Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1465 What to do if you make a mistake

Chapter 1465 What to do if you make a mistake

Chapter 1478 What to do if you make a mistake
"Mr. Tan's apprentice personally reported the letter?" The head of the Wang family was a little surprised.

"Yes... so things are a bit difficult to handle. Let Mr. Tan's apprentice personally deliver the letter, it can be seen... Yudi is also very angry!"

"Speaking of it...we have only heard the legend of Emperor Yu of Tiandu Mountain, but we have never seen him with our own is a chance to see him today!"

"Yes... Although I don't know why Emperor Yu is angry, it is indeed an opportunity for us. The three of us must perform well."

The three masters nodded frequently.

Very much agree with this point of view.

"Patriarchs, have you found out which thief moved our ancestor's tomb?" Patriarch Wang asked.

Xue Feng sighed:
"Yesterday, under the leadership of Xue Ren, the disciples of my Xue family searched the entire woodland on the north side and all the cemeteries, but they couldn't find them. The other party didn't leave any breath behind, only in the cemetery of my Xue family. Leave a tombstone."


"The tombstone surnamed Lu."


Patriarch Wang and Patriarch Fan nodded at the same time.

With this clue, it will be much easier to investigate.

"In the imperial capital, there are quite a few people with the surname Lu. But the Lu family buried in that area can still be found."

"This statement is justified, so I am not in a hurry. I plan to deal with the matter here first. Afterwards... the three of us will unite together to find the Lu family and vow to make them pay the price."

"It's natural. Digging up someone's ancestral grave and cutting off the luck of our family is a capital crime!"

Just when the three Patriarchs were talking vigorously——

A housekeeper came out, bowed to the three of them, and said: "Three Patriarchs, my master invites the three of you in..."

"it is good."

Only the three of them can go in with the butler.

The other children can only wait outside.

The lineup looks pretty big.

But for them, the matter of meeting Emperor Yu was really just to gather the number of people.

The scene, don't lose it.

If you want to come to plead guilty, you must have sincerity.

The disciples of the three major families stood outside the courtyard and did not dare to make any movement at all.

Everyone waited respectfully.

"I don't know what Emperor Yu looks like... It would be great if I could meet him!"

"If I can worship Emperor Yu as my teacher, even if I lose ten years of my life..."

"Do you really think... Emperor Yu is the kind of person who lacks apprentices? I heard that Emperor Yu's students, at the very least, have a cultivation level above the Heavenly Stepping Realm."

The crowd was amazed.

For such a character, you can only look at it from a distance, and dare not even think about it.


at the same time.

The three Patriarchs followed the old butler and headed towards the main hall.

A few minutes later, when we reached the intersection, the old butler suddenly stopped and said, "Three, this way please..."

"Huh? Shouldn't you be talking about your husband's residence?"

"Mr. Tan is already waiting outside the courtyard where Emperor Yu lives..."

The three of them suddenly nodded, followed the butler and walked over.


Came near the courtyard.

The three Patriarchs looked up and saw Chatting, standing proudly outside the courtyard.

Startled for a moment, the three Patriarchs looked at Chatting in surprise.

This is chatting.

It's like a middle-aged man, if it weren't for that witty charm, there are three others who have seen chatting, and they would never believe it. The person in front of him is usually the powerful practitioner and person in power.

Talking about becoming younger.

It made them feel incredible.

Xue Feng, the Patriarch of the Xue family, arrived first, bowed and said: "Mr. Tan..."

During the chat, he nodded slightly, and stood in front of the three of them with a calm expression on his face.

The other two Patriarchs followed suit.

Just finished bowing.

In the chat, his expression was indifferent and he said: "Kneel down."

The three Patriarchs were dumbfounded.

Thinking that he heard it wrong, Xue Feng asked more tentatively: "Mr. Tan, what did you just say?"

"Kneel down."

This time, there was a faint breath of coercion.

Don't explain, don't bother to explain.


The three knelt down.

"Go in on your knees." Chatting in an orderly tone.


What are the scenery and characters of the three patriarchs.

But in front of such cultivators, they can only bow their knees.

What dignity, what patriarch, if you want to kneel, you have to kneel without a reason.

But they didn't know why they were suddenly asked to kneel in?

They can only do so.

The three of them moved in little by little with their knees.

In the courtyard, it is not flat land.

Cobblestone ground.

"You are not allowed to use any vitality, so don't blame me for not reminding you."


The three Patriarchs showed bitterness.

Kneeling and walking over like this, it would be fatal, and it would be a pain!
However, do they dare not listen to what they say in the sky?
Kneeling and moving quickly.


It really hurts.

The three finally came to the outside of the hall.

Chatting in the sky, he bowed and said: "Mr. Fang, the Xue family, the Wang family, and the Fan family, the three heads of the family, have come to apologize to you."

Even the boss of this third territory has to bow down to Emperor Yu of Tiandu Mountain.

It can be seen that Emperor Yu has completely convinced Chat Tianzhong.

This made the three Patriarchs feel even more bitter.

I thought I could intercede for them during the chat, but now it seems that this plan has failed.


The door slowly opened!

"Go in." The voice in the chat became even more indifferent.

"Don't get up!"

Added four more words, with a heavy reprimand.

The three of them trembled in fright, and they dared not speak. They moved with their knees and slowly entered the hall.


Light brightens the entire room.

The three Patriarchs raised their heads at the same time, and landed on Fang Yu who was sitting in the middle of the main hall——

youthful face.

Young body.

A proud expression, an indifferent gaze.

Zhang Xiaoya stood respectfully by her side, like a maid who was always on call.

Ten thousand thoughts suddenly appeared in the hearts of the three of them.

Is this really Emperor Yu?

This is the legendary figure in the legendary practitioner world?
is it him?
Or was it a mistake?

Thousands of thoughts can only linger in my mind.

Tan Tianzhong bowed and said: "Mr. Fang, these three patriarchs are the Xue family, the Wang family, and the Fan family."

Fang Yu nodded indifferently, his eyes swept over the three of them.

"Are you convicted?"

To be honest, I don't know what sin is at all.

The three of them looked blank.

Fang Yu said again: "You don't know what mistake you made?"

Xue Feng immediately kowtowed and said:

"Your Excellency Yudi, I really don't know where I offended Yudi. If I knew, I wouldn't even dare to borrow a hundred thousand courage from me! Please express..."

"What a guts."

Fang Yu's tone became serious, "The cemetery in the forest on the north side of the imperial capital is occupied by your three families?"


The three of them were suddenly startled.

It's not good to cry secretly.

Fang Yu continued:
"My biological father... Lu Tianxing was buried there..."

Hearing the words Lu Tianxing.

Xue Feng, the Patriarch of the Xue family who knew the ins and outs of the matter best, was struck by lightning immediately——


Big mistake!

(End of this chapter)

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