Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1483 What did you miss?

Chapter 1483 What did you miss?
Headmaster Ding didn't pay much attention to Fang Yu at all.

Butan Qiu was full of embarrassment.

I don't even have the eyesight to say hello, no wonder I missed such a good opportunity.How stupid.

Ding Chunqiu glanced at it and said, "Go away, don't delay my work."

With a yell, the children of the Zhao family were shouted back.

As for Fang Yu and others, they didn't even look at it.

Jiang Xiaoxiao glanced at it, muttered, frowned and said, "Brother-in-law, is this the Zhao family member you want to help?"

Fang Yu didn't answer and continued on his way.

Jiang Xiaoxiao just glanced at it, then got the general idea, and said: "That girl has a big problem with Qi Haibi, although I can cure it, but their attitude, let's forget it... No matter who it is in the future, everyone People from my Tianyin clan, no! Quite! Rule!"


This little girl is ruthless.

Even Jiang Wei can't compare.

She is the patriarch of the Tianyin clan, so what she said is still useful.

Even if Jiang Wei became a teacher and taught auxiliary Tianyin practitioners, she would not dare to disobey the patriarch's order.

The children of the Zhao family were taken aback when they said this.

As an old man, Zhao Tianzhao had seen a lot, so he couldn't help being shocked by this young girl.

At a glance, Zhao Mengxue's condition of Qi Haibi can be seen, who is this person?
The Zhao family froze in place.



The backs of Fang Yu and his party disappeared outside Wanxian University.

Zhao Tianzhao was still waiting in place.

The Zhao family's children were gnashing their teeth anxiously.

"What's the big deal... There's something wrong with this person, isn't it just that he doesn't obey their orders? This is going to tear you apart?"

"It's all about profit! I always thought that Principal Ding was a perceptive person, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Unfair treatment has existed since ancient times, but those who can bring shamelessness to the extreme, these few people are considered."

Zhao Tianzhao heard his children complaining constantly, so he said:

"Shut up for me!"

The scene quieted down.

"Master... Do you want to wait any longer? Principal Ding is obviously on the side of that kid, and doesn't care about our Zhao family at all."

"So what if you don't pay attention to it? With Principal Ding's current status, can the Zhao family be shaken?" Zhao Tianzhao asked.

The Zhao family children were speechless.

Zhao Ziyun also said: "Father... I'm very curious, why did that expert ask the Zhao family to obey Principal Ding's order? Actually, I think this condition seems to be in vain."

"What do you mean?"

"You also said just now that with President Ding's current status, he controls all the students of Wanxian University and is the guardian elder of the Hall of Order. With such a status, why does he need the power of the Zhao family?"

This question hit the point, Zhao Tianzhao only cared about the interests of the family.

The Zhao family's future cannot be ruined because of Zhao Mengxue personally.

The efforts of many generations of the Zhao family, coupled with the rare opportunity in ten thousand years, have achieved their current status.

It can't be compared with Principal Ding.

"Human nature is greedy... the richer people are, the more they want to get more."

"You mean Principal Ding?"

"I didn't say...but, you have to remember that people's hearts are separated from each other. Many couples have been married for many years, but they may not really know each other, let alone we don't know them." Zhao Tianzhao said.

"What the master said is true." The children of the Zhao family bowed and agreed.

Just then-

Ding Chunqiu, who sent Fang Yu away, walked back slowly with his hands behind his back.

Ding Chunqiu is the head of the school. He leads by example and never looses his vitality on campus.

Trembling along the way, walking back slowly, like an old man in his twilight years.

But no one dared to doubt his energy.

Many practitioners on the side of the road greeted him.

Zhao Tianzhao quickly squeezed out a smiling face, and led the Zhao family disciples to greet him.

"Principal Ding..."

Ding Chunqiu couldn't help frowning slightly, and said, "Didn't I tell you to leave? What are you still doing here?"

"Principal Ding... There are some things that I can't say with the presence of an expert... It is not easy for the Zhao family to come to this day. With your status, with a shout, all the students in the four seas are enough to crush the Zhao family. Therefore, , I rejected the condition of the expert."

"This reason is not new, everyone knows it. I don't have time to play with you, if there is nothing to do, we will all leave." Ding Chunqiu really felt that this group of people became more and more uncomfortable the more they watched.

"Old Ding!"

Zhao Tianzhao hurriedly came to Ding Chunqiu, and begged, "I know you have a good relationship with that expert, but for the sake of pity on my granddaughter, please tell me how to save my granddaughter. Grateful."

"You are..."

Ding Chunqiu raised his finger and pointed at Zhao Tianzhao, "Do you know what you missed!"


"There are only two ways to save Zhao Mengxue. Mr. Fang and I have discussed it... The first way is to practice for 1 years; The auxiliary vitality of the Tianyin clan can be rescued naturally."


Zhao Tianzhao couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he said, "You mean, as long as people from the Tianyin clan are willing to help Mengxue, the problem of Qi Haibi can be solved?"

"of course."

"Mr. Ding knows where the Tianyin clan is now?"

Ding Chunqiu said helplessly: "It's a pity...the two girls who left with Mr. Fang just now are from the Tianyin clan!"


"Zhao Tianzhao... that younger girl is a Tianyin powerhouse at the Yuanrenxian level, holding the Tianyin staff, which shows that she is the head of the Tianyin clan!"

The patriarch of the Tianyin clan? ! !

The children of the Zhao family exclaimed.

The little girl who spoke before actually has such an identity?How can this be?

"Furthermore, this Tianyin patriarch was invited by Mr. Fang himself, originally to heal your granddaughter."


Zhao Tianzhao, Zhao Ziyun, and the disciples of the Zhao family were all blushing.

"Old Ding... What's the relationship between this expert and the Tianyin patriarch? Actually... even the patriarch of the Tianyin clan can be invited here! You...why didn't you say it earlier!" Zhao Tianzhao regretted a bit.

"Would it be useful to tell you earlier?"

Ding Chunqiu shook his head and said, "I don't know what their relationship is, I only know that the Tianyin patriarch called Mr."


Zhao Tianzhao's facial muscles twitched a few times, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

At this time.

Zhao Mengxue, who was behind her, summoned up her courage, and said, "Even if they have a good relationship, so what, the future of the Zhao family will not be changed just because of me alone."


Ding Chunqiu glared and said, "You are really obsessed with obsession... Anyway, since your Qi Sea Wall can't be solved, then your nomination qualification for the guardian of the Order Hall of Ten Thousand Immortals City has to be cancelled!"



Ding Chunqiu snorted softly and left with a flick of his sleeves. ,

Just two steps away.

Zhao Tianzhao said: "Wait a minute."

"Presumptuous! What is your status as an old man, get out—" Ding Chunqiu became angry, and he yelled violently, causing a wave of anger.

Zhao Tianzhao and others took a few steps back, the blood in their abdomen was churning, and they almost vomited blood.

Such a powerful Yuan Renxian peak.

Endure the pain.

"Oh right... I don't have anything to do in the future, so I don't need to use it for class."

Ding Chunqiu thought it was a pity at first, but now he doesn't think it's a pity at all.


"I'm afraid that Emperor Yu will be unhappy..."

Say it.

Ding Chunqiu disappeared at the end.

(End of this chapter)

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