My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 40 Li Xiao's Gossip

Chapter 40 Li Xiao's Gossip

Seeing the muscles, many girls in the live broadcast room wanted to hug the phone screen and lick it.

This feeling is the same as when a boy sees a sexy dancing anchor and uncontrollably wants to use the little five girls.

It wasn't until Li Xiao returned home that the girls gradually restrained themselves.

"Next, we're going to start cooking."

Li Xiao washed his hands and went straight into the kitchen.

Now that he caught two yellow catfish, Li Xiao decided to cook a braised yellow catfish.

The first step is naturally the onion, ginger, garlic and other ingredients.

Li Xiao just cut it briefly, but the tourists in the live broadcast room couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Fuck! This saber technique is absolutely perfect!"

"The heifer is going home backwards, she's got it right."

"I used to cut vegetables like this when I had hands."

"This knife skill is too good, it's hard to see clearly."

"Don't say anything, just deduct six."

"I saw the director roasting hares yesterday. I thought the director would only cook in the wild. Now it seems that the director really has something to do. I am watching people through the door."

I saw Li Xiao holding a kitchen knife, and the kitchen knife seemed to be stuck to Li Xiao's hand, spinning up and down.

When chopping vegetables, he put the vegetables on the chopping board with his left hand, and raised and dropped the knife with his right hand.

Looking at the ingredients he cut out, they were all neat and tidy, as if they were cut out with a precise instrument.

The knife seemed to have a soul in Li Xiao's hand, dancing gracefully.

Just a few maneuvers are enough for a new chef to learn for three to five years.

This scene reminds people of a TV series "Man Han Banquet" filmed by Xu Zheng in his early years.

Li Xiao ignored the tourists' compliments, and then washed the two fish and marinated them with cooking wine and ginger slices for 20 minutes.

Before marinating, cut off the main thorns on the back and on both sides of the head, because they are very sharp and hard, and they are easy to prick hands and mouths.

The third step is to add a little lard to the hot pan.

In fact, some pork belly is more fragrant.

But Li Xiao doesn't have any for the time being, so he can only use lard instead.

Immediately afterwards, put the marinated yellow catfish into the pot.

Just put the yellow catfish in, don't move it in a hurry, fry it for 1 minute and then shake the wok. In this way, the fish will not stick to the pan, and it is easy to fry the yellow side.

Then, take out the fried fish and set aside, put chili, scallion, ginger, and garlic in the pot and sauté until fragrant. Add cooking wine, water, bean paste, and light soy sauce.

A little sugar to enhance freshness, a little salt to taste.

Finally, put the fish back in the pot and cover the pot for 10 minutes, then the fish can be plated.

Remember to put green peppers to collect the juice and pour it evenly on the fish, which will make the fish look more beautiful.

Every time Li Xiao takes a step, he will explain it in detail.

When Li Xiao finished speaking, the braised yellow catfish was also placed on the plate.

The faint heat rises, and various side dishes are dotted with it, making the braised yellow catfish look more delicious.

Those who didn't know thought they were recording "A Bite of China" or "Longing for Life"!

"Show me I'm hungry."

"Fortunately, I have already prepared, and prepared two pig's trotters in advance."

"Upstairs, why are you gnawing on your own hand?"

"Why should I turn on the live broadcast? This is simply torture!"

"Director, after you finish eating, can you send me the fish bones? I haven't eaten for three days, so please take pity on me."

"I want to find a man who can cook to be my husband in my whole life. Director, I think you are just right."

"The principal is mine. Didn't your mother tell you that it's impolite to rob someone else's husband?"

The audience in the live broadcast room praised it one after another.

At the same time, they fought for Li Xiao again.

Li Xiao smiled, ready to continue making bamboo shoots and wild vegetables.

But at this moment, the phone rang.

When he came back, Li Xiao put the phone in the yard.

After hearing the ringtone, Xiao Hei immediately ran into the kitchen with his phone in his mouth.

Li Xiao looked at the caller ID, it was Miao Miao calling.

"Hello, director, I have arrived at the entrance of your village."

As soon as he answered, Miaomiao on the other end couldn't wait to say.

"Wait a minute, I'll pick you up!"

Li Xiao hung up the phone and went outside.

But this call caused dissatisfaction among the tourists in the live broadcast room.

"The principal is lying!"

"Cheat our feelings!"

"Didn't the director say that the zoo hasn't opened yet? Why would someone come over?"

"It must be the principal who secretly saw the elder sister behind our backs. I feel sore."

Li Xiao explained helplessly, and said, "That's how it is. The guest who came here today is a high-ranking official from the Zhanyu Live Broadcasting Platform. She wants to sign a contract with me, and she came here specially to have an interview with me."

[Tao Yaoyao]: Congratulations to the principal for signing the contract!

"I signed the contract two days after the broadcast, the director is awesome!"

"It seems that Zhanyu attaches great importance to the head of the garden, and has sent people over."

"This is the first time I've heard that executives will go offline to find anchors to sign contracts."

"Congratulations to the principal, keep up the good work."

"Being able to sign the contract so quickly and gaining Zhanyu's attention is inseparable from everyone's support for me, and it is not due to me alone."

Li Xiao said modestly.

Soon, Li Xiao came to the entrance of the village.

Here, a commercial vehicle is parked.

It was the first time for the villagers to see someone driving a car to the village, and a large number of people had already gathered in a short while.

Especially the few old ladies who were sitting in the corner basking in the sun had already started pointing.

Don't look at them sitting there all day long, not going anywhere, but they are indeed the contact point of the intelligence center of the whole village, and even several nearby villages.

No matter what happens in the village, they are definitely the first to know.

"Hi, my name is Qi Miao."

Before Li Xiao approached, a girl with short hair opened the car door, stepped out of the commercial vehicle, and greeted her warmly.

The girl's facial features are exquisite, her eyes are not particularly big, they belong to fox eyes, but they look very clear, and the first impression she gives is that she is beautiful.

"Li Xiao! Director of Gushan Zoo!"

Li Xiao shook hands.

"Hahaha, I was in your live broadcast just now, it was very beautiful, I haven't been immersed in a live broadcast room for a long time."

"nice! You love it."

Li Xiao glanced at the mobile phone in Qi Miao's hand, it was his current live broadcast.

Li Xiao was exchanging pleasantries here, but the villagers in all directions couldn't sit still.

"Little Li, who is this?"

"It's so pretty, isn't it your girlfriend?"

"Xiao Lizi has such a beautiful girlfriend, if Lao Li knows about it, he must be happy."

"When will we have wedding candy?"

Li Xiao: "..."

Li Xiao was stunned, but he didn't expect that he could still cause scandals.

This is the case in the countryside. Although the environment is good and the air is good, everything is good, but the only bad thing is that the villagers love to talk about homework.

In fact, it's nothing to talk about family affairs, the key is that they see the wind as the rain.

After eating dried shrimps, I dare say that I just ate seafood.

Li Xiao was afraid of staying any longer, and the rumors became more and more heated, so he hurriedly dragged Qi Miao away.

(End of this chapter)

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