My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 390 Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao's official announcement!

Chapter 390 Li Xiao and Tao Yaoyao's official announcement!

"Why are you so nervous?"

Tao Yaoyao asked suspiciously.

Li Xiao tightened the quilt in his arms and said, "It's so late, what are you doing in my bedroom?"

"you guess!"

Tao Yaoyao smiled broadly.

"You don't mean to..."

Seeing Tao Yaoyao's expression at the moment, Li Xiao said nervously, "I'm not a casual person!"

"What do you think?"

Tao Yaoyao sat in front of Li Xiao's bed and said angrily, "Take out your hand!"

"Huh? Hands?"

Although he was puzzled, Li Xiao obediently took out his right hand from under the quilt.

Immediately afterwards, under his gaze, Tao Yaoyao took out a thin needle.

Li Xiao originally thought that Tao Yaoyao had some bad intentions, but in the next second, Tao Yaoyao took up his right hand, took a thin needle and began to pick it up lightly, and said: "Your My hand accidentally touched the spikes during the day, and I needed to pick them out with a needle."

After Tao Yaoyao said this, Li Xiao really remembered that when he was digging sweet potatoes during the day, he really caught some spikes with his hands.

These spikes are very small, if you don't pay attention, it won't affect anything, at most it will grow in the flesh, but if you touch it, you will still feel a little pain.

"The spikes are nothing. I'm a rough man's hand, so there's no need to care about it."

"That has to be picked out."

Tao Yaoyao said seriously.

Looking at Tao Yaoyao who lowered her head to pick thorns for herself, Li Xiao thought at this moment: If there is such a girlfriend, life will be very happy in the future.

Suddenly, he noticed that Tao Yaoyao's right hand was also a little strange.

It's not like it's also stuck into the tiny spikes.

But a little blisters.

As we all know, if people who have not exercised for a long time suddenly start exercising, especially when carrying, they will not only suffer from backache, leg pain and arm pain, but more importantly, blisters will also appear on their hands.

These blisters are much more painful than spikes.

If the prick is not broken, it will only get bigger and bigger and more painful.

But Tao Yaoyao didn't care about herself, instead she cared about me immediately.

For a moment, Li Xiao felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

Touched, distressed, warm...

At this time, Tao Yaoyao had already picked out the spike in Li Xiao's hand, raised her head and saw Li Xiao looking at her, and asked with some doubts: "What are you looking at? Is there something on my face? "

"It's nothing, I just are so pretty!"

Hearing Tao Yaoyao's inquiry, Li Xiao couldn't help saying.

"What are you saying all of a sudden? Does the sun come out in the west?"

Seeing Li Xiao suddenly praise herself, Tao Yaoyao was at a loss.

"let's be together!"

Li Xiao didn't know why he said such words suddenly, and he didn't think Tao Yaoyao would refuse, he just blurted out without thinking.

Suddenly hearing Li Xiao's words, Tao Yaoyao was stunned.

At this moment, she was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiao would confess his confession suddenly, somewhat caught off guard.

Even the right hand holding the fine needle stopped in the air, Tao Yaoyao opened her mouth wide and watched Li Xiao's eyes remain motionless.

"Uh... I know it's a bit too sudden, but after getting along for this period of time, I found that I have an indescribable feeling for you, can you understand what I mean?"

Li Xiao is usually good at speaking, but when faced with this kind of thing, he suddenly has no words in his mind.

Probably because of nervousness.

Or maybe it was too sudden.

It is more likely because Li Xiao has never had this experience.

After all, everyone knows how he died in the last life.

Tao Yaoyao stared blankly at Li Xiao's words, said something disgusting to Li Xiao, then got up and left the bedroom.


Is this a promise or not?
Looking at Tao Yaoyao who left, Li Qing suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Because the answer was too vague, for Li Xiao who had never been in a relationship before, this was rejection.

After laughing at himself, Li Xiao fell asleep.

Maybe it was because I had something on my mind, and I didn't close my eyes all night.

The next morning, Li Xiao woke up with dark circles under his eyes.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Tao Yaoyao serving a ready breakfast in the hall.

Because he was afraid of embarrassment, Li Xiao forgot to say hello for a while.

This is one of the disadvantages of being friends for a long time.

Because I am used to being friends, if one party suddenly confesses to the other party, they will either think it is a joke, or they will both be a little embarrassed.

And Tao Yaoyao looked up and saw that something was wrong with Li Xiao, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood?"

"It's nothing... just a little tired."

At this time, how could the clever Tao Yaoyao fail to see Li Xiao's state.

This guy clearly thought that he had rejected him, so he was in a low mood here.

This wood, usually looks very clever, why is it so stupid when he is serious about this matter, I can't tell from my performance last night that I promised you?

She's a girl, so I can't just say we're together so directly!

Thinking in her heart that this fellow Li Xiao had misunderstood her, Tao Yaoyao became furious.

During breakfast, neither of them talked endlessly like usual.

Until the end of the meal, Tao Yaoyao finally couldn't help but said: "Li Xiao! You big block!"

"Huh?? What kind of wood?"

"Let's be together! I agree!"

Tao Yaoyao shyly shouted at Li Xiao.

Immediately, he took the bowl and chopsticks and ran towards the kitchen.


Seeing Tao Yaoyao running away, Li Xiao was stunned.

He just heard Tao Yaoyao clearly say that he wants to be with him.

"She agreed?"

Li Xiao looked at the direction of the kitchen and said to himself.

Suddenly, Li Xiao reacted with excitement on his face.

Li Xiao, who was immersed in happiness, was still smiling after Tao Yaoyao finished washing the dishes.

Then, he made a very important decision.

That is the official announcement in the live broadcast room.

It really takes courage and consideration of the consequences to do this.

Because nowadays, as long as someone becomes famous, whether it is an Internet celebrity or a star, if he is single from the beginning, and suddenly the official announcement, he will lose some fans.

Some fans will feel that they have lost their love, and they can't accept this kind of thing, so they will decisively leave the fan.

Just like a little fresh meat named Lu in the entertainment industry, although his acting skills are very bad, except for "Cross Fire", he has basically never acted in any good word-of-mouth film and television dramas, and was even ridiculed by netizens for a while, but he The official announcement of this matter is very manly.

Even though he knew that he would lose many fans, he resolutely chose the official announcement.

This is definitely one of the most manly things in his life, at least it is much better than some celebrities who sneak around and finally reveal that they have children.

Li Xiao is also very manly, and he is not afraid of losing fans, he just wants to give Tao Yaoyao an explanation and recognition.

(End of this chapter)

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