My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 372 Kittens Can Really Fish!

Chapter 372 Kittens Can Really Fish!
Li Xiao stood far away, but he could see clearly.

Only some small miscellaneous fish swim out from the bottom of the artificial lake, as for the golden koi and black big catfish, they did not appear.

They have all become spirits, and they are very clear that this is a trap, and they will not be fooled at all.

As more and more small miscellaneous fish gathered, the two little cats, the prince and the concubine, bloomed immediately, and the four little paws trembled excitedly, not knowing which one to eat.

It's like letting a group of wives stand in front of Cao Mengde and let him choose. Cao Mengde will definitely be excited, and he even wants them all.

Just like Han Xin ordered soldiers, the more the better.

"It's amazing. They know how to use bread to fish. It reminds me of the text "Little Cat Breeds Fish" I learned when I was a child. These two cute little cats are much smarter than Zhongyu's kitten."

Reba's big eyes did not blink from beginning to end, fearing that he would miss the exciting part, he put his hands on his chest and exclaimed.

The voice just fell.

The prince swung his right front foot violently, pulled it hard, and then bit it hard with his mouth, and a small miscellaneous fish appeared in its mouth.

The whole process was as fast as lightning, like a gust of wind.

Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing didn't see clearly at all.

And Li Xiao has good eyesight, so he can see clearly.

The prince first slapped the small miscellaneous fish in front of him with his right front foot, and when he was a little confused, he decisively bit it with his mouth.

What it catches are small miscellaneous fish in a state of confusion.

Very smart.

It is indeed a Chinese pastoral cat that ate the budgerigar eggs rewarded by the system.

clap clap clap!
It's not the sound of multiplayer, it's the sound of face punching.

Li Xiao didn't speak the whole time.

Kind of embarrassing.

What a slap in the face.

Just after I said that they can't catch fish, the next second, they caught the fish from the artificial lake.

However, it's not over yet.

After catching the small miscellaneous fish by himself, the prince threw it casually and threw the small miscellaneous fish on the grass on the bank. Then he looked at the concubine and meowed.

Prince: You have learned it, you can catch it according to my method, hurry up!

Not only does this guy catch the fish himself, he also teaches live.

Toffee is a puppet cat raised by Tao Yaoyao, the breed is somewhat noble, plus she was kept at home by Tao Yaoyao since she was a child, and she seldom goes out, let alone do such things as catching fish.

That is why he judged in the first place that they would not catch fish.

But who would have imagined that the prince is still teaching.

The concubine was a little scared, but after watching the teaching of the prince, she also started to try with her little feet.

According to the prince's method, the concubine first slapped her with her right foot, and then bit her hard.

Sure enough, a small miscellaneous fish appeared in its mouth.

This is the importance of having a good teacher!
Li Xiao thought they would end there, but it still didn't.

After the concubine caught the fish, the prince opened his mouth resolutely, took the bread floating on the lake into his mouth almost at the same time, turned around and put it on the shore.

"Hey, this guy is quite frugal."

Zhang Yixing, the little sheep, turned his head to look at Li Xiao, and asked curiously, "Director, how did you raise your cat, and even know not to waste food, which is much better than some people."

"It has nothing to do with me, this guy was born."

Li Xiao sighed helplessly, and said: "Just like me, I was born with a face that even Peng Yuyan envied, there is no way!"

Lee Versailles Noise is online!


Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

This was too unexpected!

While the three of them were chatting, the prince and the concubine had finished eating the small miscellaneous fish, and then the prince threw the bread into the artificial lake again, and continued to catch fish in the same way as before.

After repeating this three times, the piece of bread was finally shared by the small miscellaneous fish in the artificial lake.

The prince and the concubine also caught three small miscellaneous fish respectively, and ate a big meal by themselves early in the morning.

In the live broadcast room, worried that the tourists in the live broadcast room would not be able to see clearly, the system also slowed down very spiritually.

"My God, I can finally see how these two kittens catch fish."

"Unbelievable! This speed is comparable to the Flash!"

"Prince: I am The Flash, the fastest cat in the world, but every season there is a big villain who runs faster than me!"

"Upstairs, you are too good at connoting Barry Allen!!"

"It's so fast! It's brilliant!"

"With so many of us watching, the little kitty will be confused. They will definitely think in their hearts: what to look at, isn't this our routine operation!"

"This skill...reminds me of my wife. When I play games, my wife's slaps are always so sudden."

"Hey, I'm different from you. My wife chased me quickly and ruthlessly."

"Damn! It's shameful to spread dog food! Director, please silence the upstairs!"

When I was young, almost every child read a story called "Kitten Fishing".

Today, the prince and the concubine directly staged a "New Kitten Fishing", which instantly detonated the entire live broadcast room.

Just as the three of Li Xiao stood in place and continued watching for five or six minutes, and were about to leave, Tao Yaoyao hurried over.

Walk quickly to the artificial lake.

He hugged the concubine.

When he came to Li Xiao's side, he said a little aggrieved, "It's all your fault. My concubine was so obedient before. After spending a day with him, she started catching live fish and eating them. She's so close to Zhu Zhechi." Near ink is black."

"It's really not my fault."

Li Xiao was very helpless, and said: "The prince is too smart, plus he has wandered around since he was a child, so he must know some fish catching skills, otherwise he will starve. I really didn't teach him these things."

"Anyway, it's your fault. You are its owner, and you must be responsible."

Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips.

Because of running all the way, his little face flushed.

Like a delicate peach, it is so cute that people can't help but want to lie down and take a bite.

Li Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "Let me tell you a joke."

Then, without waiting for Tao Yaoyao, Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing to react, they started talking on their own.

"A little boy aged twelve or thirteen was walking down the street with his father, when he suddenly saw a classmate of the little boy in front of him.

Dad asked curiously: "Is he your friend?"

The little boy said: Yes!

Dad asked again: "How is he studying in your class?"
The little boy said: The last one in the class!

Dad was stunned immediately, and said: Didn't Dad tell you that you want to play with the good students in the class, how can you play with the bottom one?Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, do you understand?
The little boy was also taken aback, and said: No!Before playing with me, he was No.1 in the class! "

"Pfft hahaha!"

Reba was the first to understand, covering his mouth and laughing.

The little sheep Zhang Yixing also reacted quickly, and laughed heartlessly.

The tourists in the live broadcast room also burst into laughter for an instant.

"Hahahaha, I can't stop laughing!"

"Weakly ask, is this little boy turned into charcoal!"

"It turns out that the little boy is the villain."

"Is the little boy named Zhu Mo?"

"I feel that the last-to-last parents are going to greet the little boy with a knife!"

"This little boy is extremely talented and has an extraordinary status. He is definitely the reincarnation of the giant of the Mohist family!"

"Zhu is not red enough, ink is very black, hahaha!"

"It's the same as my son. He likes to talk to his deskmate in class. The head teacher transferred the girl who was the least talkative in the class to be his deskmate. As a result, he made the quiet girl The girls also love to talk in class."

"Your child is as good as I am. I have had a nickname since I was a child, and it is called: I have three sentences with telephone poles!"

Tourists are laughing.

Tao Yaoyao's face was pulled down, she stared at Li Xiao, and asked: "What do you mean? You mean my concubine brought your crown prince down?"

"I didn't say it, I just told a joke."

Li Xiao pursed his lips and smiled.

Seeing that Tao Yaoyao was approaching step by step, and Xiaofen fist was still clenched, she immediately ran away.

How could Tao Yaoyao let Li Xiao go and chase after him.

This scene is a bit like the men and women who like each other fighting with each other during school.

It looks like they are angry and fighting, but they are actually playing intimately.

Reba looked at the two people who were fighting and said with emotion: "You still said that you are just ordinary friends, and you almost tore the paper on the window."

Zhang Yixing, the little sheep, also added: "I feel like we are about to have their wedding wine?"


After Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao played around for a while, they separated.

Because Li Xiao will continue to visit with Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing.

And Tao Yaoyao also knows how to measure.

She's just joking around, not messing around.

"Today I will take everyone to experience repairing the teeth of an elephant!"

After visiting the remaining animals in the zoo, Li Xiao said.

"Repair ivory?"

"Is the ivory still in need of repair?"

Both Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing were puzzled.

"Of course it is!"

Li Xiao patiently explained: "People's teeth sometimes need to be repaired, and the elephant's teeth are naturally the same.

Repairing ivory is actually similar to repairing a cow's hooves, both to make it more comfortable.

In the Human Monster Country, if an elephant’s teeth grow too long to eat, there will be local volunteers who specialize in teeth repairing to help the elephant repair its teeth.

Like humans, elephants are one of the longest-lived animals in nature.

At the age of 26, humans definitely don't need to repair their teeth, unless they are broken occasionally, but elephants are different from humans, because ivory grows ten to fifteen centimeters every year, so at this age, ivory will grow extremely Huge and in need of repairs.

In fact, in the animal world, there are many, many animals that have similar situations.

If elephants don't repair their teeth, it will affect their eating.

And if the argali doesn't repair the horns on its head, it will stab itself to death.

If you choose the most aggrieved animal in the world, the argali is definitely the well-deserved number one, and no one can take it away.

Argali sheep is currently the most expensive sheep in China. It used to be flooded, but now it is on the verge of extinction. One of the main reasons is that the horns are too big, and if you don't pay attention, you will poke your head.

Other animals have horns for food. For example, narwhals will use their horns to beat fish, or for courtship. For example, antelopes will use their horns to strike to win the favor of females.

As long as the argali, the big horns extending from the top of the head became the weapon to stab himself to death.

Although an elephant will not directly poke itself to death like an argali, it will definitely starve to death if it does not eat for a long time, and naturally it needs to be repaired. "

"Too poor!"

"It's really not easy for these animals to live in the wild."

After hearing what Li Xiao said, Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing became emotional.

While talking, Li Xiao had already brought them to the elephant park.

Here lives the herd of elephants that people all over the country have been paying attention to.

As soon as they came here, the three of them saw that the two tusks of several elephants were too thick and too long, and as they stretched along the road, they were about to intersect.

As Li Xiaoruo said, once it is too long, or even crossed together, it may be difficult to eat food.

"Director, what do we need to do?"

This is the first time Reba has heard that ivory can be repaired today, and it is the first time he has seen it. Especially now that he sees a herd of elephants, he suddenly becomes excited and keeps rubbing his hands.

In fact, she was more out of fear.

Because an elephant is a gigantic monster after all, if it is provoked a little carelessly, it can knock a person to the ground with a swipe of its nose.

If you step on it again, you will die.


Li Xiao took out a hand saw from the toolbox in his hand, and said, "Repairing ivory sounds complicated, but actually all you need is a hand saw.

In some parts of Europe and the United States, people there use chainsaws when repairing ivory.

However, the sound of the chainsaw is too loud, plus it needs to be exposed to electricity. If the elephant is accidentally shocked, it will be bad for everyone.

Therefore, hand saws are still reliable! "

While speaking, Li Xiao had already slowly entered the elephant park.

After seeing the hand saw in Li Xiao's hands, the elephants seemed to understand something, especially those ivory tusks were relatively thick, some elephants that were uncomfortable didn't need Li Xiao's orders, and just lay obediently on the ground .

Although it is a giant, it is still very spiritual.

Just like in the variety show "Extreme Challenge", the magic operator Huang Lei was massaged by an elephant. In the end, the elephant lightly hit a certain sensitive part of the magic operator with its trunk, which instantly detonated the laughter.

"so smart!"

"So obedient!"

Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing spoke together, dumbfounded.

He even rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what he saw.

The two of them didn't dare to follow Li Xiao in, they just stood outside and watched eagerly.

After all, except for a hand saw in his hand, Li Xiao didn't wear any protective equipment on his body. They didn't have the courage and guts.

In addition to watching and learning how to repair ivory, Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing were also vigilant around from time to time, observing other elephants, lest they suddenly attack Li Xiao from behind mischievously, so they could call out in advance.

 ps: Thank you qq for reading [Yaoyao]'s monthly pass!

  Thanks to the starting point for reading the monthly ticket of [Everything is too false] [A Handsome Young Man] [Drowning Roaring] [Tear Butterfly Rain Book Pet]!

  thank you! !
(End of this chapter)

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