Chapter 44

Li Xiao was full of grief and indignation, hugged the quilt tightly, and curled up in the corner of the bed, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Qi Miao's face was full of excitement, and she clung to Li Xiao, looking eager and unable to hold back.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Xue Erye and the others lost their minds for a while, unable to recover.

They wouldn't be surprised if the roles were reversed.

But this scene...

It subverts their three views a bit!

"Ahem, keep going, let's go out and wait!"

Second Master Xue coughed lightly, turned around and was about to leave.

If he stayed any longer, he would be so embarrassed that he could dig out a film and television city with his toes.

The rest of the young guys were reluctant to let go, with grief and envy in their eyes.

Are all the girls in the city so active now?
Why can't we meet?

"Let's put this matter aside for the time being, and we will talk about it later!"

Li Xiao hurriedly got out of bed, brought Xiao Hei to the yard, and asked, "Second Master Xue, what's the matter?"

Second Master Xue was a little embarrassed, and said: " about you guys having a party, don't ruin the relationship between you young couple, the plan for a day lies in the morning."

"It's okay, what happened?"

Li Xiao quickly changed the subject.

"The thing is like this. When Lao Zhang was plowing in the field today, two wild boars suddenly rushed down from the mountain. They were all grown-up wild boars and weighed more than 200 catties."

"These young men and I tried our best, used all kinds of tools, and set off firecrackers, but we still couldn't drive them away."

"Water radishes are planted next to Lao Zhang's field, and they have just matured in the past few days. They may have come here for the water radishes."

"Now not only the crops have been destroyed, but the old scalper of Zhang's family has been hit and fractured, and some villagers have also been injured."

"I'm just thinking, take Xiao Hei to have a look, it's really not possible, I can only rely on you."

"rely on me?"

Li Xiao didn't understand.

"Aren't you the director of the zoo? You know animals better than us, and you should know some ways to restrain wild boars."

"It's really not possible, release the two tigers in the zoo, scare away the wild boars or kill the wild boars directly."

Xue Erye looked at Li Xiao seriously and had high hopes for Li Xiao.

At this time, a guy with a small cut came over, grabbed Li Xiao's hand, and said, "Brother Li, you can help me, if those wild boars continue to be ruined, my land will not have a harvest this year, and I Dad is still lying in bed now."

He is Lao Zhang's son.

Second Master Xue sighed at the side: "It's not the same as before. In the past, there were shotguns and bows. I didn't fear or panic when I encountered wild boars. Now that those things have been handed in, I can't do anything to them."

"They came here today to harm the crops of Lao Zhang's family, and tomorrow they dare to ruin the crops of the whole village, and the whole village will be miserable."

Xue Erye was very helpless.

Because their entire village is close to several mountains, and there is a large virgin forest behind the mountains, a large number of wild animals appear in the village every year. In the past, I could scare all the wild animals away with a shotgun, but now I can only let them go. Recklessly.

And those wild beasts seem to be very smart, knowing that there are no shotguns in the village, and more and more wild beasts enter the village every year.

When Grandpa Li Xiao was around, he could still think of a way.

Now that Grandpa Li Xiao has left, we can only look for Li Xiao.

Although the state will compensate, but the society is too dark, and after this level, there is really not much that falls into the hands of the common people.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look now."

Li Xiao picked up the whistle and blew lightly.

About half a minute later, a whirlwind fell from the sky and landed on Li Xiao's shoulder.

"Little Lizi is fine. He actually tamed this eagle in the zoo so obediently."

"It's really amazing. This eagle has never been so obedient when Old Li was around."

"By the way, is it okay to rely on an eagle?"

Li Xiao said: "Of course not, I have to take Xiao Hei and cross the mountain."

Li Xiao didn't intend to go to the zoo to call Xiemou and Dandan.

After all, time is too late.

If you wait a little longer, the crops will be ruined.

Although one pig, two bears and three tigers, the wild boar is very brave and ferocious, even stronger than the bear and the tiger when they go mad, but Li Xiao felt that it was more than enough to subdue the two wild boars with the joint efforts of himself, Xiao Hei, Xuan Feng and Guo Shanfeng.

"Wang Wang Wang!!!"

Hearing Li Xiao's call, Xiao Hei excitedly ran to Li Xiao's side.

From beginning to end, he didn't pay attention to Second Master Xue.

Just like a stranger.

Second Master Xue's face was full of bitterness.

This dog is too doggy, too heartless, and after only two days, he ignored himself, the original owner.

"Guoshanfeng? Where is Guoshanfeng?"

one of the villagers asked.

"Come with me!"

Li Xiao led everyone to a small room in the corner.

The door opens.

I happened to see a three-meter-long mountain peak.

Over the mountain crouched in the corner.

face the wall.

It's really a bit of thinking about the wall.

Qi Miao just came out of the room at this moment, dumbfounded in shock.

Last night she thought Li Xiao was just talking casually.

Didn't expect it to be true.

After passing the mountain peak, he has become a master, and he even faces the wall and thinks about his mistakes!

"Now I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. Follow me to the mountain to catch two wild boars."

Li Xiao stood in front of the door and said softly.


Over the mountain spit out a snake letter: deal!
"Xiao Hei, Cyclone and Guo Shanfeng are all back in place, now we can go."

Li Xiao waved his hand and was about to go out.

Suddenly, Li Xiao thought how could such a wonderful event not be broadcast live.

Inspired by the mind, the drone is controlled to start the live broadcast.

"Good morning, principal."

"Good guy, why are there so many people?"

"I saw the crossing mountain peak yesterday, what's the situation, did the director take it away?"

"What are you going to do now, why is there such a big battle?"

Li Xiao explained with a smile, and said: "The thing is like this, this mountain peak followed me back home last night, it was attracted by my personality charm, and wanted to hang out with me. Now, we are going to catch it on the mountain. Wild boars, there are two wild boars destroying crops, we must stop them!"

"Wow! It's wonderful! It's going to be a good show early in the morning!"

"Come on, Xiao Hei, try to kill the wild boar in one round."

"A dog, a snake, and an eagle, teaming up to fight wild boars, sci-fi blockbusters dare not do this, today is a blessing!"

In the live broadcast room, while the tourists were amazed, they all cheered for Xiao Hei and the others.

Just like that, Li Xiao walked out of the house with Xiao Hei, Xuan Feng and Guo Shanfeng.

Qi Miao likes to watch the excitement, so she also followed.

Second Master Xue and the others followed at the end, their hearts pounding.

They are familiar with Xiao Hei.

But it was the first time they came into contact with Cyclone and Guoshan Peak.

Looking at their huge size, it is really chilling.

(End of this chapter)

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