped out of the water.

This is the most common grass carp!
As Uncle Zhang retracted the pole, the grass carp had been precisely caught by Uncle Zhang.

Uncle Zhang picked off the fish and threw it into the bucket in front of him.

In the bucket, there are already eight or nine big fish that are alive and kicking.

Uncle Zhang was in a happy mood, and asked with a smile, "Xiao Lizi, do you really not need my help?"

"I'll wait."

Li Xiao said helplessly.

This waited for a few more minutes.

However, it really hit it.

"Hahaha, this fish is really fat."

Uncle Li laughed from ear to ear.

There were not many teeth in the first place, so this smile was a bit leaky.

That's right, Uncle Li caught it this time.

Although it is also grass carp, Uncle Li has already caught two of them today, which is enough to eat.

Uncle Li started to pack his fishing gear and prepared to go home.

When passing by Li Xiao, Uncle Li glanced at Li Xiao's empty bucket, and couldn't help but said: "Little Li, why don't you stop fishing, I can't finish these two, wait for my old lady to finish it." , shall I send you one?"

This is not ridicule, but concern.

Because Uncle Li and Grandpa Li Xiao have a good relationship.

Li Xiao said awkwardly: "Uncle Li, I have confidence in me!"

"It's good for young people to have confidence, but..."

Uncle Li couldn't bear to hit Li Xiao, he didn't finish his sentence, but said: "Anyway, I'll leave one for you, just in case."

"Thank you."

Li Xiao wanted to cry but thanked him without tears.

Looking at the live broadcast room again, the tourists couldn't help but gloated.

"Hahahaha, principal, it turns out that you really can't do it."

"Upstairs, please make it clear that the director is only good at fishing, and he is still good at other aspects."

"Director, if you really can't do it, you can go to Uncle Li's house with the cheek to get one. They are all from the neighbors, so there is nothing to be ashamed of."

"I feel sorry for the principal, even my grandfather can't compare."

"Two days after the broadcast, there was finally a live broadcast tragedy, but who would have thought it was fishing."

Will this fishing rod work?
Watching Uncle Li leave, even Li Xiao couldn't help complaining in his heart.

However, at this moment, Li Xiao's fishing rod moved!

It moves a lot!

Uncle Zhang turned his head curiously.

Li Xiao closed the shot quickly, and with a strong lift, the big fish came out of the water.

The big fish thumped violently, causing water splashes.

The sun shines on the fish scales, reflecting a faint yellow light.

The drone quickly flew over and immediately broadcast the big fish clearly in the live broadcast room.

The barrage in the live broadcast instantly surged.

"Fuck! Yellow catfish!"

"The head of the garden is amazing, if you don't fish, you can catch this kind of treasure once you fish!"

"I'm a novice, may I ask if this fish is very precious?"

"It's more than precious! Yellow catfish is rich in amino acids, the meat is tender, delicious, has high nutritional value, has nourishing and medicinal value, and the most important thing is that it has no intermuscular spines."

"In terms of certain nutrients, freshwater fish such as carp, crucian carp, silver carp, and herring are all higher."

"Then the principal has made a lot of money."

"Congratulations to the director, let's celebrate together."

Li Xiao grabbed the fish in his hand, and at a glance he was sure that it was a yellow catfish.

Yellow catfish, also called yellow-bone fish, thorny fish, and yellow duck in some places, can relieve edema, relieve cough and reduce phlegm, clear away heat and fire, promote breast milk, etc., and it is recorded in "Compendium of Materia Medica".

Uncle Zhang showed a surprised look on his face, and said: "Little Lizi is amazing, I have been fishing here for more than ten days, but I haven't caught a single one."

"Luck, luck, I rely on luck, Uncle Zhang, you are a master at fishing, I believe you can do it too."

Li Xiao declined with a smile.

Uncle Zhang cared quietly: "Your fish is very good. If someone in the live broadcast room wants to buy it, you don't need to sell it."

Uncle Zhang has a little understanding of the current live broadcast, and he also knows that there are many scammers in the live broadcast room. After all, society is very simple, and it is people who are complicated. I am afraid that Li Xiao will be fooled by the tourists in the live broadcast room.

"Uncle Zhang, don't worry, this one is not enough for me alone."

"Hahaha, that's good, I will withdraw first, and you fish slowly."

As the sun gradually rose, Uncle Zhang carried the bucket, carried the fishing rod and the small bench, greeted Li Xiao, and left.

Before leaving, he also put eight smaller fish from the big fish in the bucket, leaving only one fat and big fish.

Let go of small fish to avoid extinction and no fish to catch in the coming year.

At the same time, if there are fish, this water area will not die.

After Uncle Zhang left, Li Xiao continued fishing.

In less than 10 seconds, the fishing rod began to shake violently.

"My God, there are fish again!"

"Is this too fast?"

"It turns out that the principal is really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

"As soon as Uncle Zhang left, there were fish. I seriously suspect that the director is targeting Uncle Zhang."

"Don't say that, maybe the director wants to give Uncle Zhang a face and doesn't want to hit him."

"The key point is that it's too fast, it's incredible."

"Don't say anything, the director is awesome!"

Barrage scrolls.

Every visitor is unbelievable.

But no matter how surprised they are, they should praise or praise.

Some people couldn't help but already started offering gifts.

There is no way, Li Xiao's fishing skills are too good.

It's only ten seconds!

At this speed, I am afraid that as soon as the bait is thrown into the water, there will be fish to bite.

Li Xiao was also very surprised, he didn't expect that the more he used the fishing technique, the smoother he would get.

However, this time it was no longer a yellow catfish, but a small grass carp.

Not as big as Li Xiao's slap.

Li Xiao put the grass carp in the bucket and started the third shot.

This shot is faster.

In about seven or eight seconds, the fishing rod began to shake violently.


But it is the truth.

Even Li Xiao couldn't help opening his mouth wide.

(End of this chapter)

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