My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 53 The Tiger Plows the Field

Chapter 53 The Tiger Plows the Field
Qi Miao looked disgusted and said, "Salty!"

Got it!
The taste is different!

Li Xiao was helpless.

The food he grew up eating was salty.

"Shouldn't tofu nao be sweet?"

"Is it sweet enough to swallow?"

"Tofu nao must be sweet, just like zongzi must be meat, to be delicious."

"Draw your sword, salty tofu brain and sweet rice dumpling are the eternal gods!"

"What's there to argue about, I think tofu nao and zongzi are only delicious when they taste like snail noodles!"

Qi Miao's simple sentence directly caused the tourists in the live broadcast room to 'go to war'.

Some even said that they like the durian flavor, they just like the 'fragrance'!
After a brief wash, Li Xiao went out.

Before going out, he took out the patrol ax and sun visor rewarded by the system.

Renovations are big projects and they have to be brought with them.

In addition, Li Xiao also took out the toolbox at home.

Screwdrivers, hammers, push knives, carving knives, saws... everything is in the tool box.

The Patrol Ax is a black axe.

There are heavy axes on both ends.

It looked ordinary, but as Li Xiao slashed the ground with the ax lightly, a hideous crack one meter long appeared.

This is still the effect of Li Xiao's exertion of [-]% of his strength.

Looking at the ax again, it is brand new, without any wear and tear.

"It seems that the things rewarded by the system are really beyond doubt."

Li Xiao felt emotional in his heart.

Grab your sun hat.

For a moment, she wanted to cry but had no tears: "I take back what I just said!"

This visor is exactly the same as the hat that farmers wear when doing farm work, but the effect is quite different.

After wearing it, it automatically adapts to the size of the head and adjusts to the most comfortable tightness.

The effect is good, but it is so green!
Who can stand a green hat?

No wonder the system has said to use with caution!

"Xiao Hei, come here and give you a hat."

Li Xiao didn't want to wear this hat, so he turned around and gave it to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei only glanced at it, and ran away in the next second.

"Hahaha, even dogs don't like this hat."

"Xiao Hei is so smart, he also understands the meaning of the green hat."

"Director, give me this hat, even if I spend money to buy it, anyway, I don't want to live anymore. I came home from a three-month business trip and told a joke to my wife, but my wife didn't laugh. The person under the bed I laughed, and the people in the cabinet also laughed."

"Upstairs, be strong!"

"If you want to live a decent life, you must have some green on your head!"

"I read a news before. A girl gave birth to twins. As a result, none of the twins followed her father, and the twins were not related by blood. The doctor said that a woman must have sex with two men, or even more than one, in just a few minutes. This kind of thing can only happen when a man does something indescribable, I thought it was just a joke at first, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

While the tourists were chatting, Li Xiao had already rushed to the zoo.

Xiao Hei was obviously feeling unwell today, and was always drowsy, but he still followed Li Xiao out.

As soon as he arrived at the zoo, before he could catch his breath, the staff sent by Zhao Xuri had already arrived to deliver the wood.

The workers were very enthusiastic, and they finished the loading and unloading without any hassle.

Li Xiao is a person who doesn't smoke very much, but he still prepared a few packs of cigarettes in advance and gave them to them.

After all, you will have to deal with them frequently in the future, and you still need to have the worldly skills that you should have.

A few packs of cigarettes can handle the relationship well, so why not do it?

After sending the workers away, Li Xiao raised his arms and was about to start working.

"Principal, do you want to do it alone?"

"Director, are you crazy?"

"Is your family so poor that you don't even have money to hire people?"

Li Xiao pointed to the pile of wood not far away, and said, "You guessed it right, in the next month, I will renovate the entire zoo by myself."

"When the renovation of the zoo is completed and the previous animals are brought back, the zoo can officially open to the public."

"Are you all looking forward to it?"

After Li Xiao finished speaking, the public screen was completely silent, not a single word was dropped.

I got stuck?

Li Xiao checked carefully, the number of people online in the live broadcast room increased instead of decreasing, but there was no one who spoke.

What's going on here?

After about 1 minute, the public screen finally came alive one after another.

"Director, do you really want to build it by yourself?"

"I'm a neurologist, director, I think it's necessary for you to check it out."

"It only takes a month to renovate a zoo by one person...Director, are you serious?"

"Everyone, quit to watch the banner promotion of Zhan Yu. The content of the promotion is that the director will renovate a zoo every month!"

"Fuck! It really is! Zhanyu has been promoted so quickly!"

"It's over, it's over, the director is crazy, and the Zhanyu platform is also sealed."

"Although I don't know the amount of work required to renovate a zoo, when I was building a house in my hometown, I hired an engineering team, but it was not completed within a month.

Although renovation is not the same as building a house, a zoo can be worth dozens or hundreds of houses in my hometown. Does the director want to support dozens of engineering teams by himself? "

"Director, you don't really think of yourself as a cultivator, do you?"

"Professional things need professional people to do it. Director, you should feel at ease raising animals and live broadcasting animals."

"Director, if you are really short of money, we can crowdfund it for you, don't challenge yourself like this, be careful of sudden death someday!"

"Thank you for your concern, I know it well!"

Li Xiao said with a smile: "Actually, I also invited workers to build the road. Build a road from the entrance of the village to the zoo!".

Building roads is a technical job.

If you are not careful, you will make crooked or uneven repairs.

Li Xiao really can't do this.

Of course, there is a lot of oil and water in road construction.

"Stop talking nonsense and get to work."

"I took a look yesterday, and the soil in some parks needs to be refurbished."

While speaking, Li Xiao took out an ox yoke.

The so-called ox rolling is a tool specially used by cattle to plow the land.

In the past, farmers did not have high-tech machines such as cultivating machines, and the only thing they could rely on was cattle rolling.

"Xiemou, Eggy, hey, I want to entrust you with a good job."

Li Xiao came to the tiger garden and brought the two tigers out.

Seeing Niu Ya behind Li Xiao, Xie Mou and Eggy suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Come on, put it on obediently."

Li Xiao smiled, showing two rows of big white teeth.

It looks friendly and harmless to humans and animals.

But more like a smiling tiger.

Li Xiao prepared a total of three burdocks, all of which were borrowed from the villagers' homes.

While Xie Mou and Eggy were still in a daze, he took the opportunity to wrap them around their necks.

The remaining one will be used by Li Xiao later.

"Hey, next I will tell you how to use this thing, you should study hard."

Li Xiao started his own teaching.

In fact, it is very simple, just put the plow on the ground, pull the rope and drag it forward.

The sharp plow will be inserted into the soil, and under the drag, the tight turf will be refurbished.

(End of this chapter)

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