My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 65 Mechanical Wolf King

Chapter 65 Mechanical Wolf King
Wolf King Big Big Wolf: What exactly do you want to do?Came here just to humiliate me?

Big Big Wolf's eyes became even colder.

A year ago, two children were stolen by humans, which was its biggest heart disease.

Li Xiao said: "First of all, I want to clarify that I am not the companion who stole your child, and I am not the same as them. I am the director of the Gushan Zoo. My purpose is to protect and love animals as friends!"

While speaking, Li Xiao took out the mechanical arm rewarded by the system.

Along the way, Li Xiao kept thinking about how to get in touch with the wolf king, but who would have thought that the wolf king's left front leg was broken, which just made the mechanical arm useful.

Wolf King Big Big Wolf stared at the mechanical arm: What is this?
"Mechanical arm!"

Li Xiao explained: "Once a four-legged animal like you loses one leg, it will basically be unable to eat and drink for self-sufficiency, and it will not be far from death, and the mechanical arm can perfectly solve this problem."

"I'm going, the director is going to turn the wolf king into the winter soldier of the animal kingdom!"

"Hahaha, worth seeing."

"I remembered a piece of news that a crested ibis fought over mating rights and broke its lower beak. As a result, the staff installed a new iron beak for it. Since then, this crested ibis has become a zookeeper. carry the handle."

"The wolf king has a mechanical arm, and he is going to return to the pinnacle of his life."

"Don't be afraid of fighting in the future, after all, there is a metal bonus!"

"What the wolf king lacks is a mechanical arm, what he lacks are two children!"

"The previous wolf king is dead, now it is Niu Gulu Wolf King"

Tourists have their minds blown.

Li Xiao said: "Do you want to try it? This is a high-tech device. As long as you install it, it will automatically match and fuse with your body."

Hui Tailang hesitated, but when he thought of what Ye Tailang said just now, he nodded slightly.

Li Xiao stepped forward and installed the mechanical arm on Hui Tailang's place.

A few seconds later, Big Big Wolf's eyes suddenly burst into fiery brilliance, and he was even breathing heavily.

It can clearly feel the existence of the mechanical arm at the moment when the mechanical arm is installed, and the mechanical arm also actively adapts to its body and performs appropriate fusion as if it has vitality.

Peerless baby!

Big Big Wolf's heart was full of turmoil, he didn't expect such a treasure to exist in the world!
This is just the benefit that the mechanical arm brought to me at the beginning. If I can adapt, then my body will definitely become stronger because of it.

Li Xiao asked: "I believe you have personally felt my sincerity, are you satisfied?"

Big Gray Wolf: Tell me about your real purpose.

Big Big Wolf was excited all over, but he didn't lose his mind because of it.

Being able to command such a large pack of wolves, it is smarter than imagined.

Since Big Big Wolf is so happy, Li Xiao didn't beat around the bush, and continued: "I have a zoo, and there are many animals in it, such as tigers, eagles, kangaroos, white horses, bears, etc., but the only thing missing is wolves..."

Big Big Wolf: You want me to take the wolves to your zoo?

Big Big Wolf's eyes that had just eased became slightly colder.

It doesn't believe in humans, it can even be said to hate them!
It was a great determination to let Li Xiao get in close contact with him today.

It is absolutely impossible to let it follow Li Xiao to the zoo, because it knows how hateful human beings are, and it doesn't want itself and so many brothers to become human money-making tools.

Sensing Big Big Wolf's eyes, Li Xiao cleverly changed his words in time: "I want you to bring a pack of wolves to the zoo, not to keep you in captivity and restrict your freedom, but to create a worry-free environment for you alone." Carefree Paradise."

"I came here with sincerity, and I believe you can also feel my sincerity, so I can guarantee [-]% that I will not hurt you, even if some of you wolves are old, I will not abandon them, or Directly sold to some researchers."

"In other words, you are not living a good life now. As people gradually build houses, factories, etc., your living territory has been completely occupied. So many of you wolves can only hide in this forest. You can only dominate in this mountain forest, that's all."

"Not only that, you don't eat or drink well every day, and you even go hungry for several days. After all, the resources in this mountain forest are limited."

"If you change to before, I believe you can even dominate a bigger and more comfortable place."

"But you have no chance, because there are really too few original ecological forests that are not disturbed by people. In this case, why don't you come to my zoo."

"In my zoo, you can eat better, drink better, live better, and even you will not be harmed by humans, including stealing children."

Li Xiao's speech was impassioned, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became, even his own blood boiled.

The eyes of Jiao Tailang and Ye Tailang changed slightly, and the eyes they looked at Li Xiao became gentle.

Eat well?

drink well?

Live well?

Will not be harmed by humans?
The four points that Li Xiao mentioned one after another are exactly the deepest desires in their hearts.

Because it has been suppressed for too long, almost forgotten, it is the desire.

Every word and every sentence of Li Xiao hits the point directly, successfully teasing their frozen hearts

Big Big Wolf was also a little tempted. The impact of these four points was felt the most by him as the wolf king.

But as the wolf king, it has more considerations. It doesn't know whether the human being who has just grown up in front of him can believe it.

What if he followed him out of the mountains and was hunted and killed by humans on a large scale?
Because it has been bullied by too many humans, it has found it hard to trust humans.

"Good guy, these gray wolves really listened."

"Animism, especially wolves, is much, much smarter."

"Do you think the wolf king will trust the director and follow him?"

"Let's go papa, it's not good to be a mountain king in the mountains, why should you follow others and be demolished by others?"

"It makes sense, I'd rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail!"

"The chicken head can stab people, but the phoenix tail can only be stabbed!"

Tourists wait anxiously.

Li Xiao is more anxious than tourists.

Li Xiao met Hui Tailang's eyes, took a step forward, and said, "What are you hesitating about? Don't you believe what I said, or... are you afraid?"

"After the child was stolen by humans, he broke his left front leg and hid in this mountain forest day after day. He lost the ambition and ambition that a wolf king should have, and he didn't even dare to go out of the mountain forest at the very least?"


Big Gray Wolf: Shut up!

Big Big Wolf was furious and stood up abruptly, as if he might pounce on him at any moment.

Even the surrounding wolves stood up one after another, bared their teeth and hissed in low growls.

As a wolf king, how can he tolerate being ridiculed? ! !
 ps: Dear readers, if you think there are any parts in this book that are poorly written or unreasonable, you can bring them up at any time so that I can revise them in time, thank you.

  Ass is pouted, please don't be stingy (dog head)
(End of this chapter)

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