Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 105 The Sudden Killer

Chapter 105 The Sudden Killer

Before agreeing, Xu Zhaopei left.

Fang Yu sighed, spread his hands, and said, "I'm so wronged..."

After work.

Fang Yu returned to the villa.


Entering the hall, I saw Jiang Wei and her younger sister Jiang Xiaoxiao curled up on the sofa watching TV.

Seeing Fang Yu's return, Jiang Xiaoxiao excitedly said, " are back!"

Jiang Wei frowned slightly, stared and said: "Xiao Xiao, don't yell!"

"I'll just yell—"


A child is playing with his temper, and she has no tricks as a sister.

Fang Yu smiled and came to the sofa, looked at Jiang Wei's face, she seemed very calm, so she sat down calmly, and asked, "Pepe said, what do you want from me?"

Jiang Wei glanced at him and said, "You are my personal doctor, and I need you to accompany me tomorrow."


This time, before my sister finished speaking, Jiang Xiaoxiao said, "My sister said that a new product will be released tomorrow. She was afraid that she would get too excited and open the wound..."


Fang Yu scratched his head suspiciously, "Your injury has almost won't be..."

Jiang Wei interrupted him coldly and said, "But I don't feel very well."

After speaking, she went upstairs blankly.

Fang Yu froze for a moment.

It was inexplicable.

The sister-in-law was all smiles, happy, ran over, put her arms around Fang Yu's arm, and said in a low voice, "Brother-in-law... I have a hunch."

"What hunch?"

"My sister, I may have taken a fancy to you."


Fang Yu rolled his eyes and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? If your sister doesn't belittle me, I'll be Amitabha."

"Hmph, brother-in-law, why are you so unconfident..."

"Little kid, wash up and go to sleep, I'm tired too."

Fang Yu stood up and stretched himself.

Since treating more than 100 people, I haven't had a good rest yet.

"Hmph, you are young, your whole family is young..."


in the room.

Fang Yu entered the practice again.

Nei Yuan recovered at a rapid speed.

This time, Fang Yu suddenly felt that the size of Neiyuan seemed to be much larger than before.

After some calculations, this should be the middle stage of the fourth heaven of Shenlongjue.

However, Fang Yu did not relax because of this. For every level of Shenlongjue, it is easy to enter the middle stage in the early stage. The difficulty lies in reaching the peak in the middle stage, and then breaking through the bottleneck.

According to what the master said, Shenlongjue is an extremely strange secret book, and the hard work and effort required by the practitioner is several times more than that of ordinary people.Breaking through the bottleneck requires some opportunities.

Unknowingly, Fang Yu's body was suspended.



the next day.

In the courtyard of the Xu family villa.

Mr. Xu Liu, with a smug face, was lying on the Taishi chair, waving his fan.

"Master, Miss is here."

Xu Zhaopei walked over from the backyard, came to Xu Liu, smiled and said, "Grandpa, you look good today."

"That's natural."

"Grandpa, since I'm fine, I'll go to work." After saying that, Xu Zhaopei wanted to leave.

"Hold on."

Xu Liu stared, "I called you here today to ask, how is the progress between you and Fang Yu?"

"What's the matter?" Xu Zhaopei was a little shy.

"Nonsense, ask the question knowingly."

"It's pretty good. We usually go to work together." Xu Zhaopei said.

"that's it?"

"Yes, that's it."

Xu Liu suddenly put down the fan in his hand, stared and said: "When will you let grandpa save some time, you're already in your 20s, and you're still a young girl, are you not ashamed!?"

Xu Zhaopei suddenly realized the meaning of her grandfather's words, her pretty face blushed, and she stomped her feet and said, "Grandpa, you're talking nonsense again! I'll ignore you!"

Turn around and run.

After not running far, Xu Liu behind him said loudly: "Pepe! You have to hurry up, the raw rice is cooked and the duck is not allowed to run away!"


Xu Zhaopei was almost overwhelmed by his grandfather's words.



at the same time.

Jiang Wei's new product launch has officially started.

In the afternoon, Qingcheng Group headquarters.

All the major media came together one after another, as well as many bigwigs from the business world.

Jiang Wei, sitting in the middle, is surrounded by company executives.

As usual, the aloof Jiang Wei is dressed in a black professional woman's attire and a white shirt, showing her unique personality.

"Thank you very much for coming to Qingcheng Group's new product launch conference."

Followed by a half-hour glorious history of the company.

Then is the introduction of the company's products.

It turns out that this is a beauty mask for women, which can greatly protect women's skin tone, maintain moisture and health, and is currently the best product on the market.

Fang Yu was at the back, feeling very bored, and soon felt drowsy.

It lasted three hours before the press conference ended.

The scene also suddenly became lively.

The bigwigs in the business world stepped forward to congratulate, and some people sent flowers.

A voluptuous beauty squeezed through the crowd and came in front of Jiang Wei,

In an instant, that enchanting beauty suddenly showed a knife and approached Jiang Wei!

Jiang Wei's brain went blank for a while.

Just when she thought she was going to die, a figure, like the wind, appeared in front of her.

Fang Yu kicked the beauty's arm, and the knife fell to the ground.

That enchanting beauty was obviously fully prepared, and took out another sharp knife from her bosom!
Baring his teeth, he rushed over.

Fang Yu shook his head——

"It's really courting death!"

Kicked over.

There was no sign of sympathy, the beauty was kicked out, and a row of tables were smashed down.

The customers present screamed in surprise and kept backing away.

"Brother-in-law is amazing!"

It wasn't the first time Jiang Xiaoxiao saw Fang Yu's strength, but she still jumped up excitedly.

Fang Yu snapped his fingers, slowly came to the assassin, and asked condescendingly, "Tell me, why did you want to kill Jiang Wei?"

There was hatred in the beauty's eyes, and said: "If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you!"

"Hehe, you're quite stubborn."

Fang Yu bent down, his eyes filled with pity, "I know who you are even if you don't tell me."

"Huh?" A hint of surprise flashed across the eyes of the enchanting beauty.

"You assassinated Jiang Wei at the press conference, which shows that you never thought of running away... If you can raise your hatred to murder, it must be a big hatred... So I guess, you should be Xiao He's lover? Or Xiao Ting's lover ?”

The enchanting beauty was shocked all over.

Fang Yu shook his head and said, "It's the same anyway... I can tell you right now—Xiao Ting, I killed him."


The eyes of the enchanting beauty burst out with blood.

"There is an injustice and a debtor. You should come to me for this kind of thing."

Just at this moment——

The enchanting beauty stood up suddenly, almost exhausting all her strength.

"I fought with you!"

At this moment, Fang Yu sternly said, "You can't do what you can!"

He kicked her in the arm again.

At this moment, she completely lost her fighting power.

"You have seen it, I am in self-defense!" Fang Yu spread his hands.

The person next to him echoed, "I can testify! It is indeed self-defense."

"That's right, my video camera is shooting it."

Fang Yu turned his head and glanced at Jiang Wei.

Jiang Wei said unnaturally: "I'm sorry, I feel a little uncomfortable, so I'll go back first. Everyone, please go easy."

After speaking, he walked towards the door.

Fang Yu said like a straight man with cancer, "Boss Jiang, don't go, I'm a doctor, what's wrong with you, I'll take a look for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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