My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 378 Drunk Monkey King, Pole Dance!

Chapter 378 Drunk Monkey King, Pole Dance!
It is well known that when an ostrich encounters danger, it will bury its head in the sand.

If you think you can't see the danger, the danger will also not see you.

It can be regarded as deception.

But how can a green peacock do it?
Li Xiao has only one inference, that is, in the place where he lived before, Xiaoling has seen some ostriches use this trick, and it has also tried it, and it seems to be effective. Naturally, after feeling the danger, it also instinctively used this trick.

Staring at Xiaoling, the green peacock, Li Xiao said helplessly, "The female peacock's cry doesn't work, it seems to recall the fear of being rejected last time, but now it is afraid of the female's voice."

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence in the live broadcast room.


"I'll go, what is there to be afraid of?"

"I'm really convinced!"

"It looks like Xiao Ling was seriously injured!"

"It's exactly the same as a friend of mine. After being hurt by a woman, he suddenly became misogynistic and uninterested in women."

"It's a thing made out of nothing, brother upstairs, you like men, don't make such bloody excuses."

In fact, Li Xiao never thought that Green Peacock Xiaoling would be so fragile, and he didn't even have the courage to find other peacocks of the opposite sex.

Since you have no confidence in peacocks of the opposite sex for the time being, then...

In the next second, a sparrow song that was much thicker than before exploded from Li Xiao's throat.

This sound came suddenly.

And looking at the green peacock Xiaoling, he buried his head even more fiercely.

Not only was the whole body trembling violently, but even the claws kept moving, wishing to immediately dig a big hole and bury the whole body in it.


It still doesn't seem to work!

Li Xiao was dumbfounded.

For a while, I was a little overwhelmed.

After thinking about it, I can only turn to the system for help.

"Is there anything you can do?"

Soon, the system responded quickly.

"Sorry! The deep psychological and emotional problems of animals do not belong to the management and service category of the system."


Li Xiao: "..."

"Family, this guy doesn't eat oil, salt, soft and hard. I don't seem to have anything to do."

Li Xiao had a showdown.

Not installed.

He really can't help it.

Originally, I thought that drinking the spiritual water and eating animal capsules would solve the problem easily.

Unexpectedly, the problem lies in psychology.

I originally thought that psychological problems could be solved through the cry of the opposite sex.

Unexpectedly, this guy was temporarily afraid of the opposite sex.

Since he was afraid of the opposite sex, Li Xiao wanted to encourage him with calls of the same sex.

But it still doesn't work.

Ever since Li Xiao came into contact with animals, he has never encountered such an animal.

Green Peacock Ridge has been so self-closing that it has built a wall around its own mind, and it has been reinforced with reinforced concrete again and again, and no outsiders are allowed to step in at all.

"Hahahaha, I laughed so hard!"

"The principal is autistic!"

"I've watched it since the first day the director started broadcasting, and it's the first time I've seen the director so frustrated."

"The head of the zoo, who was able to subdue a tiger empty-handed, build a zoo with one person a month, and reunite a family of finless porpoises, was omnipotent and confident, and lost to a peacock today."

Li Xiao really had no other choice. Looking at the barrage scrolling in the live broadcast room, he could only laugh or cry.

"It's okay, just drink some water first."

Tao Yaoyao thoughtfully brought Li Xiao a cup of hot water.

"Thank you!"

Li Xiao took a sip and said: "At present, we can only leave it to time. I hope that time can gradually erase the physical and spiritual damage suffered by Green Peacock Xiaoling."

The two with their hands tied like this sat on the grass next to them, drinking water while looking at the helpless green peacock ridge.

At this time.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei barked wildly.

Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao turned their heads to look, and found that King Jiji ran here from the monkey park at some point.

In its hand, it also carried a mineral water bottle.

The bottle is full of water.

King Jiji walked slowly while drinking.


Clear mineral water rolled down his throat.

"Why did you sneak out again?"

Li Xiao said angrily: "Also, did you steal your mineral water from tourists? Hurry up and return it!"


King Jiji kept gesticulating with his hands: I picked up this mineral water!No, I picked up the bottle, not the wine!

Li Xiao frowned slightly.

At this moment, he noticed that King Jiji was staggering and staggering when he walked.

Not only that, but his face also turned red, as if competing with his ass.

This is clearly what happens after drinking alcohol.

"I rely on!"

Li Xiao couldn't hold back his swearing. He didn't bother to drink water, so he jumped up and ran to King Jiji, grabbed the mineral water bottle, put it in front of his nose and smelled it lightly, and then didn't He asked angrily: "Did you go to Xue Erye's house at the bottom of the mountain to steal rice wine last night?"

"rice wine?"

Tao Yaoyao also came over and asked curiously.

"That's right! I smelled it just now, and it smells like the rice wine we brewed at Erye Xue's house before!"

Li Xiao said with a serious face: "I guess this guy must have gone to the lower reaches of the mountain to play last night, and then he picked up a mineral water bottle from somewhere, and used the bottle to steal the rice wine from Xue Erye's house!"


King Jiji was a little drunk, he yelled and gestured with his hands: This king is in a bad mood, what's wrong with going to drink some wine?
This sentence is a bit like the classic line of Liu Bei in "The New Three Kingdoms": I have fought all my life, so I can't enjoy it, play music, and dance.

"Why are you in a bad mood?"

Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao asked questions in unison.

They were all puzzled.

King Jiji: I feel uncomfortable without a wife!Yesterday, I thought I finally had a wife, but it turned out that they were all crooked, and none of them caught my eye. I feel that you are deliberately making things difficult for me!

At the end, King Jiji pointed at Li Xiao's nose.

If it were given a hundred guts at ordinary times, it wouldn't even have the courage.

Looks really drunk.

The wine is strong and cowardly.


The wine is strong and the dog is brave!
Tao Yaoyao sighed: "It turns out that King Jiji is also trapped by love!"

"It was worried about not being able to find a daughter-in-law, but Green Peacock Xiaoling was closed to himself because he was rejected by the person he liked. These two can be regarded as difficult brothers!"

Li Xiao took a deep breath and said.

"Hahaha, I can't stop laughing!"

"The headmaster is really difficult!"

"By the way... is the wine that King Jiji drinks good?"

"I really want to drink!"

"Wait, look at what King Jiji is doing!"

Following a tourist's reminder, everyone looked together, and their eyes straightened immediately.

I saw that the drunk King Jiji broke off a branch very rudely with his bare hands.

This branch is part of the small courtyard, and it was chopped straight by Li Xiao yesterday.

In order to be stable, it was deliberately inserted into the soil.

But King Jiji forcibly pulled it out. One can imagine how powerful it is now.

Immediately afterwards, he actually held a straight wooden stick and made gestures in front of Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao.

There is no palming method, it is completely random.

But even so, at first glance, it still looks a bit like Monkey King playing with a golden cudgel.

Even Xiao Hei at the side was stunned.

"I know why Sun Wukong was so fierce back then, and dared to make a big fuss at the Pantao Party. The main reason is because he was drunk."

Tao Yaoyao looked at King Jiji in front of her, and said with emotion, "Even the little monkey King Jiji can play sticks when drunk, not to mention the monkey king Sun Wukong, who has transformed into heaven and earth 72 times."

"Makes sense!"

Li Xiao couldn't help laughing.

After thinking about it, he took out his phone, stood aside, and started shooting.

Don't panic when something happens, take out your phone and send a video first.

Such an interesting scene must be recorded.

In this way, it is also convenient to help King Jiji recall memories after he sobers up.

At first, the painting style was relatively normal.

But gradually...

King Jiji stuck the stick into the soil and danced around the stick as he wished.

Dancing around a stick, what the hell is pole dancing?

The key point is that King Jiji is still jumping more and more energetically, sticking out his tongue from time to time, and making some more seductive moves.

Tao Yaoyao really couldn't see it, so she hurried over and was about to pull it away, but...

King Jiji didn't care, he just wanted to dance.

"It's okay, let it dance, after sobering up, we will help it remember!"

Li Xiao was very generous, and at the same time he was smiling badly.

As long as you dare to do it, I dare to help you recall.

"Damn it! The painting style has changed!"

"King Jiji is going to be a god today!!!"

"It's so hot! But, I like it so much!"

"Exotic style, above the swing, Eribati, shake it up!"

"No, I haven't paid yet. Is this what I can watch?"

"Guys, it looks like this is what your girlfriends do when you secretly go to the bar with your girlfriends."

"It's crazy, it's crazy! King Gigi is crazy! Today's dance segment, King Gigi can definitely kill a lot of anchors in the dance zone!"

"It's a good dance! At least it's more attractive than that of my dumb bride Zhou Shuyi!"

"Where's the super tube? Call the super tube!"

"Super only cares about people, not monkeys! Hahahaha!"

"I thought of my big yellow dog. One day I found that it had been sleeping all day, and it was very listless. I thought it was sick. But after checking the monitoring, I found that three strong men passed by the dog after being drunk. Wo, it danced all night."

"I saw this video on Douyin's short video, so you are the owner! You also watched the director's live broadcast, it's fate!"

The live broadcast room completely exploded.

It's like pouring a pot of cold water into a pot of hot oil.

Bullet screens have never been so exciting.

Just when Li Xiao was also immersed in this joy...


Suddenly, Li Xiao, who was recording, felt his pants being pecked.

Look down.

The green peacock Xiaoling, who kept talking about his head buried in the soil, ran out of the small courtyard and came to him at some point.

Looking at it from a close distance, it can still be seen that its feathers are particularly beautiful and beautiful.

After all, it is a national first-class protected animal.

A pair of bird eyes stared straight at the mineral water bottle next to Li Xiao's right foot, with a little longing.

"You want to drink?"

Li Xiao was stunned and asked suspiciously.

Tweet! !

Green Peacock Xiaoling called twice and nodded.

Although Li Xiao was somewhat puzzled, he still tentatively placed the mineral water bottle in front of it.



Green Peacock Xiaoling puts its slender mouth in the water bottle.

Grumpy Grumpy!

He drank without thinking.

"Grab a grass!"

"Look over there, everyone, the principal is giving Xiaoling a drink!"

"That's rice wine!"

"Is it just for the peacock to drink?"

"My dear, I don't know whether I should admire the director or Xiaoling. Who is more courageous among them?"

In the live broadcast room, the tourists were originally cheering for King Jiji who was dancing on the pole, but when the camera turned around, the cheering stopped abruptly, and everyone was stunned.

All of them opened their mouths wide.

I feel very incredible.

They were all stunned by Li Xiao's operation.

Although the rice wine is not particularly expensive, and the alcohol content is not particularly high, but if it is given to a first-class national protected animal to drink like this, can it bear it?

In addition, the tourists were even more shocked that Li Xiao had tried his best just now, and Green Peacock Xiaoling was unmoved, but now he was actually moved by a bottle of wine.

However, it makes sense to think about it.

In real life, if a friend around you loses love, isn't it the first time they pull you to drink to vent.

Perhaps Green Peacock Ridge really needs a bottle of wine.

If one bottle isn't enough, get two!


After a while, King Jiji drank the remaining half bottle of wine and was drunk by Green Peacock Xiaoling.

Then, its two paws, which were too drunk to drink, began to shake and spin around in place.

"It's drunk."

Tao Yaoyao came over and hurriedly said.

"Can peacocks drink alcohol?"

"Who the hell knows?"

"I'm afraid even the principal doesn't know, but in order to cure Xiaoling, he also has the mentality of trying."

"Fuck, if this is the case, will it cause alcohol poisoning? This is a national first-class protected animal!"

"Principal, should you say it or not, you really have a big heart!"

In the live broadcast room, all the netizens couldn't say anything other than shock.

What kind of coquettish operation is it to drink to the green peacock.

Not to mention seeing it, but not hearing it.

Just like what the tourists said, Li Xiao was really excited just now, and tried it out with a tentative mentality. After all, this is a rare opportunity for Green Peacock Xiaoling to get close to him.

Seeing some drunk green Peacock Xiaoling now, he couldn't help becoming a little nervous.

Looking at the green peacock hill, although it was full of drunkenness, after staggering for a while, it didn't fall down in a daze.

Gradually, it seemed to have found a certain rhythm, and its paws tipped on tiptoe, just like King Jiji, and began to dance.

Not only that, but it also shakes all the feathers all over its body, opening them slightly.

"I'm going, it, what is it doing?"

"I don't know, are you drunk? Could it be that you are going to be drunk?"

"No! This is not right!!"

" seems to be doing a courtship dance!!"

Suddenly, someone pointed out in the live broadcast room.

Under the extremely high-definition screen broadcast, everyone stared at the screen in shock.

 ps: Thank you qq for reading the monthly pass of [I am uncivilized]!

  Thank you for reading the monthly pass of [Three Tuo Cats]!

  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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