Chapter 92

"You two girls are pretty, why don't you make sense."

"In broad daylight, they actually robbed money."

"You are so young, why is this face really embarrassing to the family."

"The young man clearly reminded you just now, and you are still so aggressive, why don't you show your face?"

The passers-by around couldn't stand it any longer, and accused him one after another.

Even the tourists in the live broadcast room were furious.

"Director, I can't bear it, if you go straight up, you will have two feet."

"Don't dare. Their faces may be made on the same production line. If you kick them, they may collapse. How terrifying."

"Just now I felt a little sympathetic to these two women, but now I suddenly feel that Xiao Hei is doing really well."

"Xiao Hei: I only regret that the cold soup in the bowl was not sulfur!"

No matter how the passers-by accused them, the two girls still demanded compensation regardless.

Not panicking at all, and stuffed the city wall with shame.

"Director, how about I solve it?"

Chen Xingyu opened the mouth and said.

He was a little bit sorry, after all he was the one who brought Li Xiao here for dinner.

"No, I'll come!"

Li Xiao likes to reason with women the most. He took a deep breath, adjusted his posture, and began to ask: "Do you two know about Dragon Slaying Saber and Yitian Sword?"


The two women froze.

"Last night, I had a dream. I dreamed that the martial arts world was in chaos recently, and blood flowed like a river. Because the legendary dragon-slaying sword and Yitian sword reappeared in the world. Bai Xiaosheng, a small encyclopedia of Jianghu, once predicted that there were two female heroes who would Save the people from water and fire, because they have the strongest weapons in the world.

All they need to do is turn their faces into shields to solve this crisis.

I saw it today, you two must be the heroines of my dreams! "

Hearing the word "Nvxia", the two girls thought it was Li Xiao who was praising themselves, and said, "Don't try to say good things, we won't take that."

These two women perfectly interpret that the breasts are not big, and they have no brains! !
"A piece of clothing costs 5 yuan. May I ask you what kind of clothing is this, the emperor's new clothes?"

Before the two girls could open their mouths, Li Xiao continued: "You just said that my dog ​​is too handsome, and deliberately seduced you.

Then according to your logic, if you are wearing such revealing clothes outside, if you are walking home at night, you are followed by someone, and then you are dragged into the grove, then it has nothing to do with that person. To seduce people?
Secondly, you said just now that I instigated the dog to lift the table, then according to your logic, can you understand the dog's language? "

Li Xiao's sentences are fluent, logical and clear, and the two women are stunned.

When they realized it, Li Xiao had already got into Chen Xingyu's taxi and walked away.

"Ahh! This bastard actually called us dogs and said we can understand what dogs say."

"I'm so mad, let's go find my boyfriend and teach him a lesson!"

The two women were baring their teeth and claws in the street angrily, with hideous faces. Looking at it, they thought it was a zombie coming out of the cage.

Li Xiao looked at the figures of the two women from the rearview mirror and shook his head helplessly.

The city is too dangerous, hurry back to the countryside.

"One word, absolutely!"

"The headmaster's eloquence is also great. He can be a lawyer just like Master Xing in "Kung Fu"."

"Being a lawyer is so boring. With this eloquence, of course I want to become a diplomat, to win glory for the country, and to compete with scholars!"

"The director is definitely the first one to talk about women! Worship!"

"Principal, I want to learn to talk to you!"

Li Xiao looked at Gongping, and said nonsense in a serious manner: "In fact, everyone can have such eloquence, just like Master Xing in "White Bread and Blue Sky", hanging the weight with his mouth when he has nothing to do, facing the dead, The sea, the lighted candle, and the crooked tree speak, and you too can be like me!
Read more books and newspapers, eat less snacks and sleep more, come on, I believe in you! "

"I believe you ghost, the old man is very bad!"

"Liar, report the principal for cheating!"

"Canceled, no more love."

During the interesting chat, Li Xiao has arrived at the entrance of the village unknowingly.

There is a dirt road in the village, and there is really no way for taxis to get in, so they can only be sent here.

After greeting Chen Xingyu, Li Xiao entered the village.

Li Xiao didn't go home directly, nor did he go to the zoo, but went straight to the village chief's house.

Now the zoo is resting as planned, and the next step is to pave the road in the village.

If you want to pave the road, the village head must come forward.

If the countryside wants to be rich, it must first pave the way.

Otherwise, tourists from all over the country will only be blocked at the entrance of the village and cannot enter the village at all, let alone reach the zoo.

"Auntie, are you home?"

Li Xiao came to the door of the village chief's house and knocked gently on the door.

The door was pushed open from the inside.

A man with a square face said with a smile: "So it's Xiao Lizi, why are you here? What do you need to do with your aunt? She's gone to the ground!"

"No, no, I'm here to find you!"

This is the village head of Hama Village: Li Daguo.

"Looking for me? Haha, go inside."

Although he is the head of the village, Li Daguo is quite kind and doesn't pretend to be superior and look at people with his nostrils.

It can be regarded as being able to mingle with the masses, and he is a good village head.

"Village chief, what is your arm?"

Li Xiao noticed that Li Daguo's left arm was covered with plaster and wrapped with gauze, and asked curiously.

Li Daguo explained sadly: "Two days ago, I fell down and hit the curb. The bones of my body are not good, so I broke a bone."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Hei on the side deliberately raised his left front leg, bent slightly, and walked with a limp.

Not only that, but he deliberately passed in front of the village chief.

Li Daguo was immediately amused, and said, "Little Lizi, are you imitating me?"

"I'm dying of laughter, Xiao Hei is so cheap!"

"I shouldn't have laughed, but I can't help it, the village chief is sorry!"

"Not very offensive, but extremely insulting!"

"Xiao Hei is definitely the best imitator I've ever seen, and I don't accept rebuttals."

"Director: Is this something a dog can do? What kind of thing do I have?"

"Village Chief: Dude, eat dog meat today!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room were once again amused by Xiao Hei's operation.

Congratulations [Tao Yaoyao] for rewarding a rocket.

Message: Xiao Hei, the actor, if our country remakes "The Call of the Wild", Xiao Hei must play the role, otherwise I won't watch it!
Li Xiao said awkwardly: "Village chief, don't mind, it just likes to play."

"It's okay. I heard that you took away this good dog from Xue Erye's family. I saw it today. It really is getting better and better. You are worthy of being the director of the zoo!"

The village head brought Li Xiao to the back room, poured a glass of water for Li Xiao, and asked, "Little Li, what's the matter with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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