My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 383 The green peacock that explodes on the Internet!

Chapter 383 The green peacock that explodes on the Internet!

The pictures of Green Peacock Xiaoling drunk dancing and opening the screen were uploaded by tourists in the live broadcast room to major platforms.

For a while, there was an uproar on the Internet.

What a beautiful green peacock!

Such an elegant species!

One dance for the city, another dance for the country!

"Should I say it or not, isn't this more exciting than watching those gorgeous female anchors dancing on the Internet?!!!"

"Being able to see such a beautiful picture outside of work makes my mood very comfortable, and I feel that there will be good luck today!"

"It's so beautiful, I'm sorry, some are uneducated, I can only sigh three words."

"It is worthy of being a national first-class protected animal, and every move reveals nobility and elegance."

Whether it is a person or an object, even a landscape, as long as it is beautiful, it can make people feel purified.

Especially this kind of beauty derived from natural creatures.

After all, few people can show the state's attitude of protecting animals so perfectly.

Countless netizens were fascinated by seeing such beautiful scenery after a tiring day after get off work, and felt much less tired.

As more and more netizens paid attention to this matter, Green Peacock Xiaoling was topped the hot search without any suspense.

If the seller knows that the peacock he gave as an extra gift has exploded, his intestines will definitely regret it.

This is like the routine in fantasy novels. When the protagonist goes to buy weapons or pets, he will definitely miss the treasure. It seems to be an ordinary trash, but following the protagonist, he becomes a unique treasure.

Soon, Reba and the little sheep Zhang Yixing posted a Weibo one after another.

The content is similar.

It's nothing more than feeling why I left early, even if I stay for one more day, I can see the beautiful scenery at close range.

As soon as their Weibo was posted, it quickly became a hot search.

Although they are very popular in themselves, with a large traffic and fan base, but now as long as they can be related to Green Peacock Xiaoling, they can basically be on the top of the hot search.

Even some of Li Xiao's previous actions, such as rescue of finless porpoise, trip to Tianshan Mountain, etc., were picked up by netizens.

Immediately afterwards, another shocking voice appeared.

Zoologist Ding Kairui!
"The green peacock is an endangered species listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and it is a national first-class protected animal. It has a good appearance, graceful posture, and is rare in number.

It is really professional and responsible for the Lonely Mountain Zoo to restore such vitality and perfection to the decadent green peacock.

How wonderful it would be if every zoo could live in such a harmonious relationship between man and nature, and man and animals.

The country needs such a zoo, and such a professional zoo and director must be praised! "

Once Ding Kairui's remarks were released, all netizens were shocked immediately.

Although it is just a few simple words, it is quite official and formal.


Who is Ding Kairui?
He is a well-known zoologist at home and abroad, and he belongs to the existence of Taishan Beidou.

Even Professor Yang, whom Li Xiao met when he was helping the finless porpoise family reunite, had to be respected as a teacher when he saw him.

Even though he has a high collar, he still takes root in the wild all year round and pays attention to the national protected animals living in the wild.

And he even summed up a set of artificial breeding and breeding methods for clouded leopards, a national first-class protected animal, based on his years of experience.

Relying on his own strength, he turned the tide and saved the clouded leopard, a species facing extinction, from endangered.

Because of this, he also got an honorary title: Father of Clouded Leopard!

The speech of such a heavyweight is definitely the most authoritative recognition of Li Xiao and Gushan Zoo.

After Ding Kairui's speech, less than 10 minutes later, the more authoritative People's Daily spoke out!

"The beauty of the green peacock is the beauty of the quintessence of China!

In recent years, with the rise of the live broadcast industry, live broadcast content is varied, but live broadcast is also a way to show the ecology and beauty. I hope that more animals can be protected, and the ecology can be displayed through live broadcast, so that the real ecology of nature and Beautiful, close to everyone's field of vision, instead of being filled with vulgarity.

The earth belongs to humans as well as these animals. I hope that more endangered species can get people's attention, attention and protection! "

Official roll call!

This wave is the official roll call!
All netizens are in an uproar again!
You must know that in recent years, with the explosion of live broadcasting, more and more people have participated in the live broadcasting industry, even celebrities are no exception.

The reason why many people broadcast live is very simple, that is: famous!make money!
Compared with being a star, it is more convenient to start a live broadcast. Anyone can start a live broadcast, even if it is not a person.

The most important thing is that even if you don't know anything, there will be no-brainers who will reward you.

Earn money while sitting, and you don’t need to pay anything. Isn’t this the life that many people dream of? Naturally, it has caused many people to fluke.

But precisely because of the low threshold, there are all kinds of monsters and ghosts in this industry.

Some people are not ashamed of selling fake wine, but proud of it.

Some people fool primary school students, steal parents' bank cards, and give themselves gifts.

Some people think that they can run amok and get away with it because they have fans. In real life, they are extremely arrogant, and they want others to praise them everywhere, and even verbal insults more than once.

Because of this, the news has reported these things more than once.

So many people are disgusted with the live broadcast.

Even passers-by who don't know the truth have resisted the live broadcast after seeing these reports.

Of course, there are also some excellent anchors with positive energy in this industry, but after all, there are only a few, and most of the news reports are moths.

But this time, it was different.

Officially named and praised, this is something that has never happened before.

Protecting endangered animals has always been a matter of great importance to the government.

I don't know how much money is spent every year on the promotion of not hunting indiscriminately.

However, Li Xiao helped the green peacock, a first-level national protected animal, regain confidence, which is not exactly what the government needs.

Gushan Zoo is now completely famous! ! !
People's Daily's speech made many netizens wake up completely.

You are right, most of the current live broadcasts are unsightly and vulgar content!
It's not that they're selling fake goods and wine, but they're also doing it for the benefit of their families.

It's just a group of weirdos who are constantly acting, quarreling, inciting the public to play for themselves on the rankings, and behind their backs, they share [-]/[-] with the big brother.

Watching such a live broadcast every day, what kind of nutrition does it have?
People have long been tired of such parties!

Tired of vulgar anchors acting as "beggars" on the Internet!

If you really have pocket money, use it as a reward to the zoo, so that these cute and beautiful endangered animals can eat better and drink better, isn't it delicious?Doesn't it make more sense? ! ! !


Tongfu Inn!

After dinner, Li Xiao turned off the live broadcast.

He got into his room and studied the egg in the incubator.

It's been almost a month, why hasn't there been any movement, what the hell is this?
Li Xiao was still holding a flashlight, and took a picture of the egg. Through the light, he could clearly see that the little life inside the egg had already formed, and it should be within a few days after breaking out of the shell.

He didn't pay attention to the news on the Internet, and he didn't know that because of the publicity of the news on the Internet, even though he had turned off the live broadcast, many tourists still swarmed into the live broadcast room, and there was a rush of rewards.

In just 5 minutes, the reward directly exceeded [-] million, easily breaking the record of the platform's daily average reward!

"Principal, it's not good!"

At this time, Tao Yaoyao, who was wearing pajamas, came to Li Xiao's room in a hurry, and said excitedly, "Hurry up and watch the live broadcast!"


Li Xiao entered the live broadcast room suspiciously, but the broadcast did not start.

As soon as I entered, I saw a full screen of special effects.

This is all caused by swiping gifts.

And they are expensive gifts.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiao decisively quit his account from the live broadcast room.

Before my account was still on Mai, these people can tip.

As long as they are not there, even if they want to reward them, they will not succeed.

Li Xiao is kind-hearted and does not want to squander the love of the public.

After all, many of the tippers are still student parties, and some are office workers who have just stepped into the society. They can't even take care of the basic life, so they really can't accept their tipping.

The reason why they are giving rewards now is more or less blindly following the crowd.

Simply put, I can't control myself.

There are a lot of pk anchors who have grasped people's psychology, so they secretly collude with the big brother and ask the big brother to give them gifts, so as to lure ordinary tourists to spend.

"It's done!"

Li Xiao shook the phone that exited the live broadcast room, and smiled at Tao Yaoyao.

He expected that today's live broadcast would be popular on the Internet.

But I didn't expect it to be so hot.

Just like Uncle Benshan back then expected that his apprentice Xiaoshenyang would become popular after the skit "Not Bad Money", but he didn't expect it to be so popular.

The tension on Tao Yaoyao's face did not ease, and said: "There is one more thing, the special line of the zoo has been blown up."

"What phone call? Could it be that the call came to condolences to the peacock?"

Li Xiao was taken aback.

Although, there is a lot of turmoil on the Internet.

However, it is not necessary to call specifically.

"They...they are some big companies who want to buy the endorsement rights of the peacocks in our zoo!"

Tao Yaoyao said truthfully.

As soon as the words were finished, Tao Yaoyao's cell phone rang.

Those companies had already found Tao Yaoyao's mobile phone number, and they were looking for it immediately.

"Look at it."

Tao Yaoyao shook the mobile phone in her hand, pointed to the unfamiliar number on it, and said, "Don't guess, it must be opened by a certain company."

"It seems that Xiaoling is really hot..."

Li Xiao sighed helplessly.

Before he finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

"Don't answer the calls to your place, I'll take care of this matter!"

Li Xiao thought for a while and pressed the answer button.

"Hello, is this Mr. Li, the director of Gushan Zoo? We are Chanel Company. Our company has recently launched a new bag with the theme of peacocks, the quintessence of China, and hopes to buy the endorsement rights of peacocks in your garden. And went to the zoo to shoot a group of special shots, I wonder if you have any intention to cooperate?"

"Hello, Mr. Li, I'm from Cartier Company. Our company recently wants to launch a luxury watch with the theme of Green Peacock Ridge. If you want, I hope you can bring Green Peacock Ridge to our company. For a week of filming!"

"Hi director, I'm from Hanniu Company. Our company now wants to launch a green-themed limited edition sports car. We hope to buy the endorsement rights of the peacock in your garden, and take off a few tail feathers of the green peacock to design a car in its shape." A special series of car logos, I don’t know if you are interested!!!”

In just a few minutes, many calls came in, and Li Xiao answered them one by one.

These big companies are very smart and keenly sense business opportunities.

Level [-] animal protection!
Official roll call! !
If they can take advantage of this popularity and fame, no matter how the products they design are, it will definitely be a huge profit for them!
Even such an honor can double their company's stock!

Faced with calls from these big brands, Li Xiao refused them all.

"I'm sorry! Regarding the endorsement rights of Green Peacock Xiaoling, I have no plans or considerations in this regard!"

This reply shocked all these big companies!
"Why! Mr. Li, you have to know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for win-win cooperation and making a fortune together! Our company is willing to increase money, and everything is rarely discussed. No one wants to be in trouble with money, right? "

"Mr. Li, are you worried about our salary? It doesn't matter. You can come and inspect our company first. If the price is a problem, the company can continue to increase the price on top of the original 1000 million. Everything is negotiable. Well!"

"Director, I'm your fan. Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people. Besides, I'm still your fan. If we miss this time, we won't have such a good opportunity in the future! To cooperate with fans, I think this is what you are willing to do." You must know that on the first day of your live broadcast, I just watched your live broadcast, and I can be said to be your old fan! If you are an old fan, don’t you believe it?”

Faced with these people's good words, even using fans to get closer to him, Li Xiao still shook his head and expressed his rejection.

"Green Peacock Ridge... is not a pure commodity. What's more, it has just adjusted its state today and found the self-confidence it once had. As for its body, it has not fully recovered. If we ignore its physical condition at this time to make it Doing all kinds of things violates my original intention, and at the same time blindly consumes Green Peacock Xiaoling, which makes her unhappy."

After that, I hung up the phone.

In the requests of these big companies, both explicit and covert, they all pointed out that they wanted to take the Green Peacock Ridge away, disregard its original habits, and shoot, and even plucked the peacock's tail feathers to meet excessive commercial needs.

This has already made Li Xiao feel disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

Because these people only use animals as tools for profit.

(End of this chapter)

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