My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 387 Who dares to touch the national treasure panda?

Chapter 387 Who dares to touch the national treasure panda?

The tourists in the live broadcast room were very knowledgeable, and it could be seen that Li Xiao was a little tired, and instead of arguing to continue, they chatted with each other.

"There are three more! What are the remaining three animals?"

"Tiger and elephant have said all this, what else can there be?"

"No, I really can't think of it!"

"It's mainly because we live in a good environment, so it doesn't happen on weekdays, and we don't pay much attention to it. Didn't you find that most of the seven things the director mentioned earlier happened in relatively barren and chaotic places?" Africa."

"The solution is upstairs!"

"Dogs! There must be dogs!"

"You're right, this No.3 is really a dog!"

Li Qing slowed down for a while, and continued: "Dogs are the best friends of humans in the animal world, but according to the statistics of the World Health Organization, a total of 5000 people die of rabies every year.

Twenty thousand of these cases are in India.

Most cases involve children being bitten by dogs.

The main reason why India has such a high probability of death from rabies is that there are about 3000 million stray dogs in India, and many of them are in groups, wandering in various streets, and many people are given by a group of dogs Attack the bitten to death.

Even if you are not killed by a dog, if you are bitten by a dog with rabies virus, it is also fatal.

The mortality rate of rabies is as high as [-]%. In some villages and towns in India, it is easy to encounter groups of stray dogs. These dogs are usually friendly to humans, and the local villagers will give them some food, but In contact with stray dogs, after all, they were not raised by themselves, and sometimes they would be attacked by dogs unavoidably.

In some villages, some people don’t take it seriously after being bitten by a stray dog. Even if some people are aware of the dangers of being bitten by a dog, they simply get a rabies vaccination once or twice, thinking that there will be no more problems , but in fact the real rabies virus is very scary and has a long incubation period.

The most important thing is that everyone knows that India is 'clean and hygienic', and Liu Yong had the hardest time in India as an agent of the four countries.

People have suffered there, not to mention stray dogs. Because they don’t pay attention to hygiene, drinking water from the Ganges River and eating cow dung are regarded as etiquette. As a result, once these people are infected with rabies, they may not even know it. It can be cured by eating cow dung. When Uzi found out later, he had missed the best healing time, which led to his death.

There are many movies about dogs, such as "The Faithful Dog Hachiko", "A Dog's Way Home" and so on, but these are relatively beautiful and touching. In addition, there is another movie about Dog movies capture bloody reality.

This movie is called "White God", and I recommend everyone to watch it.

The plot tells the story of a loyal dog who was abandoned by its owner and lived on the street. After several twists and turns, he suffered too many human bullies, and finally became a dog king on the street, leading all the stray dogs to revenge against humans.

No.2, snake!
Speaking of snakes, I believe everyone is familiar with them.

Some people have an innate fear of these long, slender animals, and most fears stem from the deadly venom that snakes carry.

The power of snake venom is quite powerful. There are many rattlesnakes, cobras, vipers, sea snakes, etc. that we are familiar with. poisonous snake.

This snake lives in the Thar Desert region of India, where it often hides low in the sand. It is not only the deadliest species in the area, but also the snake that kills the most humans in the world.

Once bitten by it, few people survive.

Especially in particularly remote desert areas, once bitten by this kind of saw-scaled viper, if you don't carry anti-venom with you, you will basically die.

The venom of this snake only needs five milligrams, which is enough to kill a strong adult man, which is very, very dangerous and deadly.

Worldwide, snakebites kill an estimated 5 people each year, with the majority still occurring in India, where an estimated 20 million people were killed by venomous snakes in the past 100 years, a study found bite on.

Many people may be guessing who the No.1 animal is. In fact, this animal is very common, and that is the mosquito.

It is the mosquitoes that get along with us day and night every summer.

Especially when you are sleeping, it is not scary to suck your blood, but the scary thing is that it keeps buzzing around you.

It may be hard for everyone to believe that the little mosquito is the animal that kills the most humans every year in the world.

But you must know that there are more than 2000 different types of mosquitoes living on the earth, and the number is countless. Mosquitoes can adapt to many extremely barren or even cold environments on the earth. Most of them live by sucking the blood of humans and animals. While sucking blood, mosquitoes will transmit various germs carried on their bodies to humans and animals.

Chief among these is malaria, a deadly disease caused by a parasite.

According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, in the past 20 years alone, more than 60 people died of malaria in the world, and more than half of them occurred in the African continent.

Worldwide, mosquito-borne viruses cause an average of more than 70 human deaths per year.

That is to say, about 70 people die in the mouth of mosquitoes all over the world every year.

Most of them are children.

This is a staggering number.

This shows how terrible the little mosquito is.

The reason why mosquitoes succeed repeatedly is because they are too close to us, and their reproduction speed is very fast.

In recent years, people have found through research that the ability of mosquitoes to resist poisons has been enhanced. The previous mosquito killers seem to have no threat to these mosquitoes. They may be evolving or adapting to human insecticides. is very scary. "

After Li Xiao finished speaking, he finally took a deep breath and said: "The reason why I suddenly said so much is to tell you about the animal that kills the most human beings every year in the world. Animals are small, or cute, so they let go of their wariness.

Didn't Zhang Wuji's mother, Yin Susu, just say a word, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she can deceive others.

So are some animals.

Pandas are indeed cute and cute, but when faced with such a giant just now, they would feel somewhat apprehensive.

After all, facing the national treasure, even if we are beaten by it, we dare not fight back! ! ! "

 ps: Thank you qq for reading [Yaoyao]'s monthly pass!

  Thank you for reading the monthly pass of [Wolf's Sky w]!

(End of this chapter)

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