Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 119 What is a warrior

Chapter 119 What is a warrior


Gu Qingshan said disdainfully: "In Jiangzhou, is there anyone tougher than Grandpa?"

"You don't understand this. We have always kept a low profile. The Jiang family takes black and white, and I suspect that they are related to the three major martial arts families in Yanjing." Gu Ju said.

"I understand, Grandpa is saying that there are other people behind it, right?" Gu Qingshan said.

"En." Gu Ju said in a deep voice, "Not only Jiangzhou Military Region was involved, but even forces from Yanjing were involved. I can only say that the Jiang family is at most a pawn in this matter."

Hearing this, Gu Qingshan was quite surprised, and asked solemnly: "Who is behind it?"

"Yanjing Zhao Family." Gu Ju said.

"The Zhao family, one of the three great families in Yanjing? Zhao Youdao?" Gu Qingshan said.

Gu Ju nodded and said, "Young Master was kicked out by the Lu family and adopted by the Fang family in Jiangzhou... In the blink of an eye, 13 years have passed. Unfortunately, on a rainy night eight years ago, the Fang family was wiped out!"


Gu Qingshan's eyes widened, "I didn't expect the young master's fate to be so ill-fated."

Gu Ju rolled his eyes at him, and said, "You only know how happy you are now? I told you to practice martial arts hard, but you just didn't listen! Now if you pull out a random person, they can pee on your head, do you know that!"

"Grandpa, I was wrong..." Gu Qing Shan blushed.

After all, in the past many years, Gu Qingshan has always relied on his grandfather's reputation, and no one in Jiangzhou dared to provoke him.

"Everything about the young master must be kept a secret..."


"Although the young master has the strength of the seventh level of martial arts, Lu Tianyuan is also the seventh level of martial arts. After all, the young master is young and has little combat experience in this realm... It is not appropriate for them to meet too early. I really hope that the young master can Further improve our strength. By then... we, the Gu family, will have a home to return to."

Gu Ju sighed, if it wasn't for the young master, Gu Ju would have died a long time ago.

In his mind, with Lu Yu's disappearance, the Lu family has long been silent in memory.

"Grandpa, what about the young master?" Gu Qingshan said.

"Don't worry, someone has already gone. Besides, I don't think anyone in Jiangzhou can hurt the young master, even with the skin—" Gu Ju said calmly.

At the same time, he looked out the window and said lightly, "It's time for a change."


at the same time.

Lu Youxun, who exudes violence all over his body, does not accept any behavior that disrespects him.

As one of the Lu's sect, one of the most monstrous geniuses, his status is so honorable.

And the trash in front of him, who was a descendant of the Lu family back then, dared to insult him in public!

This is absolutely intolerable!
"Boy, today is your death day next year! I heard that you have entered the Tao these years, right? It's a pity that you met me!"

While speaking, Lu Youxun rushed towards him.

But how could Fang Yu be worse?

The fist wind came straight to the door.

Strong and powerful, simple and fast.

There is no gorgeous move at all, only the simple embodiment of strength and speed.

call out!
Lu Youxun jumped up in front of Fang Yu like a ghost, and at the moment he shot, what was on his face was not a smile, but a hideous and terrifying face.

Just today, Lu Youxun decided to teach this waste a lesson, telling him what a real warrior is.

In an instant, the figure was in front of Fang Yu, and he swung his fist suddenly.

Fang Yu was forced to retreat and dodge continuously.

Gradually, Fang Yu's expression became serious.

"Have you learned this in 13 years?" Lu Youxun sneered, "You want to kill someone in front of me just because of this?"

Bang bang bang!
The gestures of the two are like phantoms.

Fang Yu said indifferently: "That's all you have? Ten tricks, it didn't hurt me at all."

"Hmph! Enough with you!" Lu Youxun snorted coldly, and jumped out vigorously.Directly attacking Fang Yu's vital points, the method was cruel and vicious.

"Based on your current strength, you don't have the qualifications to kill me!"

Fang Yu's body trembled, and his muscles seemed to be stretched.

Lu Youxun quickly approached Fang Yu, leaning close to him, trying to hit Fang Yu.But Fang Yu's figure was pressed, the position of his fist was just right, and he raised his hand to attack Lu Youxun.

It's a pity that Lu Youxun is not the same three idiots who were in the small black room just now.

Lu Youxun turned around, avoiding Fang Yu's fierce attack, but raised his right foot and kicked it directly.

This movement is very gorgeous, like a woman practicing gymnastics, but without losing her masculinity.

Just when Lu Youxun thought that this kick was bound to hit, Fang Yu suddenly approached with both arms, grabbed Lu Youxun's right leg with one hand, and immediately raised his leg to fight back!

This kick hit Lu Youxun's chest, and he flew out instantly.But Lu Youxun maintained his balance in the air with great experience, barely landing on the ground.

After Lu Youxun landed on the ground, he slowly got up, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his face full of disbelief.

How can it be?

Although this kid has entered the Tao, it is impossible for him to improve so quickly.

Could it be... the Zhao family provided wrong information?
Lu Youxun's eyes were poisonous, and his mind was spinning rapidly. He was thinking—Zhao Wuyan, that bastard, actually said that he was only at the early stage of the fifth level of martial arts!The inner strength contained in that kick just now has at least the strength of the middle stage of the fifth level of martial arts.

However, what about the fifth level of martial arts!

Lu Youxun was a master of the fifth level of martial arts more than ten years ago!
Now, he is already at the pinnacle of the fifth level of martial arts!
at the same time--

Fang Yu knew that this kick could not get rid of Lu Youxun, so he said calmly, "Lu Youxun, how does my kick feel?"

"That's a lot of nonsense!" Lu Youxun spat, then suddenly pulled out the dagger on his body, and made a volley towards Fang Yu.

call out!
Sure enough, Lu Youxun didn't want to care about his identity anymore, and a smug sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Fang Yu's figure flashed, and the bones all over his body cracked.Lu Youxun's gaze was like a poisonous snake, and his figure charged like a tiger.Fang Yu suddenly lowered his figure, slid forward, and attacked again.

What kind of person is Lu Youxun, with rich combat experience--he immediately turned around, dodged Fang Yu's powerful attack, and at the same time raised his leg, and kicked him sideways.

The movement is smooth, swift and powerful.

Every action is amazing.A master is a master, and his combat skills are mature and standard, without any sloppiness.

Lu Youxun raised his leg again and kicked Fang Yu's head.With this series of kicks, ordinary people can only keep defending.

However, Fang Yu's defensive method is even rarer. He didn't retreat or hide, but raised his hands, and with iron hands, he grabbed Lu Youxun's feet.

Those hands were clasped tightly like iron hoops.

In an instant, Fang Yu kicked out his right foot like lightning, and kicked Lu Youxun's thigh very viciously.

With a muffled groan, Lu Youxun rolled in the air.

In the air, people cannot control the landing point.Therefore, Fang Yu immediately predicted the kick, and kicked it hard again.

 Ask for a ticket.

  I tried my best to write a heart-pounding and ruthless story... without losing humor, without losing humor, and at the same time without losing my confidante, happiness and hatred.This is the story I want to express -

(End of this chapter)

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