Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 114 Who Is Behind You?

Chapter 114 Who's Behind You

As soon as these words come out, you will know the level.

Almost instantly, all the anger on Jiang Shijie was directed at himself.

Jiang Shijie stared at Fang Yu coldly, and suddenly asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Fang Yu." Fang Yu said lightly, "Do you remember?"

Jiang Shijie's complexion changed, and he said in surprise, "You are Fang Yu? Hehe... I really have nowhere to find..."

"Why, you have something to do with me?" Fang Yu was slightly surprised.

"It's something, please come with us!" Jiang Shijie waved his hands grimly.

Several men came out behind them with a swish, and surrounded the three of them, including Shao Xin and Xu Zhaopei.

"Jiang Shijie, what are you doing?" Shao Xin said excitedly, "He's just my alumnus, why do you want to arrest him?"

"Go away!" Jiang Shijie said coldly, "This is a personal grudge."

"What personal grievances, I think you are narrow-minded." Shao Xin was completely disappointed with Jiang Shijie, and said contemptuously, "How can there be such a despicable man like you in the world!"

"Oh?" Jiang Shijie stared at Shao Xin coldly, and said, "You say you don't obey women's morals and you don't know how to repent, and you protect the wild men outside in front of me! You really belong to me!"

Jiang Shijie paused, and said in a voice: "Fang Yu, you have offended someone who shouldn't be offended, obediently follow us."

Fang Yu understood.

These people should be international mercenaries...

The world is unpredictable, it is really a coincidence.

Shao Xin looked at Fang Yu in surprise, and said in disbelief, "Jiang Shijie, you really didn't mean to find fault with him?"

"Shao Xin, don't force me to do it!"

Fang Yu looked indifferent.
Since he is a mercenary, who is behind him?
The Xiao family doesn't have the guts, the Zhao family and the Jin family don't need to hire such low-level mercenaries.
So what the hell is going on here?
Fang Yu decided to find out.
Xu Zhaopei, who was silent for a long time, couldn't help but said, "What do you want to do? Are you not afraid of Wang Fa at all?"

"Wang Fa?" Jiang Shijie smiled with twitching corners of his mouth, "You may not know what's behind me? In Jiangzhou, fists are king! Tell me Wang Fa! It's a joke!"

Xu Zhaopei glanced sharply, and she clearly saw that the trousers worn by the men in the back were surprisingly the same color, they were camouflage trousers!

Xu Zhaopei's face turned pale.Although he knew that Fang Yu was very skilled, but faced with such a background, there were so many people, so he couldn't help but feel worried.

Shao Xin next to him felt the same way.

However, she didn't know how Fang Yu offended Jiang Shijie! From his tone, there seemed to be a big conflict between them!
How to do this?
With Fang Yu's current status, it is basically impossible to turn a big thing into a small thing.And judging by the way they are confronting now, there is no possibility of reconciliation, the atmosphere is tense, and they will fight at any time.

With this in mind, Shao Xin can only fantasize about relying on her ex-wife relationship to resolve the conflict.Even though the problems between her and Jiang Shijie were serious, they couldn't take care of that much now.

So, Shao Xin said cheekily: "Jiang Shijie, maybe this is really a misunderstanding. You don't need to bring so many people here, do you?"

"Misunderstanding or not, I have already said that since he hit someone, he has to pay the price. If it were you, what would you do?" Jiang Shijie asked.

"I apologize to you on Fang Yu's behalf, let's forget about the conflict between you two, how about it?" Shao Xin said with a downcast.

She knew that with Jiang Shijie's preoccupied personality, if he didn't bow his head and beg, it would be impossible for him to leave easily today.Judging by Jiang Shijie's posture, it was obvious that Fang Yu was really here.

At the same time, she also understood that Jiang Shijie must take revenge, and he will be ruthless.Fang Yu hit his younger brother, just this one, enough to spend the rest of Fang Yu's life in a wheelchair, and if it is serious, even his life may be lost.

"Apologize?" Jiang Shijie smiled coldly, "If an apology is useful, then why do we need the police?"

With this sentence blurted out, the whole atmosphere became tense and serious.Jiang Shijie stared straight at Fang Yu like a poisonous snake.

If eyes could kill, then Fang Yu would not be enough to die ten thousand times.

At this point, Shao Xin knew that this matter was completely lost.

At the same time, there were all sorts of complexities in his heart. On the other hand, Fang Yu still had a calm and relaxed look on his face, not knowing his dangerous situation at all.

Fang Yu, Fang Yu, you should never have done it, why did you offend the Jiang family?Looking at his appearance, don't you know how authoritative the Jiang family is in Jiangxia?

What broke Shao Xin was that Fang Yu was not only not nervous, but also did not apologize, and was even arrogant, saying that Jiang Shijie's younger brother deserved the beating.This kind of... no way!

"Let's go, do you think you can hide here?" Jiang Shijie shouted coldly.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Shao Xin said nervously, "Don't forget, you are not a hooligan, you can't hit people casually!"

Jiang Shijie snorted coldly, and said darkly: "There's so much nonsense.

"Jiang Shijie, give him a try!?"

With that said, Shao Xin stood in front of Fang Yu.

What is Shao Xin's identity?
A small leader of a state-owned enterprise has no power or power, even if he has some contacts, he is nothing but a fart in front of Jiang Shijie!
Then what made her rush out to block Fang Yu?

Is it to take on this responsibility?Today's party was initiated by her, so she didn't want to see Fang Yu being beaten?

Or because of something else?
Fang Yu didn't understand, and Xu Zhaopei didn't understand even more.

"Shao Xin, don't forget what the Jiang family's background is! If you insist on standing out, I don't mind taking you away!"

"You—" Shao Xin's lips trembled, unable to speak.

"Well, I'll go with you, why make things difficult for a woman." Fang Yu suddenly said from behind.

Looking at the thin Shao Xin, Fang Yu couldn't help but sigh, she is really a stupid woman, isn't it just a trivial matter, what are you doing so desperately rushing forward.

"Very good!" Jiang Shijie smiled triumphantly.

With a big wave of his hand, he motioned for the brothers to disperse.

The crowd split apart, making way for Fang Yu.

Seeing this, Xu Zhaopei turned pale with fright, grabbed Fang Yu's shoulder and said, "Don't go..."

Fang Yu looked back and smiled, and said with a relaxed smile, "I'm fine."

But Xu Zhaopei has no intention of letting go.So many people want to take him away, how could it be all right?

Seeing her nervous appearance, Fang Yu couldn't bear to make her worry, so he persuaded: "I promise you, I will come back intact."

After saying that, Fang Yu gently pushed Xu Zhaopei's hand away, leaving a comforting look in his eyes.

Jiang Shijie didn't speak, and as soon as Fang Yu left, he followed behind, leading his brothers towards a nearby car.

Watching the car start and speed away, Shao Xin's face turned pale, but said helplessly: "I never thought that Fang Yu would be as impulsive as before!"

Now it seems that Jiang Shijie can only pray that he will act softly.

(End of this chapter)

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