My Live Life at the Zoo

Chapter 72 Pure Natural Farming

Chapter 72 Pure Natural Farming

"Second Master Xue, Uncle Zhang, don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who cares about every detail. Besides, this matter has nothing to do with Uncle Zhang from beginning to end. Why should I blame him?"

This is Zhang Baba's man-made sin, and naturally the disaster will not hurt his family.

Li Xiao smiled helplessly, and said: "Uncle Zhang, you should take these goose eggs back, I don't need them, and you need to replenish your body now."


"It's better for you to take it. In fact, your Uncle Zhang came here today to ask you for something."

Second Master Xue picked up a basket of goose eggs and stuffed them in Li Xiao's arms.

The kindness is hard to turn down, so Li Xiao could only hold it, and asked: "What's the matter, can you just talk about it?"

"Last time in the field, you gave that old scalper a pinch, and it was ready immediately. Look, can you give Uncle Zhang a pinch, too?"

"So it's such a trivial matter, no problem."

Li Xiao readily agreed.

Li Xiao's joy made Uncle Zhang feel a little overwhelmed.

Along the way, he was very anxious, worried that Li Xiao would hate him and refused to agree.

Now it seems that he is watching people through the cracks of his door. Li Xiao is not the kind of narrow-minded person who cares about everything.

It's time for a bone-setting massage again, Li Xiao thought about it, and started broadcasting again.

Just took the opportunity to increase fans again.

"Fuck! I'm dazzled, why did the director start the broadcast again?"

"Dream! I must be dreaming!"

"Honey, come and kiss me, let me see if I'm dreaming."

"Upstairs, it's too much. Do you have to sprinkle dog food in the morning?"

"Heartfelt reminder, don't kiss indiscriminately in the early morning, it will easily cause the ground to shake."

"The director turned off the broadcast for less than two hours, and then turned it on again, aren't you sleepy?"

"It was aired for a day yesterday, and now it's starting again. Conscience anchors, unlike some anchors, are not active in starting the broadcast, and there are a lot of reasons."

"The director's physical fitness is too enviable. I collect rent in Shanghai, and I have a bunch of keys in my waist. May I ask if I can go after the director, for no other reason than to like physical fitness and fight all night. It’s true, I love it, I love it.”

Seeing the fans' enthusiastic comments, Li Xiao explained: "Something happened temporarily, I want to give Uncle Zhang in the village a bone-setting massage, and I just want to show everyone."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiao looked at Uncle Zhang and said, "We can start now!"

"What do I need to prepare?"

Uncle Zhang panicked.

Because Li Xiao had set the bones of the old scalper before, he had never seen it before, but he had only heard the rumors from the villagers, and he had never seen it with his own eyes, so he was somewhat hypocritical.

"You don't need to prepare anything, just sit on the stone bench!"

Li Xiao helped Uncle Zhang to sit on the stone bench in the yard, and then, he clenched his fists tightly and made a crackling sound, moving his muscles and bones, and began to massage his bones.

As the massage progressed, Uncle Zhang only felt warm in his body.

That warm current came from Li Xiao's palm.

The most important thing is that Li Xiao is powerful and makes the body feel more comfortable.

Li Xiao's bone-setting skills are rewarded by the system, and what the system rewards is actually the lost "Huangdi Massage Sutra".

As the oldest medical method in China, bone setting through massage can really cure diseases.

The famous doctor Bian Que once used massage therapy to treat Prince Guo's cadaver syndrome.

In fact, cadaveric disease is damage to the brain nerves, resulting in stiffness and loss of consciousness.

Li Xiao's massage can not only heal Uncle Zhang's injuries, but also dredge the meridians, smoothen the joints, promote the circulation of Qi and blood, adjust the functions of viscera, and enhance the ability to resist diseases.

"All right!"

After a while, Li Xiao finally stopped.

Uncle Zhang subconsciously shook his right leg.

It really doesn't hurt anymore!
With the mentality of trying, Uncle Zhang threw away his crutches and began to walk slowly.

It may be a little unsuitable, not to mention walking like flying, but it can be regarded as normal walking.

For a moment, Second Master Xue, Uncle Zhang and the tourists in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

All faces are dumbfounded!
"The director's massage is too deep, it's unbelievable!"

"It was an old scalper before, and now it's Uncle Zhang, awesome Chris."

"Is the director interested in coming to work in my hospital? I am the director of a tertiary hospital."

"The nurses in the hospital are serious, but if they are not serious, the principal will not go!"

"Principal, my chest hurts, you can press me too, she's a girl."

"I think it's fake that your chest hurts, but it's true that you want the director to give you a massage to increase your size!"

After Zhang Shu took a few steps, he grabbed Li Xiao's hand and said, "Thank you! Thank you so much, your hands are amazing, how about some insurance?"

"Haha, there's no need, my hand is not as expensive as the great pianist Lang Lang."

Second Master Xue came up and said, "Xiao Lizi, you don't know that Uncle Zhang spent a lot of money to treat your leg injury. If I had known that your hands are so good, I wouldn't have spent such unreasonable money.

By the way, when did you learn this?In college? "

Li Xiao made up nonsense in a serious manner: "Universities don't teach these things. I just met a master named Huang Huifeng by chance when I was studying in the city. He has a book called "The Classic of Internal Medicine". I just learned a little bit."

"I see, you have met a good master."

Both Master Xue and Uncle Zhang believed it was true.

"Hahaha, I can't do it, my nipple hurts from laughing."

"The director is bullying the two old people who haven't seen "Love Apartment"!"

"Huang Hui and Feng made a friendly guest appearance, will Zeng Xiaoxian and Hu Yifei be far behind?"

"Whatever you say, I will take my wife Zhuge Dali first!"

Second Master Xue, Uncle Zhang and Li Xiao chatted for a while, then left.

They knew that Li Xiao was very busy last night, and they didn't want to disturb Li Xiao's rest.

After sending the two away, Li Xiao wanted to catch up on sleep, but found that he had no sleep at all.

The drowsiness passed, but I didn't feel drowsy anymore.

Just like eating, you won't be hungry if you are overly hungry.

Many people will feel this way when they go to Internet cafes to surf the Internet all night. When they come out of the Internet cafes, they obviously feel very sleepy, but they can't fall asleep in a trance.

Since I couldn't fall asleep, I simply continued the live broadcast.

After Li Xiao simply washed his face and brushed his teeth, he began to get busy in the yard.

He wants to plant all the tomatoes and rapeseed that he just rewarded.

There is a vegetable garden in Li Xiao's yard. Because it has not been taken care of for a long time, the vegetable garden is full of weeds.

Li Xiao got a hoe and started weeding first.

"Hey guy, is this a hoe? I haven't seen such a thing in many years!"

"Now it's all planted scientifically, and all the weeding machines are used. The hoes have long been eliminated, and they look like antiques."

"Weeding still requires a machine? A bottle of paraquat can do it."

Looking at Gongping, Li Xiao said: "There is no need for a machine for so much grass, not to mention that this is a place where people live, and there is no need for paraquat."

Li Xiao wants to grow it naturally, without using any chemicals.

Today's fruits and vegetables use too many chemicals, and some even deliberately ripen them, so that they don't have the sweet taste they had when they were young.

When Li Xiao was weeding hard, he didn't know that the big geese in the village were already crazy!
 ps: The two updates will be presented, and will continue tomorrow. In the new week, please vote a lot. If there are enough votes, an update will be added.

(End of this chapter)

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