My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 70 Xiao Hei's Card

Chapter 70 Xiao Hei's Card

"No... I heard that this place is haunted..."

"But I...why...feel is wrong..."

"Have it?"

"Do you think there is a cemetery there?"

"Okay... it seems to be ha... I didn't pay attention when I came during the day!"

"How about we... run?"

"Can you run out, in case a ghost hits the wall..."

"How do you know if you don't run?"


The two stood up tremblingly, hugged Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai respectively, and ran towards the entrance of the village as fast as they could.

I was afraid that something would suddenly appear around me, so I was so scared that I didn't dare to look around anymore.


This is not the sound of the wind blowing leaves, more like something rubbing against the body.

Floating and flickering, seeming far and near, echoing on the whole path.

The pupils of the two suddenly dilated, their bodies trembled, became stiff, and stood there abruptly.

Looking at the face again, it became pale.

It looks like Bai Wuchang!

"Boss, is this the sound of a ghost grinding teeth?"

"How do I know, I've never seen it before!"

"Looks like the ghosts are going to eat us, and they're starting to grind their teeth!"

"Wait, what smell?"

Lu Shijie spoke tremblingly.

"Ah? What's the smell?"

"Why is this smell so familiar, my mother... you fucking... peed..."

The driver looked down and saw that the pockets of his trousers were really wet.


What is this called?

So embarrassing!

Originally, he was only here to steal a dog, so why did he bump into a ghost?
In any case, they never imagined how a simple thing would turn into such a consequence.


It's not that they're superstitious, or that they're timid, it's because they're in this environment in the middle of the's really, really scary!

"Boss, are we still running?"

"Run, there are only less than 100 meters left from the entrance of the village. When we get in the car, even if there are ghosts, they can't do anything to us."

"Then let's continue."

"I count to three, let's run together, no matter what sounds you hear, don't look back."


The driver nodded quickly.

"Come on, get ready, one...two..."

Lu Shijie took a deep breath and counted tremblingly.

Seeing that the word 'three' was about to come out, the bodies of the two of them also began to tense, but at this moment...



A voice suddenly exploded in my ears.


Lu Shijie didn't bother to shout three, so he ran away.

The driver stepped on his wet shoes and followed closely behind.

"Huh? Why does this voice sound familiar!"

"Boss, do ghosts bark too?"

"That's why dogs bark like that, shit, we've been tricked!"

After running four or five steps, the two reacted and turned their heads aggressively.

In front of him was a big wolfhound!

At this very moment, the big wolfhound was staring at the two with its teeth bared, and might pounce on them at any time.

"Damn it, it's really a dog after arguing for a long time!"

Lu Shijie said cursingly: "Puppy you dare to scare me, I will chop you up now!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Shijie took out a small dagger from his arms, approached slowly, and was about to stab the big wolf dog.


"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

From all directions, there were all the sounds of dogs barking.

Immediately afterwards, Chinese pastoral dogs ran out from the side orchard.

There are big and small, strong and thin, male and female, and there are dozens of them.

Almost all the dogs in the village came, and they all glared at Lu Shijie and Lu Shijie fiercely, wanting to rescue Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai in their arms.

This scene is like the final assembly battle in "Hot Blood High School", more like the bosses of all parties in "Young and Dangerous" gathering on the street.

A dog, not afraid!
But a group of dogs can only admit cowardice!
Lu Shijie and the driver looked at each other, turned around and ran away.

Anyway, as long as he ran to the car at the entrance of the village, these dogs would not be able to catch up with him, and he could escape.

Just like that, on a quiet country road in the dead of night, two dog thieves ran ahead, and a group of dogs chased after them.

When they finally ran to the entrance of the village, Lu Shijie and the two had no time to be happy, and their faces were covered with black lines.

Because the car in front of him was already surrounded by a group of dogs.

It's impossible to get in the car!

This group of dogs seemed to have become spirits, and they had already blocked their way out ahead of time!

The two looked at each other, and for a moment, they were a little at a loss.

And the surrounding Chinese pastoral dogs are not good at stubble, they are already rushing towards them.


When Li Xiao arrived, he was already stunned by the scene in front of him.

"I'll go, Xiao Hei is too embarrassing. After being stolen, all the dogs in the village came to the rescue!"

Li Xiao felt sincerely, and said, "As expected of a dog king!"

Among the dogs, Li Xiao saw Big Wolf Dog, the leader of the wolf dog gang in the east of the village, and Big Yellow Dog, the leader of the yellow dog gang in the west of the village.

"This is Xiao Hei's card!"

"Xiao Hei, the eternal God!"

"The head of the garden is completely overwhelmed. The dogs in the village have already shot ahead of time."

"Xiao Hei: Don't make a fuss, sit down, this is a small scene!"

"Dog fights in the countryside are solidarity. If one dog has an accident, a group of dogs will come out."

"The rural dog is confused, and Xiao Hei is the one who is the one!"

In the live broadcast room, the tourists were all excited.

They racked their brains and never thought that such a scene would appear.

Li Xiao came in a hurry but it didn't work, he just finished it off, and the two big dog gangs in the village had already rescued Xiao Hei easily.

When Li Xiao walked over to check, Lu Shijie and the driver had been bitten badly by the dogs, almost every part of their body was injured, their clothes were completely bitten to pieces, and they passed out in a coma.

Even if their parents came over, they would definitely not be able to recognize them at this time.


Worse than the star master in "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier"!
However, this is what they deserve!

"Leave this kind of spicy chicken to the police."

Li Xiao made a decisive call.

After finishing the phone call, Li Xiao was about to pick up Xiao Hei, when all the dogs suddenly surrounded him.

One by one shaking their heads and wagging their tails.

Big Wolf Dog: We saved Xiao Hei for you, is there any reward?

Big Yellow Dog: For example, dog food, we heard from Xiao Hei that you have very delicious dog food here.

Li Xiao said with a smile: "This time is really thanks to you, I will definitely reward you well, don't worry."

The police arrived quickly, and after learning the general situation from Li Xiao, they took away the unconscious Lu Shijie and Zhang Baba who was still being beaten violently in the zoo.

With the police gone, so much has come to an end tonight.

After waking up, Qi Miao blamed herself very much, and kept apologizing to Li Xiao, but Li Xiao didn't care, after all, he came here with premeditation, and they cooperated with each other, no one thought of it.

After turning off the live broadcast, Li Xiao, who was tired all night, finally lay down on the bed.

and did not sleep.

Instead, a lottery is opened.

(End of this chapter)

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